
Defines functions status_map client_check client_parse_load_overall client_parse_load_cluster client_parse_cancel client_parse_submit client_parse_headnodes client_parse_r_versions client_parse_log client_parse_status client_body_status client_body_log client_body_cancel client_body_submit api_client_login

##' Client for the DIDE cluster web interface.
##' @title DIDE cluster web client
##' @export
web_client <- R6::R6Class(
  cloneable = FALSE,

  public = list(
    ##' @description Create an API client for the DIDE cluster
    ##' @param credentials Either your username, or a list with at least
    ##'   the element `username` and possibly the name `password. If not
    ##'   given, your password will be prompted for at login.
    ##' @param cluster_default The default cluster to use; this can be
    ##'   overridden in any command.
    ##' @param login Logical, indicating if we should immediately login
    ##' @param client Optional API client object - if given then we prefer
    ##'   this object rather than trying to create a new client with the
    ##'   given credentials.
    initialize = function(credentials = NULL,
                          cluster_default = "fi--dideclusthn",
                          login = FALSE, client = NULL) {
      private$client <- client %||% api_client$new(credentials)
      private$cluster <- cluster_name(cluster_default)
      if (login) {

    ##' @description Log in to the cluster
    ##' @param refresh Logical, indicating if we should login even if
    ##'   it looks like we are already (useful if login has expired)
    login = function(refresh = TRUE) {
      private$client$login(refresh = refresh)

    ##' @description Log the client out
    logout = function() {

    ##' @description Test whether the client is logged in, returning `TRUE`
    ##'   or `FALSE`.
    logged_in = function() {

    ##' @description Validate that we have access to a given cluster
    ##' @param cluster The name of the cluster to check, defaulting to
    ##'   the value given when creating the client.
    check_access = function(cluster = NULL) {
      client_check(cluster %||% private$cluster, self$headnodes())

    ##' @description Submit a job to the cluster
    ##' @param path The path to the job to submit. This must be a windows (UNC)
    ##'   network path, starting with two backslashes, and must be somewhere
    ##'   that the cluster can see.
    ##' @param name The name of the job (will be displayed in the
    ##'    web interface).
    ##' @param template The name of the template to use.
    ##' @param cluster The cluster to submit to, defaulting to the value
    ##'   given when creating the client.
    ##' @param resource_type The type of resource to request (either `Cores`
    ##'   or `Nodes`)
    ##' @param depends_on Optional. A vector of dide ids that this job
    ##'   depends on.
    ##' @param resource_count The number of resources to request
    submit = function(path, name, template, cluster = NULL,
                      resource_type = "Cores", resource_count = 1, depends_on = NULL) {
      data <- client_body_submit(
        path, name, template, cluster %||% private$cluster,
        resource_type, resource_count, depends_on)
      r <- private$client$POST("/submit_1.php", data)
      client_parse_submit(httr_text(r), 1L)

    ##' @description Cancel a cluster task
    ##' @param dide_id The DIDE task id for the task
    ##' @param cluster The cluster that the task is running on, defaulting to
    ##'   the value given when creating the client.
    ##' @return A named character vector with a status reported by the
    ##'   cluster head node. Names will be the values of `dide_id`
    ##'   and values one of `OK`, `NOT_FOUND`, `WRONG_USER`, `WRONG_STATE`,
    ##'   `ID_ERROR`
    cancel = function(dide_id, cluster = NULL) {
      data <- client_body_cancel(dide_id, cluster %||% private$cluster)
      r <- private$client$POST("/cancel.php", data)

    ##' @description Get log from job
    ##' @param dide_id The DIDE task id for the task
    ##' @param cluster The cluster that the task is running on, defaulting to
    ##'   the value given when creating the client.
    log = function(dide_id, cluster = NULL) {
      data <- client_body_log(dide_id, cluster %||% private$cluster)
      r <- private$client$POST("/showjobfail.php", data)

