
Defines functions total_labs test_ratio calc_diagnostic_capacity get_lab_parameters set_testing_strategy get_country_test_capacity get_diagnostic_parameters

Documented in calc_diagnostic_capacity get_country_test_capacity get_diagnostic_parameters get_lab_parameters set_testing_strategy test_ratio total_labs

#' @title Get diagnostic parameters
#' @description Sets the baseline diagnostic parameters.
#' @param overrides Named list of values to use instead of defaults
#' The parameters are defined below, and are taken from the default settings in
#' the ESFT.
#' @details
#' Total tests and percent antigen:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{total_tests_mild_mod}{ - total tests, used for diagnosis only;
#'  default = 1}
#'  \item{total_tests_sev_crit}{ - total tests, used for diagnosis and release;
#'  default = 2}
#'  \item{perc_antigen_tests}{ - percent testing done in hospital via antigen
#'  testing, max 80 percent; default = 20 percent}
#'  \item{tests_diagnosis_mild_mod}{ - the number of tests for diagnosis for
#'  mild or moderate cases; default = 1}
#'  \item{tests_diagnosis_sev_crit}{ - the number of tests for diagnosis for
#'  severe or critical cases; default = 1}
#'  \item{tests_release_mild_mod}{ - the number of tests for release for mild or
#'  moderate cases; default = 0}
#'  \item{tests_release_sev_crit}{ - the number of tests for release for severe
#'  or critical cases; default = 1}
#' }
#' @return List of diagnostic parameters.
#' @export
get_diagnostic_parameters <- function(overrides = list()) {
  parameters <- list(
    total_tests_mild_mod = 1,
    total_tests_sev_crit = 2,
    perc_antigen_tests = 0.2,
    # option to instead code like testing scenario
    tests_diagnosis_mild_mod = 1,
    tests_diagnosis_sev_crit = 1,
    tests_release_mild_mod = 0,
    tests_release_sev_crit = 1

  # Override parameters with any client specified ones
  if (!is.list(overrides)) {
    stop("overrides must be a list")

  for (name in names(overrides)) {
    if (!(name %in% names(parameters))) {
      stop(paste("unknown parameter", name, sep = " "))
    parameters[[name]] <- overrides[[name]]

  if (parameters$perc_antigen_tests > 1 || parameters$perc_antigen_tests < 0) {
    stop("All percentage values must be less than or equal to 1 or greater than
         or equal to 0.")


#' @title Get diagnostic capacity
#' @param iso3c Country code, in iso3c format.
#' @param overrides a named list of parameter values to use instead of defaults.
#' Notably might include hologic_panther_fusion counts. The values are described
#' below and are taken from data provided in the ESFT.
#' @description Using country name or country code, return baseline estimates of
#' diagnostic testing capacity provided in the WHO ESFT.
#' Counts of various machines in country:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{roche_6800}{ - high throughput conventional platform}
#'  \item{roche_8800}{ - high throughput conventional platform}
#'  \item{abbott_m2000}{ - high throughput conventional platform}
#'  \item{hologic_panther}{ - high throughput conventional platform}
#'  \item{hologic_panther_fusion}{ - high throughput conventional platform}
#'  \item{genexpert}{ - near-patient PCR machine modules (not platforms: here,
#'  one machine contains several modules)}
#'  \item{manual}{ - manual real-time PCR platform}
#' }
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return Number of diagnostic machines available within each country.
#' @source Estimates provided by the WHO Operations, Supply & Logistics Team and
#' reviewed by diagnostics technical experts at the WHO.
#' @export
get_country_test_capacity <- function(iso3c = NULL,
                                      overrides = list()) {
  # iso3c route
  if (!is.null(iso3c)) {
    iso3c <- as.character(iso3c)
    if (!iso3c %in% unique(esft::diagnostics$country_code)) {
      stop("Iso3c not found")
    diagnostics <- subset(esft::diagnostics, diagnostics$country_code == iso3c)

  # not specified in spreadsheet
  diagnostics$hologic_panther_fusion <- 0

  # Override parameters with any client specified ones
  if (!is.list(overrides)) {
    stop("overrides must be a list")

  for (name in names(overrides)) {
    if (!(name %in% names(diagnostics))) {
      stop(paste("unknown parameter", name, sep = " "))
    diagnostics[[name]] <- overrides[[name]]

  diagnostics <- diagnostics %>%
      cols = c(
        "roche_6800", "roche_8800", "abbott_m2000", "hologic_panther",
        "hologic_panther_fusion", "genexpert", "manual"
      names_to = "platform_key",
      values_to = "modules_activated"


