
#' @title
#' R6 class for a formal context
#' @description
#' This class implements the data structure and methods for formal contexts.
#' @examples
#' # Build and print the formal context
#' fc_planets <- FormalContext$new(planets)
#' print(fc_planets)
#' # Define a set of attributes
#' S <- Set$new(attributes = fc_planets$attributes)
#' S$assign(moon = 1, large = 1)
#' # Compute the closure of S
#' Sc <- fc_planets$closure(S)
#' # Is Sc a closed set?
#' fc_planets$is_closed(Sc)
#' # Clarify and reduce the formal context
#' fc2 <- fc_planets$reduce(TRUE)
#' # Find implications
#' fc_planets$find_implications()
#' # Read a formal context from CSV
#' filename <- system.file("contexts", "airlines.csv", package = "fcaR")
#' fc <- FormalContext$new(filename)
#' # Read a formal context from a CXT file
#' filename <- system.file("contexts", "lives_in_water.cxt", package = "fcaR")
#' fc <- FormalContext$new(filename)
#' @references
#' Guigues J, Duquenne V (1986). “Familles minimales d'implications informatives résultant d'un tableau de données binaires.” _Mathématiques et Sciences humaines_, *95*, 5-18.
#' Ganter B, Wille R (1999). _Formal concept analysis : mathematical foundations_. Springer. ISBN 3540627715.
#' Belohlavek R (2002). “Algorithms for fuzzy concept lattices.” In _Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Soft Computing_. Nottingham, United Kingdom, 200-205.
#' Hahsler M, Grun B, Hornik K (2005). “arules - a computational environment for mining association rules and frequent item sets.” _J Stat Softw_, *14*, 1-25.
#' @export
FormalContext <- R6::R6Class(

  classname = "FormalContext",

  public = list(

    #' @field I The table of the formal context as a matrix.
    I = NULL,

    #' @field attributes The attributes of the formal context.
    attributes = NULL,

    #' @field objects The objects of the formal context.
    objects = NULL,

    #' @field grades_set The set of degrees (in \[0, 1\]) the whole set of attributes can take.
    grades_set = NULL,

    #' @field expanded_grades_set The set of degrees (in \[0, 1\]) each attribute can take.
    expanded_grades_set = NULL,

    #' @field concepts The concept lattice associated to the formal context as a \code{\link{ConceptLattice}}.
    concepts = "Not computed yet",

    #' @field implications A set of implications on the formal context as an \code{\link{ImplicationSet}}.
    implications = "Not computed yet",

    #' @description
    #' Creator for the Formal Context class
    #' @param I           (numeric matrix) The table of the formal context.
    #' @param filename    (character) Path of a file to import.
    #' @param remove_const (logical) If \code{TRUE}, remove constant columns. The default is \code{FALSE}.
    #' @details
    #' Columns of \code{I} should be named, since they are the names of the attributes of the formal context.
    #' If no \code{I} is used, the resulting \code{FormalContext} will be empty and not usable unless for loading a previously saved one. In this case, one can provide a \code{filename} to import. Only RDS, CSV and CXT files are currently supported.
    #' If the file is not present, the fcarepository.org is looked for coincidences. If so, the corresponding context is loaded.
    #' @return An object of the \code{FormalContext} class.
    #' @export
    initialize = function(I, filename,
                          remove_const = FALSE) {

      if (missing(I)) {

        if (!missing(filename) && file.exists(filename)) {





      if ((length(I) == 1) && is.character(I) && file.exists(I)) {




      if ((length(I) == 1) && is.character(I) && !file.exists(I)) {

        warning("The file does not exist, trying to find it at fcarepository.org",
                call. = FALSE,
                immediate. = TRUE)

        URL <- glue::glue("https://github.com/fcatools/contexts/raw/main/contexts/{I}")

        file <- tempfile(fileext = ".cxt")

        err <- try(
                        destfile = file,
                        quiet = TRUE)

        if (inherits(err, "try-error")) {

          stop("No such context.")

        } else {

          message("Found context.")

          meta <- get_metadata(I)

          if (!is.null(meta)) {

            glue::glue("- {cli::style_underline('Title')}: {meta$title}\n- {cli::style_underline('Description')}: {stringr::str_to_sentence(meta$description)}\n- {cli::style_underline('Source')}: {meta$source}\n\n",
                       .trim = FALSE) |>







      # version

      if (!capabilities()["long.double"] & getRversion() < "4.1.0") {

        private$can_plot <- FALSE


      # Transform the formal context to sparse
      if (inherits(I, "transactions")) {

        # If it comes from the arules package
        attributes <- I@itemInfo$labels
        I <- convert_to_sparse(I@data)
        objects <- paste0(seq(ncol(I)))
        dimnames(I) <- list(attributes, objects)