    ##' @description Return status of all your jobs
    ##' @param state The state the job is in. Can be one of `Running`,
    ##'   `Finished`, `Queued`, `Failed` or `Cancelled`. Or give `*`
    ##'   for all states (this is the default).
    ##' @param cluster The cluster to query, defaulting to the value
    ##'   given when creating the client.
    status_user = function(state = "*", cluster = NULL) {
      data <- client_body_status(state, private$client$username(),
                                 cluster %||% private$cluster)
      r <- private$client$POST("/_listalljobs.php", data)

    ##' @description Return status of a single job
    ##' @param dide_id The id of the job - this will be an integer
    ##' @param cluster The cluster to query, defaulting to the value
    ##'   given when creating the client.
    status_job = function(dide_id, cluster = NULL) {
      pars <- list(scheduler = cluster %||% private$cluster,
                   jobid = dide_id)
      r <- private$client$GET("/api/v1/get_job_status/", query = pars)

    ##' @description Return an overall measure of cluster use, one
    ##' entry per node within a cluster.
    ##' @param cluster The cluster to query, defaulting to
    ##'   the value given when creating the client.
    load_node = function(cluster = NULL) {
      cluster <- cluster %||% private$cluster
      data <- list(cluster = encode64(cluster %||% private$cluster),
                   hpcfunc = "shownodes",
                   cluster_no = as.character(match(cluster, valid_clusters())))
      r <- private$client$POST("/shownodes.php", data)
      client_parse_load_cluster(httr_text(r), cluster)

    ##' @description Return an overall measure of cluster use, one
    ##' entry per cluster that you have access to.
    load_overall = function() {
      dat <- lapply(self$headnodes(), self$load_node)

    ##' Helper function; wraps around `load_overall` and `load_node` and
    ##' always shows the output.
    ##' @param cluster Cluster to show; if `TRUE` show the entire cluster
    ##'   (via `load_overall`), if `NULL` defaults to the value given when the
    ##'   client was created.
    ##' @param nodes Show the nodes when printing
    load_show = function(cluster = NULL, nodes = TRUE) {
      if (isTRUE(cluster)) {
      } else {
        print(self$load_node(cluster %||% self$cluster),
              nodes = nodes)

    ##' @description Return a vector of known cluster headnodes. Typically
    ##'   [didehpc::valid_clusters()] will be faster. This endpoint can
    ##'   be used as a relatively fast "ping" to check that you are
    ##'   logged in the client and server are talking properly.
    ##' @param forget Logical, indicating we should re-fetch the value from
    ##'   the server where we have previously fetched it.
    headnodes = function(forget = FALSE) {
      if (forget || is.null(private$headnodes_)) {
        data <- list(user = encode64(""))
        r <- private$client$POST("/_listheadnodes.php", data)
        private$headnodes_ <- client_parse_headnodes(httr_text(r))

    ##' @description Return a vector of all available R versions
    r_versions = function() {
      r <- private$client$GET("/api/v1/cluster_software/", public = TRUE)

    ##' @description Returns the low-level API client for debugging
    api_client = function() {

  private = list(
    client = NULL,
    cluster = NULL,
    headnodes_ = NULL

api_client <- R6::R6Class(
  cloneable = FALSE,

  public = list(
    initialize = function(credentials, cluster_default) {
      private$credentials <- dide_credentials(credentials, FALSE)

    username = function() {

    GET = function(path, ...) {
      self$request(httr::GET, path, ...)

    POST = function(path, body, ...) {
      self$request(httr::POST, path, body = body, ...,
                   httr::accept("text/plain"), encode = "form")

    request = function(verb, path, ..., public = FALSE) {
      url <- paste0(private$url, path)
      r <- verb(url, ...)
      status <- httr::status_code(r)
      if (status %in% c(401, 403)) {
        stop("Please login first")

    login = function(public = FALSE, refresh = FALSE) {
      if (public && !refresh) {
      if (refresh || !private$has_logged_in) {
        private$credentials <- dide_credentials(private$credentials, TRUE)
        private$has_logged_in <- TRUE

    logout = function() {
      private$has_logged_in <- FALSE
      self$GET("/logout.php", public = TRUE)

