
Defines functions calibrate

Documented in calibrate

#' Calibrates the reproductive rate and dispersal scales of the pops model.
#' Either Approximate Bayesian Computation or Markov Chain Monte Carlo
#' Approximation is used to estimate relevant model parameters. Model accuracy
#' is gauged using a custom quantity allocation disagreement function to assess
#' accuracy of spatial configuration. We test number of predictions, number of
#' predicted locations, cumulative distance to nearest infection. The
#' calibration uses these metrics to determine if a run is kept if it is under
#' a threshold. either because it improves the results or randomly gets kept
#' despite being worse. We recommend running calibration for at least 10,000
#' iterations but even more will provide a better result. If the model converges
#' and doesn't improve for awhile it will exist calibration prior to reaching
#' the total number of iterations specified.
#' @inheritParams pops
#' @param infected_years_file Raster file with years of initial
#' infection/infestation as individual locations of a pest or pathogen. This is
#' a multiband raster file (e.g. .tif) with each band representing a unique time
#' step (e.g. band 1 = year 1 .... band 6 = year 6 or band 1 = week 1 .... band
#' 6 = week 6). This needs to align with both the time step selection and start
#' and end dates selection. Units for infections are based on data availability
#' and the way the units used for your host file creation (e.g. percent area, #
#' of hosts per cell, etc.). This doesn't include the start year which passed in
#' in the initial_infected_file (e.g. if we had observation data from 2017,
#' 2018, and 2019 the 2017 raster file would be the initial_infected_file and a
#' dual band raster file would have band 1 = 2018 and band 2 = 2019 observations)
#' @param number_of_observations the number of observations used for this
#' calibration. Useful if using previous calibration. This is used to
#' weight the parameters when updating parameters when new data becomes
#' available. Example if we have 2,000 observations in 2019 and had 1,000
#' observations in 2018 and 1,000 in 2017, we would use 2,000 here and 2,000 for
#' our prior_number_of_observations.
#' @param number_of_generations the number of generations to use to decrease
#' the uncertainty in the parameter estimation (too many and it will take a
#' long time, too few and your parameter sets will be too wide). This is an ABC
#' implementation naming convention but should be set to greater than 7 for
#' robust calibrations. There is a trade off between computational time and model
#' accuracy the larger this number gets. Usually 7 to 9 is the ideal range.
#' @param generation_size how many accepted parameter sets should occur in each
#' generation. For example if generation size is 1,000 then the simulation runs
#' until 1,000 model runs are less than the threshold value.
#' We recommend running at least 1,000 but the greater this number the more
#' accurate the model parameters selected will be.
#' @param prior_number_of_observations the number of total observations from
#' previous calibrations used to weight the posterior distributions (if this is
#' a new calibration this value takes the form of a prior weight (0 - 1)). This
#' is used to weight the parameters when updating parameters when new data
#' becomes available. Example if we have 2,000 observations in 2019 and had
#' 1,000 observations in 2018 and 1,000 in 2017, we would use 2,000 here and
#' 2,000 for our number_of_observations.
#' @param params_to_estimate A list of booleans specifying which parameters to
#' estimate ordered from (reproductive_rate, natural_dispersal_distance,
#' percent_natural_dispersal, anthropogenic_dispersal_distance, natural kappa,
#' and anthropogenic kappa)
#' @param prior_means A vector of the means of your parameters you are
#' estimating in order from (reproductive_rate, natural_dispersal_distance,
#' percent_natural_dispersal, anthropogenic_dispersal_distance, natural kappa,
#' and anthropogenic kappa). This is used when updating a parameter set from a
#' previous calibration using the iterative framework.
#' @param prior_cov_matrix A covariance matrix from the previous years
#' posterior parameter estimation ordered from (reproductive_rate,
#' natural_dispersal_distance, percent_natural_dispersal,
#' anthropogenic_dispersal_distance, natural kappa, and anthropogenic kappa).
#' This is used when updating a parameter set from a previous calibration using
#' the iterative framework.
#' @param mask Raster file used to provide a mask to remove 0's that are not
#' true negatives from comparisons (e.g. mask out lakes and oceans from statics
#' if modeling terrestrial species). A numerical value represents the area you
#' want to calculate statistics on and an NA value represents the area to remove
#' from the statistics.
#' @param natural_kappa sets the strength of the natural direction in the
#' von-mises distribution numeric value between 0.01 and 12
#' @param anthropogenic_kappa sets the strength of the anthropogenic direction
#' in the von-mises distribution numeric value between 0.01 and 12
#' @param calibration_method choose which method of calibration to use either
#' 'ABC' (Approximate Bayesian Computation) or 'MCMC' (Markov Chain Monte Carlo
#' Approximation)
#' @param number_of_iterations how many iterations do you want to run to allow
#' the calibration to converge (recommend a minimum of at least 100,000 but
#' preferably 1 million).
#' @param verbose Boolean with true printing current status of calibration,
#' (e.g. the current generation, current particle, and the acceptance rate).
#' Defaults if FALSE.
#' @param write_outputs Either c("summary_outputs", or "None"). If not
#' "None" output folder path must be provided.
#' @param output_folder_path this is the full path with either / or \\ (e.g.,
#' "C:/user_name/desktop/pops_sod_2020_2023/outputs/")
#' @param success_metric Choose the success metric that is most relevant to your system or data for
#' comparing simulations vs. observations. Must be one of "quantity", "allocation", "configuration",
#' "quantity and allocation","quantity and configuration", "allocation and configuration",
#' "quantity, allocation, and configuration", "accuracy", "precision", "recall", "specificity",
#' "accuracy and precision", "accuracy and specificity", "accuracy and recall",
#' "precision and recall", "precision and specificity", "recall and specificity",
#' "accuracy, precision, and recall", "accuracy, precision, and specificity",
#' "accuracy, recall, and specificity", "precision, recall, and specificity",
#' "accuracy, precision, recall, and specificity", "rmse", "distance", "mcc", "mcc and quantity",
#' "mcc and distance", "rmse and distance", "mcc and configuration", "mcc and RMSE",
#' "mcc, quantity, and configuration"). Default is "mcc"
#' @importFrom terra global rast xres yres classify extract ext as.points ncol project
#' nrow nlyr rowFromCell colFromCell values as.matrix rowFromCell colFromCell
#' crs app vect
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm cov
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom foreach  registerDoSEQ %dopar% %do% %:% foreach
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom lubridate interval time_length mdy %within%
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom Metrics rmse
#' @importFrom utils write.csv read.table read.csv
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return a dataframe of the variables saved and their success metrics for
#' each run
#' @export

