
#' @include server-input-handlers.R

appsByToken <- Map$new()
appsNeedingFlush <- Map$new()

# Provide a character representation of the WS that can be used
# as a key in a Map.
wsToKey <- function(WS) {

.globals$clients <- function(req) NULL

clearClients <- function() {
  .globals$clients <- function(req) NULL

registerClient <- function(client) {
  .globals$clients <- append(.globals$clients, client)

.globals$resources <- list()

.globals$showcaseDefault <- 0

.globals$showcaseOverride <- FALSE

#' Resource Publishing
#' Adds a directory of static resources to Shiny's web server, with the given
#' path prefix. Primarily intended for package authors to make supporting
#' JavaScript/CSS files available to their components.
#' @param prefix The URL prefix (without slashes). Valid characters are a-z,
#'   A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, period, and underscore.
#'   For example, a value of 'foo' means that any request paths that begin with
#'   '/foo' will be mapped to the given directory.
#' @param directoryPath The directory that contains the static resources to be
#'   served.
#' @details You can call \code{addResourcePath} multiple times for a given
#'   \code{prefix}; only the most recent value will be retained. If the
#'   normalized \code{directoryPath} is different than the directory that's
#'   currently mapped to the \code{prefix}, a warning will be issued.
#' @seealso \code{\link{singleton}}
#' @examples
#' addResourcePath('datasets', system.file('data', package='datasets'))
#' @export
addResourcePath <- function(prefix, directoryPath) {
  prefix <- prefix[1]
  if (!grepl('^[a-z0-9\\-_][a-z0-9\\-_.]*$', prefix, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE)) {
    stop("addResourcePath called with invalid prefix; please see documentation")
  if (prefix %in% c('shared')) {
    stop("addResourcePath called with the reserved prefix '", prefix, "'; ",
         "please use a different prefix")
  normalizedPath <- tryCatch(normalizePath(directoryPath, mustWork = TRUE),
    error = function(e) {
      stop("Couldn't normalize path in `addResourcePath`, with arguments: ",
        "`prefix` = '", prefix, "'; `directoryPath` = '" , directoryPath, "'")
  .globals$resources[[prefix]] <- list(
    directoryPath = normalizedPath,
    func = staticHandler(normalizedPath)

resourcePathHandler <- function(req) {
  if (!identical(req$REQUEST_METHOD, 'GET'))

  path <- req$PATH_INFO

  match <- regexpr('^/([^/]+)/', path, perl=TRUE)
  if (match == -1)
  len <- attr(match, 'capture.length')
  prefix <- substr(path, 2, 2 + len - 1)

  resInfo <- .globals$resources[[prefix]]
  if (is.null(resInfo))

  suffix <- substr(path, 2 + len, nchar(path))

  subreq <- as.environment(as.list(req, all.names=TRUE))
  subreq$PATH_INFO <- suffix
  subreq$SCRIPT_NAME <- paste(subreq$SCRIPT_NAME, substr(path, 1, 2 + len), sep='')


#' Define Server Functionality
#' Defines the server-side logic of the Shiny application. This generally
#' involves creating functions that map user inputs to various kinds of output.
#' In older versions of Shiny, it was necessary to call \code{shinyServer()} in
#' the \code{server.R} file, but this is no longer required as of Shiny 0.10.
#' Now the \code{server.R} file may simply return the appropriate server
#' function (as the last expression in the code), without calling
#' \code{shinyServer()}.
#' Call \code{shinyServer} from your application's \code{server.R}
#' file, passing in a "server function" that provides the server-side logic of
#' your application.
#' The server function will be called when each client (web browser) first loads
#' the Shiny application's page. It must take an \code{input} and an
#' \code{output} parameter. Any return value will be ignored. It also takes an
#' optional \code{session} parameter, which is used when greater control is
#' needed.
#' See the \href{http://rstudio.github.com/shiny/tutorial/}{tutorial} for more
#' on how to write a server function.
#' @param func The server function for this application. See the details section
#'   for more information.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # A very simple Shiny app that takes a message from the user
#' # and outputs an uppercase version of it.
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#'   output$uppercase <- renderText({
#'     toupper(input$message)
#'   })
#' })
#' # It is also possible for a server.R file to simply return the function,
#' # without calling shinyServer().
#' # For example, the server.R file could contain just the following:
#' function(input, output, session) {
#'   output$uppercase <- renderText({
#'     toupper(input$message)
#'   })
#' }
#' }
#' @export
shinyServer <- function(func) {
  .globals$server <- list(func)

