
Defines functions swirl

Documented in swirl

#' Runs the swirl program
#' This function is the main component of the swirl interactive learning 
#' system. It gets all necessary information from the user to run the desired 
#' modules and record the user's progress as he/she works through those modules.
#' @export
#' @author Nicholas A. Carchedi
swirl <- function() {
  # Prompt user to update swirl - returns TRUE if updating
  updating <- promptUpdate()
  if(!updating) {
      # Define user data directory path
      userDataPath <- file.path(path.package("swirl"), "user_data")
      # Check if user_data directory exists and if not, create it
      if(!file.exists(userDataPath)) {
      # Run openingMenu, which returns module name and row number on which to begin
      cat("\nWelcome! My name is Swirl and I'll be your host today!")
      start <- openingMenu()
      module.start <- start[[1]]  # Character string
      row.start <- start[[2]]  # Numeric
      # Set names of files where user info and progress can be found
      files <- unlist(start[[3]])
      user.info.file.name <- files[1]
      progress.file.name <- files[2]
      course.start <- start[[4]][[1]]  # This is the course directory name
      courseName <- start[[4]][[2]] # This is the actual name of the course
      course.dir <- file.path(path.package("swirl"), course.start)
      # Create master module list and get element number of starting module
      modules <- dir(course.dir, pattern="[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+\\.rda")
      master.module.list <- gsub(".rda", "", as.list(modules))
      mod.num <- which(master.module.list==module.start)
      # Start running modules beginning with starting module
      for(i in mod.num:length(master.module.list)) {
        # Run module i
        module.name <- master.module.list[[i]]
        runModule(courseDir=course.dir, module.name=module.name, 
                  row.start=row.start, progress.file.path=progress.file.name, 
        # Suggest topics to review
        if(file.exists(progress.file.name)) {
          taggedTopics <- findTroubleTags(progressFilePath=progress.file.name)
          if(!identical(taggedTopics, NA)) {
            cat("\nIt appears that you struggled with the following topics:",
                paste(taggedTopics, collapse=", "), "\n")
            cat("\nWhich of these topics would you like to review?\n")
            options <- c(taggedTopics, "I'm good to go!")
            tags2Review <- select.list(options, multiple=TRUE, graphics=FALSE)
            if(!identical(tags2Review, "I'm good to go!")) {
              # Run module in review mode for tags of interest
              runModule(courseDir=course.dir, module.name=module.name, 
                        row.start=1, progress.file.path=progress.file.name,
                        review=TRUE, tags=tags2Review)
              cat("\nYou've completed your review for the topics you selected!\n")
        # Ask user if they want to continue with next module, if it exists
        if(i < length(master.module.list)) {
          cat("\nWould you like to continue on with the next module?")
          continue <- readline("\nANSWER: ")
          if(isYes(continue)) {
            # Reset row start to 1
            row.start <- 1
          } else {
            cat("\nThanks for stopping by! Your progress has been saved....\n\n")
    }, interrupt = function(ex) {  # If user presses Esc key
      cat("\nThanks for stopping by! Your progress has been saved....\n\n")
    }, error = function(ex) {  # If program stops due to error
      cat("\nAn error was detected. Please notify the administator.\n\n")
    }, finally = {  # No matter how program ends, close all open file connections
ncarchedi/swirl_OLD documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:05 p.m.