calibrate <- function(infected_years_file,
                      number_of_observations = 1,
                      prior_number_of_observations = 0,
                      prior_means = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                      prior_cov_matrix = matrix(0, 6, 6),
                      params_to_estimate = c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE),
                      number_of_generations = 7,
                      generation_size = 1000,
                      temp = FALSE,
                      temperature_coefficient_file = "",
                      precip = FALSE,
                      precipitation_coefficient_file = "",
                      model_type = "SI",
                      latency_period = 0,
                      time_step = "month",
                      season_month_start = 1,
                      season_month_end = 12,
                      start_date = "2008-01-01",
                      end_date = "2008-12-31",
                      use_survival_rates = FALSE,
                      survival_rate_month = 3,
                      survival_rate_day = 15,
                      survival_rates_file = "",
                      use_lethal_temperature = FALSE,
                      temperature_file = "",
                      lethal_temperature = -12.87,
                      lethal_temperature_month = 1,
                      mortality_frequency = "year",
                      mortality_frequency_n = 1,
                      management = FALSE,
                      treatment_dates = c(""),
                      treatments_file = "",
                      treatment_method = "ratio",
                      natural_kernel_type = "cauchy",
                      anthropogenic_kernel_type = "cauchy",
                      natural_dir = "NONE",
                      natural_kappa = 0,
                      anthropogenic_dir = "NONE",
                      anthropogenic_kappa = 0,
                      pesticide_duration = c(0),
                      pesticide_efficacy = 1.0,
                      mask = NULL,
                      output_frequency = "year",
                      output_frequency_n = 1,
                      movements_file = "",
                      use_movements = FALSE,
                      start_exposed = FALSE,
                      generate_stochasticity = TRUE,
                      establishment_stochasticity = TRUE,
                      movement_stochasticity = TRUE,
                      dispersal_stochasticity = TRUE,
                      establishment_probability = 0.5,
                      dispersal_percentage = 0.99,
                      quarantine_areas_file = "",
                      use_quarantine = FALSE,
                      use_spreadrates = FALSE,
                      use_overpopulation_movements = FALSE,
                      overpopulation_percentage = 0,
                      leaving_percentage = 0,
                      leaving_scale_coefficient = 1,
                      calibration_method = "ABC",
                      number_of_iterations = 100000,
                      exposed_file_list = "",
                      verbose = TRUE,
                      write_outputs = "None",
                      output_folder_path = "",
                      network_filename = "",
                      network_movement = "walk",
                      success_metric = "mcc",
                      use_initial_condition_uncertainty = FALSE,
                      use_host_uncertainty = FALSE,
                      weather_type = "deterministic",
                      temperature_coefficient_sd_file = "",
                      precipitation_coefficient_sd_file = "",
                      dispersers_to_soils_percentage = 0,
                      quarantine_directions = "",
                      multiple_random_seeds = FALSE,
                      file_random_seeds = NULL,
                      use_soils = FALSE,
                      soil_starting_pest_file = "",
                      start_with_soil_populations = FALSE,
                      county_level_infection_data = FALSE) {

