
Defines functions cov.mat.cont.bin.TwoTreatmentArms cov.mat.surv.TwoTreatmentArms construct.joint.distribution.of.test.statistics.TwoTreatmentArms get.eff.bound.TwoTreatmentArms design.evaluate.TwoTreatmentArms summarize.design.parameters.and.performance.TwoTreatmentArms

# Uses library(mvtnorm)

# This R file creates the necessary backend files for the optimizer to call
# There are three key functions
# 1) construct.joint.distribution.of.test.statistics.TwoTreatmentArms creates mean and covariance
# matrices associated with the vector of statistics
# 2) get.eff.bound calculates the efficacy boundaries for the design
# 3) design.evaluate for different vectors of test statistics calculates
# which hypothesis are rejected and at which stage.

# Throughout the sequence of test statistics is given by blocks of stages and within a block
# of a stage k the vector of test statistics is given by
# (Z_{1,1,k}, Z_{1,2,k}, Z_{2,1,k}, Z_{2,2,k}). Here, the first subscript
# indicates treatment, the second sub-populaiton and the third stage.

# This function calculates the covariate matrix for a binary and a continuous outcome
# It assumes two treatments and
# a common control, two sub-populations, and arbitrary number of stages
# prop.samp.vec.pop.1
# Inputs: var.vec.pop.1: variance vector for population 1
#  var.vec.pop.2: variance vector for population 2
#  prop.samp.vec.pop.1: the proportion of total number of subjects in sub-population one
#  which are enrolled at each stage. E.g. c(0.5, 0.5) means 50 \% of the obs are enrolled
#  at stage one and 50% at stage 2.
#  prop.samp.vec.pop.1: the proportion of total number of subjects in sub-population one
#  which are enrolled at each stage. E.g. c(0.5, 0.5) means 50 \% of the obs are enrolled
#  at stage one and 50% at stage 2.

# Output: The covariance matrix associated with the vector of test statistics

cov.mat.cont.bin.TwoTreatmentArms = function(var.vec.pop.1, var.vec.pop.2,
  prop.samp.vec.pop.1, prop.samp.vec.pop.2){
  # K is the number of stages
  K = length(prop.samp.vec.pop.1)
  # Proportion of sample size enrolled up to and until stage k in each population
  cumsum.prop.samp.pop.1 = cumsum(prop.samp.vec.pop.1)
  cumsum.prop.samp.pop.2 = cumsum(prop.samp.vec.pop.2)
  cov.mat = matrix(0, nrow = 2 * 2 * K, ncol = 2 * 2 * K)

  # Filling in the covariance matrix

  # Filling in by blocks
  for(i in 1:K){
    for(j in 1:K){
      min.max.term.pop.1 =
      sqrt(min(cumsum.prop.samp.pop.1[i], cumsum.prop.samp.pop.1[j])/
       max(cumsum.prop.samp.pop.1[i], cumsum.prop.samp.pop.1[j]))
      min.max.term.pop.2 =
      sqrt(min(cumsum.prop.samp.pop.2[i], cumsum.prop.samp.pop.2[j])/
       max(cumsum.prop.samp.pop.2[i], cumsum.prop.samp.pop.2[j]))
      sigma.term.pop.1 =
      var.vec.pop.1[1]/sqrt((var.vec.pop.1[1] + var.vec.pop.1[2]) *
        (var.vec.pop.1[1] + var.vec.pop.1[3]))
      sigma.term.pop.2 =
      var.vec.pop.2[1]/sqrt((var.vec.pop.2[1] + var.vec.pop.2[2]) *
        (var.vec.pop.2[1] + var.vec.pop.2[3]))
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 1, (j-1)*4 + 1] = min.max.term.pop.1
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 1, (j-1)*4 + 3] = min.max.term.pop.1 * sigma.term.pop.1
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 2, (j-1)*4 + 2] = min.max.term.pop.2
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 2, (j-1)*4 + 4] = min.max.term.pop.2 * sigma.term.pop.2
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 3, (j-1)*4 + 1] = min.max.term.pop.1 * sigma.term.pop.1
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 3, (j-1)*4 + 3] = min.max.term.pop.1
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 4, (j-1)*4 + 2] = min.max.term.pop.2 * sigma.term.pop.2
      cov.mat[(i-1)*4 + 4, (j-1)*4 + 4] = min.max.term.pop.2

# This function calculates the covariance matrix associatec with
# a survival outcome.
# Input d.l.j, l = 0,1,2, and j = 1,2. Here, d.l.j is a vector of length
# K where element k is the expected number of deaths at or before analysis
# k in subpopulation j and treatment l.

# Output covariance matrix associate with vector of test statistics

cov.mat.surv.TwoTreatmentArms = function(d.0.1, d.1.1, d.2.1, d.0.2, d.1.2, d.2.2){

  K = length(d.0.1)
  cov.mat = matrix(0, nrow = 2 * 2 * K, ncol = 2 * 2 * K)

# Filling in by blocks
  for(i in 1:K){
   for(j in 1:K){
    min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.1 = sqrt((d.0.1[min(i,j)] + d.1.1[min(i,j)])/(d.0.1[max(i,j)] + d.1.1[max(i,j)]))
    min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.2 = sqrt((d.0.1[min(i,j)] + d.2.1[min(i,j)])/(d.0.1[max(i,j)] + d.2.1[max(i,j)]))
    min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.1 = sqrt((d.0.2[min(i,j)] + d.1.2[min(i,j)])/(d.0.2[max(i,j)] + d.1.2[max(i,j)]))
    min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.2 = sqrt((d.0.2[min(i,j)] + d.2.2[min(i,j)])/(d.0.2[max(i,j)] + d.2.2[max(i,j)]))
      # Both treatment 1 and subpopulation 1 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 1, (j-1) * 4 + 1] = min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.1
      # Different treatments and same subpopulation 1 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 1, (j-1) * 4 + 3] = mean(min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.1, min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.2) * 0.5
      # Both treatment 1 and subpopulation 2 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 2, (j-1) * 4 + 2] = min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.1
      # Different treatments and subpopulation 2 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 2, (j-1) * 4 + 4] = mean(min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.1, min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.2) * 0.5
      # Different treatments and subpopulation 1 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 3, (j-1) * 4 + 1] = mean(min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.1, min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.2) * 0.5
      # Same treatment 2 and subpopulation 1 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 3, (j-1) * 4 + 3] = min.max.term.pop.1.treatment.2
      # Different treatments 1 and subpopulation 2 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 4, (j-1) * 4 + 2] =  mean(min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.1, min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.2) * 0.5
      # Same treatment 2 and subpopulation 2 different stages
    cov.mat[(i-1) * 4 + 4, (j-1) * 4 + 4] = min.max.term.pop.2.treatment.2
# Throughout the sequence of test statistics is given by blocks of stages
# and within a block  of a stage k the vector of test statistics is given by
# (Z_{1,1,k}, Z_{1,2,k}, Z_{2,1,k}, Z_{2,2,k}), where the first subscript
# indicates treatment, the second sub-populaiton and the third stage.