decodeMessage <- function(data) {
  readInt <- function(pos) {
    packBits(rawToBits(data[pos:(pos+3)]), type='integer')

  if (readInt(1) != 0x01020202L) {
    # Treat message as UTF-8
    charData <- rawToChar(data)
    Encoding(charData) <- 'UTF-8'
    return(safeFromJSON(charData, simplifyVector=FALSE))

  i <- 5
  parts <- list()
  while (i <= length(data)) {
    length <- readInt(i)
    i <- i + 4
    if (length != 0)
      parts <- append(parts, list(data[i:(i+length-1)]))
      parts <- append(parts, list(raw(0)))
    i <- i + length

  mainMessage <- decodeMessage(parts[[1]])
  mainMessage$blobs <- parts[2:length(parts)]

createAppHandlers <- function(httpHandlers, serverFuncSource) {
  appvars <- new.env()
  appvars$server <- NULL

  sys.www.root <- system.file('www', package='shiny')

  # This value, if non-NULL, must be present on all HTTP and WebSocket
  # requests as the Shiny-Shared-Secret header or else access will be
  # denied (403 response for HTTP, and instant close for websocket).
  sharedSecret <- getOption('shiny.sharedSecret')

  appHandlers <- list(
    http = joinHandlers(c(
    ws = function(ws) {
      if (!is.null(sharedSecret)
          && !identical(sharedSecret, ws$request$HTTP_SHINY_SHARED_SECRET)) {

      if (!is.null(getOption("shiny.observer.error", NULL))) {
          call. = FALSE,
          "options(shiny.observer.error) is no longer supported; please unset it!"

      shinysession <- ShinySession$new(ws)
      appsByToken$set(shinysession$token, shinysession)

      messageHandler <- function(binary, msg) {
        withReactiveDomain(shinysession, {
          # To ease transition from websockets-based code. Should remove once we're stable.
          if (is.character(msg))
            msg <- charToRaw(msg)

          traceOption <- getOption('shiny.trace', FALSE)
          if (isTRUE(traceOption) || traceOption == "recv") {
            if (binary)
              message("RECV ", '$$binary data$$')
              message("RECV ", rawToChar(msg))

          if (isEmptyMessage(msg))

          msg <- decodeMessage(msg)

          # Set up a restore context from .clientdata_url_search before
          # handling all the input values, because the restore context may be
          # used by an input handler (like the one for "shiny.file"). This
          # should only happen once, when the app starts.
          if (is.null(shinysession$restoreContext)) {
            bookmarkStore <- getShinyOption("bookmarkStore", default = "disable")
            if (bookmarkStore == "disable") {
              # If bookmarking is disabled, use empty context
              shinysession$restoreContext <- RestoreContext$new()
            } else {
              # If there's bookmarked state, save it on the session object
              shinysession$restoreContext <- RestoreContext$new(msg$data$.clientdata_url_search)

          msg$data <- applyInputHandlers(msg$data)

            init = {

              serverFunc <- withReactiveDomain(NULL, serverFuncSource())
              if (!identicalFunctionBodies(serverFunc, appvars$server)) {
                appvars$server <- serverFunc
                if (!is.null(appvars$server))
                  # Tag this function as the Shiny server function. A debugger may use this
                  # tag to give this function special treatment.
                  # It's very important that it's appvars$server itself and NOT a copy that
                  # is invoked, otherwise new breakpoints won't be picked up.
                  attr(appvars$server, "shinyServerFunction") <- TRUE
                  registerDebugHook("server", appvars, "Server Function")

