
Defines functions NamedConstant IC1Spr ICPerStep

Documented in IC1Spr ICPerStep NamedConstant

#' Named constant
#' @param X a vector.
#' @param name name to apply to the vector.
#' @return the vector, named as requested
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
NamedConstant <- function(X, name) {names(X) <- name; return(X)}

#' Log double factorial
#' Memoised version of phangorn's \code{\link[phangorn]{ldfactorial}}
#' @param x (integer) number to crunch.
#' @importFrom phangorn ldfactorial
#' @importFrom memoise memoise
#' @export
LDFactorial <- memoise(ldfactorial)

#' Log double factorial
#' Handles odd and even inout numbers
#' @param x a positive integer
#' @importFrom memoise memoise
#' @export
LDFact <- memoise(function (x) {
  if (x < 2) return (0) 
  if (x %% 2) {
  } else {
    lfactorial(x) - LDFactorial(x - 1L)

#' Double factorial
#' @param x a positive integer
#' @export
DFact <- memoise(function (x) exp(LDFact(x)))

#' @describeIn DFact Accepts a vector as input
#' @param ints a vector of integers
#' @export
DoubleFactorial <- function (ints) {
  ints[] <- vapply(ints, DFact, double(1))

#' Number of rooted/unrooted trees
#' These functions return the number of rooted or unrooted trees consistent with a given pattern
#'  of splits.
#' Functions starting N return the number of rooted or unrooted trees, functions starting Ln
#' provide the log of this number.  Calculations follow Carter et al. 1990, Theorem 2.
#' @param tips The number of tips.
#' @param extra the number of points at which another branch cannot be added.
#' @param splits vector listing the number of taxa in each tree bipartition.
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @references 
#' Carter, M., Hendy, M., & Penny, D. (1990). \cite{On the distribution of lengths of evolutionary 
#' trees.} SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 3(1), 38-47. doi:
#' \href{http://doi.org/10.1137/0403005}{10.1137/0403005}
#' @examples
#'   NRooted(10)
#'   NUnrooted(10)
#'   LnRooted(10)
#'   LnUnrooted(10)
#'   # Number of trees consistent with a character whose states are 00000 11111 222
#'   NUnrootedMult(c(5,5,3))
#' @export
NRooted     <- memoise(function (tips, extra=0)  DFact(2 * tips - 3 - extra))
#' @describeIn NRooted Number of unrooted trees
#' @export
NUnrooted1  <- memoise(function (tips, extra=0)  DFact(2 * tips - 5 - extra))
#' @describeIn NRooted  Log Number of unrooted trees
#' @export
LnUnrooted1 <- memoise(function (tips, extra=0) LDFact(2 * tips - 5 - extra))
#' @describeIn NRooted  Log Number of rooted trees
#' @export
LnRooted    <- memoise(function (tips, extra=0) LDFact(2 * tips - 3 - extra))

#' Number of trees on SPR step away
#' Formula given by Given by Allen and Steel 2001.
#' @param n Number of tips in tree.
#' @references ALLEN, B. L. and STEEL, M. 2001. Subtree transfer operations and their 
#'             induced metrics on evolutionary trees. \emph{Annals of Combinatorics},
#'             5, 1--15. <doi:10.1007/s00026-001-8006-8>
#' @export
N1Spr <- function (n) if (n > 2) 2 * (n - 3) * ((2 * n) - 7) else 0 

#' @describeIn N1Spr Information content of trees 0 or 1 SPR step from tree with n tips.
#' @export
IC1Spr <- function(n) -log2((1+N1Spr(n)) / NUnrooted(n)) 

