Man pages for mrc-ide/esft
WHO ESFT Calculations

additional_testingAdditional testing
approx_sumwritten by giovanni, taken from malariasimulation
calc_diagnostic_capacityGiven specified parameters, calculates diagnostic country...
case_management_forecastCase management weekly: accessories, consumables, and...
cases_weeklyProduce Weekly Summary of Cases
commodities_weeklyCommodities by week
diagnostics_forecastDiagnostics weekly
diagnostics_weeklyDiagnostics Weekly
equipmentEquipment Ratios
esft'esft' package
get_country_capacityGets country capacity.
get_country_test_capacityGet diagnostic capacity
get_diagnostic_parametersGet diagnostic parameters
get_lab_parametersGet lab parameters
get_parametersGet baseline model parameters
hcw_capsHCW Caps
hcws_weeklyHCWS Weekly
hours_per_shiftHours per shift number for diagnostic machines
hwfeHealth care work force data
hygiene_forecastHygiene weekly
icl_dataImperial Model Fits to Excess Death Data
load_imperial_dataLoad imperial forecasts
max_tests_per_dayMax tests per day
noncovidNon-COVID Essentials
noncovid_essentialsNon COVID essentials
patients_weeklyProduce Weekly Summary of Patients
pharma_forecastPharmaceuticals Forecast
populationUNDP Population data
ppe_forecastPPE need weekly
read_urlReads RDS files from urls
reference_hcwReference cadres of HCWs
screening_hcws_weeklyScreening HCWs per week, capped and uncapped
set_testing_strategySets testing strategy and associated parameters
test_ratioGet diagnostic ratios.
throughputThroughput data for diagnostic machinery
total_labsCalculates max total labs that could be available for COVID
total_testsTotal tests
transmission_scenariosTransmission scenarios
user_inputUser input
whoWho Summary Data
who_dataWHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard
mrc-ide/esft documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:30 p.m.