# This function creates the covariance matrix and mean vector
# associated with the test statistic
# Inputs: #   analytic.n.per.stage - [K x J(L+1)] matrix: patients with primary outcome
#             at each interim analysis.
#             stage 1: T0S1 T0S2 ... T0SJ ... TLS1 TLS2 ... TLSJ
#             stage 2: T0S1 T0S2 ... T0SJ ... TLS1 TLS2 ... TLSJ
#                ...
#             stage k: T0S1 T0S2 ... T0SJ ... TLS1 TLS2 ... TLSJ
#         outcome.type: type of outcome, one of continuous, binary or survival
#         mean.sub.pop.1: the assumed means assocated with each treatment in sub-population 1
#         the mean vector is input in the order (control, treatment 1, treatment 2)
#         mean.sub.pop.2: the assumed means assocated with each treatment in sub-population 1
#         the mean vector is input in the order (control, treatment 1, treatment 2)
#         var.vec.pop.1: the variance vector associated with each treatment in sub-population one
#         var.vec.pop.2: the variance vector associated with each treatment in sub-population two
#         prop.pop.1: The proportion of subjects in population one. Assumed known.
#         max.follow: For survival outcome, how long each participant is followed up
#         enrollment.period: For survival outcome, the maximum time participants are enrolled
#         hazard.rate.pop.1: For survival outcome, hazard rate for subpopulation 1 in
#         the order (control, treatment 1, treatment 2)
#         hazard.rate.pop.2: For survival outcome, hazard rate for subpopulation 2 in
#         the order (control, treatment 1, treatment 2)
#         time: for time-to-event outcome, time is the timing of all analysis.
#         relative.efficiency: ratio of the asymptotic variance of unadjusted estimator to
#         asymptotic variance of adjusted estimator.
#         censoring.rate: For a survival outcome only. It is the proportion of participants that are not
#         administratively censored which drop out of the study. For example, if 100 events are expected
#         without any dropout then setting censoring rate to 0.5 means that 100*0.5 events are expected

# Output: A list with three elements:
#         cov.mat.used: Covariance matrix associated with test statistic.
#         non.centrality.parameter.vec = The mean vector associated with each test statistic.
#         information.vector =  for a given stage k, elements [(1+ (k-1) * 4):(4 + (k-1) * 4)] are
#         (var(\beta_{1,1,k}, var(\beta_{1,2,k}), var(\beta_{2,1,k}), var(beta_{2,2,k}) where the
#         first subscript indicates treatment, the second sub-population and the third stage.
#         beta is the estimator of the treatment effect

construct.joint.distribution.of.test.statistics.TwoTreatmentArms <- function(analytic.n.per.stage,
  max.follow = NULL,
  enrollment.period = NULL,
  hazard.rate.pop.1 = NULL,
  hazard.rate.pop.2 = NULL,
  time = NULL,
  censoring.rate = NULL,
  relative.efficiency = NULL){
  # Number of stages
  K <- nrow(analytic.n.per.stage)

  # Calculating the total number of subjects at each analysis for both sub-populations
  # Note: We assume that an equal number is enrolled to treatment and control.
  n.pop.1 = analytic.n.per.stage[, 1]
  n.pop.2 = analytic.n.per.stage[, 2]

  # Calculating the proportion of observation sampled at each stage for the
  # Two treatments
  prop.samp.vec.pop.1 = diff(c(0, n.pop.1))/n.pop.1[K]
  prop.samp.vec.pop.2 = diff(c(0, n.pop.2))/n.pop.2[K]

  # Creating storage space for mean vector
  mean.vec = rep(NA, 4 * K)

  # Do the calculations seperately depending on the type of outcome
  if(outcome.type == "continuous"){
    for(i in 1:K){
      mean.vec[((i-1)*4+1):((i-1)*4+4)] =
        sqrt(n.pop.2[i])*(mean.sub.pop.2[2] - mean.sub.pop.2[1])/
        sqrt(n.pop.1[i])*(mean.sub.pop.1[3] - mean.sub.pop.1[1])/
        sqrt(n.pop.2[i])*(mean.sub.pop.2[3] - mean.sub.pop.2[1])/
    cov.mat.used = cov.mat.cont.bin.TwoTreatmentArms(var.vec.pop.1,

  if(outcome.type == "binary"){
    var.vec.pop.1 = mean.sub.pop.1*(1 - mean.sub.pop.1)
    var.vec.pop.2 = mean.sub.pop.2*(1 - mean.sub.pop.2)
    for(i in 1:K){
      mean.vec[((i-1)*4+1):((i-1)*4+4)] =
      c(sqrt(n.pop.1[i])*(mean.sub.pop.1[2] - mean.sub.pop.1[1])/
        sqrt(n.pop.2[i])*(mean.sub.pop.2[2] - mean.sub.pop.2[1])/
        sqrt(n.pop.1[i])*(mean.sub.pop.1[3] - mean.sub.pop.1[1])/
        sqrt(n.pop.2[i])*(mean.sub.pop.2[3] - mean.sub.pop.2[1])/
    cov.mat.used = cov.mat.cont.bin.TwoTreatmentArms(var.vec.pop.1,

  if(outcome.type == "survival"){

# The ratios of log-rank tests
    theta = -c(log(hazard.rate.pop.1[2]/hazard.rate.pop.1[1]), log(hazard.rate.pop.2[2]/hazard.rate.pop.2[1]), log(hazard.rate.pop.1[3]/hazard.rate.pop.1[1]), log(hazard.rate.pop.2[3]/hazard.rate.pop.2[1]))