      } else {

        # Or if it comes from a numeric table
        if (length(colnames(I)) > 0) {

          attributes <- colnames(I)

        } else {

          attributes <- paste0("A", seq(ncol(I)))


        if (length(rownames(I)) > 0) {

          objects <- rownames(I)

        } else {

          objects <- paste0("O", seq(nrow(I)))


        private$is_many_valued <- check_many_valued(I)

        if (!private$is_many_valued) {

          I <- as.matrix(I)

          # Remove the constant columns
          if (remove_const) {

            constant_cols <- which(apply(I, 2, max) == apply(I, 2, min))

            if (length(constant_cols) > 0) {

              str <- paste0("Removed constant columns: ", stringr::str_flatten(attributes[constant_cols], collapse = ", "))

                                        exdent = 2,
                                        width = 75))

              I <- I[, -constant_cols]
              attributes <- attributes[-constant_cols]



          # # TODO: save tI???
          # tI <- new_spm(I)
          # I <- new_spm(t(I))
          I <- convert_to_sparse(
            Matrix::Matrix(t(I), sparse = TRUE))



      self$objects <- objects
      self$attributes <- attributes

      if (!private$is_many_valued) {

        # Assign everything to its corresponding field
        expanded_grades_set <- compute_grades(Matrix::t(I))
        grades_set <- sort(unique(unlist(expanded_grades_set)))

        self$I <- I
        self$grades_set <- unique(c(0, grades_set, 1))
        self$expanded_grades_set <- expanded_grades_set

        colnames(self$I) <- self$objects
        rownames(self$I) <- self$attributes

        # Is the FormalContext binary?
        private$is_binary <- length(self$grades_set) == 2

      } else {

        # browser()

        private$many_valued_I <- I
        # colnames(private$many_valued_I) <- self$objects
        # rownames(private$many_valued_I) <- self$attributes


      # Create a new empty implication set inside
      self$implications <- ImplicationSet$new(attributes = attributes,
                                              I = self$I)

      # Create a new empty ConceptLattice inside
      self$concepts <- ConceptLattice$new(extents = NULL,
                                          intents = NULL,
                                          objects = self$objects,
                                          attributes = self$attributes,
                                          I = self$I)


    #' @description
    #' Check if the \code{FormalContext} is empty
    #' @return \code{TRUE} if the \code{FormalContext} is empty, that is, has not been provided with a matrix, and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
    #' @export
    is_empty = function() {

      return(is.null(self$I) && is.null(private$many_valued_I))


    #' @description
    #' Scale the context
    #' @param attributes  The attributes to scale
    #' @param type        Type of scaling.
    #' @param ...
    #' @details
    #' The types of scaling are implemented in a registry,
    #' so that \code{scalingRegistry$get_entries()} returns
    #' all types.
    #' In the dots argument, the user can supply the value for \code{bg} (logical), which, if set to \code{TRUE}, indicates to compute background knowledge as implications on the scales; if \code{FALSE}, no implications will be computed on the scales.
    #' @return The scaled formal context
    #' @export
    #' @examples
    #' filename <- system.file("contexts", "aromatic.csv", package = "fcaR")
    #' fc <- FormalContext$new(filename)
    #' fc$scale("nitro", "ordinal", comparison = `>=`, values = 1:3)
    #' fc$scale("OS", "nominal", c("O", "S"))
    #' fc$scale(attributes = "ring", type = "nominal")
    scale = function(attributes, type, ...) {

      # TODO: Check that the attributes are in self$attributes

      bg <- FALSE
      dots <- list(...)
      if ("bg" %in% names(dots)) {

        bg <- dots$bg
        dots$bg <- NULL


      I <- self$incidence()
      for (att in attributes) {

        scaled <-
          scale_context(I, column = att,
                        type = type,
                        bg = bg,

        I <- scaled$derived
        private$scales <- c(private$scales,
        names(private$scales)[length(private$scales)] <- att

        if (bg) {

          # Add implications to the bg_implications
          private$bg_implications <- combine_implications(

          # if (scaled$bg_implications$cardinality() > 0) {
          #   private$bg_implications$to_basis()
          # }





    #' @description
    #' Scales applied to the formal context
    #' @param attributes (character) Name of the attributes for which scales
    #' (if applied) are returned.
    #' @return The scales that have been applied to the specified attributes
    #' of the formal context. If no \code{attributes} are passed,
    #' then all applied scales are returned.
    #' @export
    #' @examples
    #' filename <- system.file("contexts", "aromatic.csv", package = "fcaR")
    #' fc <- FormalContext$new(filename)
    #' fc$scale("nitro", "ordinal", comparison = `>=`, values = 1:3)
    #' fc$scale("OS", "nominal", c("O", "S"))
    #' fc$scale(attributes = "ring", type = "nominal")
    #' fc$get_scales()
    get_scales = function(attributes = names(private$scales)) {

      # TODO: Get the scales applied to only one or some
      # of the self$attributes.
      attributes <- attributes[attributes %in% names(private$scales)]

      res <- private$scales[attributes]
      if (length(res) > 0) {

        if (length(res) > 1) {


        } else {



      } else {

        message("No scaling has been performed on these attributes.")