              # Check for switching into/out of showcase mode
              if (.globals$showcaseOverride &&
                  exists(".clientdata_url_search", where = msg$data)) {
                mode <- showcaseModeOfQuerystring(msg$data$.clientdata_url_search)
                if (!is.null(mode))

              # In shinysession$createBookmarkObservers() above, observers may be
              # created, which puts the shiny session in busyCount > 0 state. That
              # prevents the manageInputs here from taking immediate effect, by
              # default. The manageInputs here needs to take effect though, because
              # otherwise the bookmark observers won't find the clientData they are
              # looking for. So use `now = TRUE` to force the changes to be
              # immediate.
              # FIXME: break createBookmarkObservers into two separate steps, one
              # before and one after manageInputs, and put the observer creation
              # in the latter. Then add an assertion that busyCount == 0L when
              # this manageInputs is called.
              shinysession$manageInputs(msg$data, now = TRUE)

              # The client tells us what singletons were rendered into
              # the initial page
              if (!is.null(msg$data$.clientdata_singletons)) {
                shinysession$singletons <- strsplit(
                  msg$data$.clientdata_singletons, ',')[[1]]

                args <- argsForServerFunc(serverFunc, shinysession)

                withReactiveDomain(shinysession, {
                    # No corresponding ..stacktraceoff; the server func is pure
                    # user code
                    wrapFunctionLabel(appvars$server, "server",
                      ..stacktraceon = TRUE
            update = {
          # The HTTP_GUID, if it exists, is for Shiny Server reporting purposes

          # Make httpuv return control to Shiny quickly, instead of waiting
          # for the usual timeout
      ws$onMessage(function(binary, msg) {
        # If unhandled errors occur, make sure they get properly logged
        withLogErrors(messageHandler(binary, msg))

      ws$onClose(function() {


# Determine what arguments should be passed to this serverFunc. All server funcs
# must take input and output, but clientData (obsolete) and session are
# optional.
argsForServerFunc <- function(serverFunc, session) {
  args <- list(input = session$input, output = .createOutputWriter(session))

  paramNames <- names(formals(serverFunc))

  # The clientData and session arguments are optional; check if
  # each exists

  if ("clientData" %in% paramNames)
    args$clientData <- session$clientData

  if ("session" %in% paramNames)
    args$session <- session


getEffectiveBody <- function(func) {
  if (is.null(func))
  else if (isS4(func) && class(func) == "functionWithTrace")

identicalFunctionBodies <- function(a, b) {
  identical(getEffectiveBody(a), getEffectiveBody(b))

handlerManager <- HandlerManager$new()

addSubApp <- function(appObj, autoRemove = TRUE) {
  path <- createUniqueId(16, "/app")
  appHandlers <- createAppHandlers(appObj$httpHandler, appObj$serverFuncSource)

  # remove the leading / from the path so a relative path is returned
  # (needed for the case where the root URL for the Shiny app isn't /, such
  # as portmapped URLs)
  finalPath <- paste(
    substr(path, 2, nchar(path)),
    "/?w=", workerId(),
  handlerManager$addHandler(routeHandler(path, appHandlers$http), finalPath)
  handlerManager$addWSHandler(routeWSHandler(path, appHandlers$ws), finalPath)

  if (autoRemove) {
    # If a session is currently active, remove this subapp automatically when
    # the current session ends
    onReactiveDomainEnded(getDefaultReactiveDomain(), function() {


removeSubApp <- function(path) {

startApp <- function(appObj, port, host, quiet) {
  appHandlers <- createAppHandlers(appObj$httpHandler, appObj$serverFuncSource)
  handlerManager$addHandler(appHandlers$http, "/", tail = TRUE)
  handlerManager$addWSHandler(appHandlers$ws, "/", tail = TRUE)

