
#' Interpolate Weather Station Data
#' This function takes in a list object of one or more data frames and will return
#' a data frame with hourly observations, with missing observations linearly interpolated
#' @param station_data List object of weather data
#' @param type Type of data structure to return the weather data. "df" or "list"
#' @return This will return a list object with two elements: 1) The percentage number and percentage of interpolated values for each weather station; 2) A list of dataframes for each station.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(stations)
#' }
#' @export

interpolateData <- function(wx.list, type="df")
  st.data <- wx.list$station_data

  clean.list <- lapply(st.data, function(x) {
    aggregate(cbind(LAT, LONG, ELEV, TEMP, DEW.POINT) ~
                city + USAFID + distance + rank + YR + M + D + HR, data=x, mean)

  # Create a column with the full posix date for each hour
  for (i in 1:length(clean.list))
    clean.list[[i]]$dates <- as.POSIXct(paste(paste(clean.list[[i]]$YR,"-",clean.list[[i]]$M,
                              "-",clean.list[[i]]$D, " ",clean.list[[i]]$HR,sep=""),
                              ":",0,":",0,sep=""),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz="UTC")

  # Create a list of dataframes of each hour
  hourly.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(clean.list))
    hourly.list[[i]] <- data.frame(hours=seq(
      from=as.POSIXct(paste(min(clean.list[[i]]$YR),"-1-1 0:00", sep=""), tz="UTC"),
      to=as.POSIXct(paste(max(clean.list[[i]]$YR),"-12-31 23:00", sep=""), tz="UTC"),

  missing <- matrix(nrow=length(clean.list), ncol=2,
                    dimnames=list(names(clean.list),c("num_interpolated", "pct_interpolated")))
  for(i in 1:length(clean.list))
    ms.num <- (nrow(hourly.list[[i]]) - nrow(clean.list[[i]]))
    ms.pct <- (nrow(hourly.list[[i]]) - nrow(clean.list[[i]]))/nrow(hourly.list[[i]])
    missing[i,] <- c(ms.num, ms.pct)
  missing <- as.data.frame(missing)

  out.list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(clean.list))
    temp.df <- merge(hourly.list[[i]], clean.list[[i]], by.x="hours", by.y="dates", all.x=TRUE)
    temp.df$city <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$city))[1]
    temp.df$USAFID <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$USAFID))[1]
    temp.df$distance <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$distance))[1]
    temp.df$rank <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$rank))[1]
    temp.df$LAT <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$LAT))[1]
    temp.df$LONG <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$LONG))[1]
    temp.df$ELEV <- unique(na.omit(temp.df$ELEV))[1]
    temp.df$YR <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%Y"))
    temp.df$M <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%m"))
    temp.df$D <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%d"))
    temp.df$HR <- as.numeric(format(temp.df$hours,"%H"))

    # Interpolation
    temp.int <- approx(x=temp.df$hours, y=temp.df$TEMP, xout=temp.df$hours)
    temp.df$TEMP <- temp.int$y

    dew.int <- approx(x = temp.df$hours, y = temp.df$DEW.POINT, xout = temp.df$hours)
    temp.df$DEW.POINT <- dew.int$y

    df.name <- unique(paste0(temp.df$city,"_",temp.df$USAFID))
    temp.list <- list(temp.df)
    names(temp.list) <- df.name

    # Merge the dataframes together
    out.list <- c(out.list, temp.list)

  # This will return one large dataframe in the 'station_list' list item in the output
    oneDF <- suppressWarnings(Reduce(function(...) rbind(...), out.list))
    final <- list(dl_status=wx.list$dl_status, removed_rows=wx.list$removed_rows,
                  station_names_final=wx.list$station_names_final, interpolated=missing,
  # this will return a list of dataframes in the 'station_list' list item in the output
    final <- list(dl_status=wx.list$dl_status, removed_rows=wx.list$removed_rows,
                  station_names_final=wx.list$station_names_final, interpolated=missing,

mpiccirilli/weatheR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 6:28 a.m.