#' @title Sets testing strategy and associated parameters
#' @description Default is testing strategy = all
#' @param strategy testing strategy for mild/moderate presenting cases - either
#' "all" or "targeted"
#' @param perc_tested_mild_mod percent of mild or moderate tested, tied to
#' specific strategies, but can be manually changed
#' @param overrides a named list of parameter values to use instead of defaults
#' The parameters are defined below, and are taken from the default settings in
#' the ESFT.
#' @details
#' Testing Strategies:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{all}{ - all cases that present, regardless of severity, using standard
#'  number of negatives per positive test}
#'  \item{targeted}{ - restricted testing of mild/moderate presenting cases may
#'  be employed if limited tests available. all required severe and critical
#'  cases will still be tested. if selected, only the percent of
#'  suspected/mild/moderate cases input here will be tested (typically high-risk
#'  patients)}
#' }
#' Testing Parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{perc_tested_sev_crit}{ - percent of severe or critical cases tested,
#'  always 100\%; default = 1}
#'  \item{num_neg_per_pos_test}{ - estimated average number of negative tests
#'  per positive test; default = 10}
#'  \item{tests_per_hcw_per_week}{ - tests per HCW or staff member per week.
#'  Includes tests for inpatient HCW, screening/triage HCW, ambulance personnel,
#'  cleaners, lab techs, and biomedical engineers. input can also be 0 (for no
#'  tests) or a decimal (e.g. 0.5, to represent tests every other week);
#'  default = 1}
#'  \item{testing_contacts}{ - is testing done for contacts of positive cases;
#'  default = TRUE}
#'  \item{avg_contacts_pos_case}{ - average number of contacts per positive
#'  case. Suggested options are 5 (High/Strong, e.g. stay at home regulations),
#'  10 (Medium/Weak social distancing, e.g. travel restrictions),
#'  15 (Low/No social distancing, e.g. advice only); default = 10}
#'  \item{perc_contacts_tested}{ - percent of contacts of a positive case who
#'  get tested; default = 0.6}
#' }
#' @return Testing strategy parameters.
#' @export
set_testing_strategy <- function(strategy = "all",
                                 perc_tested_mild_mod = NULL,
                                 overrides = list()) {
  if (!is.null(strategy)) {
    strategy <- tolower(strategy)

    if (strategy == "all") {
      perc_tested_mild_mod <- 1
    } else if (strategy == "targeted") {
      if (is.null(perc_tested_mild_mod)) {
        perc_tested_mild_mod <- 0.1
  } else {
    strategy <- "all"
    perc_tested_mild_mod <- 1

  parameters <- list(
    strategy = strategy,
    perc_tested_mild_mod = perc_tested_mild_mod,
    perc_tested_sev_crit = 1,
    num_neg_per_pos_test = 10,
    tests_per_hcw_per_week = 1,
    testing_contacts = TRUE,
    avg_contacts_pos_case = 10,
    perc_contacts_tested = 0.6

  # Override parameters with any client specified ones
  if (!is.list(overrides)) {
    stop("overrides must be a list")

  for (name in names(overrides)) {
    if (!(name %in% names(parameters))) {
      stop(paste("unknown parameter", name, sep = " "))
    parameters[[name]] <- overrides[[name]]

  if (parameters$perc_tested_mild_mod > 1 ||
    parameters$perc_contacts_tested > 1) {
    stop("All percentage values must be less than or equal to 1.")

  if (parameters$perc_tested_mild_mod < 0 ||
    parameters$perc_contacts_tested < 0) {
    stop("All percentage values must be greater than or equal to 0.")