  if (is.numeric(port) || is.integer(port)) {
    if (!quiet) {
      hostString <- host
      if (httpuv::ipFamily(host) == 6L)
        hostString <- paste0("[", hostString, "]")
      message('\n', 'Listening on http://', hostString, ':', port)
    return(startServer(host, port, handlerManager$createHttpuvApp()))
  } else if (is.character(port)) {
    if (!quiet) {
      message('\n', 'Listening on domain socket ', port)
    mask <- attr(port, 'mask')
    if (is.null(mask)) {
      stop("`port` is not a valid domain socket (missing `mask` attribute). ",
           "Note that if you're using the default `host` + `port` ",
           "configuration (and not domain sockets), then `port` must ",
           "be numeric, not a string.")
    return(startPipeServer(port, mask, handlerManager$createHttpuvApp()))

# Run an application that was created by \code{\link{startApp}}. This
# function should normally be called in a \code{while(TRUE)} loop.
serviceApp <- function() {


  # If this R session is interactive, then call service() with a short timeout
  # to keep the session responsive to user input
  maxTimeout <- ifelse(interactive(), 100, 1000)

  timeout <- max(1, min(maxTimeout, timerCallbacks$timeToNextEvent(), later::next_op_secs()))


.shinyServerMinVersion <- '0.3.4'

# Global flag that's TRUE whenever we're inside of the scope of a call to runApp
.globals$running <- FALSE

#' Check whether a Shiny application is running
#' This function tests whether a Shiny application is currently running.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if a Shiny application is currently running. Otherwise,
#'   \code{FALSE}.
#' @export
isRunning <- function() {

#' Run Shiny Application
#' Runs a Shiny application. This function normally does not return; interrupt R
#' to stop the application (usually by pressing Ctrl+C or Esc).
#' The host parameter was introduced in Shiny 0.9.0. Its default value of
#' \code{""} means that, contrary to previous versions of Shiny, only
#' the current machine can access locally hosted Shiny apps. To allow other
#' clients to connect, use the value \code{""} instead (which was the
#' value that was hard-coded into Shiny in 0.8.0 and earlier).
#' @param appDir The application to run. Should be one of the following:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item A directory containing \code{server.R}, plus, either \code{ui.R} or
#'    a \code{www} directory that contains the file \code{index.html}.
#'   \item A directory containing \code{app.R}.
#'   \item An \code{.R} file containing a Shiny application, ending with an
#'    expression that produces a Shiny app object.
#'   \item A list with \code{ui} and \code{server} components.
#'   \item A Shiny app object created by \code{\link{shinyApp}}.
#'   }
#' @param port The TCP port that the application should listen on. If the
#'   \code{port} is not specified, and the \code{shiny.port} option is set (with
#'   \code{options(shiny.port = XX)}), then that port will be used. Otherwise,
#'   use a random port.
#' @param launch.browser If true, the system's default web browser will be
#'   launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to true in
#'   interactive sessions only. This value of this parameter can also be a
#'   function to call with the application's URL.
#' @param host The IPv4 address that the application should listen on. Defaults
#'   to the \code{shiny.host} option, if set, or \code{""} if not. See
#'   Details.
#' @param workerId Can generally be ignored. Exists to help some editions of
#'   Shiny Server Pro route requests to the correct process.
#' @param quiet Should Shiny status messages be shown? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param display.mode The mode in which to display the application. If set to
#'   the value \code{"showcase"}, shows application code and metadata from a
#'   \code{DESCRIPTION} file in the application directory alongside the
#'   application. If set to \code{"normal"}, displays the application normally.
#'   Defaults to \code{"auto"}, which displays the application in the mode given
#'   in its \code{DESCRIPTION} file, if any.
#' @param test.mode Should the application be launched in test mode? This is
#'   only used for recording or running automated tests. Defaults to the
#'   \code{shiny.testmode} option, or FALSE if the option is not set.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Start app in the current working directory
#' runApp()
#' # Start app in a subdirectory called myapp
#' runApp("myapp")
#' }
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
#'   # Apps can be run without a server.r and ui.r file
#'   runApp(list(
#'     ui = bootstrapPage(
#'       numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', 100),
#'       plotOutput('plot')
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       output$plot <- renderPlot({ hist(runif(input$n)) })
#'     }
#'   ))
#'   # Running a Shiny app object
#'   app <- shinyApp(
#'     ui = bootstrapPage(
#'       numericInput('n', 'Number of obs', 100),
#'       plotOutput('plot')
#'     ),
#'     server = function(input, output) {
#'       output$plot <- renderPlot({ hist(runif(input$n)) })
#'     }
#'   )
#'   runApp(app)
#' }
#' @export
runApp <- function(appDir=getwd(),
                   host=getOption('shiny.host', ''),
                   workerId="", quiet=FALSE,
                   display.mode=c("auto", "normal", "showcase"),
                   test.mode=getOption('shiny.testmode', FALSE)) {
  }, add = TRUE)