  # add all data to config list
  config <- c()
  config$infected_years_file <- infected_years_file
  config$number_of_observations <- number_of_observations
  config$prior_number_of_observations <- prior_number_of_observations
  config$prior_means <- prior_means
  config$prior_cov_matrix <- prior_cov_matrix
  config$params_to_estimate <- params_to_estimate
  config$number_of_generations <- number_of_generations
  config$generation_size <- generation_size
  config$infected_file_list <- infected_file_list
  config$host_file_list <- host_file_list
  config$total_populations_file <- total_populations_file
  config$temp <- temp
  config$temperature_coefficient_file <- temperature_coefficient_file
  config$precip <- precip
  config$precipitation_coefficient_file <- precipitation_coefficient_file
  config$model_type <- model_type
  config$latency_period <- latency_period
  config$time_step <- time_step
  config$season_month_start <- season_month_start
  config$season_month_end <- season_month_end
  config$start_date <- start_date
  config$end_date <- end_date
  config$use_lethal_temperature <- use_lethal_temperature
  config$temperature_file <- temperature_file
  config$lethal_temperature <- lethal_temperature
  config$lethal_temperature_month <- lethal_temperature_month
  config$use_survival_rates <- use_survival_rates
  config$survival_rate_month <- survival_rate_month
  config$survival_rate_day <- survival_rate_day
  config$survival_rates_file <- survival_rates_file
  config$management <- management
  config$treatment_dates <- treatment_dates
  config$treatments_file <- treatments_file
  config$treatment_method <- treatment_method
  config$natural_kernel_type <- natural_kernel_type
  config$anthropogenic_kernel_type <- anthropogenic_kernel_type
  config$natural_dir <- natural_dir
  config$natural_kappa <- natural_kappa
  config$anthropogenic_dir <- anthropogenic_dir
  config$anthropogenic_kappa <- anthropogenic_kappa
  config$pesticide_duration <- pesticide_duration
  config$pesticide_efficacy <- pesticide_efficacy
  config$mask <- mask
  config$output_frequency <- output_frequency
  config$output_frequency_n <- output_frequency_n
  config$movements_file <- movements_file
  config$use_movements <- use_movements
  config$start_exposed <- start_exposed
  config$generate_stochasticity <- generate_stochasticity
  config$establishment_stochasticity <- establishment_stochasticity
  config$movement_stochasticity <- movement_stochasticity
  config$dispersal_stochasticity <- dispersal_stochasticity
  config$establishment_probability <- establishment_probability
  config$dispersal_percentage <- dispersal_percentage
  config$quarantine_areas_file <- quarantine_areas_file
  config$quarantine_directions <- quarantine_directions
  config$use_quarantine <- use_quarantine
  config$use_spreadrates <- use_spreadrates
  config$use_overpopulation_movements <- use_overpopulation_movements
  config$overpopulation_percentage <- overpopulation_percentage
  config$leaving_percentage <- leaving_percentage
  config$leaving_scale_coefficient <- leaving_scale_coefficient
  config$calibration_method <- calibration_method
  config$number_of_iterations <- number_of_iterations
  config$exposed_file_list <- exposed_file_list
  # add function name for use in configuration function to skip
  # function specific specific configurations namely for validation and
  # calibration.
  config$function_name <- "calibrate"
  config$failure <- NULL
  config$write_outputs <- write_outputs
  config$output_folder_path <- output_folder_path
  config$mortality_frequency <- mortality_frequency
  config$mortality_frequency_n <- mortality_frequency_n
  config$network_filename <- network_filename
  config$network_movement <- network_movement
  config$success_metric <- success_metric
  config$use_initial_condition_uncertainty <- use_initial_condition_uncertainty
  config$use_host_uncertainty <- use_host_uncertainty
  config$weather_type <- weather_type
  config$temperature_coefficient_sd_file <- temperature_coefficient_sd_file
  config$precipitation_coefficient_sd_file <- precipitation_coefficient_sd_file
  config$dispersers_to_soils_percentage <- dispersers_to_soils_percentage
  config$multiple_random_seeds <- multiple_random_seeds
  config$file_random_seeds <- file_random_seeds
  config$use_soils <- use_soils
  config$soil_starting_pest_file <- soil_starting_pest_file
  config$start_with_soil_populations <- start_with_soil_populations
  config$county_level_infection_data <- county_level_infection_data
  config$pest_host_table <- pest_host_table
  config$competency_table <- competency_table
  config$point_file <- ""

  # call configuration function to perform data checks and transform data into
  # format used in pops c++
  config <- configuration(config)

  if (!is.null(config$failure)) {

  if (config$success_metric %notin% success_metric_options) {

  config <- set_success_metrics(config)

  # set the parameter function to only need the parameters that change so that
  # each call to param func needs to pass in the parameters being calibrated
  param_func <-
             network_max_distance) {

      config$random_seed <- as.integer(sample.int(1e9, 1, replace = FALSE))
      random_seeds <- create_random_seeds(1)
      config <- host_pool_setup(config)
      while (any(config$total_hosts > config$total_populations, na.rm = TRUE) ||
            any(config$total_exposed > config$total_populations, na.rm = TRUE) ||
            any(config$total_infecteds > config$total_populations, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        config <- host_pool_setup(config)
      config$competency_table_list <- competency_table_list_creator(config$competency_table)
      config$pest_host_table_list <- pest_host_table_list_creator(config$pest_host_table)