#' @title Get lab parameters
#' @description Sets the baseline lab parameters.
#' @param overrides Named list of parameter values to use instead of defaults
#' The parameters are defined below, and are taken from the default settings in
#' the ESFT.
#' @details
#' Requirements per Lab:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{lab_staff_per_lab}{ - multiplier that helps estimate lab staff
#'  equipment requirements; default = 3}
#'  \item{hygienists_per_lab}{ - multiplier that helps estimate lab
#'  hygienist/cleaner equipment requirements; default = 3}
#'  \item{safety_boxes_per_unit_week}{ - WHO recommendation for safe sharp
#'  disposal; default = 8}
#'  \item{triple_packaging_per_unit}{ - WHO recommendation for sample transport;
#'  default = 4}
#'  \item{perc_wastage_manual_test_kits}{ - percentage wastage, only of manual
#'  test kits; default = 10 \%}
#'  \item{num_tests_manual_test_kits}{ - number of tests in an RT-PCR manual
#'  test kit; default = 100}
#' }
#' @export
get_lab_parameters <- function(overrides = list()) {
  parameters <- list(
    lab_staff_per_lab = 3,
    hygienists_per_lab = 1,
    safety_boxes_per_unit_week = 8,
    triple_packaging_per_unit = 4,
    perc_wastage_manual_test_kits = 0.1,
    num_tests_manual_test_kits = 100

  # Override parameters with any client specified ones
  if (!is.list(overrides)) {
    stop("overrides must be a list")

  for (name in names(overrides)) {
    if (!(name %in% names(parameters))) {
      stop(paste("unknown parameter", name, sep = " "))
    parameters[[name]] <- overrides[[name]]

#' @title Given specified parameters, calculates diagnostic country capacity.
#' @description Gets country diagnostic capacity. As of right now, need to
#' increase hours per shift in throughput data in order to up the capacity.
#' @param country_diagnostic_capacity Capacity called from the
#' get_country_test_capacity function
#' @param throughput Throughput data, loaded in package, from ESFT
#' @param shifts_per_day Either single integer (1,2, or 3) or named vector of
#' shifts per day ("shifts_day") for the specific machines ("platform_key").
#' Important to get names right if go vector rought (easiest to copy paste from
#' throughput), and shifts can only be 1, 2, or 3 (8, 12, 24 hrs).
#' Default = NULL.
#' @param hours_per_shift Hours per shift, default = 8 (data from ESFT package)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
calc_diagnostic_capacity <- function(country_diagnostic_capacity,
                                     shifts_per_day = NULL, # vector
                                     hours_per_shift) {
  if (!(is.null(shifts_per_day))) {
    if (length(shifts_per_day) == 1) {
      shifts_per_day <- data.frame(shifts_day = rep(
      shifts_per_day$platform_key <- throughput$platform_key
    throughput <- merge(throughput, shifts_per_day, by = c(
  capacity <- merge(throughput, country_diagnostic_capacity)
  capacity <- merge(capacity, hours_per_shift,
    by.x = "shifts_day",
    by.y = "shifts"

  capacity <- capacity %>%
    dplyr::mutate(throughput_per_day = case_when(
      .data$hours == 8 ~ throughput_8hrs,
      .data$hours == 16 ~ throughput_16hrs,
      .data$hours == 24 ~ throughput_24hrs,
      TRUE ~ NA_real_
    )) %>%
      throughput_8hrs, throughput_16hrs,

  # calculate the testing capacity available - max, and covid
  capacity$total_test_capacity <- capacity$modules_activated *
    capacity$days_week * capacity$throughput_per_day
  capacity$covid_test_capacity <- capacity$total_test_capacity *


#' @title Get diagnostic ratios.
#' @param capacity From calc_diagnostic_capacity.
#' @param diagnostic_params From get_diagnostic_parameters
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
test_ratio <- function(capacity, diagnostic_params) {
  capacity <- capacity %>%
    dplyr::group_by(type) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(covid_test_capacity = sum(covid_test_capacity)) %>%
    dplyr::select(c(type, covid_test_capacity))

  capacity <- capacity[!duplicated(capacity), ]

  capacity$ratio <- (1 - diagnostic_params$perc_antigen_tests) * (
    capacity$covid_test_capacity) / sum(capacity$covid_test_capacity)

  # calculate num antigen tests
  num_antigen <- sum(capacity$covid_test_capacity) / sum(capacity$ratio) -
  capacity[nrow(capacity) + 1, ] <- list(
    "antigen", num_antigen,


#' @title Calculates max total labs that could be available for COVID
#' @param capacity From get_country_test_capacity or
#' calc_diagnostic_capacity. Only thing is, we need the country capacity.
#' @export
total_labs <- function(capacity) {
  labs <- sum(
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key == "roche_6800"],
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key == "roche_8800"],
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key == "abbott_m2000"],
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key == "hologic_panther"],
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key ==
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key == "manual"]
  ) / 3 +
    capacity$modules_activated[capacity$platform_key == "genexpert"] / 4

  # labs <- (labs)

mrc-ide/esft documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:30 p.m.