  if (.globals$running) {
    stop("Can't call `runApp()` from within `runApp()`. If your ",
         "application code contains `runApp()`, please remove it.")
  .globals$running <- TRUE
    .globals$running <- FALSE
  }, add = TRUE)

  # Enable per-app Shiny options, for shinyOptions() and getShinyOption().
  oldOptionSet <- .globals$options
    .globals$options <- oldOptionSet
  },add = TRUE)

  # A unique identifier associated with this run of this application. It is
  # shared across sessions.
  shinyOptions(appToken = createUniqueId(8))

  # Make warnings print immediately
  # Set pool.scheduler to support pool package
  ops <- options(
    # Raise warn level to 1, but don't lower it
    warn = max(1, getOption("warn", default = 1)),
    pool.scheduler = scheduleTask
  on.exit(options(ops), add = TRUE)

  # Set up default cache for app.
  if (is.null(getShinyOption("cache"))) {
    shinyOptions(cache = MemoryCache$new())

  appParts <- as.shiny.appobj(appDir)

  # The lines below set some of the app's running options, which
  # can be:
  #   - left unspeficied (in which case the arguments' default
  #     values from `runApp` kick in);
  #   - passed through `shinyApp`
  #   - passed through `runApp` (this function)
  #   - passed through both `shinyApp` and `runApp` (the latter
  #     takes precedence)
  # Matrix of possibilities:
  # | IN shinyApp | IN runApp | result       | check                                                                                                                                  |
  # |-------------|-----------|--------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
  # | no          | no        | use defaults | exhaust all possibilities: if it's missing (runApp does not specify); THEN if it's not in shinyApp appParts$options; THEN use defaults |
  # | yes         | no        | use shinyApp | if it's missing (runApp does not specify); THEN if it's in shinyApp appParts$options; THEN use shinyApp                                |
  # | no          | yes       | use runApp   | if it's not missing (runApp specifies), use those                                                                                      |
  # | yes         | yes       | use runApp   | if it's not missing (runApp specifies), use those                                                                                      |
  # I tried to make this as compact and intuitive as possible,
  # given that there are four distinct possibilities to check
  appOps <- appParts$options
  findVal <- function(arg, default) {
    if (arg %in% names(appOps)) appOps[[arg]] else default

  if (missing(port))
    port <- findVal("port", port)
  if (missing(launch.browser))
    launch.browser <- findVal("launch.browser", launch.browser)
  if (missing(host))
    host <- findVal("host", host)
  if (missing(quiet))
    quiet <- findVal("quiet", quiet)
  if (missing(display.mode))
    display.mode <- findVal("display.mode", display.mode)
  if (missing(test.mode))
    test.mode <- findVal("test.mode", test.mode)

  if (is.null(host) || is.na(host)) host <- ''


  if (inShinyServer()) {
    # If SHINY_PORT is set, we're running under Shiny Server. Check the version
    # to make sure it is compatible. Older versions of Shiny Server don't set
    # SHINY_SERVER_VERSION, those will return "" which is considered less than
    # any valid version.
    ver <- Sys.getenv('SHINY_SERVER_VERSION')
    if (utils::compareVersion(ver, .shinyServerMinVersion) < 0) {
      warning('Shiny Server v', .shinyServerMinVersion,
              ' or later is required; please upgrade!')