      data <- pops_model(
        random_seed = config$random_seed,
        multiple_random_seeds = config$multiple_random_seeds,
        random_seeds = as.matrix(random_seeds[1, ])[1, ],
        use_lethal_temperature = config$use_lethal_temperature,
        lethal_temperature = config$lethal_temperature,
        lethal_temperature_month = config$lethal_temperature_month,
        use_survival_rates = config$use_survival_rates,
        survival_rate_month = config$survival_rate_month,
        survival_rate_day = config$survival_rate_day,
        host_pools = config$host_pools,
        total_populations = config$total_populations,
        competency_table = config$competency_table_list,
        pest_host_table = config$pest_host_table_list,
        mortality_on = config$mortality_on,
        quarantine_areas = config$quarantine_areas,
        quarantine_directions = config$quarantine_directions,
        treatment_maps = config$treatment_maps,
        treatment_dates = config$treatment_dates,
        pesticide_duration = config$pesticide_duration,
        use_movements = config$use_movements,
        movements = config$movements,
        movements_dates = config$movements_dates,
        weather = config$weather,
        temperature = config$temperature,
        survival_rates = config$survival_rates,
        weather_coefficient = config$weather_coefficient,
        weather_coefficient_sd = config$weather_coefficient_sd,
        res = config$res,
        rows_cols = config$rows_cols,
        time_step = config$time_step,
        reproductive_rate = reproductive_rate,
        spatial_indices = config$spatial_indices,
        season_month_start_end = config$season_month_start_end,
        soil_reservoirs = config$soil_reservoirs,
        start_date = config$start_date,
        end_date = config$end_date,
        treatment_method = config$treatment_method,
        natural_kernel_type = config$natural_kernel_type,
        anthropogenic_kernel_type = config$anthropogenic_kernel_type,
        use_anthropogenic_kernel = config$use_anthropogenic_kernel,
        percent_natural_dispersal = percent_natural_dispersal,
        natural_distance_scale = natural_distance_scale,
        anthropogenic_distance_scale = anthropogenic_distance_scale,
        natural_dir = config$natural_dir,
        natural_kappa = natural_kappa,
        anthropogenic_dir = config$anthropogenic_dir,
        anthropogenic_kappa = anthropogenic_kappa,
        output_frequency = config$output_frequency,
        output_frequency_n = config$output_frequency_n,
        quarantine_frequency = config$quarantine_frequency,
        quarantine_frequency_n = config$quarantine_frequency_n,
        use_quarantine = config$use_quarantine,
        spreadrate_frequency = config$spreadrate_frequency,
        spreadrate_frequency_n = config$spreadrate_frequency_n,
        mortality_frequency = config$mortality_frequency,
        mortality_frequency_n = config$mortality_frequency_n,
        use_spreadrates = config$use_spreadrates,
        model_type_ = config$model_type,
        latency_period = config$latency_period,
        generate_stochasticity = config$generate_stochasticity,
        establishment_stochasticity = config$establishment_stochasticity,
        movement_stochasticity = config$movement_stochasticity,
        dispersal_stochasticity = config$dispersal_stochasticity,
        establishment_probability = config$establishment_probability,
        dispersal_percentage = config$dispersal_percentage,
        use_overpopulation_movements = config$use_overpopulation_movements,
        overpopulation_percentage = config$overpopulation_percentage,
        leaving_percentage = config$leaving_percentage,
        leaving_scale_coefficient = config$leaving_scale_coefficient,
        bbox = config$bounding_box,
        network_min_distance = network_min_distance,
        network_max_distance = network_max_distance,
        network_filename = config$network_filename,
        network_movement = config$network_movement,
        weather_size = config$weather_size,
        weather_type = config$weather_type,
        dispersers_to_soils_percentage = config$dispersers_to_soils_percentage,
        use_soils = config$use_soils)

  # Check which calibration method is being used either Approximate Bayesian
  # Computation or Markov Chain Monte Carlo.
  if (config$calibration_method == "ABC") {
    # set up data structures for storing results
    parameters_kept <- matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = config$num_particles)
    parameters_test <- matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = 200)
    config$acceptance_rate <- 1
    config$acceptance_rates <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)

    config$quantity_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$allocation_threshold <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$configuration_threshold <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$accuracy_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$precision_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$recall_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$specificity_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$rmse_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$distance_thresholds <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)
    config$mcc_threshold <- matrix(ncol = 1, nrow = config$number_of_generations)

    # assign thresholds for summary static values to be compared to the
    config$quantity_threshold <- 40 # starting threshold for quantity disagreement
    config$allocation_threshold <- 40 # starting threshold for allocation disagreement
    config$configuration_threshold <- 0.20 # starting threshold for configuration disagreement
    config$accuracy_threshold <- 0.70 # starting threshold for model accuracy
    config$precision_threshold <- 0.70 # starting threshold for model precision
    config$recall_threshold <- 0.70 # starting threshold for model recall
    config$specificity_threshold <- 0.70 # starting threshold for model
    config$rmse_threshold <- 5 # starting threshold for RMSE (root mean squared error)
    config$distance_threshold <- 1000 # starting threshold for distance between simulated
    # and observed data in units
    config$mcc_threshold <- 0.50 # starting threshold for Mathews Correlation Coefficient
    acceptance_rate_particle_check <- seq(60, 200, 20)

