Man pages for mrc-ide/YFestimation
Estimate ecological niche and two transmission models for yellow fever in Africa.

add_1940_1950internal fucntion to add early years to population data
calc_incidence_vac_generalcalculate the first instance of vaccine coverage
calc_pop_momentscalculate population moments
calc_pop_moments_aggcalculate the population moments for aggregated data
calc_t0_vac_africaget time of first vaccination
calculate_bootstrap_BayesCalculate Bayes factors and bootstrap for uncertainty
calculate_hpdCalculating the High probability density regions for all...
create_pop30_agg_vc30_aggget aggregated population and vaccination across observation...
create_pop_at_surveyget the population at the survey times and places
create_R0_lookupfunction to calculate aggregated seroprevalence at survey in...
fit_glmfit the glm
foi_calculate_seroprevalencefunction to calculate aggregated seroprevalence at survey in...
fun_calc_pdetect_multi_bothcalculate the probability of detection for both models
fun_calcPredcalculate predicitions from glm
fun_calc_transmission_Africacalculate the probability of detection for both models
get_chainsImport and bind chains for estimation
get_pop_data_3dfunction to import and get pop data in array
GLMlikelikelihood for the GLM parameters
GLM_MCMCmcmc for the GLM parameters
GLM_MCMC_stepmcmc step for the GLM parameters
GLMpriorPrior distributions for the GLM parameters
GLMproposalProposal distribution for GLM
hpd_outInternal function to get hpd
import_pop_data_LS2014old popualtion data import function
import_pop_data_LS2017population data import function
launch_env_datload environmental data from path
Make_aggregate_pop_vcaggregating population and vaccination data for serological...
Make_aggregate_pop_vc_3dAggregate the population and vaccination data into an array
Make_pop3d_Ptot2d_Pprop3dfunction to reorganise population data
mean_funInternal mean function
plot_glm_mapplot a map of glm output alongside map of data
plot_prior_postPlot the prior and posterior deinsities
plot_sero_predictionsplot the seroprevalence predictions with data and credible...
plot_transmission_intensitycalculate and plot the transmission intensity across the...
process_serologyextract key information from serological data
R0_calculate_seroprevalencefunction to calculate aggregated seroprevalence at survey in...
R0_recurrence_seroprevfunction to calculate seroprevalence by recurrence relation...
R0_recurrence_seroprev_surveyfunction to calculate seroprevalence at survey by recurrence...
R0_recurrence_seroprev_wholefunction to calculate seroprevalence everywhere by recurrence...
Sero_Gibbs_MCMCMCMC for Sero
Sero_Gibbs_MCMC_model_stepMCMC model step for Sero
Sero_Gibbs_MCMC_parameter_stepMCMC parameter step for Sero
Sero_Gibbs_MCMC_stepMCMC step for Sero
SEROlikeLikelihood distribution for Sero
SEROlike_onesurveylikelihood for one serological survey in either model
SEROpriorPrior distribution for Sero
SEROproposalProposal distribution for Sero
SEROpseudopriorPseudo prior probability
setup_modelpriorfunction estimate a value for the model prior in order to...
setup_pseudopriorfunction estimate a value for the pseudo prior in order to...
transform_into_vc3dget vaccine data into an array
YFestimationYFestimation: Estimate ecological niche and two transmission...
mrc-ide/YFestimation documentation built on March 13, 2021, 1:40 p.m.