get_country_test_capacity: Get diagnostic capacity

View source: R/diagnostic_parameters.R

get_country_test_capacityR Documentation

Get diagnostic capacity


Using country name or country code, return baseline estimates of diagnostic testing capacity provided in the WHO ESFT.

Counts of various machines in country:

  • roche_6800 - high throughput conventional platform

  • roche_8800 - high throughput conventional platform

  • abbott_m2000 - high throughput conventional platform

  • hologic_panther - high throughput conventional platform

  • hologic_panther_fusion - high throughput conventional platform

  • genexpert - near-patient PCR machine modules (not platforms: here, one machine contains several modules)

  • manual - manual real-time PCR platform


get_country_test_capacity(iso3c = NULL, overrides = list())



Country code, in iso3c format.


a named list of parameter values to use instead of defaults. Notably might include hologic_panther_fusion counts. The values are described below and are taken from data provided in the ESFT.


Number of diagnostic machines available within each country.


Estimates provided by the WHO Operations, Supply & Logistics Team and reviewed by diagnostics technical experts at the WHO.

mrc-ide/esft documentation built on July 31, 2023, 2:30 p.m.