    # loop through until all generations are complete
    while (config$current_bin <= config$number_of_generations) {
      # loop until all # of parameter sets kept equals the generation size
      while (config$current_particles <= config$generation_size) {
        # draw a set of proposed parameters if current generation is 1 draw from
        # a uniform distribution otherwise draw from a multivariate normal
        # distribution with mean and co-variance matrix based on the previous
        # generation values
        if (config$current_bin == 1) {
          proposed_reproductive_rate <- round(runif(1, 0.055, 8), digits = 2)
          if (config$res$ew_res > 1000 || config$res$ns_res > 1000) {
            proposed_natural_distance_scale <- round(runif(1, 0.5, 500), digits = 1) * 10
            if (params_to_estimate[4]) {
              proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- round(runif(1, 30, 800), digits = 0) * 100
            } else {
              proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- 0.1
          } else {
            proposed_natural_distance_scale <- round(runif(1, 0.5, 500), digits = 1)
            if (params_to_estimate[4]) {
              proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- round(runif(1, 30, 80), digits = 0) * 100
            } else {
              proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- 0.1
          if (params_to_estimate[3]) {
            proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <- round(runif(1, 0.93, 1), digits = 3)
          } else {
            proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <- 1.0
          if (params_to_estimate[5]) {
            proposed_natural_kappa <- round(runif(1, 0, 5), digits = 1)
          } else {
            proposed_natural_kappa <- natural_kappa
          if (params_to_estimate[6]) {
            proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- round(runif(1, 0, 5), digits = 1)
          } else {
            proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- anthropogenic_kappa
          if (anthropogenic_kernel_type == "network") {
            proposed_network_min_distance <-
              round(runif(1, config$res$ew_res / 2, config$res$ew_res * 10), digits = 0)
          } else {
            proposed_network_min_distance <- config$res$ew_res / 2
          if (anthropogenic_kernel_type == "network") {
            proposed_network_max_distance <-
              round(runif(1, config$res$ew_res * 10, config$res$ew_res *
                            min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows)), digits = 0)
          } else {
            proposed_network_max_distance <-
              min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows) * config$res$ew_res
        } else {
          # draw from the multivariate normal distribution and ensure that
          # parameters are within their allowed range
          proposed_parameters <-
            MASS::mvrnorm(1, config$parameter_means, config$parameter_cov_matrix)
          while (proposed_parameters[1] < 0.1 ||
                 proposed_parameters[2] < 0.1 ||
                 proposed_parameters[3] > 1.00 ||
                 proposed_parameters[3] <= 0.92 ||
                 proposed_parameters[4] < 0.1 ||
                 proposed_parameters[5] < 0 ||
                 proposed_parameters[6] < 0 ||
                 proposed_parameters[7] < config$res$ew_res / 2 ||
                 proposed_parameters[7] > proposed_parameters[8] ||
                 proposed_parameters[8] >
                  min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows) * config$res$ew_res) {
            proposed_parameters <-
              MASS::mvrnorm(1, config$parameter_means, config$parameter_cov_matrix)
          proposed_reproductive_rate <- proposed_parameters[1]
          proposed_natural_distance_scale <- proposed_parameters[2]
          proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <- proposed_parameters[3]
          proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- proposed_parameters[4]
          proposed_natural_kappa <- proposed_parameters[5]
          proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- proposed_parameters[6]
          proposed_network_min_distance <- proposed_parameters[7]
          proposed_network_max_distance <- proposed_parameters[8]

        # run the model with the proposed parameter set
        data <-

        # calculate comparison metrics for simulation data for each time step in
        # the simulation
        all_disagreement <- calculate_all_stats(config, data)
        all_disagreement <- colSums(all_disagreement)

        all_disagreement <- as.data.frame(t(all_disagreement))
        all_disagreement <- all_disagreement / length(data$host_pools[[1]]$infected)
        config$quantity <- all_disagreement$quantity_disagreement
        config$allocation <- all_disagreement$allocation_disagreement
        config$configuration_dis <- all_disagreement$configuration_disagreement
        config$accuracy <- all_disagreement$accuracy
        config$precision <- all_disagreement$precision
        config$recall <- all_disagreement$recall
        config$specificity <- all_disagreement$specificity
        config$rmse <- all_disagreement$rmse
        config$distance_difference <- all_disagreement$distance_difference
        config$mcc <- all_disagreement$mcc

        # Check that statistics are improvements
        model_improved <- TRUE
        if (config$use_quantity && model_improved) {
          if (config$quantity <= config$quantity_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_allocation && model_improved) {
          if (config$allocation <= config$allocation_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_configuration && model_improved) {
          if (config$configuration_dis <= config$configuration_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_accuracy && model_improved) {
          if (config$accuracy >= config$accuracy_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_precision && model_improved) {
          if (config$precision >= config$precision_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_recall && model_improved) {
          if (config$recall >= config$recall_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_specificity && model_improved) {
          if (config$specificity >= config$specificity_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_mcc && model_improved) {
          if (config$mcc >= config$mcc_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_distance && model_improved) {
          if (config$distance_difference <= config$distance_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (config$use_rmse && model_improved) {
          if (config$rmse <= config$rmse_threshold) {
            model_improved <- TRUE
          } else {
            model_improved <- FALSE

        if (model_improved && config$total_particles <= config$num_particles) {
          parameters_kept[config$total_particles, ] <-

          if (config$current_bin == 1 && config$proposed_particles <= 200) {
            parameters_test[config$proposed_particles, ] <-
          config$current_particles <- config$current_particles + 1
          config$total_particles <- config$total_particles + 1
          config$proposed_particles <- config$proposed_particles + 1
        } else {
          if (config$current_bin == 1 && config$proposed_particles <= 200) {
            parameters_test[config$proposed_particles, ] <-
          config$proposed_particles <- config$proposed_particles + 1

        config$acceptance_rate <- config$current_particles / config$proposed_particles
        config <- create_cal_print(config)

