
#' Parsimony Ratchet
#' `Ratchet()` uses the parsimony ratchet \insertCite{Nixon1999}{TreeSearch} 
#' to search for a more parsimonious tree using custom optimality criteria.
#' For usage pointers, see the 
#' [vignette](https://ms609.github.io/TreeSearch/articles/custom.html).
#' @template treeParam 
#' @param dataset a dataset in the format required by `TreeScorer()`.
#' @template InitializeDataParam
#' @template CleanUpDataParam
#' @template treeScorerParam
#' @param Bootstrapper Function to perform bootstrapped rearrangements of tree.
#' First arguments will be an `edgeList` and a dataset, initialized using 
#' `InitializeData()`. Should return a rearranged `edgeList`.
#' @template swappersParam
#' @param BootstrapSwapper Function such as \code{\link{RootedNNISwap}} to use 
#' to rearrange trees within `Bootstrapper()`.
#' @param returnAll Set to \code{TRUE} to report all MPTs encountered during the
#'  search, perhaps to analyse consensus.
#' @param ratchIter Stop when this many ratchet iterations have been performed.
#' @param ratchHits Stop when this many ratchet iterations have found the same
#' best score.
#' @param searchIter Integer specifying maximum rearrangements to perform on each bootstrap or 
#' ratchet iteration.  
#' To override this value for a single swapper function, set e.g. 
#' `attr(SwapperFunction, "searchIter") <- 99`
#' @param searchHits Integer specifying maximum times to hit best score before terminating a tree
#' search within a ratchet iteration.
#' To override this value for a single swapper function, set e.g. 
#' `attr(SwapperFunction, "searchHits") <- 99`
#' @param bootstrapIter Integer specifying maximum rearrangements to perform on each bootstrap
#'  iteration (default: `searchIter`).
#' @param bootstrapHits Integer specifying maximum times to hit best score on each bootstrap 
#' iteration (default: `searchHits`).
#' @template stopAtScoreParam
#' @template stopAtPeakParam
#' @template stopAtPlateauParam
#' @template verbosityParam
#' @param suboptimal retain trees that are suboptimal by this score.
#'  Defaults to a small value that will counter rounding errors.
#' @template treeScorerDots
#' @return `Ratchet()` returns a tree modified by parsimony ratchet iterations.
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' data("Lobo", package = "TreeTools")
#' njtree <- TreeTools::NJTree(Lobo.phy)
#' # Increase value of ratchIter and searchHits to do a proper search
#' quickResult <- Ratchet(njtree, Lobo.phy, ratchIter = 2, searchHits = 3)
#' # Plot result (legibly)
#' oldPar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4), cex = 0.75)
#' plot(quickResult)
#' par(oldPar)
#' @template MRS
#' @seealso
#' - Adapted from \code{\link[phangorn:parsimony]{pratchet()}} in the 
#' \pkg{phangorn} package.
#' @family custom search functions
#' @importFrom TreeTools RenumberEdges RenumberTips
#' @export
Ratchet <- function (tree, dataset, 
                     InitializeData = PhyDat2Morphy,
                     CleanUpData    = UnloadMorphy,
                     TreeScorer     = MorphyLength,
                     Bootstrapper   = MorphyBootstrap,
                     swappers = list(TBRSwap, SPRSwap, NNISwap),
                     BootstrapSwapper = if (is.list(swappers))
                      swappers[[length(swappers)]] else swappers,
                     returnAll = FALSE, stopAtScore = NULL,
                     stopAtPeak = FALSE, stopAtPlateau = 0L, 
                     ratchIter = 100, ratchHits = 10,
                     searchIter = 4000, searchHits = 42,
                     bootstrapIter = searchIter, bootstrapHits = searchHits,
                     verbosity = 1L, 
                     suboptimal = sqrt(.Machine[["double.eps"]]), ...) {
  epsilon <- 1e-08
  hits <- 0L
  # initialize tree and data
  if (dim(tree[["edge"]])[1] != 2 * tree[["Nnode"]]) {
    stop("tree must be bifurcating; try rooting with ape::root")
  tree <- RenumberTips(tree, names(dataset))
  edgeList <- tree[["edge"]]
  edgeList <- RenumberEdges(edgeList[, 1], edgeList[, 2])

  initializedData <- InitializeData(dataset)
  on.exit(initializedData <- CleanUpData(initializedData))
  bestScore <- TreeScorer(edgeList[[1]], edgeList[[2]], initializedData, ...)
  if (verbosity > 0L) {
    message("* Beginning Parsimony Ratchet, with initial score ", bestScore,    # nocov
            if (!is.null(stopAtScore)) "; will stop at score ", stopAtScore)    # nocov
  if (!is.null(stopAtScore) && bestScore < stopAtScore + epsilon) {
    if (verbosity > 1L) {
      message("*** Target score of ", stopAtScore, " met.")                     # nocov
  if (is.function(swappers)){
    swappers <- list(swappers)
  if (returnAll) {
    nullForest <- vector("list", ratchIter)
    forest <- nullForest
    forestScores <- rep.int(NA, ratchIter)