# information vector in same order as test statistics mentioned above.
    mean.vec = rep(NA, 4 * K)

    d.0.1 = rep(0,K) # number of deaths in control group pop 1
    d.1.1 = rep(0,K) # number of deaths in treatment group 1 pop 1
    d.2.1 = rep(0,K) # number of deaths in treatment group 2 pop 1
    d.0.2 = rep(0,K) # number of deaths in control group pop 2
    d.1.2 = rep(0,K) # number of deaths in treatment group 1 pop 2
    d.2.2 = rep(0,K) # number of deaths in treatment group 2 pop 2

    for(i in 1:K){

    # Calculating the expected number of deaths for each treatment + sub-population combination
    # at interim analys i

    # We cycle through the 6 different cases
      if(enrollment.period >= time[i] & time[i] >= max.follow){
       d.0.1[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/time[i] * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * max.follow)) + max.follow/time[i] * (1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * max.follow))/(max.follow * hazard.rate.pop.1[1]))
       d.1.1[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/time[i] * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * max.follow)) + max.follow/time[i] * (1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * max.follow))/(max.follow * hazard.rate.pop.1[2]))
       d.2.1[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/time[i] * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * max.follow)) + max.follow/time[i] * (1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * max.follow))/(max.follow * hazard.rate.pop.1[3]))
       d.0.2[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/time[i] * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * max.follow)) + max.follow/time[i] * (1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * max.follow))/(max.follow * hazard.rate.pop.2[1]))
       d.1.2[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/time[i] * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * max.follow)) + max.follow/time[i] * (1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * max.follow))/(max.follow * hazard.rate.pop.2[2]))
       d.2.2[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/time[i] * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * max.follow)) + max.follow/time[i] * (1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * max.follow))/(max.follow * hazard.rate.pop.2[3]))

     if(enrollment.period >= max.follow & max.follow >= time[i]){
       d.0.1[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.1[1])
       d.1.1[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.1[2])
       d.2.1[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.1[3])
       d.0.2[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.2[1])
       d.1.2[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.2[2])
       d.2.2[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.2[3])

     if(time[i] >= enrollment.period & enrollment.period >= max.follow){
       k = time[i] - enrollment.period
       d.0.1[i] = (enrollment.period + k -max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * max.follow)) + (max.follow - k)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * k) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * max.follow))/((max.follow - k) * hazard.rate.pop.1[1]))
       d.1.1[i] = (enrollment.period + k -max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * max.follow)) + (max.follow - k)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * k) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * max.follow))/((max.follow - k) * hazard.rate.pop.1[2]))
       d.2.1[i] = (enrollment.period + k -max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * max.follow)) + (max.follow - k)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * k) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * max.follow))/((max.follow - k) * hazard.rate.pop.1[3]))
       d.0.2[i] = (enrollment.period + k -max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * max.follow)) + (max.follow - k)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * k) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * max.follow))/((max.follow - k) * hazard.rate.pop.2[1]))
       d.1.2[i] = (enrollment.period + k -max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * max.follow)) + (max.follow - k)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * k) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * max.follow))/((max.follow - k) * hazard.rate.pop.2[2]))
       d.2.2[i] = (enrollment.period + k -max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * max.follow)) + (max.follow - k)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * k) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * max.follow))/((max.follow - k) * hazard.rate.pop.2[3]))

     if(max.follow >= enrollment.period & enrollment.period >= time[i]){
       d.0.1[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.1[1])
       d.1.1[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.1[2])
       d.2.1[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.1[3])
       d.0.2[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.2[1])
       d.1.2[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.2[2])
       d.2.2[i] = 1 - (1-exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * time[i]))/(time[i] * hazard.rate.pop.2[3])

     if(max.follow >= time[i] & time[i] >= enrollment.period){
       d.0.1[i] = 1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * time[i]))/(enrollment.period * hazard.rate.pop.1[1])
       d.1.1[i] = 1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * time[i]))/(enrollment.period * hazard.rate.pop.1[2])
       d.2.1[i] = 1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * time[i]))/(enrollment.period * hazard.rate.pop.1[3])
       d.0.2[i] = 1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * time[i]))/(enrollment.period * hazard.rate.pop.2[1])
       d.1.2[i] = 1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * time[i]))/(enrollment.period * hazard.rate.pop.2[2])
       d.2.2[i] = 1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * time[i]))/(enrollment.period * hazard.rate.pop.2[3])

     if(time[i] >= max.follow & max.follow >= enrollment.period){
       d.0.1[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * max.follow)) + (enrollment.period - time[i] + max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[1] * max.follow))/((max.follow - time[i] + enrollment.period) * hazard.rate.pop.1[1]))
       d.1.1[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * max.follow)) + (enrollment.period - time[i] + max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[2] * max.follow))/((max.follow - time[i] + enrollment.period) * hazard.rate.pop.1[2]))
       d.2.1[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * max.follow)) + (enrollment.period - time[i] + max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.1[3] * max.follow))/((max.follow - time[i] + enrollment.period) * hazard.rate.pop.1[3]))
       d.0.2[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * max.follow)) + (enrollment.period - time[i] + max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[1] * max.follow))/((max.follow - time[i] + enrollment.period) * hazard.rate.pop.2[1]))
       d.1.2[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * max.follow)) + (enrollment.period - time[i] + max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[2] * max.follow))/((max.follow - time[i] + enrollment.period) * hazard.rate.pop.2[2]))
       d.2.2[i] = (time[i] - max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * max.follow)) + (enrollment.period - time[i] + max.follow)/enrollment.period * (1 - (exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * (time[i]-enrollment.period)) - exp(-hazard.rate.pop.2[3] * max.follow))/((max.follow - time[i] + enrollment.period) * hazard.rate.pop.2[3]))

     d.0.1[i] = d.0.1[i] * n.pop.1[i] * (1 - censoring.rate)
     d.1.1[i] = d.1.1[i] * n.pop.1[i] * (1 - censoring.rate)
     d.2.1[i] = d.2.1[i] * n.pop.1[i] * (1 - censoring.rate)
     d.0.2[i] = d.0.2[i] * n.pop.2[i] * (1 - censoring.rate)
     d.1.2[i] = d.1.2[i] * n.pop.2[i] * (1 - censoring.rate)
     d.2.2[i] = d.2.2[i] * n.pop.2[i] * (1 - censoring.rate)