#' @describeIn NRooted Log number of unrooted trees
#' @export
LnUnrooted <- function (splits) {
  if ((n.splits <- length(splits)) < 2) return (LnUnrooted1(splits));
  if (n.splits == 2) return (LnRooted(splits[1]) + LnRooted(splits[2]));
  return (LnUnrootedMult(splits))
#' @describeIn NRooted Number of unrooted trees
#' @export
NUnrooted  <- function (splits) {
  if ((n.splits <- length(splits)) < 2) return (NUnrooted1(splits));
  if (n.splits == 2) return (NRooted(splits[1]) *  NRooted(splits[2]))
  return ( NUnrootedMult(splits))
#' @describeIn NRooted Log unrooted mult
#' @references CARTER, M., HENDY, M., PENNY, D., SZEKELY, L. A. and WORMALD, N. C. 1990.
#'             On the distribution of lengths of evolutionary trees. 
#'             \emph{SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics}, 3, 38--47.
#' @export
LnUnrootedMult <- function (splits) {  # Carter et al. 1990, Theorem 2
  splits <- splits[splits > 0]
  total.tips <- sum(splits)
  LDFact(2 * total.tips - 5) - LDFact(2 * (total.tips - length(splits)) - 1) + sum(vapply(2 * splits - 3, LDFact, double(1)))
#' @describeIn NRooted Number of unrooted trees (mult)
#' @export
NUnrootedMult  <- function (splits) {  # Carter et al. 1990, Theorem 2
  splits <- splits[splits > 0]
  total.tips <- sum(splits)
  round(DFact(2 * total.tips - 5) / DFact(2 * (total.tips - length(splits)) - 1) * prod(vapply(2 * splits - 3, DFact, double(1))))

#' Information Content Steps
#'   This function estimates the information content of a character \code{char} when e extra steps
#'   are present, for all possible values of e.
#' Calculates the number of trees consistent with the character having \emph{e} extra steps, where
#' \emph{e} ranges from its minimum possible value (i.e. number of different tokens minus one) to its
#' maximum.  The number of trees with no extra steps can be calculated exactly; the number of trees
#' with more additional steps must be approximated.
#' The function samples \code{n.iter} trees, or enough trees that the trees with the minimum number 
#' of steps will be recovered at least \code{expected.minima} times, in order to obtain precise 
#' results.
#' @param char The character in question.
#' @param ambiguousToken Which token, if any, corresponds to the ambigious token (?)
#'                          (not yet fully implemented).
#' @param expectedMinima sample enough trees that the rarest step counts is expected to be seen
#'                          at least this many times.
#' @param maxIter Maximum iterations to conduct.
#' @template warnParam
#' @author{
#' Martin R. Smith
#' }
#' @references{
#' Faith, D. P. & Trueman, J. W. H. (2001). \cite{Towards an inclusive philosophy for phylogenetic
#' inference.} Systematic Biology 50:3, 331-350, doi:
#' \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10635150118627}{10.1080/10635150118627}
#' }
#' @keywords tree
#' @examples{
#'   # A character that is present in ten taxa and absent in five
#'   character <- c(rep(1, 10), rep(2, 5))
#'   ICSteps (character)
#' }
#' @importFrom inapplicable mpl_new_Morphy mpl_translate_error mpl_init_Morphy 
#'             mpl_attach_rawdata mpl_set_num_internal_nodes mpl_set_parsim_t
#'             mpl_set_charac_weight mpl_apply_tipdata 
#'             SingleCharMorphy MorphyLength UnloadMorphy 
#'             RandomTreeScore
#' @export
ICSteps <- function (char, ambiguousToken = 0, expectedMinima = 25, maxIter = 10000,
                     warn = TRUE) {
  char <- matrix(2 ^ char[char != ambiguousToken], ncol = 1)
  rownames(char) <- paste0('t', seq_along(char))
  charLen <- length(char)
  split <- sort(as.integer(table(char)))
  minSteps <- length(split) - 1
  if (minSteps == 0) return (NamedConstant(1, 0))
  nNoExtraSteps <- NUnrootedMult(split)
  #nOneExtraStep <- WithOneExtraStep(split)
  proportionViable <- NUnrooted(charLen) / nNoExtraSteps
  if (proportionViable == 1) return(NamedConstant(1, minSteps))
  nIter <- min(maxIter, round(expectedMinima * proportionViable))
  if (nIter == maxIter && warn) warning ("Will truncate number of iterations at maxIter = ", maxIter)
  analyticIc0 <- -log(nNoExtraSteps/NUnrooted(sum(split))) / log(2)
  #analyticIc1<- -log(nOneExtraStep/NUnrooted(sum(split))) / log(2)
  #analyticIc1<- -log((nNoExtraSteps + nOneExtraStep)/NUnrooted(sum(split))) / log(2)
  if (warn) {
    cat('  Token count', split, "=", signif(analyticIc0, ceiling(log10(maxIter))),
        'bits @ 0 extra steps; simulating', nIter, 
        'trees to estimate cost of further steps.\n')
    # cat(c(round(analyticIc0, 3), 'bits @ 0 extra steps;', round(analyticIc1, 3),
    #    '@ 1; attempting', nIter, 'iterations.\n'))