    #' @description
    #' Background knowledge of a scaled formal context
    #' @return
    #' An \code{ImplicationSet} with the implications
    #' extracted from the application of scales.
    #' @export
    #' @examples
    #' filename <- system.file("contexts", "aromatic.csv", package = "fcaR")
    #' fc <- FormalContext$new(filename)
    #' fc$scale("nitro", "ordinal", comparison = `>=`, values = 1:3)
    #' fc$scale("OS", "nominal", c("O", "S"))
    #' fc$scale(attributes = "ring", type = "nominal")
    #' fc$background_knowledge()
    background_knowledge = function() {

      if (!is.null(private$bg_implications)) {

        if (is.null(private$bg_implications_basis)) {

          private$bg_implications_basis <- private$bg_implications$clone()
          # private$bg_implications_basis$to_basis()
          suppressMessages(private$bg_implications_basis$apply_rules(c("comp", "simp", "rsimp")))



        # private$bg_implications$clone()

      } else {

        ImplicationSet$new(attributes = self$attributes)



    #' @description
    #' Get the dual formal context
    #' @return A \code{FormalContext} where objects and attributes have interchanged their roles.
    #' @export
    dual = function() {

      if (private$is_many_valued) {


      } else {

        I <- Matrix::as.matrix(self$I)
        colnames(I) <- self$objects
        rownames(I) <- self$attributes




    #' @description
    #' Get the intent of a fuzzy set of objects
    #' @param S   (\code{Set}) The set of objects to compute the intent for.
    #' @return A \code{Set} with the intent.
    #' @export
    intent = function(S) {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      if (inherits(S, "Set")) {

        if (all(S$get_attributes() == self$objects)) {

          S <- S$get_vector()

        } else {

          S <- match_attributes(S, self$objects)
          S <- S$get_vector()
          warn <- c("The attributes in the input set are not the same",
                    " that in the formal context. Attempting to match",
                    " attribute names gives ",
                    .set_to_string(S, self$objects)) %>%
          warning(warn, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
          # stop("It is not a set of the required type (set of objects).", call. = FALSE)



      if (length(S) == length(self$objects)) {

        R <- compute_intent(
          connection = private$connection,
          name = private$logic)

        if (length(R@i) > 0) {

          # Non-empty set:
          R <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = R@i + 1,
                                    j = rep(1, length(R@i)),
                                    x = R@x,
                                    dims = c(length(self$attributes), 1))

          R <- Set$new(attributes = self$attributes,
                             M = R)
        } else {

          # Empty intent
          R <- Set$new(attributes = self$attributes)



      } else {

        stop("It is not a set of the required type (set of objects).", call. = FALSE)



    #' @description
    #' Get the intent of a fuzzy set of objects
    #' @param S   (\code{Set}) The set of objects to compute the intent for.
    #' @return A \code{Set} with the intent.
    #' @export
    uparrow = function(S) {



    #' @description
    #' Get the extent of a fuzzy set of attributes
    #' @param S   (\code{Set}) The set of attributes to compute the extent for.
    #' @return A \code{Set} with the intent.
    #' @export
    extent = function(S) {

      # TODO: Apply scales to Sets.

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      if (inherits(S, "Set")) {

        if (all(S$get_attributes() == self$attributes)) {

          S <- S$get_vector()

        } else {

          S <- match_attributes(S, self$attributes)
          S <- S$get_vector()
          warn <- c("The attributes in the input set are not the same",
                    " that in the formal context. Attempting to match",
                    " attribute names gives ",
                    .set_to_string(S, self$attributes)) %>%
          warning(warn, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
          # stop("It is not a set of the required type (set of attributes).", call. = FALSE)



      if (length(S) == length(self$attributes)) {

        R <- compute_extent(
          connection = private$connection,
          name = private$logic)

        if (length(R@i) > 0) {

          # Non-empty set:
          R <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = R@i + 1,
                                    j = rep(1, length(R@i)),
                                    x = R@x,
                                    dims = c(length(self$objects), 1))

          R <- Set$new(attributes = self$objects,
                             M = R)
        } else {

          # Empty extent
          R <- Set$new(attributes = self$objects)



      } else {

        stop("It is not a set of the required type (set of objects).", call. = FALSE)



    #' @description
    #' Get the extent of a fuzzy set of attributes
    #' @param S   (\code{Set}) The set of attributes to compute the extent for.
    #' @return A \code{Set} with the intent.
    #' @export
    downarrow = function(S) {