    # Calculating the information and covariance matrix
     mean.vec[((i-1) * 4 + 1):((i-1) * 4 + 4)] = theta * sqrt(c((d.0.1[i] + d.1.1[i])/4, (d.0.2[i] + d.1.2[i])/4, (d.0.1[i] + d.2.1[i])/4, (d.0.2[i] + d.2.2[i])/4))

   cov.mat.used = cov.mat.surv.TwoTreatmentArms(d.0.1, d.1.1, d.2.1, d.0.2, d.1.2, d.2.2)

# Create information vector on the extimator scale
# for a given stage k elements [(1+ (k-1) * 4):(4 + (k-1) * 4)] are
# (var(\beta_{1,1,k}, var(\beta_{1,2,k}), var(\beta_{2,1,k}), var(beta_{2,2,k})
#, where the first subscript indicates treatment, the second sub-populaiton and the third stage.

# For a continuous outcome
 if(outcome.type == "continuous"){
# Initialize the vector
  information.vector.inv = rep(NA, 4 * K)

  for(i in 1:K){
    information.vector.inv[((i-1)*4+1):((i-1)*4+4)] =
    c(1/n.pop.1[i] * (var.vec.pop.1[2]+var.vec.pop.1[1]),
      1/n.pop.2[i] * (var.vec.pop.2[2]+var.vec.pop.2[1]),
      1/n.pop.1[i] * (var.vec.pop.1[3]+var.vec.pop.1[1]),
      1/n.pop.2[i] * (var.vec.pop.2[3]+var.vec.pop.2[1]))
} # End if outcome.type is continuous

# For a binary outcome
if(outcome.type == "binary"){
# Initialize the vector
  information.vector.inv = rep(NA, 4 * K)

  var.vec.pop.1 = mean.sub.pop.1*(1 - mean.sub.pop.1)
  var.vec.pop.2 = mean.sub.pop.2*(1 - mean.sub.pop.2)

  for(i in 1:K){
    information.vector.inv[((i-1)*4+1):((i-1)*4+4)] =
    c(1/n.pop.1[i] * (var.vec.pop.1[2]+var.vec.pop.1[1]),
      1/n.pop.2[i] * (var.vec.pop.2[2]+var.vec.pop.2[1]),
      1/n.pop.1[i] * (var.vec.pop.1[3]+var.vec.pop.1[1]),
      1/n.pop.2[i] * (var.vec.pop.2[3]+var.vec.pop.2[1]))
} # End if outcome.type is binary

if(outcome.type == "survival"){

  # Initialize the vector
  information.vector.inv = rep(NA, 4 * K)

  for(i in 1:K){
    information.vector.inv[((i-1)*4+1):((i-1)*4+4)] =
    c(4/((d.0.1[i] + d.1.1[i])),
      4/((d.0.2[i] + d.1.2[i])),
      4/((d.0.1[i] + d.2.1[i])),
      4/((d.0.2[i] + d.2.2[i])))


  mean.vec = mean.vec * sqrt(relative.efficiency)
  information.vector.inv = information.vector.inv/relative.efficiency

information.vector.inv.matrix = matrix(information.vector.inv, nrow = K, byrow = TRUE)

  non.centrality.parameter.vec = mean.vec,
  information.vector = 1/information.vector.inv.matrix))

# This function calculates the efficacy boundaries
# Input: alpha.alloc = Vector of alpha allocations:
#        The alpha allocation vector is of length 2 * number of stages
#        the first two elements are the alpha allocations at stage one to each subpopulation
#        the next two elements are the alpha allocations at the next stage and so on
#        cov.mat.used: covariance matrix under the scenario
#        err.tol = how precise is the binary search

# Output:eff.bound: The vector u_{j,k} with blocks corresponding to stages and (u_{1,k}, u_{2,k}) within stage
#        eff.bound.z: The vector z_{j,k} with blocks corresponding to stages and (z_{1,k}, z_{2,k}) within stage
#        eff.bound.alpha: K blocks where each block is (\tilde u_{j,K}, \tilde u_{j,K}) where block
#        k corresponds to alpha reallocated if both treatments in other sub-pop are rejected at stage k
#        eff.bound.z.alpha: K blocks where each block is (\tilde z_{j,K}, \tilde z_{j,K}) where block
#        k corresponds to alpha reallocated if both treatments in other sub-pop are rejected at stage k

get.eff.bound.TwoTreatmentArms = function(alpha.allocation, cov.mat.used, err.tol = 10^-3){

  # Number of stages
  K = length(alpha.allocation)/2

  # Getting index corresponding to which sup-population is being used in each
  # alpha allocation
  index.sub.pop = rep(c(1, 2), K)

  # eff.bound is the vector of efficacy boundaries with the elements corresponding to the
  # same stage and subpopulation combinations as in the alpha.allocation vector
  eff.bound = rep(NA, 2 * K)
  eff.bound.z = rep(NA, 2 * K)

  # Cumulative alpha allocation with subpopulation 1 and 2
  cum.alpha.1 = cumsum(alpha.allocation[which(index.sub.pop == 1)])
  cum.alpha.2 = cumsum(alpha.allocation[which(index.sub.pop == 2)])

  # Calculating the first elements of the efficacy boundary u_{j,1} corresponding to each
  # subpopulation
  temp.1 = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(10^6, mean = rep(0, 2), sigma = cov.mat.used[1:4, 1:4][c(1,3), c(1,3)])
  temp.2 = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(10^6, mean = rep(0, 2), sigma = cov.mat.used[1:4, 1:4][c(2,4), c(2,4)])
  temp.1.max = apply(temp.1, 1, max)
  temp.2.max = apply(temp.2, 1, max)
  eff.bound[1] = quantile(temp.1.max, 1-alpha.allocation[1])
  eff.bound[2] = quantile(temp.2.max, 1-alpha.allocation[2])

  # Calculating the first elements of the efficacy boundary z_{j,1}
  eff.bound.z[1] = qnorm(1-alpha.allocation[1])
  eff.bound.z[2] = qnorm(1-alpha.allocation[2])