  morphyObj <- SingleCharMorphy(char)
  on.exit(morphyObj <- UnloadMorphy(morphyObj))
  steps <- vapply(logical(maxIter), function (xx) RandomTreeScore(charLen, morphyObj), integer(1))

  analyticSteps <- nIter * c(nNoExtraSteps) / NUnrooted(sum(split))
  #analyticSteps <- nIter * c(nNoExtraSteps, nOneExtraStep) / NUnrooted(sum(split))
  names(analyticSteps) <- minSteps
  #names(analyticSteps) <- minSteps + 0:1
  tabSteps <- table(steps[steps > (minSteps + 0)]) # Quicker than table(steps)[-0]
  #tabSteps <- table(steps[steps > (minSteps + 1)])
  tabSteps <- c(analyticSteps, tabSteps * (nIter - sum(analyticSteps)) / sum(tabSteps))
  pSteps <- tabSteps / sum(tabSteps)

#' @describeIn ICPerStep Memoized calculating function
#' @param a \code{min(splits)}.
#' @param b \code{max(splits)}.
#' @param m \code{maxIter}.
#' @template warnParam
#' @importFrom R.cache addMemoization
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ICS <- addMemoization(function(a, b, m, warn=TRUE)
                        ICSteps(c(rep(1, a), rep(2, b)), maxIter=m, warn=warn))

#' Information content per step
#' @template splitsParam
#' @param maxIter number of iterations to use when estimating concavity constant
#' @template warnParam
#' @export
ICPerStep <- function(splits, maxIter, warn=TRUE) ICS(min(splits), max(splits), maxIter, warn)

#' Number of trees with one extra step
#' @template splitsParam
#' @export
WithOneExtraStep <- function (splits) {
  # Ignore singletons, which can be added at the end...
  splits.with.splitstables <- splits[splits > 1]
  if (length(splits.with.splitstables) < 2) return (0)
  # TODO test splits: 1 1 2 4, splits: 2 2 4
  sum(vapply(seq_along(splits), function (omit) {
    backbone.splits <- splits[-omit]
    omitted.tips <- splits[omit]
    if (omitted.tips < 2) return (0)
    backbone.tips <- sum(backbone.splits)
    backbones <- NUnrootedMult(backbone.splits)
    backbone.edges <- max(0, 2 * backbone.tips - 3)
    backbone.attachments <- backbone.edges * (backbone.edges - 1)
    prod(sum( # Branch unambiguously splits along first group
      vapply(1:(omitted.tips - 1), function (first.group) { # For each way of splitsting up the omitted tips, e.g. 1|16, 2|15, 3|14, etc
        choose(omitted.tips, first.group) * 
        NRooted(first.group) * NRooted(omitted.tips - first.group)
      }, double(1))
    ) / 2, backbone.attachments, backbones) + prod(
    # Second group added adjacent to first group, thus new edge could belong to the backbone or the omitted tip group
    sum(vapply(1:(omitted.tips - 1), function (first.group) { # For each way of splitsting up the omitted tips, e.g. 1|16, 2|15, 3|14, etc
        choose(omitted.tips, first.group) * 
        NRooted(first.group) * NRooted(omitted.tips - first.group) # backbone tips have already been splits - when we selected a branch
      }, double(1))) / 2,
    2 # left or right of group addition location
    / 2 # Will be counted again when 'added group' becomes the 'backbone group'
  }, double(1))

#' Logistic Points
#' Extract points from a fitted model
#' @param x an integer vector giving x co-ordinates.
#' @param fittedModel a fitted model, perhaps generated using \kbd{nls(cumP ~ SSlogis(nSteps, Asym, xmid, scal))}.
#' @return values of y co-ordinates corresponding to the x co-ordinates provided
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
LogisticPoints <- function (x, fittedModel) {
  coefL <- summary(fittedModel)$coef[, 1]
  # Return:
  coefL[1] / (1 + exp((coefL[2] - x) / coefL[3]))