        ## Check that acceptance rates are within a range for the first generation
        ## if the acceptance rate is less than 5% or greater than 15% adjust the
        ## thresholds to bring the acceptance rate within that range.
        if (config$proposed_particles %in% acceptance_rate_particle_check &&
            config$current_bin == 1
            ) {
          if (config$acceptance_rate < 0.05) {
            config$accuracy_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 9], na.rm = TRUE), config$accuracy_threshold)) - 0.03
            config$precision_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 10], na.rm = TRUE), config$precision_threshold))
              - 0.03
            config$recall_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 11], na.rm = TRUE), config$recall_threshold)) - 0.03
            config$specificity_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 12], na.rm = TRUE), config$specificity_threshold))
              - 0.03
            config$rmse_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 13], na.rm = TRUE), config$rmse_threshold)) + 2
            config$distance_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 14], na.rm = TRUE), config$distance_threshold)) + 10
            config$mcc_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 15], na.rm = TRUE), config$mcc_threshold)) - 0.02
            config$quantity_threshold_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 16], na.rm = TRUE), config$quantity)) - 0.02
            config$allocation_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 17], na.rm = TRUE), config$allocation)) - 0.02
            config$configuration_threshold <-
              mean(c(median(parameters_test[, 18], na.rm = TRUE), config$configuration_dis)) - 0.02
            ## reset starting point of parameters kept and acceptance rate
            parameters_kept <- matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = config$num_particles)
            parameters_test <- matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = 200)
            config$current_particles <- 1
            config$total_particles <- 1
            config$proposed_particles <- 1
          } else if (config$acceptance_rate > 0.15) {
            config$accuracy_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 9], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$precision_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 10], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$recall_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 11], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$specificity_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 12], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$rmse_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 13], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$distance_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 14], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$mcc_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 15], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$quantity_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 16], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$allocation_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 17], na.rm = TRUE)
            config$configuration_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[, 18], na.rm = TRUE)
            ## reset starting point of parameters kept and acceptance rate
            parameters_kept <- matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = config$num_particles)
            parameters_test <- matrix(ncol = 18, nrow = 200)
            config$current_particles <- 1
            config$total_particles <- 1
            config$proposed_particles <- 1

        if (verbose) {

      start_index <- config$current_bin * generation_size - generation_size + 1
      end_index <- config$current_bin * generation_size
      config$parameter_means <- colMeans(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 1:8])
      config$parameter_cov_matrix <- cov(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 1:8])

      config$current_particles <- 1
      config$proposed_particles <- 1
      config$quantity_thresholds <- config$quantity_threshold
      config$allocation_threshold <- config$allocation_threshold
      config$configuration_threshold <- config$configuration_dis_threshold
      config$acceptance_rates[config$current_bin] <- config$acceptance_rate
      config$accuracy_thresholds[config$current_bin] <- config$accuracy_threshold
      config$precision_thresholds[config$current_bin] <- config$precision_threshold
      config$recall_thresholds[config$current_bin] <- config$recall_threshold
      config$rmse_thresholds[config$current_bin] <- config$rmse_threshold
      config$distance_thresholds[config$current_bin] <- config$distance_threshold
      config$specificity_thresholds[config$current_bin] <- config$specificity_threshold
      config$accuracy_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 9])
      config$precision_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 10])
      config$recall_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 11])
      config$specificity_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 12])
      config$rmse_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 13])
      config$distance_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 14])
      config$mcc_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 15])
      config$quantity_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 16])
      config$allocation_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 17])
      config$configuration_threshold <- median(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 18])
      config$current_bin <- config$current_bin + 1

    calibrated_means <- colMeans(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 1:8])
    calibrated_cov_matrix <- cov(parameters_kept[start_index:end_index, 1:8])

  } else if (config$calibration_method == "MCMC") {
    proposed_reproductive_rate <- round(runif(1, 0.05, 8), digits = 2)
    proposed_natural_distance_scale <- round(runif(1, 0.5, 100), digits = 1)
    if (config$params_to_estimate[3]) {
      proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <-
        round(runif(1, 0.93, 1.000), digits = 3)
    } else {
      proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <- 1.0
    if (config$params_to_estimate[4]) {
      proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- round(runif(1, 30, 100), digits = 0) * 100
    } else {
      proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- 0.1
    if (config$params_to_estimate[5]) {
      proposed_natural_kappa <- round(runif(1, 0, 5), digits = 1)
    } else {
      proposed_natural_kappa <- natural_kappa
    if (config$params_to_estimate[6]) {
      proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- round(runif(1, 0, 5), digits = 1)
    } else {
      proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- anthropogenic_kappa
    if (anthropogenic_kernel_type == "network") {
      proposed_network_min_distance <-
        round(runif(1, config$res$ew_res / 2, config$res$ew_res * 10), digits = 0)
    } else {
      proposed_network_min_distance <- config$res$ew_res / 2
    if (anthropogenic_kernel_type == "network") {
      proposed_network_max_distance <-
        round(runif(1, config$res$ew_res * 10, config$res$ew_res *
                      min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows)), digits = 0)
    } else {
      proposed_network_max_distance <-
        min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows) * config$res$ew_res

    data <-

    all_disagreement <- calculate_all_stats(config, data)
    all_disagreement <- colSums(all_disagreement)

    all_disagreement <- as.data.frame(t(all_disagreement))
    all_disagreement <- all_disagreement / length(data$host_pools[[1]]$infected)
    config$accuracy <- all_disagreement$accuracy
    config$precision <- all_disagreement$precision
    config$recall <- all_disagreement$recall
    config$specificity <- all_disagreement$specificity
    config$rmse <- all_disagreement$rmse
    config$distance_difference <- all_disagreement$distance_difference
    config$mcc <- all_disagreement$mcc