    #' @description
    #' Get the closure of a fuzzy set of attributes
    #' @param S   (\code{Set}) The set of attributes to compute the closure for.
    #' @return A \code{Set} with the closure.
    #' @export
    closure = function(S) {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      if (inherits(S, "Set")) {

        if (all(S$get_attributes() == self$attributes)) {

          S <- S$get_vector()

        } else {

          S <- match_attributes(S, self$attributes)
          S <- S$get_vector()
          warn <- c("The attributes in the input set are not the same",
                    " that in the formal context. Attempting to match",
                    " attribute names gives ",
                    .set_to_string(S, self$attributes)) %>%
          warning(warn, call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

          # stop("It is not a set of the required type (set of attributes).", call. = FALSE)



      if (length(S) == length(self$attributes)) {

        R <- compute_closure(
          connection = private$connection,
          name = private$logic)

        if (length(R@i) > 0) {

          # Non-empty set:
          R <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = R@i + 1,
                                    j = rep(1, length(R@i)),
                                    x = R@x,
                                    dims = c(length(self$attributes), 1))

          R <- Set$new(attributes = self$attributes,
                             M = R)
        } else {

          # Empty closure
          R <- Set$new(attributes = self$attributes)



      } else {

        stop("It is not a set of the required type (set of objects).", call. = FALSE)



    #' @description
    #' Object Concept
    #' @param object (character) Name of the object to compute its associated concept
    #' @return
    #' The object concept associated to the object given.
    #' @export
    obj_concept = function(object) {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      S <- Set$new(attributes = self$objects)
      S$assign(attributes = object, values = 1)

      B <- self$intent(S)
      A <- self$extent(B)

      C <- Concept$new(extent = A, intent = B)



    #' @description
    #' Attribute Concept
    #' @param attribute (character) Name of the attribute to compute its associated concept
    #' @return
    #' The attribute concept associated to the attribute given.
    #' @export
    att_concept = function(attribute) {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      S <- Set$new(attributes = self$attributes)
      S$assign(attributes = attribute, values = 1)

      A <- self$extent(S)
      B <- self$intent(A)

      C <- Concept$new(extent = A, intent = B)



    #' @description
    #' Is a Concept?
    #' @param C A \code{Concept} object
    #' @return
    #' \code{TRUE} if \code{C} is a concept.
    #' @export
    is_concept = function(C) {

      O <- C$get_extent()
      A <- C$get_intent()

      # O should be the extent of A, and A should be intent of O
      return((self$extent(A) %==% O) && (self$intent(O) %==% A))


    #' @description
    #' Testing closure of attribute sets
    #' @param S A \code{Set} of attributes
    #' @return
    #' \code{TRUE} if the set \code{S} is closed in this formal context.
    #' @export
    is_closed = function(S) {

      Sc <- self$closure(S)
      return(S %==% Sc)


    #' @description
    #' Clarify a formal context
    #' @param copy   (logical) If \code{TRUE}, a new \code{FormalContext} object is created with the clarified context, otherwise the current one is overwritten.
    #' @return The clarified \code{FormalContext}.
    #' @export
    clarify = function(copy = FALSE) {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      # Redundant attributes
      my_I <- .clarify_matrix(Matrix::t(self$I),
                              rows = self$objects,
                              cols = self$attributes)

      # And redundant objects
      my_I <- .clarify_matrix(Matrix::t(my_I),
                              rows = colnames(my_I),
                              cols = self$objects)
      my_I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(my_I))

      if (copy) {

        fc2 <- FormalContext$new(my_I)


      } else {





    #' @description
    #' Reduce a formal context
    #' @param copy   (logical) If \code{TRUE}, a new \code{FormalContext} object is created with the clarified and reduced context, otherwise the current one is overwritten.
    #' @return The clarified and reduced \code{FormalContext}.
    #' @export
    reduce = function(copy = FALSE) {

      if (!private$is_binary) {

        stop("This FormalContext is not binary. Reduction is not implemented for fuzzy contexts.", call. = FALSE)


      # Make a copy with the clarified context
      fc2 <- self$clarify(TRUE)

      my_I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(fc2$I))

      att <- fc2$attributes

      Z <- Set$new(attributes = att)

      for (y in att) {

        R <- Set$new(attributes = fc2$objects)
        R$assign(attributes = fc2$objects,
                 values = rep(1, length(fc2$objects)))

        R <- R$get_vector()

        yv <- Set$new(attributes = att)
        yv$assign(attributes = y, values = 1)
        y_down <- fc2$extent(yv)

        for (yp in setdiff(att, y)) {

          ypv <- Set$new(attributes = att)
          ypv$assign(attributes = yp, values = 1)
          yp_down <- fc2$extent(ypv)