  iterationsWithBestScore <- 0
  for (i in seq_len(ratchIter)) {
    if (verbosity > 1L) {                                                       # nocov start
      message("\n* Ratchet iteration ", i, ".")
      if (verbosity > 2L) {
        message(" - Generating new candidate tree by bootstrapping dataset.")   
    }                                                                           # nocov end
    candidate <- Bootstrapper(edgeList, initializedData,
                              maxIter = bootstrapIter, maxHits = bootstrapHits,
                              verbosity = verbosity - 2L,
                              EdgeSwapper = BootstrapSwapper,
                              stopAtPeak = stopAtPeak,
                              stopAtPlateau = stopAtPlateau, ...)
    candScore <- 1e+08
    if (verbosity > 2L) message(" - Rearranging from new candidate tree:")
    for (EdgeSwapper in swappers) {
      at <- attributes(EdgeSwapper)
      Argument <- function (arg) if (!is.null(at[[arg]])) at[[arg]] else get(arg)
      candidate <- EdgeListSearch(candidate, dataset = initializedData,
                                  TreeScorer = TreeScorer, 
                                  EdgeSwapper = EdgeSwapper, 
                                  maxIter = Argument("searchIter"),
                                  stopAtScore = Argument("stopAtScore"), 
                                  stopAtPeak = Argument("stopAtPeak"),
                                  stopAtPlateau = Argument("stopAtPlateau"),
                                  maxHits = Argument("searchHits"),
                                  verbosity = verbosity - 2L, ...)
      candScore <- candidate[[3]]
      if (!is.null(stopAtScore) && candScore < stopAtScore + epsilon) {
        BREAK <- TRUE
        if (verbosity > 1L) {                                                   # nocov start
          message("  * Target score ", stopAtScore, 
                  " met; terminating tree search.")
        }                                                                       # nocov end
        bestScore <- candScore
    if (BREAK) {
    if (verbosity > 2L) {
      message(" - Rearranged candidate tree scored ", candScore)                # nocov
    if (returnAll && candScore < (bestScore + suboptimal)) { # Worth saving this tree in forest
      forest[[i]] <- candidate
      forestScores[i] <- candScore
    if ((candScore + epsilon) < bestScore) {
      # New "best" tree
      edgeList <- candidate
      bestScore <- candScore
      iterationsWithBestScore <- 1L
    } else if (bestScore + epsilon > candScore) { # i.e. best == cand, allowing for floating point error
      iterationsWithBestScore <- iterationsWithBestScore + 1L
      edgeList <- candidate
    if (verbosity > 1L) {                                                       # nocov start
      message("* Best score after ", i, "/", ratchIter, 
              " ratchet iterations: ", signif(bestScore), " (hit ", 
              iterationsWithBestScore, "/", ratchHits, ")\n")
    }                                                                           # nocov end
    if ((!is.null(stopAtScore) && bestScore < stopAtScore + epsilon) 
    || (iterationsWithBestScore >= ratchHits)) {
  } # end for

  if (verbosity > 0L) {
    message("Completed parsimony ratchet after ", i, " iterations with score ",
            bestScore, "\n")
  if (returnAll) {
    keepers <- !is.na(forestScores) & forestScores < bestScore + suboptimal
    forestScores <- forestScores[keepers]
    forest <- forest[keepers]
    if (verbosity > 1L) {
      message("\n - Keeping ", sum(keepers), 
              " trees from iterations numbered:\n   ", which(keepers))
    if (length(forest) > 1) {
      forest[] <- lapply(forest, function (phy) {
        x <- tree
        x[["edge"]] <- cbind(phy[[1]], phy[[2]])
        attr(x, "score") <- phy[[3]]
        # Return to lapply: 
      ret <- unique(forest)
      if (verbosity > 1L) {
        message(" - Removing duplicates leaves ", length(ret), " unique trees")
      uniqueScores <- vapply(ret, attr, double(1), "score")
    } else if (length(forest) == 1) {
      ret <- tree
      newEdge <- forest[[1]]
      ret[["edge"]] <- cbind(newEdge[[1]], newEdge[[2]])
      uniqueScores <- newEdge[[3]]
    } else {
      stop("\nNo trees!? Is suboptimal set to a sensible (positive) value?")
    if (verbosity > 0L) {                                                       # nocov start
      message("\nFound ", sum(uniqueScores == min(uniqueScores)),
              " unique MPTs and ",
              length(ret) - sum(uniqueScores == min(uniqueScores)), 
              " suboptimal trees.\n")
    }                                                                           # nocov end
    # Return:
  } else {
    tree[["edge"]] <- cbind(edgeList[[1]], edgeList[[2]])
    attr(tree, "score") <- bestScore
    # Return:

#' Unique trees (ignoring "hits" attribute)
#' @author Martin R. Smith
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.UniqueExceptHits <- function (trees) {
  unique(lapply(trees, function(tree) {
    attr(tree, "hits") <- NULL

#' @rdname Ratchet 
#' @return `MultiRatchet()` returns a list of optimal trees 
#' produced by `nSearch` 
#' ratchet searches, from which a consensus tree can be generated using 
#'  [`ape::consensus()`] or [`TreeTools::ConsensusWithout()`].
#' @param nSearch Number of Ratchet searches to conduct
#' (for `RatchetConsensus()`)
#' @export
MultiRatchet <- function (tree, dataset, ratchHits=10, 
                              searchIter=500, searchHits=20, verbosity=0L, 
                              swappers=list(RootedNNISwap), nSearch=10, 
                              stopAtScore=NULL, ...) {
  trees <- lapply(seq_len(nSearch), function (i) {
    if (verbosity > 1L) message("\nRatchet search ", i, "/", nSearch, ":")
    Ratchet(tree, dataset, ratchIter = 1, ratchHits = 0L, 
            searchIter = searchIter, searchHits = searchHits, 
            verbosity = verbosity, swappers = swappers, 
            stopAtScore = stopAtScore, ...)
  scores <- vapply(trees, function (x) attr(x, "score"), double(1))
  trees <- .UniqueExceptHits(trees[scores == min(scores)])
  message("Found ", length(trees), " unique trees from ", nSearch, " searches.")
  # Return:
  structure(trees, class = "multiPhylo")

#' @describeIn Ratchet deprecated alias for `MultiRatchet()`
#' @export
RatchetConsensus <- MultiRatchet
ms609/TreeSearch documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 3:26 a.m.