    ## save current state of the system
    current <-
      data.frame(all_disagreement[, c("quantity_disagreement", "allocation_disagreement",
                                      "configuration_disagreement", "accuracy", "precision",
                                      "recall", "specificity", "rmse", "distance_difference",
                                      "false_negatives", "false_positives", "true_positives",
                                      "true_negatives", "odds_ratio", "mcc")],
                 reproductive_rate = proposed_reproductive_rate,
                 natural_distance_scale = proposed_natural_distance_scale,
                 anthropogenic_distance_scale = proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale,
                 percent_natural_dispersal = proposed_percent_natural_dispersal,
                 natural_kappa = proposed_natural_kappa,
                 anthropogenic_kappa = proposed_anthropogenic_kappa,
                 network_min_distance = proposed_network_min_distance,
                 network_max_distance = proposed_network_max_distance

    params <-
      data.frame(quantity = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 allocation = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 configuration = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 accuracy = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 precision = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 recall = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 specificity = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 rmse = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 distance_difference = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 false_negatives = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 false_positives = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 true_positives = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 true_negatives = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 odds_ratio = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 mcc = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 reproductive_rate = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 natural_distance_scale = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 anthropogenic_distance_scale = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 percent_natural_dispersal = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 natural_kappa = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 anthropogenic_kappa = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 network_min_distance = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations),
                 network_max_distance = rep(0, config$number_of_iterations))

    for (i in seq_len(config$number_of_iterations)) {

      proposed_reproductive_rate <- 0
      while (proposed_reproductive_rate <= 0.1) {
        proposed_reproductive_rate <-
          round(rnorm(1, mean = current$reproductive_rate,
                      sd = current$reproductive_rate / 10), digits = 1)

      proposed_natural_distance_scale <- 0
      while (proposed_natural_distance_scale <= 1) {
        proposed_natural_distance_scale <-
          round(rnorm(1, mean = current$natural_distance_scale,
                      sd = current$natural_distance_scale / 10), digits = 0)

      if (config$params_to_estimate[3]) {
        proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <- 0
        while (proposed_percent_natural_dispersal < 0.93 ||
               proposed_percent_natural_dispersal >= 1) {
          proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <-
            round(rnorm(1, mean = current$percent_natural_dispersal,
                        sd = current$percent_natural_dispersal / 20), digits = 3)
      } else {
        proposed_percent_natural_dispersal <- 1.0

      if (config$params_to_estimate[4]) {
        proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- 0
        while (proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <= 1 ||
               proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale > 100000) {
          proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <-
            round(rnorm(1, mean = current$anthropogenic_distance_scale,
                        sd = current$anthropogenic_distance_scale / 20), digits = 0)
      } else {
        proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale <- 0.1

      if (config$params_to_estimate[5]) {
        proposed_natural_kappa <- 0
        while (proposed_natural_kappa <= 0 ||
               proposed_natural_kappa > 4.000) {
          proposed_natural_kappa <-
            round(rnorm(1, mean = current$natural_kappa,
                        sd = current$natural_kappa / 20), digits = 3)
      } else {
        proposed_natural_kappa <- natural_kappa

      if (config$params_to_estimate[6]) {
        proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- 0
        while (proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <= 0 ||
               proposed_anthropogenic_kappa > 4.000) {
          proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <-
            round(rnorm(1, mean = current$anthropogenic_kappa,
                        sd = current$anthropogenic_kappa / 20), digits = 3)
      } else {
        proposed_anthropogenic_kappa <- anthropogenic_kappa

      if (anthropogenic_kernel_type == "network") {
        proposed_network_min_distance <- 0
        while (proposed_network_min_distance < config$res$ew_res / 2) {
          proposed_network_min_distance <-
            round(rnorm(1, mean = current$network_min_distance,
                        sd = current$network_min_distance / 20), digits = 0)
      } else {
        proposed_network_min_distance <- config$res$ew_res / 2

      if (anthropogenic_kernel_type == "network") {
        proposed_network_max_distance <- 0
        while (proposed_network_max_distance < proposed_network_min_distance ||
               proposed_network_max_distance > (config$res$ew_res *
               min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows))) {
          proposed_network_max_distance <-
            round(rnorm(1, mean = current$network_max_distance,
                        sd = current$network_max_distance / 20), digits = 0)
      } else {
        proposed_network_max_distance <-
          min(config$rows_cols$num_cols, config$rows_cols$num_rows) * config$res$ew_res

      data <-

      # set up comparison
      all_disagreement <- calculate_all_stats(config, data)
      all_disagreement <- colSums(all_disagreement)

      all_disagreement <- as.data.frame(t(all_disagreement))
      all_disagreement <- all_disagreement / length(data$host_pools[[1]]$infected)
      proposed <-
        data.frame(all_disagreement[, c("quantity_disagreement", "allocation_disagreement",
                                        "configuration_disagreement", "accuracy", "precision",
                                        "recall", "specificity", "rmse", "distance_difference",
                                        "false_negatives", "false_positives", "true_positives",
                                        "true_negatives", "odds_ratio", "mcc")],
                   reproductive_rate = proposed_reproductive_rate,
                   natural_distance_scale = proposed_natural_distance_scale,
                   anthropogenic_distance_scale = proposed_anthropogenic_distance_scale,
                   percent_natural_dispersal = proposed_percent_natural_dispersal,
                   natural_kappa = proposed_natural_kappa,
                   anthropogenic_kappa = proposed_anthropogenic_kappa,
                   network_min_distance = proposed_network_min_distance,
                   network_max_distance = proposed_network_max_distance