          S <- .subset(y_down$get_vector(),

          if (S[1]) {

            R[Matrix::which(yp_down$get_vector() < R)] <- yp_down$get_vector()[Matrix::which(yp_down$get_vector() < R)]



        if (!.equal_sets(R, y_down$get_vector())[1]) {

          Z$assign(attributes = y, values = 1)



      new_att <- Z$get_attributes()[Matrix::which(Z$get_vector() > 0)]

      idx <- match(new_att, att)

      # if (length(idx) == 1) {
      #   my_I <- .extract_column(my_I, idx)
      # } else {
      #   my_I <- my_I[, idx]
      # }

      my_I <- matrix(my_I[, idx], ncol = length(idx))

      colnames(my_I) <- new_att
      rownames(my_I) <- fc2$objects

      if (copy) {

        fc3 <- FormalContext$new(my_I)


      } else {





    #' @description
    #' Build the Standard Context
    #' @details
    #' All concepts must be previously computed.
    #' @return
    #' The standard context using the join- and meet- irreducible elements.
    #' @export
    standardize = function() {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      if (self$concepts$is_empty()) {

        stop("Concepts must be computed beforehand.\n", call. = FALSE)


      join_irr <- self$concepts$join_irreducibles()$to_list()
      meet_irr <- self$concepts$meet_irreducibles()$to_list()

      nj <- length(join_irr)
      nm <- length(meet_irr)

      I <- matrix(0, nrow = nj, ncol = nm)

      for (i in seq(nj)) {

        for (j in seq(nm)) {

          I[i, j] <- ifelse(join_irr[[i]] %<=% meet_irr[[j]], 1, 0)



      colnames(I) <- paste0("M", seq(nm))
      rownames(I) <- paste0("J", seq(nj))



    #' @description
    #' Use Ganter Algorithm to compute concepts
    #' @param verbose   (logical) TRUE will provide a verbose output.
    #' @return A list with all the concepts in the formal context.
    #' @export
    find_concepts = function(verbose = FALSE) {


      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      my_I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(self$I))
      # my_I <- unique(my_I)
      grades_set <- rep(list(self$grades_set), length(self$attributes))
      # grades_set <- self$expanded_grades_set
      attrs <- self$attributes

      L <- next_closure_concepts(
        I = my_I,
        grades_set = grades_set,
        attrs = attrs,
        connection = private$connection,
        name = private$logic,
        verbose = verbose)

      # Since the previous function gives the list of intents of
      # the computed concepts, now we will compute the corresponding
      # extents.

      if (length(self$attributes) == 1) {

        my_intents <- Matrix::Matrix(t(as.vector(L$intents)), sparse = TRUE)

        my_extents <- Matrix::Matrix(t(as.vector(L$extents)), sparse = TRUE)

      } else {

        my_intents <- L$intents

        my_extents <- L$extents


      self$concepts <- ConceptLattice$new(
        extents = my_extents,
        intents = my_intents,
        objects = self$objects,
        attributes = self$attributes,
        I = self$I)

      if (verbose) {

        cat("Number of closures", L$closure_count, "\n")


      # return(invisible(self$concepts))


    #' @description
    #' Use modified Ganter algorithm to compute both concepts and implications
    #' @param save_concepts (logical) \code{TRUE} will also compute and save the concept lattice. \code{FALSE} is usually faster, since it only computes implications.
    #' @param verbose   (logical) \code{TRUE} will provide a verbose output.
    #' @return Nothing, just updates the internal fields \code{concepts} and \code{implications}.
    #' @export
    find_implications = function(save_concepts = TRUE,
                                 verbose = FALSE) {


      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      my_I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(self$I))
      my_I <- unique(my_I)
      grades_set <- rep(list(self$grades_set), length(self$attributes))
      # grades_set <- self$expanded_grades_set
      attrs <- self$attributes

      # if (is.null(private$bg_implications)) {

        L <- next_closure_implications(
          I = my_I,
          grades_set = grades_set,
          attrs = attrs,
          save_concepts = save_concepts,
          connection = private$connection,
          name = private$logic,
          verbose = verbose)

      # }

      if (!is.null(private$bg_implications) && private$bg_implications$cardinality() > 0) {

        private$bg_implications <- reorder_attributes(

        # n_bg <- private$bg_implications$cardinality()
        # L <- next_closure_implications_bg2(I = my_I,
        #                                   grades_set = grades_set,
        #                                   attrs = attrs,
        #                                   lhs_bg = private$bg_implications$get_LHS_matrix(),
        #                                   rhs_bg = private$bg_implications$get_RHS_matrix(),
        #                                   n_bg = n_bg,
        #                                   save_concepts = save_concepts,
        #                                   verbose = verbose)

        bg <- private$bg_implications$clone()
        suppressMessages(bg$apply_rules(c("simp", "rsimp")))