  # Showcase mode is disabled by default; it must be explicitly enabled in
  # either the DESCRIPTION file for directory-based apps, or via
  # the display.mode parameter. The latter takes precedence.

  .globals$testMode <- test.mode
  if (test.mode) {
    message("Running application in test mode.")

  # If appDir specifies a path, and display mode is specified in the
  # DESCRIPTION file at that path, apply it here.
  if (is.character(appDir)) {
    # if appDir specifies a .R file (single-file Shiny app), look for the
    # DESCRIPTION in the parent directory
    desc <- file.path.ci(
      if (tolower(tools::file_ext(appDir)) == "r")
        appDir, "DESCRIPTION")
    if (file.exists(desc)) {
      con <- file(desc, encoding = checkEncoding(desc))
      on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
      settings <- read.dcf(con)
      if ("DisplayMode" %in% colnames(settings)) {
        mode <- settings[1, "DisplayMode"]
        if (mode == "Showcase") {
          if ("IncludeWWW" %in% colnames(settings)) {
            .globals$IncludeWWW <- as.logical(settings[1, "IncludeWWW"])
            if (is.na(.globals$IncludeWWW)) {
              stop("In your Description file, `IncludeWWW` ",
                   "must be set to `True` (default) or `False`")
          } else {
            .globals$IncludeWWW <- TRUE

  ## default is to show the .js, .css and .html files in the www directory
  ## (if not in showcase mode, this variable will simply be ignored)
  if (is.null(.globals$IncludeWWW) || is.na(.globals$IncludeWWW)) {
    .globals$IncludeWWW <- TRUE

  # If display mode is specified as an argument, apply it (overriding the
  # value specified in DESCRIPTION, if any).
  display.mode <- match.arg(display.mode)
  if (display.mode == "normal") {
  else if (display.mode == "showcase") {


  # determine port if we need to
  if (is.null(port)) {

    # Try up to 20 random ports. If we don't succeed just plow ahead
    # with the final value we tried, and let the "real" startServer
    # somewhere down the line fail and throw the error to the user.
    # If we (think we) succeed, save the value as .globals$lastPort,
    # and try that first next time the user wants a random port.

    for (i in 1:20) {
      if (!is.null(.globals$lastPort)) {
        port <- .globals$lastPort
        .globals$lastPort <- NULL
      else {
        # Try up to 20 random ports
        while (TRUE) {
          port <- p_randomInt(3000, 8000)
          # Reject ports in this range that are considered unsafe by Chrome
          # http://superuser.com/questions/188058/which-ports-are-considered-unsafe-on-chrome
          # https://github.com/rstudio/shiny/issues/1784
          if (!port %in% c(3659, 4045, 6000, 6665:6669, 6697)) {

      # Test port to see if we can use it
      tmp <- try(startServer(host, port, list()), silent=TRUE)
      if (!inherits(tmp, 'try-error')) {
        .globals$lastPort <- port

  # Invoke user-defined onStop callbacks, before the application's internal
  # onStop callbacks.
    .globals$onStopCallbacks <- Callbacks$new()
  }, add = TRUE)

  # Extract appOptions (which is a list) and store them as shinyOptions, for
  # this app. (This is the only place we have to store settings that are
  # accessible both the UI and server portion of the app.)