#' Evaluate tree
#' @template treeParam
#' @template datasetParam
#' @template warnParam
#' @importFrom TreeSearch Fitch C_Fitch_Steps
#' @importFrom stats nls
#' @export
Evaluate <- function (tree, dataset, warn=TRUE) {
  totalSteps <- Fitch(tree, dataset, FitchFunction = C_Fitch_Steps)
  chars <- matrix(unlist(dataset), attr(dataset, 'nr'))
  ambiguousToken <- which(attr(dataset, 'allLevels') == "?")
  as.splits <- apply(chars, 1, function (x) {
    ret <- table(x)
    ret[names(ret) != ambiguousToken] 
  if (class(as.splits) == 'matrix') as.splits <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(as.splits)), function(i) as.splits[, i])
  ic.max <- round(vapply(as.splits, function (split) -log(NUnrootedMult(split)/NUnrooted(sum(split)))/log(2), double(1)), 12)
  infoLosses <- apply(chars, 1, ICSteps, ambiguousToken=ambiguousToken, maxIter=1000, warn=warn)
  infoAmounts <- lapply(infoLosses, function(p) {
    cumP <- cumsum(p)
    nSteps <- as.integer(names(p))
    infer <- min(nSteps):max(nSteps)
    infer <- infer[!(infer %in% nSteps)]
    calculatedP <- double(max(nSteps))
    calculatedP[nSteps] <- cumP
    if (length(infer)) {
      fitL <- nls(cumP ~ SSlogis(nSteps, Asym, xmid, scal))
      calculatedP[infer] <- LogisticPoints(infer, fitL)
    calcIC <- -log(calculatedP) / log(2)
  info.used <- double(length(totalSteps))
  for (i in seq_along(totalSteps)) {
    if (totalSteps[i] > 0) info.used[i] <- infoAmounts[[i]][totalSteps[i]]
  info.lost <- round(ic.max - info.used, 13)
  index <- attr(dataset, 'index')
  total.info <- sum(ic.max[index])
  info.misleading <- sum(info.lost[index])
  proportion.lost <- info.misleading / total.info
  info.needed <- -log(1 / NUnrooted(length(dataset))) / log(2)
  info.overkill <- total.info / info.needed
  info.retained <- sum(info.used[index])
  signal.noise <- info.retained / info.misleading
  cat("\n", total.info, 'bits, of which', round(info.retained, 2), 'kept,', round(total.info - info.retained, 2), 'lost,', round(info.needed, 2), 'needed.  SNR =', signal.noise, "\n")
  # Return:
  c(signal.noise, info.retained/info.needed)

#' Amount of information in each character
#' @template datasetParam
#' @param precision number of random trees to generate when calculating Profile curves
#' @template warnParam
#' @return information content of each extra step, in bits
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @export
InfoAmounts <- function (dataset, precision=1e+06, warn=TRUE) {
  # The below is simplified from info_extra_step.r::evaluate
  # Assumes no ambiguous tokens & 2 tokens, '1' and '2'
  dataNr <- attr(dataset, "nr")
  chars <- if (is.null(dim(dataset))) {
    matrix(c(unlist(dataset), rep(1, dataNr), rep(2, dataNr)), dataNr)
  } else {
    cbind(dataset[seq_len(dataNr), ], matrix(c(1, 2), nrow=dataNr, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
  splits <- apply(chars, 1, table) - 1
  infoLosses <- apply(splits, 2, ICPerStep, maxIter=precision, warn=warn)
  blankReturn <- double(max(colSums(splits)))
  ret <- vapply(infoLosses, function(p) {
    calcIC <- blankReturn
    cumP <- cumsum(p)
    nSteps <- as.integer(names(p))
    infer <- min(nSteps):max(nSteps)
    infer <- infer[!(infer %in% nSteps)]
    calculatedP <- double(max(nSteps))
    calculatedP[nSteps] <- cumP
    if (length(infer)) {
      if (cumP[infer[1] - 1L] > 0.999998) {
        # We can cope with rounding at the sixth decimal place, I think
        calculatedP[infer] <- 1
      } else {
        fitL <- nls(cumP ~ SSlogis(nSteps, Asym, xmid, scal))
        calculatedP[infer] <- LogisticPoints(infer, fitL)
        ##if (warn) warning('Concavity function generated by approximation')
    calcIC[seq_along(calculatedP)] <- -log(calculatedP) / log(2)
  }, blankReturn)
  ret[rowSums(ret) > 0, ]
ms609/ProfileParsimony documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:49 a.m.