  # A function that calculates the cumulative type one error corresponding
  # to a sub-population j
  # effecacy boundaries is the efficacy boundary
  # cov.mat.used is the covariance matrix
  # j is the subpopulation
  sign.lev = function(eff.bound.used, cov.mat.used, sub.pop.numb){

    numb.stages = length(eff.bound.used)

    # Index which test-statistic belongs to population and treatment, respectivly
    index.sub.pop.eff = rep(c(1, 2), 2 * numb.stages)
    index.treatment.eff = rep(c(1,1, 2,2), numb.stages)

    cov.mat.eff.bound =
    cov.mat.used[1:(4* numb.stages), 1:(4* numb.stages)][which(index.sub.pop.eff == sub.pop.numb), which(index.sub.pop.eff == sub.pop.numb)]
    # Calculating the overall type one error under the global null
    type.1.err = 1- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(mean = rep(0, 2 * numb.stages), sigma= cov.mat.eff.bound,lower = rep(-Inf, 2 * numb.stages), upper= rep(eff.bound.used, each = 2), algorithm=GenzBretz(abseps = 0.000000001,maxpts=100000))[1]


  sign.lev.z = function(eff.bound.used, cov.mat.used, sub.pop.numb){

    numb.stages = length(eff.bound.used)

    # Index which test-statistic belongs to population and treatment, respectivly
    index.sub.pop.eff = rep(c(1, 2), 2 * numb.stages)

    # Getting the treatment assignment
    index.treatment.eff = rep(c(1,1,2,2), numb.stages)

    # Only use treatment 1 and subpopulation of interest
    index.used = which(index.treatment.eff == 1 & index.sub.pop.eff == sub.pop.numb)

    cov.mat.eff.bound = cov.mat.used[index.used, index.used]

   # Calculating the overall type one error
    type.1.err = 1- mvtnorm::pmvnorm(mean = rep(0, numb.stages), sigma= cov.mat.eff.bound,lower = rep(-Inf, numb.stages), upper= eff.bound.used, algorithm=GenzBretz(abseps = 0.000000001,maxpts=100000))[1]


  # Start calculating the efficacy boundaries associated with population 1
  # Cycling through the stages after and calculating the efficacy boundary u_{1,k} for k = 2, \ldots, K
  if(K > 1){
    for(i in 2:K){

      # Start by doing binary search for u_{1, k}
      # upper and lower values of interval
      upper = 20
      lower = -20
      length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
      upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
      eff.bound.j = eff.bound[index.sub.pop == 1]

      while(length.int > err.tol){
        eff.bound.j[i] = upper.bound.term
        alpha.used = sign.lev(eff.bound.j[1:i], cov.mat.used, 1)

        if(alpha.used < cum.alpha.1[i]){
          upper = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
        if(alpha.used >= cum.alpha.1[i]){
          lower = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
        length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
      upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
      eff.bound[(i-1)*2 + 1] = upper.bound.term

      # Now do binary search for z_{1,k}
      # upper and lower values of interval

      upper = 20
      lower = -20
      length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
      upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
      eff.bound.j = eff.bound.z[index.sub.pop == 1]

      while(length.int > err.tol){
        eff.bound.j[i] = upper.bound.term
        alpha.used = sign.lev.z(eff.bound.j[1:i], cov.mat.used, 1)

        if(alpha.used < cum.alpha.1[i]){
          upper = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
        if(alpha.used >= cum.alpha.1[i]){
          lower = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
        length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
      upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
      eff.bound.z[(i-1)*2 + 1] = upper.bound.term

    # Calculate the efficacy boundaries associated with population 2
    # Cycling through the stages and calculating the efficacy boundary
    # u_{2,k}, z_{2,k} for k = 1, \ldots, K
    for(i in 2:K){
      # upper and lower values of interval
      upper = 20
      lower = -20
      length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
      upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
      eff.bound.j = eff.bound[index.sub.pop == 2]

      while(length.int > err.tol){
        eff.bound.j[i] = upper.bound.term
        alpha.used = sign.lev(eff.bound.j[1:i], cov.mat.used, 2)

        if(alpha.used < cum.alpha.2[i]){
          upper = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
        if(alpha.used >= cum.alpha.2[i]){
          lower = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
        length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
      upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
      eff.bound[(i-1)*2 + 2] = upper.bound.term

      # Now do binary search for z_{2,k}
      # upper and lower values of interval

      upper = 20
      lower = -20
      length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
      upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
      eff.bound.j = eff.bound.z[index.sub.pop == 2]

      while(length.int > err.tol){
        eff.bound.j[i] = upper.bound.term
        alpha.used = sign.lev.z(eff.bound.j[1:i], cov.mat.used, 2)

        if(alpha.used < cum.alpha.2[i]){
          upper = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
        if(alpha.used >= cum.alpha.2[i]){
          lower = upper.bound.term
          upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
        length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
      upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
      eff.bound.z[(i-1)*2 + 2] = upper.bound.term
  } # End if K >1 statement

  # efficacy boundaries associated with alphar reallocation
  # eff.bound.alpha[2*(k-1) +1] is \tilde u_{1,K} if both H_0 in subpopulation two
  # are rejected at stage k
  # eff.bound.alpha[2*k] is \tilde u_{2,K} if both H_0 in subpopulation one
  # are rejected at stage k
  # eff.bound.z.alpha[2*(k-1) +1] is \tilde z_{1,K} if both H_0 in subpopulation two
  # are rejected at stage k
  # eff.bound.alpha[2*k] is \tilde z_{2,K} if both H_0 in subpopulation one
  # are rejected at stage k

  eff.bound.alpha = rep(NA, 2 * K)
  eff.bound.z.alpha = rep(NA, 2 * K)

  for(k in 1:K){
  # Start with sub-population 1
  # Now we calculate the efficacy boundaries for pop 1 if both null hypothesis corresponding to
  # pop 1 are rejected at stage k

