plot_Zprime_by_dye: Plot Zprime score by Dye combination

View source: R/plot_Zprime_by_dye.R

plot_Zprime_by_dyeR Documentation

Plot Zprime score by Dye combination


This makes a plot like from the UpSetR package with two sections The upper section is a dot plot with the Zprime score on the y-axis and the dye set on the x-axis. The value for each dye set is represented by a dot at the mean for each plate and error bars as the standard error in the mean. The lower section indicates which dyes are part of the dye_set. The y-axis give each dye and and the x-axis is the dye_set lining up with the dye_set on the upper section The values are represented as dots for each dye that is in the dye set and a line from the first to the last dye in the set. Columns across both sections alternate and the rows in the bottom section alternate shading.


plot_Zprime_by_dye(Zprime_by_plate, dye_set_separator = "_", subtitle = NULL)



tibble::tibble with columns dye_set : factor this should be in the order that they will be displayed the name of the dye set should be a string of the individual dyes separated by the <dye_set_separator>. Zprime : Score to be plotted should be in (-Inf, 1) where 1 is perfect, .5-1 is good, 0-0.5 is poor, and < 1 is bad plate_id : Identifiers for different plates. The Zscores should be computed separately for each plate and then these Zprime scores will be aggregated to make the plot


separator to figure out what dyes make up the dye_set variable. Default so "_"


string subtitle for plot


ggplot2 plot

dye_plot <- MPStats::plot_Zprime_by_dye(Zprime_by_plate) ggplot2::ggsave( plot=dye_plot, filename=paste0("product/Zprime_by_dye_", MPStats::date_code(), ".pdf"), width=4, height=6, useDingbats=FALSE) ggplot2::ggsave( plot=dye_plot, filename=paste0("product/Zprime_by_dye_", MPStats::date_code(), ".png"), width=4, height=6)

momeara/MPStats documentation built on July 19, 2022, 3:34 p.m.