  # Set up the onStop before we call onStart, so that it gets called even if an
  # error happens in onStart.
  if (!is.null(appParts$onStop))
    on.exit(appParts$onStop(), add = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(appParts$onStart))

  server <- startApp(appParts, port, host, quiet)

  }, add = TRUE)

  if (!is.character(port)) {
    browseHost <- host
    if (identical(host, "")) {
      # doesn't work on QtWebKit (i.e. RStudio viewer)
      browseHost <- ""
    } else if (identical(host, "::")) {
      browseHost <- "::1"

    if (httpuv::ipFamily(browseHost) == 6L) {
      browseHost <- paste0("[", browseHost, "]")

    appUrl <- paste("http://", browseHost, ":", port, sep="")
    if (is.function(launch.browser))
    else if (launch.browser)
  } else {
    appUrl <- NULL

  # call application hooks
  callAppHook("onAppStart", appUrl)
    callAppHook("onAppStop", appUrl)
  }, add = TRUE)

  .globals$reterror <- NULL
  .globals$retval <- NULL
  .globals$stopped <- FALSE
  # Top-level ..stacktraceoff..; matches with ..stacktraceon in observe(),
  # reactive(), Callbacks$invoke(), and others
      while (!.globals$stopped) {

  if (isTRUE(.globals$reterror)) {
  else if (.globals$retval$visible)

#' Stop the currently running Shiny app
#' Stops the currently running Shiny app, returning control to the caller of
#' \code{\link{runApp}}.
#' @param returnValue The value that should be returned from
#'   \code{\link{runApp}}.
#' @export
stopApp <- function(returnValue = invisible()) {
  # reterror will indicate whether retval is an error (i.e. it should be passed
  # to stop() when the serviceApp loop stops) or a regular value (in which case
  # it should simply be returned with the appropriate visibility).
  .globals$reterror <- FALSE
          .globals$retval <- withVisible(..stacktraceon..(force(returnValue)))
      error = function(e) {
        .globals$retval <- e
        .globals$reterror <- TRUE

  .globals$stopped <- TRUE

#' Run Shiny Example Applications
#' Launch Shiny example applications, and optionally, your system's web browser.
#' @param example The name of the example to run, or \code{NA} (the default) to
#'   list the available examples.
#' @param port The TCP port that the application should listen on. Defaults to
#'   choosing a random port.
#' @param launch.browser If true, the system's default web browser will be
#'   launched automatically after the app is started. Defaults to true in
#'   interactive sessions only.
#' @param host The IPv4 address that the application should listen on. Defaults
#'   to the \code{shiny.host} option, if set, or \code{""} if not.
#' @param display.mode The mode in which to display the example. Defaults to
#'   \code{showcase}, but may be set to \code{normal} to see the example without
#'   code or commentary.
#' @examples
#' ## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   # List all available examples
#'   runExample()
#'   # Run one of the examples
#'   runExample("01_hello")
#'   # Print the directory containing the code for all examples
#'   system.file("examples", package="shiny")
#' }
#' @export
runExample <- function(example=NA,
                       host=getOption('shiny.host', ''),
                       display.mode=c("auto", "normal", "showcase")) {
  examplesDir <- system.file('examples', package='shiny')
  dir <- resolve(examplesDir, example)
  if (is.null(dir)) {
    if (is.na(example)) {
      errFun <- message
      errMsg <- ''
    else {
      errFun <- stop
      errMsg <- paste('Example', example, 'does not exist. ')

           'Valid examples are "',
           paste(list.files(examplesDir), collapse='", "'),
  else {
    runApp(dir, port = port, host = host, launch.browser = launch.browser,
           display.mode = display.mode)