        # print(private$bg_implications %~% bg)
        lhs_bg <- bg$get_LHS_matrix()
        rhs_bg <- bg$get_RHS_matrix()
        L1 <- complete_rhs(LHS = lhs_bg, RHS = rhs_bg)

        lhs_bg <- L1$lhs
        rhs_bg <- L1$rhs

        L2 <- .imp_to_basis_bg(
          lhs_bg = lhs_bg,
          rhs_bg = rhs_bg,
          LHS = L$LHS,
          RHS = L$RHS,
          attributes = self$attributes)
        L3 <- .clean(L2$lhs, L2$rhs)
        L$LHS <- L3$lhs
        L$RHS <- L3$rhs


      # Since the previous function gives the list of intents of
      # the computed concepts, now we will compute the corresponding
      # extents.
      if (save_concepts) {

        my_intents <- L$concepts
        my_extents <- L$extents


      if (save_concepts) {

        self$concepts <- ConceptLattice$new(
          extents = my_extents,
          intents = my_intents,
          objects = self$objects,
          attributes = self$attributes,
          I = self$I)


      # Now, add the computed implications
      # TODO: check what happens with only 1 implication.
      if (ncol(L$LHS) > 0) {

        # There are implications (the first one is dummy
        # emptyset -> emptyset )
        my_LHS <- convert_to_sparse(L$LHS)
        my_RHS <- convert_to_sparse(L$RHS)

        extracted_implications <- ImplicationSet$new(
          attributes = self$attributes,
          lhs = my_LHS,
          rhs = my_RHS,
          I = self$I)

      } else {

        extracted_implications <- ImplicationSet$new(
          attributes = self$attributes,
          I = self$I)


      self$implications <- extracted_implications



    #' @description
    #' Convert the formal context to object of class \code{transactions} from the \code{arules} package
    #' @return A \code{transactions} object.
    #' @export
    to_transactions = function() {


      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      return(methods::as(methods::as(self$I, "nMatrix"), "transactions"))
      # return(to_transactions.SpM(self$I))


    #' @description
    #' Save a \code{FormalContext} to RDS or CXT format
    #' @param filename   (character) Path of the  file where to store the \code{FormalContext}.
    #' @return Invisibly the current \code{FormalContext}.
    #' @details The format is inferred from the extension of the filename.
    #' @export
    save = function(filename = tempfile(fileext = ".rds")) {


      pattern <- "(?<!^|[.]|/)[.]([^.]+)$"

      extension <- filename %>%
        stringr::str_extract_all(pattern) %>%
        unlist() %>%

      if (extension == ".cxt") {

        if (!private$is_many_valued) {

          to_cxt(I = self$incidence(),
                 objects = self$objects,
                 attributes = self$attributes,




      if (!self$concepts$is_empty()) {

        extents <- self$concepts$extents()
        intents <- self$concepts$intents()

      } else {

        extents <- NULL
        intents <- NULL


      if (private$is_many_valued) {

        L <- list(I = self$I,
                  many_valued_I = private$many_valued_I,
                  extents = NULL,
                  intents = NULL,
                  attributes = self$attributes,
                  objects = self$objects,
                  expanded_grades_set = NULL,
                  grades_set = NULL,
                  implications = self$implications)

      } else {

        L <- list(I = self$I,
                  extents = extents,
                  intents = intents,
                  attributes = self$attributes,
                  objects = self$objects,
                  expanded_grades_set = self$expanded_grades_set,
                  grades_set = self$grades_set,
                  implications = self$implications)


      saveRDS(L, file = filename)



    #' @description
    #' Load a \code{FormalContext} from a file
    #' @param filename   (character) Path of the file to load the \code{FormalContext} from.
    #' @details Currently, only RDS, CSV and CXT files are supported.
    #' @return The loaded \code{FormalContext}.
    #' @export
    load = function(filename) {

      pattern <- "(?<!^|[.]|/)[.]([^.]+)$"

      extension <- filename %>%
        stringr::str_extract_all(pattern) %>%
        unlist() %>%

      if (extension == ".rds") {

        L <- readRDS(filename)

        if ("many_valued_I" %in% names(L)) {




        self$I <- L$I
        self$attributes <- L$attributes
        self$objects <- L$objects
        self$expanded_grades_set <- L$expanded_grades_set
        self$grades_set <- L$grades_set
        self$implications <- ImplicationSet$new(
          attributes = L$attributes,
          I = L$I,
          lhs = L$implications$get_LHS_matrix(),
          rhs = L$implications$get_RHS_matrix())

        if (!is.null(L$extents)) {

          self$concepts <- ConceptLattice$new(
            extents = L$extents,
            intents = L$intents,
            objects = L$objects,
            attributes = L$attributes,
            I = L$I)



      if (extension == ".csv") {

        I <- read.csv(filename)

        if (is.character(I[[1]]) || is.factor(I[[1]])) {

          objects <- as.character(I[[1]])
          I <- I[, -1]
          rownames(I) <- objects