      # Start a binary search for \tilde u_{1,K}
      # upper and lower values of interval
    upper = 20
    lower = -20
    length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
    upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
    eff.bound.j = eff.bound[index.sub.pop == 1]
      # The cumulative alpha level that the last stage is allowed to test at (note not \alpha_{1,K})
      # \sum_{j=1}^K \alpha_{1,j} + \sum_{j=k}^K \alpha_{2,j}
    alpha.allowed = cum.alpha.1[K] + (cum.alpha.2[K] - c(0,cum.alpha.2)[k])

    while(length.int > err.tol){
      eff.bound.j[K] = upper.bound.term
      alpha.used = sign.lev(eff.bound.j, cov.mat.used, 1)

      if(alpha.used < alpha.allowed){
        upper = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
      if(alpha.used >= alpha.allowed){
        lower = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
      length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
    upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
    eff.bound.alpha[(k-1) * 2 + 1] = upper.bound.term

    # Start a binary search for \tilde z
      # upper and lower values of interval
    upper = 20
    lower = -20
    length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
    upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
    eff.bound.j = eff.bound.z[index.sub.pop == 1]
      # The alpha level that the last stage is allowed to test at
      # \alpha_{1,K} + \sum_{j=k}^K \alpha_{2,j}
    alpha.allowed = cum.alpha.1[K] + (cum.alpha.2[K] - c(0,cum.alpha.2)[k])

    while(length.int > err.tol){
      eff.bound.j[K] = upper.bound.term
      alpha.used = sign.lev.z(eff.bound.j, cov.mat.used, 1)

      if(alpha.used < alpha.allowed){
        upper = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
      if(alpha.used >= alpha.allowed){
        lower = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
      length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
    upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
    eff.bound.z.alpha[(k-1)*2 + 1] = upper.bound.term

  # Now sub-population 2
  # Calculate the efficacy boundaries for pop 2 if both null hypothesis corresponding to
  # pop 1 are rejected at stage k

      # Start a binary search for \tilde u
      # upper and lower values of interval
    upper = 20
    lower = -20
    length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
    upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
    eff.bound.j = eff.bound[index.sub.pop == 2]
      # The alpha level that the last stage is allowed to test at
      # \alpha_{1,K} + \sum_{j=k}^K \alpha_{2,j}
    alpha.allowed = cum.alpha.2[K] + (cum.alpha.1[K] - c(0,cum.alpha.1)[k])

    while(length.int > err.tol){
      eff.bound.j[K] = upper.bound.term
      alpha.used = sign.lev(eff.bound.j, cov.mat.used, 2)

      if(alpha.used < alpha.allowed){
        upper = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
      if(alpha.used >= alpha.allowed){
        lower = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
      length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
    upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
    eff.bound.alpha[k*2] = upper.bound.term

    # Start a binary search for \tilde z
      # upper and lower values of interval
    upper = 20
    lower = -20
    length.int = upper - lower

      # Initial guess
    upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper, lower))
    eff.bound.j = eff.bound.z[index.sub.pop == 2]
      # The alpha level that the last stage is allowed to test at
      # \alpha_{1,K} + \sum_{j=k}^K \alpha_{2,j}
    alpha.allowed = cum.alpha.2[K] + (cum.alpha.1[K] - c(0,cum.alpha.1)[k])

    while(length.int > err.tol){
      eff.bound.j[K] = upper.bound.term
      alpha.used = sign.lev.z(eff.bound.j, cov.mat.used, 2)

      if(alpha.used < alpha.allowed){
        upper = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, lower))
      if(alpha.used >= alpha.allowed){
        lower = upper.bound.term
        upper.bound.term = mean(c(upper.bound.term, upper))
      length.int = upper - lower

      # "Rounding" up to preserve type 1 error
    upper.bound.term = upper.bound.term + length.int
    eff.bound.z.alpha[k*2] = upper.bound.term
  } # end for k loop

  # Make sure that eff.bound >= eff.bound.z
  eff.bound = pmax(eff.bound.z, eff.bound)
  eff.bound.alpha = pmax(eff.bound.z.alpha, eff.bound.alpha)

  return(list(eff.bound = eff.bound, eff.bound.z = eff.bound.z, eff.bound.alpha = eff.bound.alpha, eff.bound.z.alpha = eff.bound.z.alpha))

# This function evaluates the performance of a given design
# Inputs: test.statistics: A matrix of test statistics where each row is a vector of test statistics
#         efficacy.boundary: all the different effacacy boundaries outputted from get.eff.bound
#         futility.boundary: A vector of futility boundaries with blocks corresponding to stages
#         and within a block the null hypothesis are ordered as in cov.mat.bin
#         alpha.allocation: The alpha allocation to each stage

# Output: A list consisting of three elements. The first one is a matrix of dim
#         n.sim times 4 where each column corresponds to if H_0 is rejected where the
#         hypothesis are in the same order as in the covariance matrix. One means rejected
#         and zero means not rejected.
#         The second element is of the same nature as the first element where
#         each column indicates at what stage the decision to reject or not reject
#         the corresponding hypothesis is made.
#         The third vector is the list of efficacy boundaries as outputted by get.eff.bound
design.evaluate.TwoTreatmentArms <- function(test.statistics,

  # Number of stages
  K = length(alpha.allocation)/2

  # Number of MC evaluations
  n.sim <- nrow(test.statistics)

  # u_{j,k} boundaries
  est.eff.bound= efficacy.boundary$eff.bound
  # The alpha re-allocated u_{j,k}
  est.eff.bound.alpha = efficacy.boundary$eff.bound.alpha
  # z_{j,k} bounaries
  est.eff.bound.z= efficacy.boundary$eff.bound.z
  # The alpha re-allocated u_{j,k}
  est.eff.bound.alpha.z = efficacy.boundary$eff.bound.z.alpha

  # Going through each hypothesis being tested finding out if rejected or not
  # and when rejected/stopped

  reject.hyp = matrix(0, nrow = n.sim, ncol = 4)
  stage.decision = matrix(NA, nrow = n.sim, ncol = 4)

  for(i in 1:n.sim){
    # Start by looking at subpopulation 1
    index.sub.pop = rep(c(1, 2), 2 * K)
    index.stage = rep(1:K, each = 4)
    is.rejected = FALSE

    # Looking at sub-population one at stage one
    index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 1 & index.stage == 1)
    if(max(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound[index.used[1]]){
      reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
      is.rejected = TRUE
      stage.decision[i, c(1,3)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1

    # If the max test is rejected continue onto the min test
    if(is.rejected & min(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.z[1]){
      reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
      stage.decision[i, c(1,3)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1