#' Run a gadget
#' Similar to \code{runApp}, but handles \code{input$cancel} automatically, and
#' if running in RStudio, defaults to viewing the app in the Viewer pane.
#' @param app Either a Shiny app object as created by
#'   \code{\link[=shiny]{shinyApp}} et al, or, a UI object.
#' @param server Ignored if \code{app} is a Shiny app object; otherwise, passed
#'   along to \code{shinyApp} (i.e. \code{shinyApp(ui = app, server = server)}).
#' @param port See \code{\link[=shiny]{runApp}}.
#' @param viewer Specify where the gadget should be displayed--viewer pane,
#'   dialog window, or external browser--by passing in a call to one of the
#'   \code{\link{viewer}} functions.
#' @param stopOnCancel If \code{TRUE} (the default), then an \code{observeEvent}
#'   is automatically created that handles \code{input$cancel} by calling
#'   \code{stopApp()} with an error. Pass \code{FALSE} if you want to handle
#'   \code{input$cancel} yourself.
#' @return The value returned by the gadget.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(shiny)
#' ui <- fillPage(...)
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#'   ...
#' }
#' # Either pass ui/server as separate arguments...
#' runGadget(ui, server)
#' # ...or as a single app object
#' runGadget(shinyApp(ui, server))
#' }
#' @export
runGadget <- function(app, server = NULL, port = getOption("shiny.port"),
  viewer = paneViewer(), stopOnCancel = TRUE) {

  if (!is.shiny.appobj(app)) {
    app <- shinyApp(app, server)

  if (isTRUE(stopOnCancel)) {
    app <- decorateServerFunc(app, function(input, output, session) {
      observeEvent(input$cancel, {
        stopApp(stop("User cancel", call. = FALSE))

  if (is.null(viewer)) {
    viewer <- utils::browseURL

  shiny::runApp(app, port = port, launch.browser = viewer)

# Add custom functionality to a Shiny app object's server func
decorateServerFunc <- function(appobj, serverFunc) {
  origServerFuncSource <- appobj$serverFuncSource
  appobj$serverFuncSource <- function() {
    origServerFunc <- origServerFuncSource()
    function(input, output, session) {
      serverFunc(input, output, session)

      # The clientData and session arguments are optional; check if
      # each exists
      args <- argsForServerFunc(origServerFunc, session)
      do.call(origServerFunc, args)

#' Viewer options
#' Use these functions to control where the gadget is displayed in RStudio (or
#' other R environments that emulate RStudio's viewer pane/dialog APIs). If
#' viewer APIs are not available in the current R environment, then the gadget
#' will be displayed in the system's default web browser (see
#' \code{\link[utils]{browseURL}}).
#' @return A function that takes a single \code{url} parameter, suitable for
#'   passing as the \code{viewer} argument of \code{\link{runGadget}}.
#' @rdname viewer
#' @name viewer

#' @param minHeight The minimum height (in pixels) desired to show the gadget in
#'   the viewer pane. If a positive number, resize the pane if necessary to show
#'   at least that many pixels. If \code{NULL}, use the existing viewer pane
#'   size. If \code{"maximize"}, use the maximum available vertical space.
#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
paneViewer <- function(minHeight = NULL) {
  viewer <- getOption("viewer")
  if (is.null(viewer)) {
  } else {
    function(url) {
      viewer(url, minHeight)

#' @param dialogName The window title to display for the dialog.
#' @param width,height The desired dialog width/height, in pixels.
#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
dialogViewer <- function(dialogName, width = 600, height = 600) {
  viewer <- getOption("shinygadgets.showdialog")
  if (is.null(viewer)) {
  } else {
    function(url) {
      viewer(dialogName, url, width = width, height = height)

#' @param browser See \code{\link[utils]{browseURL}}.
#' @rdname viewer
#' @export
browserViewer <- function(browser = getOption("browser")) {
  function(url) {
    utils::browseURL(url, browser = browser)

# Returns TRUE if we're running in Shiny Server or other hosting environment,
# otherwise returns FALSE.
inShinyServer <- function() {

# This check was moved out of the main function body because of an issue with
# the RStudio debugger. (#1474)
isEmptyMessage <- function(msg) {
  identical(charToRaw("\003\xe9"), msg)
nGanon/R_shiny documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:42 a.m.