    logged_in = function() {
      if (!private$has_logged_in) {
      r <- self$POST("/_listheadnodes.php", list(user = encode64("")))
      httr::status_code(r) < 300

  private = list(
    url = "https://mrcdata.dide.ic.ac.uk/hpc",
    credentials = NULL,
    has_logged_in = FALSE

api_client_login <- function(username, password) {
  data <- list(us = encode64(username),
               pw = encode64(password),
               hpcfunc = encode64("login"))
  r <- httr::POST("https://mrcdata.dide.ic.ac.uk/hpc/index.php",
                  body = data, encode = "form")
  ## We get this where DIDE username/password ok but access is not
  ## allowed
  if (grepl("You don't seem to have any HPC access", httr_text(r))) {
    stop("You do not have HPC access - please contact Wes")

client_body_submit <- function(path, name, template, cluster,
                               resource_type, resource_count, depends_on) {
  ## TODO: this clearly used to allow batch submission of several jobs
  ## at once, and we should consider re-allowing that. It looks like
  ## the issue is we can't easily get the names sent as a vector? Or
  ## is that allowed?
  if (!grepl("^\\\\\\\\", path)) {
    stop("All paths must be Windows network paths")
  path_call <- paste("call", shQuote(path, "cmd"))

  name <- name %||% ""

  deps <- paste0(depends_on, collapse = ",")

  workdir <- ""
  stderr <- ""
  stdout <- ""
    cluster = encode64(cluster),
    template = encode64(template),
    rc = encode64(as.character(resource_count)),
    rt = encode64(resource_type),
    jn = encode64(name),
    wd = encode64(workdir),
    se = encode64(stderr),
    so = encode64(stdout),
    jobs = encode64(path_call),
    dep = encode64(deps),
    hpcfunc = "submit")

client_body_cancel <- function(dide_id, cluster) {
  if (length(dide_id) == 0L) {
    stop("Need at least one task to cancel")
  jobs <- setNames(as.list(dide_id), paste0("c", dide_id))
  c(list(cluster = encode64(cluster),
         hpcfunc = encode64("cancel")),

client_body_log <- function(dide_id, cluster) {
  list(hpcfunc = "showfail",
       cluster = encode64(cluster),
       id = dide_id)

client_body_status <- function(state, username, cluster) {
  valid <- c("*", "Running", "Finished", "Queued", "Failed", "Cancelled")
  state <- match_value(state, valid)
  list(user = encode64(username),
       scheduler = encode64(cluster),
       state = encode64(state),
       jobs = encode64(as.character(-1)))

client_parse_status <- function(txt) {
  cols <- c("dide_id", "name", "status", "resources", "user",
            "time_start", "time_submit", "time_end", "template")
  ## Id Name State Resources User StartTime SubmitTime EndTime JobTemplate
  if (nzchar(txt)) {
    res <- strsplit(strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]], "\t")
    len <- lengths(res)
    if (any(len != length(cols))) {
      stop("Parse error; unexpected output from server")
    res <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, res), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    res <- as.data.frame(matrix(character(0), 0, length(cols)),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  names(res) <- cols

  ## Some type switches:
  res$dide_id <- res$dide_id
  res$name <- trimws(res$name)
  res$name[!nzchar(res$name)] <- NA_character_
  res$user <- sub("^DIDE\\\\", "", res$user)
  res$status <- status_map(res$status)
  res$time_start <- dide_time_parse(res$time_start)
  res$time_end <- dide_time_parse(res$time_end)
  res$time_submit <- dide_time_parse(res$time_submit)

client_parse_log <- function(txt) {
  xml <- xml2::read_html(txt)
  value <- xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_first(xml, '//input[@id="res"]'),
  value <- trimws(sub("^Output\\s*:\\s*?\n+", "", decode64(value)))
  strsplit(value, "\n")[[1]]

client_parse_r_versions <- function(txt) {
  dat <- from_json(txt)
  dat_r <- dat$software[vcapply(dat$software, "[[", "name") == "R"]
  numeric_version(vcapply(dat_r, "[[", "version"))