    # Testing for futility at stage one in sub-population one
    # Finding the treatments that should be stopped for futility
    stage.decision[i, index.used[which(test.statistics[i, index.used] <= futility.boundary[index.used] & reject.hyp[i, index.used] != 1)]] <- 1

    # Sub-population 2
    index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 2 & index.stage == 1)
    is.rejected = FALSE

    if(max(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound[index.used[1]]){
      reject.hyp[i, index.used[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])] ] = 1
      is.rejected = TRUE
      stage.decision[i, index.used[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1

    # If the max test is rejected continue onto the next stage
    if(is.rejected & min(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.z[2]){
      reject.hyp[i, index.used[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
      stage.decision[i, index.used[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1

    # Testing for futility at stage one in sub-population two
    # Finding the treatments that should be stopped for futility
    stage.decision[i, index.used[which(test.statistics[i, index.used] <= futility.boundary[index.used] & reject.hyp[i, index.used] != 1)]] <- 1

    # Cycling through the stages
      for(k in 2:K){

        # Start by sub-population one
        # Look if already stopped at last stage
        index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 1 & index.stage == k)

        # Finding which treatments in sub-population one continued onto
        # stage k
        which.at.stage = which(is.na(stage.decision[i, c(1,3)]))
        is.rejected = FALSE
        # If both continue onto second stage
        if(length(which.at.stage) == 2){
          if(max(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound[2 * (k-1) + 1]){
            reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
            is.rejected = TRUE
            stage.decision[i, c(1,3)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = k

          # If the max test is rejected continue onto test the the other hypothesis
          if(is.rejected & min(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.z[2 * (k-1) + 1]){
            reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
            stage.decision[i, c(1,3)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = k

        # If only one continues onto second stage
        if(length(which.at.stage) == 1){
          # Finding the other one
          not.at.stage = setdiff(1:2, which.at.stage)

          # If the other one stopped for futility at earlier stages
          if(reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[not.at.stage]] == 0)
            if(test.statistics[i, index.used[which.at.stage]] > est.eff.bound[2 * (k-1) + 1]){
              reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.at.stage]] = 1
              stage.decision[i, c(1,3)[which.at.stage]] = k

          # If the other one stopped for efficacy at earlier stages use the step down procedure
            if(reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[not.at.stage]] == 1)
              if(test.statistics[i, index.used[which.at.stage]] >  est.eff.bound.z[2 * (k-1) + 1]){
                reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.at.stage]] = 1
                stage.decision[i, c(1,3)[which.at.stage]] = k

        # Sub-population 2
        # Look if already stopped at last stage
            index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 2 & index.stage == k)
            is.rejected = FALSE

        # Finding which treatments in sub-population one continued onto
        # stage k
            which.at.stage = which(is.na(stage.decision[i, c(2,4)]))

        # If both continue onto second stage
            if(length(which.at.stage) == 2){
              if(max(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound[2 * (k-1) + 2]){
                reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
                is.rejected = TRUE
                stage.decision[i,  c(2,4)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = k

          # If the max test is rejected continue onto the next test
              if(is.rejected & min(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.z[2 * (k-1) + 2]){
                reject.hyp[i,  c(2,4)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
                stage.decision[i,  c(2,4)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = k

        # If only one continues onto second stage
            if(length(which.at.stage) == 1){
          # Finding the other one
              not.at.stage = setdiff(1:2, which.at.stage)

          # If the other one stopped for futility at earlier stages
              if(reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[not.at.stage]] == 0)
                if(test.statistics[i, index.used[which.at.stage]] > est.eff.bound[2 * (k-1) + 2]){
                  reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.at.stage]] = 1
                  stage.decision[i, c(2,4)[which.at.stage]] = k

          # If the other one stopped for efficacy at earlier stages use the step down procedure
                if(reject.hyp[c(2,4)[not.at.stage]] == 1)
                  if(test.statistics[i, index.used[which.at.stage]] >  est.eff.bound.z[2 * (k-1) + 2]){
                    reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.at.stage]] = 1
                    stage.decision[i, c(2,4)[which.at.stage]] = k

              } # end k loop
            } else {

    # All H_0 not already stopped for efficacy or futility for futility at stage K
            stage.decision[i, which(is.na(stage.decision[i, ]))] = K

  # Do the alpha reallocation

          for(i in 1:n.sim){
  # Cycle through stages
            for(k in 1:K){

  # Start with subpopulation 1
    # if both subpop 2 are rejected at or before stage k and at least one at k
              if(stage.decision[i, 2] <= k & stage.decision[i, 4] <= k & reject.hyp[i, 2] == 1 & reject.hyp[i, 4] == 1 & (stage.decision[i, 2] == k | stage.decision[i, 4] == k)){

                index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 1 & index.stage == K)
        # If both treatment arms are enrolled in subpopulation 1 at stage K
                if(stage.decision[i, 1] == K &  stage.decision[i, 3] == K){
            # Doing the maximum test
                  if(max(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.alpha[1]){
                # Reject the larger test statistic
                    reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
                # Do the minimum test
                    if(min(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.alpha.z[1]){
                      reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1

       # If only one treatment is enrolled at stage K
                if(sum(stage.decision[i, c(1,3)] == K) == 1){
                  which.stopped = which(stage.decision[i, c(1,3)] != K)
                  which.enrolled = which(stage.decision[i, c(1,3)] == K)
          # if the other treatment was stopped for efficacy
                  if(reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.stopped]] ==  1){
                    index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 1 & index.stage == K)[which.enrolled]
              # Doing test for efficacy
                    if(test.statistics[i, index.used] > est.eff.bound.alpha.z[1]){
                      reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.enrolled]] = 1

          # if the other treatment was stopped for futility
                  if(reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.stopped]] ==  0){
                    index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 1 & index.stage == K)[which.enrolled]
              # Doing test for efficacy
                    if(test.statistics[i, index.used] > est.eff.bound.alpha[1]){
                      reject.hyp[i, c(1,3)[which.enrolled]] = 1

              } # end if loop if both subpop 2 are rejected at or before stage k and at least one at k