      # make sure no proposed statistics are 0 or the calculation fails
      # instead set them all to the lowest possible non-zero value
      if (proposed$quantity_disagreement == 0) {
        proposed$quantity_disagreement <- 0.001
      if (proposed$allocation_disagreement == 0) {
        proposed$allocation_disagreement <- 0.001
      if (proposed$configuration_disagreement == 0) {
        proposed$configuration_disagreement <- 0.001
      if (proposed$accuracy == 0) {
        proposed$accuracy <- 0.001
      if (proposed$precision == 0) {
        proposed$precisiont <- 0.001
      if (proposed$recall == 0) {
        proposed$recall <- 0.001
      if (proposed$specificity == 0) {
        proposed$specificity <- 0.001
      if (proposed$rmse == 0) {
        proposed$rmse <- 0.001
      if (proposed$distance_difference == 0) {
        proposed$distance_difference <- 0.001
      # Set up tests for to see if new variable is an improvement in
      # performance metrics for accuracy, precision, recall, and specificity
      # higher values are better so the proposed parameter is in the numerator,
      # for rmse and distance lower values are improvements and the proposed
      # value is in the denominator.
      quantity_test <- min(1, current$quantity_disagreement / proposed$quantity_disagreement)
      allocation_test <- min(1, current$allocation_disagreement / proposed$allocation_disagreement)
      configuration_test <-
        min(1, current$configuration_disagreement / proposed$configuration_disagreement)
      rmse_test <- min(1, current$rmse / proposed$rmse)
      distance_test <- min(1, current$distance / proposed$distance)

      accurracy_test <- min(1, proposed$accuracy / current$accuracy)
      precision_test <- min(1, proposed$precision / current$precision)
      recall_test <- min(1, proposed$recall / current$recall)
      specificity_test <- min(1, proposed$specificity / current$specificity)
      mcc_test <- min(1, proposed$mcc / current$mcc)

      quantity_pass <- runif(1) <= quantity_test
      allocation_pass <- runif(1) <= allocation_test
      configuration_pass <- runif(1) <= configuration_test
      accurracy_pass <- runif(1) <= accurracy_test
      precision_pass <- runif(1) <= precision_test
      recall_pass <- runif(1) <= recall_test
      specificity_pass <- runif(1) <= specificity_test
      rmse_pass <- runif(1) <= rmse_test
      distance_pass <- runif(1) <= distance_test
      mcc_pass <- runif(1) <= mcc_test

      proposed_accepted <- TRUE
      if (config$use_quantity && proposed_accepted) {
        if (quantity_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_allocation && proposed_accepted) {
        if (allocation_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_configuration && proposed_accepted) {
        if (configuration_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_accuracy && proposed_accepted) {
        if (accurracy_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_precision && proposed_accepted) {
        if (precision_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_recall && proposed_accepted) {
        if (recall_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_specificity && proposed_accepted) {
        if (specificity_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_mcc && proposed_accepted) {
        if (mcc_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_distance && proposed_accepted) {
        if (distance_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (config$use_rmse && proposed_accepted) {
        if (rmse_pass) {
          proposed_accepted <- TRUE
        } else {
          proposed_accepted <- FALSE

      if (proposed_accepted) {
        current <- proposed

      param <- current
      if (verbose) {
      params[i, ] <- param

    if (config$number_of_iterations > 10000) {
      start_index <- 5000
    } else {
      start_index <- number_of_iterations / 2

    calibrated_means <-

    calibrated_cov_matrix <-

    parameters_kept <- params

  } else {
    return("Calibration method must be one of 'ABC' or 'MCMC'")

  if (prior_number_of_observations < 1) {
    prior_weight <- prior_number_of_observations
    total_number_of_observations <- number_of_observations +
      round(number_of_observations * prior_number_of_observations)
    weight <- 1 - prior_weight
  } else if (prior_number_of_observations >= 1) {
    total_number_of_observations <- prior_number_of_observations + number_of_observations
    prior_weight <- prior_number_of_observations / total_number_of_observations
    weight <- 1 - prior_weight

  # Use prior and calibrated parameters to update to posteriors
  posterior_check <-

  if (posterior_check$checks_passed) {
    posterior_means <- as.numeric(posterior_check$posterior_means)
    posterior_cov_matrix <- posterior_check$posterior_cov_matrix
  } else {

  outputs <-
      posterior_means, posterior_cov_matrix,
      total_number_of_observations, parameters_kept
  names(outputs) <-
      "posterior_means", "posterior_cov_matrix",
      "total_number_of_observations", "raw_calibration_data"

  if (config$write_outputs %in% config$output_write_list) {
    file_name <- paste(config$output_folder_path, "calibration_outputs.rdata", sep = "")
    save(outputs, file = file_name)
    file_name <- paste(config$output_folder_path, "posterior_means.csv", sep = "")
    write.csv(posterior_means, file_name, row.names = FALSE)
    file_name <- paste(config$output_folder_path, "posterior_cov_matrix.csv", sep = "")
    write.csv(posterior_cov_matrix, file_name, row.names = FALSE)
    file_name <- paste(config$output_folder_path, "raw_calibration_data.csv", sep = "")
    write.csv(parameters_kept, file_name, row.names = FALSE)

ncsu-landscape-dynamics/rpops documentation built on May 1, 2024, 10:21 a.m.