        I <- as.matrix(I)



      if (extension == ".cxt") {

        txt <- readLines(filename)

        n_objects <- txt[3] %>% as.numeric()
        n_attributes <- txt[4] %>% as.numeric()

        obj_idx <- seq(6, 6 + n_objects - 1)
        att_idx <- seq(6 + n_objects,
                       6 + n_objects + n_attributes - 1)
        matrix_idx <- seq(6 + n_objects + n_attributes,
                          6 + 2 * n_objects + n_attributes - 1)

        objects <- txt[obj_idx]
        attributes <- txt[att_idx]
        matrix <- txt[matrix_idx]  %>%
            pattern = "X",
            replacement = "1") %>%
            pattern = stringr::fixed("."),
            replacement = "0") %>%
          as.list() %>%
          stringr::str_split(pattern = "") %>%

        I <- do.call(rbind, matrix)
        rownames(I) <- objects
        colnames(I) <- attributes





    #' @description
    #' Dimensions of the formal context
    #' @return A vector with (number of objects, number of attributes).
    #' @export
    dim = function() {

      return(c(length(self$objects), length(self$attributes)))


    #' @description
    #' Prints the formal context
    #' @return Prints information regarding the formal context.
    #' @export
    print = function() {

      if (self$is_empty()) {

        cat("Empty FormalContext.\n")



      dims <- self$dim()

      if (!private$is_many_valued) {

        I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(self$I))

        if (private$is_binary) {

          I <- .print_binary(I, latex = FALSE)


        objects <- self$objects
        if (nrow(I) > 10) {

          I <- I[1:10, ]
          objects <- objects[1:10]


        matp <- .print_matrix(I,
                              objects = objects,
                              attributes = self$attributes)
        M <- matp$mat
        ids <- matp$att_id
        last_attribute <- max(ids) - 1

        str <- paste0("FormalContext with ", dims[1],
                      " objects and ",
                      dims[2], " attributes.") %>%
          stringr::str_wrap(width = getOption("width"))



        if (last_attribute < length(self$attributes)) {

          remaining <- self$attributes[-seq(last_attribute)]

          if (length(remaining) > 6) {

            remaining <- c(remaining[1:6], "...")


          remaining <- remaining %>%
            stringr::str_flatten(", ")

          str <- paste0("Other attributes are: ", remaining) %>%
            stringr::str_wrap(width = getOption("width"))

          cat(str, "\n")


      } else {

        str <- paste0("FormalContext with ", dims[1],
                      " objects and ",
                      dims[2], " attributes.") %>%
          stringr::str_wrap(width = getOption("width"))



        # print(tibble::tibble(private$many_valued_I))



    #' @description
    #' Write the context in LaTeX format
    #' @param table (logical) If \code{TRUE}, surrounds everything between \code{\\begin{table}} and \code{\\end{table}}.
    #' @param label (character) The label for the table environment.
    #' @param caption (character) The caption of the table.
    #' @param fraction (character) If \code{none}, no fractions are produced. Otherwise, if it is \code{frac}, \code{dfrac} or \code{sfrac}, decimal numbers are represented as fractions with the corresponding LaTeX typesetting.
    #' @return
    #' A table environment in LaTeX.
    #' @export
    #' @importFrom glue glue
    to_latex = function(table = TRUE,
                        label = "",
                        caption = "") {

      # TODO: export a many-valued context to LaTeX
      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      fraction <- fcaR_options("latex_fraction")

      I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(self$I))

      if (private$is_binary) {

        I <- .print_binary(I, latex = TRUE)

      } else {

        if (fraction != "none") {

          I <- .to_fraction(I,
                            latex = TRUE,
                            type = fraction)

        } else {

          decimal_places <- fcaR_options("decimal_places")
          I[] <- I %>%
            formatC(digits = decimal_places) %>%
            stringr::str_replace_all("\\s*", "")



      str <- context_to_latex(
        objects = self$objects,
        attributes = self$attributes)

      if (table) {

        my_caption <- glue::glue(
        # my_caption <- paste0("\\caption{,
        #                      \\label{",
        #                      label, "}",
        #                      caption, "}")

        str <- c("\\begin{table}",





    #' @description
    #' Incidence matrix of the formal context
    #' @return The incidence matrix of the formal context
    #' @export
    #' @examples
    #' fc <- FormalContext$new(planets)
    #' fc$incidence()
    incidence = function() {

      if (private$is_many_valued) {


      } else {

        I <- Matrix::as.matrix(Matrix::t(self$I))
        dimnames(I) <- list(self$objects, self$attributes)