  # Now with subpopulation 2
    # if both subpop 1 are rejected at or before stage k and at least one at k
              if(stage.decision[i, 1] <= k & stage.decision[i, 3] <= k & reject.hyp[i, 1] == 1 & reject.hyp[i, 3] == 1 & (stage.decision[i, 1] == k | stage.decision[i, 3] == k)){
                index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 2 & index.stage == K)
        # If both treatment arms are enrolled in subpopulation 1 at stage K
                if(stage.decision[i, 2] == K &  stage.decision[i, 4] == K){
            # Doing the maximum test
                  if(max(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.alpha[2]){
                # Reject the larger test statistic
                    reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.max(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1
                # Do the minimum test
                    if(min(test.statistics[i, index.used]) > est.eff.bound.alpha.z[2]){
                      reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.min(test.statistics[i, index.used])]] = 1

       # If only one treatment is enrolled at stage K
                if(sum(stage.decision[i, c(2,4)] == K) == 1){
                  which.stopped = which(stage.decision[i, c(2,4)] != K)
                  which.enrolled = which(stage.decision[i, c(2,4)] == K)
          # if the other treatment was stopped for efficacy
                  if(reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.stopped]] ==  1){
                    index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 2 & index.stage == K)[which.enrolled]
              # Doing test for efficacy
                    if(test.statistics[i, index.used] > est.eff.bound.alpha.z[2]){
                      reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.enrolled]] = 1

          # if the other treatment was stopped for futility
                  if(reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.stopped]] ==  0){
                    index.used = which(index.sub.pop == 2 & index.stage == K)[which.enrolled]
              # Doing test for efficacy
                    if(test.statistics[i, index.used] > est.eff.bound.alpha[2]){
                      reject.hyp[i, c(2,4)[which.enrolled]] = 1

              } # end if loop if both subpop 1 are rejected at or before stage k and at least one at k

            } # end for k loop
          } # end for i loop

          colnames(reject.hyp) = c("A1", "A2", "B1", "B2")
          colnames(stage.decision) = c("A1", "A2", "B1", "B2")

          return(list(rejection.matrix = reject.hyp,
            stage.decision = stage.decision,
            eff.boundaries = efficacy.boundary))

summarize.design.parameters.and.performance.TwoTreatmentArms <- function(optimized.design){
  #Format design parameter list including: sample sizes and analysis timing, alpha allocations, futility boundaries

  # Extract and format sample sizes and analysis timing
  cumulative.sample.sizes.and.calendar.time.per.stage <- data.frame(Stage = 1:nrow(optimized.design$optima$per.stage.sample.sizes$total.n.per.stage),optimized.design$optima$per.stage.sample.sizes$total.n.per.stage,Analysis.Time.In.Years=optimized.design$optima$analysis.times)

  # Extract and format alpha allocation into dataframe (rows=stages, columns=subpopulations)
  n.subpopulation <- 2
  n.arms <- 3
  alpha.allocation <- as.data.frame(matrix(optimized.design$parameters$alpha.allocation * optimized.design$parameters$total.alpha, ncol = n.subpopulation, byrow = T))
  alpha.allocation <- sapply(alpha.allocation,round,4)
  names(alpha.allocation) <- paste0("Subpop", 1:n.subpopulation)
    alpha.allocation <- matrix(alpha.allocation,nrow=1,byrow=TRUE)
  alpha.allocation <- data.frame(Stage = 1:nrow(alpha.allocation),
  colnames(alpha.allocation) <- c("Stage","Subpop.1","Subpop.2")
  # Format futility boundaries
  n.subpopulation <- 2
  futility.boundaries <- as.data.frame(matrix(c(optimized.design$parameters$futility.boundaries,NA,NA,NA,NA),ncol = (n.arms-1)*n.subpopulation, byrow = T))
  futility.boundaries <- sapply(futility.boundaries,round,4)
  names(futility.boundaries) <- names(cumulative.sample.sizes.and.calendar.time.per.stage)[4:7]
    futility.boundaries <- matrix(futility.boundaries,nrow=1,byrow=TRUE)
  futility.boundaries <- data.frame(Stage = 1:nrow(futility.boundaries),
  #colnames(futility.boundaries) <- c("Stage","Subpop.1","Subpop.2")
  parameter.list <- list(cumulative.sample.sizes.and.calendar.time.per.stage=cumulative.sample.sizes.and.calendar.time.per.stage,alpha.allocation=alpha.allocation,futility.boundaries=futility.boundaries)
  #Format design performance list:
  # Power in each scenario
  # Type I error in each scenario (for each null hypothesis, and familywise)
  # expected sample size and duration per scenario
  # sample size and duration distributions in each scenario
  power.summary <- cbind(optimized.design$optima$empirical.power,optimized.design$optima$conj.power)
  power.summary <- data.frame(Scenario = 1:nrow(power.summary),
  colnames(power.summary) <- c("Scenario","Power.H01","Power.H02","Prob.Reject.All.False.Null.Hypotheses")
  type.1.error.summary <- optimized.design$optima$type.1.error
  type.1.error.summary <- data.frame(Scenario = 1:nrow(type.1.error.summary),
  colnames(type.1.error.summary) <- c("Scenario","Type.I.Error.H01","Type.I.Error.H02","Familywise.Type.I.Error")

  expected.sample.size <- optimized.design$optima$expected.sample.size.per.scenario
  expected.sample.size <- c(expected.sample.size,sum(optimized.design$evaluate.object.parameters$scenario.weights*expected.sample.size))
  expected.sample.size <- sapply(expected.sample.size,round,0)
  expected.sample.size <- data.frame(Scenario = c(1:nrow(power.summary),"Weighted.Combination.Over.Scenarios"),expected.sample.size)

  expected.duration <- optimized.design$expected.duration.per.scenario
  expected.duration <- optimized.design$optima$expected.duration.per.scenario
  expected.duration <- c(expected.duration,sum(optimized.design$evaluate.object.parameters$scenario.weights*expected.duration))
  expected.duration <- sapply(expected.duration,round,2)
  expected.duration <- data.frame(Scenario = c(1:nrow(power.summary),"Weighted.Combination.Over.Scenarios"),expected.duration)

  performance.list <- list(Power=power.summary,Type.1.Error = type.1.error.summary,
mrosenblum/AdaptiveDesignOptimizer documentation built on July 10, 2019, 2:46 p.m.