
Defines functions find_sumstats

Documented in find_sumstats

#' Search Open GWAS for datasets matching criteria
#' For each  argument, searches for any datasets matching
#' a case-insensitive substring search in the respective metadata column.
#' Users can supply a single character string or a
#' list/vector of character strings.
#' By default, returns metadata for all studies currently in Open GWAS database.
#' @return (Filtered) GWAS metadata table.
#' @param ids List of Open GWAS study IDs
#' (e.g. \code{c("prot-a-664", "ieu-b-4760")}).
#' @param traits List of traits
#' (e.g. \code{c("parkinson", "Alzheimer")}).
#' @param years List of years
#' (e.g. \code{seq(2015,2021)} or \code{c(2010, 2012, 2021)}).
#' @param consortia List of consortia
#'  (e.g. \code{c("MRC-IEU","Neale Lab")}.
#' @param authors List of authors
#' (e.g. \code{c("Elsworth","Kunkle","Neale")}).
#' @param populations List of populations
#' (e.g. \code{c("European","Asian")}).
#' @param categories List of categories
#' (e.g. \code{c("Binary","Continuous","Disease","Risk factor"))}).
#' @param subcategories List of categories
#' (e.g. \code{c("neurological","Immune","cardio"))}).
#' @param builds List of genome builds
#' (e.g. \code{c("hg19","grch37")}).
#' @param pmids List of PubMed ID (exact matches only)
#' (e.g. \code{c(29875488, 30305740, 28240269)}).
#' @param min_sample_size Minimum total number of study participants
#' (e.g. \code{5000}).
#' @param min_ncase Minimum number of case participants
#' (e.g. \code{1000}).
#' @param min_ncontrol Minimum number of control participants
#' (e.g. \code{1000}).
#' @param min_nsnp Minimum number of SNPs
#' (e.g. \code{200000}).
#' @param include_NAs Include datasets with missing metadata for size criteria
#' (i.e. \code{min_sample_size}, \code{min_ncase}, or \code{min_ncontrol}).
#' @inheritParams check_access_token
#' @inheritParams gwasinfo 
#' @inheritParams format_sumstats
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% arrange desc mutate rowwise
#' @importFrom data.table setorderv
#' @examples
#' # Only run the examples if user has internet access:
#' if(try(is.character(getURL("www.google.com")))==TRUE){
#' ### By ID
#' metagwas <- find_sumstats(ids = c(
#'     "ieu-b-4760",
#'     "prot-a-1725",
#'     "prot-a-664"
#' ))
#' ### By ID amd sample size
#' metagwas <- find_sumstats(
#'     ids = c("ieu-b-4760", "prot-a-1725", "prot-a-664"),
#'     min_sample_size = 5000
#' )
#' ### By criteria
#' metagwas <- find_sumstats(
#'     traits = c("alzheimer", "parkinson"),
#'     years = seq(2015, 2021)
#' )
#' }
find_sumstats <- function(ids = NULL,
                          traits = NULL,
                          years = NULL,
                          consortia = NULL,
                          authors = NULL,
                          populations = NULL,
                          categories = NULL,
                          subcategories = NULL,
                          builds = NULL,
                          pmids = NULL,
                          min_sample_size = NULL,
                          min_ncase = NULL,
                          min_ncontrol = NULL,
                          min_nsnp = NULL,
                          include_NAs = FALSE,
                          access_token = check_access_token()) {
    ## Set up fake empty variables to avoid confusing BiocCheck
    sample_size <- ncase <- ncontrol <- nsnp <- N <- NULL;
    message("Collecting metadata from Open GWAS.")
    if (!is.null(ids)) {
        metagwas <- gwasinfo(
            id = ids,
            access_token = access_token
        ## gwasinfo() doesn't always return all columns for some reason
        missing_cols <- c("ncase", "ncontrol")
        missing_cols <- missing_cols[!missing_cols %in% colnames(metagwas)]
        if (length(missing_cols) > 0) {
            for (x in missing_cols) {
                metagwas[[x]] <- NA
    } else {
        metagwas <- gwasinfo()
    message("Filtering metadata by substring criteria.")
    if (!is.null(traits)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(traits, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(years)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(years, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(consortia)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(consortia, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(authors)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(authors, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(populations)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(populations, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(categories)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(categories, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(subcategories)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(subcategories, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(builds)) {
        metagwas <- metagwas[grepl(paste(builds, collapse = "|"),
                                   ignore.case = TRUE
        ), ]
    if (!is.null(pmids)) metagwas <- metagwas[metagwas$pmid %in% pmids, ]
    if (any(
    )) {
        message("Filtering metadata by sample/case/control/SNP size criteria.")
        if (include_NAs) {
            message("Including sample/case/control size with NAs.")
            if (!is.null(min_sample_size)) {
                metagwas <- subset(
                    sample_size >= min_sample_size |
                        is.na(sample_size) |
                        sample_size == "NA"
            if (!is.null(min_ncase)) {
                metagwas <- subset(
                    ncase >= min_ncase |
                        is.na(ncase) |
                        ncase == "NA"
            if (!is.null(min_ncontrol)) {
                metagwas <- subset(
                    ncontrol >= min_ncontrol |
                        is.na(ncontrol) |
                        ncontrol == "NA"
            if (!is.null(min_nsnp)) {
                metagwas <- subset(
                    nsnp >= min_nsnp |
                        is.na(nsnp) |
                        nsnp == "NA"
        } else {
            message("Excluding sample/case/control size with NAs.")
            if (!is.null(min_sample_size)) {
                metagwas <- subset(metagwas, sample_size >= min_sample_size)
            if (!is.null(min_ncase)) {
                metagwas <- subset(metagwas, ncase >= min_ncase)
            if (!is.null(min_ncontrol)) {
                metagwas <- subset(metagwas, ncontrol >= min_ncontrol)
            if (!is.null(min_nsnp)) {
                metagwas <- subset(metagwas, nsnp >= min_nsnp)
    #### Add N col #### 
    metagwas <- metagwas |>
        dplyr::rowwise() |>
        dplyr::mutate(N = ifelse(is.na(sample_size),
                                 sum(ncase, ncontrol, na.rm = TRUE),
        )) |>
    metagwas[N %in% c(NA,0,"","NA",NULL),]$N <- NA
    #### Ensure data.table format ####
    metagwas <- data.table::data.table(metagwas)
    #### Add query col to keep track of groups ####
    param_list <- as.list(match.call())  
    metagwas$query <- list(param_list[names(param_list)!=""] )
    #### Sort results  #### 
                          cols = c(
                              "trait", "N", "sample_size",
                              "ncase", "ncontrol", "year"
                          order = c(1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)
        "Found ", formatC(nrow(metagwas), big.mark = ","),
        " GWAS datasets matching search criteria across:",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$trait)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " trait(s)",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$population)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " population(s)",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$category)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " category(ies)",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$subcategory)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " subcategory(ies)",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$pmid)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " publication(s)",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$consortium)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " consortia(ium)",
        "\n   - ", formatC(length(unique(metagwas$build)),
                           big.mark = ","
        ), " genome build(s)"
neurogenomics/MungeSumstats documentation built on July 17, 2024, 3:14 p.m.