set_testing_strategy: Sets testing strategy and associated parameters

View source: R/diagnostic_parameters.R

set_testing_strategyR Documentation

Sets testing strategy and associated parameters


Default is testing strategy = all


  strategy = "all",
  perc_tested_mild_mod = NULL,
  overrides = list()



testing strategy for mild/moderate presenting cases - either "all" or "targeted"


percent of mild or moderate tested, tied to specific strategies, but can be manually changed


a named list of parameter values to use instead of defaults The parameters are defined below, and are taken from the default settings in the ESFT.


Testing Strategies:

  • all - all cases that present, regardless of severity, using standard number of negatives per positive test

  • targeted - restricted testing of mild/moderate presenting cases may be employed if limited tests available. all required severe and critical cases will still be tested. if selected, only the percent of suspected/mild/moderate cases input here will be tested (typically high-risk patients)

Testing Parameters:

  • perc_tested_sev_crit - percent of severe or critical cases tested, always 100%; default = 1

  • num_neg_per_pos_test - estimated average number of negative tests per positive test; default = 10

  • tests_per_hcw_per_week - tests per HCW or staff member per week. Includes tests for inpatient HCW, screening/triage HCW, ambulance personnel, cleaners, lab techs, and biomedical engineers. input can also be 0 (for no tests) or a decimal (e.g. 0.5, to represent tests every other week); default = 1

  • testing_contacts - is testing done for contacts of positive cases; default = TRUE

  • avg_contacts_pos_case - average number of contacts per positive case. Suggested options are 5 (High/Strong, e.g. stay at home regulations), 10 (Medium/Weak social distancing, e.g. travel restrictions), 15 (Low/No social distancing, e.g. advice only); default = 10

  • perc_contacts_tested - percent of contacts of a positive case who get tested; default = 0.6


Testing strategy parameters.

mrc-ide/esft documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:30 p.m.