    #' @description
    #' Subcontext of the formal context
    #' @param objects (character array) Name of the objects to
    #' keep.
    #' @param attributes (character array) Names of the attributes
    #' to keep.
    #' @details
    #' A warning will be issued if any of the names is not present
    #' in the list of objects or attributes of the formal context.
    #' If \code{objects} or \code{attributes} is empty, then it is
    #' assumed to represent the whole set of objects or attributes
    #' of the original formal context.
    #' @return Another \code{FormalContext} that is a subcontext
    #' of the original one, with only the objects and attributes
    #' selected.
    #' @export
    #' @examples
    #' fc <- FormalContext$new(planets)
    #' fc$subcontext(attributes = c("moon", "no_moon"))
    subcontext = function(objects,
                          attributes) {

      if (missing(objects)) objects <- self$objects
      if (missing(attributes)) attributes <- self$attributes

      if (is.numeric(objects)) {

        final_objects <- self$objects[objects[objects > 0 & objects < length(self$objects)]]

      } else {

        final_objects <- intersect(objects, self$objects)


      if (is.numeric(attributes)) {

        final_attributes <- self$attributes[attributes[attributes > 0 & attributes < length(self$attributes)]]

      } else {

        final_attributes <- intersect(attributes, self$attributes)


      if (length(objects) == 0) objects <- self$objects
      if (length(attributes) == 0) attributes <- self$attributes

      I <- self$incidence()[final_objects, final_attributes]
      I <- matrix(I, nrow = length(final_objects),
                  ncol = length(final_attributes))
      rownames(I) <- final_objects
      colnames(I) <- final_attributes



    #' @description
    #' Subcontext of the formal context
    #' @param objects (character array) Name of the objects to
    #' keep.
    #' @param attributes (character array) Names of the attributes
    #' to keep.
    #' @details
    #' A warning will be issued if any of the names is not present
    #' in the list of objects or attributes of the formal context.
    #' If \code{objects} or \code{attributes} is empty, then it is
    #' assumed to represent the whole set of objects or attributes
    #' of the original formal context.
    #' @return Another \code{FormalContext} that is a subcontext
    #' of the original one, with only the objects and attributes
    #' selected.
    #' @export
    #' @examples
    #' fc <- FormalContext$new(planets)
    #' fc[, c("moon", "no_moon")]
    `[` = function(objects, attributes) {

      self$subcontext(objects, attributes)


    #' @description
    #' Plot the formal context table
    #' @param to_latex      (logical) If \code{TRUE}, export the plot as a \code{tikzpicture} environment that can be included in a \code{LaTeX} file.
    #' @param ...          Other parameters to be passed to the \code{tikzDevice} that renders the lattice in \code{LaTeX}, or for the figure caption. See \code{Details}.
    #' @details
    #' Particular parameters that control the size of the \code{tikz} output are: \code{width}, \code{height} (both in inches), and \code{pointsize} (in points), that should be set to the font size used in the \code{documentclass} header in the \code{LaTeX} file where the code is to be inserted.
    #' If a \code{caption} is provided, the whole \code{tikz} picture will be wrapped by a \code{figure} environment and the caption set.
    #' @return If \code{to_latex} is \code{FALSE}, it returns nothing, just plots the graph of the formal context. Otherwise, this function returns the \code{LaTeX} code to reproduce the formal context plot.
    #' @export
    plot = function(to_latex = FALSE,
                    ...) {

      if (private$is_many_valued) error_many_valued()

      if (!private$can_plot) {

        warning("The R system has not the needed capabilities to plot.",
                call. = FALSE)


      plot_context(self$I, to_latex, ...)


    #' @description
    #' Sets the logic to use
    #' @param name The name of the logic to use. To see the available names, run \code{available_logics()}.
    #' @export
    use_logic = function(name = available_logics()) {

      name <- match.arg(name)
      if (name %in% available_logics()) {

        private$logic <- name



    #' @description
    #' Gets the logic used
    #' @return A string with the name of the logic.
    #' @export
    get_logic = function() {



    #' @description
    #' Sets the name of the Galois connection to use
    #' @param connection The name of the Galois connection. Available connections are "standard" (antitone), "benevolent1" and "benevolent2" (isotone)
    #' @export
    use_connection = function(connection) {

      if (connection %in% c("standard", "benevolent1", "benevolent2")) {

        private$connection <- connection



    #' @description
    #' Gets the name of the Galois connection
    #' @return A string with the name of the Galois connection
    #' @export
    get_connection = function() {




  private = list(

    logic = "Zadeh",
    connection = "standard",
    is_binary = FALSE,
    is_many_valued = FALSE,
    can_plot = TRUE,
    many_valued_I = NULL,
    scales = list(),
    bg_implications = NULL,
    bg_implications_basis = NULL,

    check_empty = function() {

      if (self$is_empty()) {

        stop("The formal context is empty. The only allowed method is 'load' to import from a previously saved RDS file.", call. = FALSE)





neuroimaginador/fcaR documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 7:51 a.m.