client_parse_headnodes <- function(txt) {
  dat <- strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]]
  stopifnot(all(grepl("^(fi--|wpia-)", dat)))
  setdiff(dat, "fi--didelxhn")

client_parse_submit <- function(txt, n) {
  txt <- strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]]
  re <- "^Job has been submitted. ID: +([0-9]+)\\.$"
  i <- grepl(re, txt)

  extra <- txt[!i]
  if (length(extra) > 0L) {
    message("Discarding additional response from server:\n",
            paste(extra, collapse = "\n"))

  nok <- sum(i)
  if (nok > 0L) {
    if (nok != n) {
      ## Hopefully never triggers
      stop("Unexpected response length from server")
    sub(re, "\\1", txt[i])
  } else {
    ## TODO: Detect this and hit login and try again?
    stop("Job submission has likely failed; could be a login error")

client_parse_cancel <- function(txt) {
  d <- strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]]
  d <- strsplit(d[nzchar(d)], "\t")
  setNames(vcapply(d, "[[", 2L), vcapply(d, "[[", 1L))

client_parse_load_cluster <- function(txt, cluster) {
  cluster <- tolower(cluster)
  txt <- strsplit(txt, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  re <- "^([^ ]+) +- +([0-9]+) +([^ ]+) *(.*)$"
  d <- txt[-seq_len(2)]
  d <- d[nzchar(d)]
  node <- sub(re, "\\1", d)
  core <- as.integer(sub(re, "\\2", d)) + 1L
  status <- sub(re, "\\3", d)
  rest <- sub(re, "\\4", d)
  task_id <- rep(NA_character_, length(d))
  i <- nchar(rest) > 0L
  task_id[i] <- sub("^([0-9]+).*", "\\1", rest[i])
  res <- data.frame(node = tolower(node), core = core, status = status,
                    dide_id = task_id, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  res <- res[res$node != cluster, ]
  res <- res[order(res$node), ]
  free <- tapply(res$status == "Idle", res$node, sum)
  total <- tapply(res$node, res$node, length)
  used <- total - free
  percent_used <- round(used / total * 100)

  summary <- data.frame(name = names(free),
                        free = unname(free),
                        used = unname(used),
                        total = unname(total),
                        percent_used = unname(percent_used),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  overall <- list(name = cluster,
                  free = sum(free),
                  used = sum(total) - sum(free),
                  total = sum(total),
                  percent_used = round((1 - sum(free) / sum(total)) * 100))

  ret <- list(cluster = cluster,
              detail = res,
              summary = summary,
              overall = overall)
  class(ret) <- "dide_clusterload"

client_parse_load_overall <- function(dat) {
  summary <- do.call("rbind", lapply(dat, function(x)
    as.data.frame(x$overall, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
  overall <- list(name = "didehpc",
                  free = sum(summary$free),
                  used = sum(summary$used),
                  total = sum(summary$total))
  overall$percent_used <- round(100 * overall$used / overall$total)
  ret <- list(cluster = "didehpc",
              detail = NULL,
              summary = summary,
              overall = overall)
  class(ret) <- "dide_clusterload"

client_check <- function(cluster, valid) {
  if (!(cluster %in% valid)) {
    if (length(valid) == 0L) {
      stop("You do not have access to any cluster")
    } else if (length(valid) == 1L) {
      stop(sprintf("You do not have access to '%s'; try '%s'", cluster, valid))
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("You do not have access to '%s'; try one of %s",
                   cluster, paste(squote(valid), collapse = ", ")))

status_map <- function(x) {
  map <- c(Running = "RUNNING",
           Finished = "COMPLETE",
           Queued = "PENDING",
           Failed = "ERROR",
           Canceled = "CANCELLED",
           Cancelled = "CANCELLED")
  ret <- unname(map[x])
  ret[is.na(ret)] <- "MISSING"
mrc-ide/didehpc documentation built on Aug. 20, 2023, 10:27 a.m.