
Defines functions sim_multi_gen_model sim_gen_model

Documented in sim_gen_model sim_multi_gen_model

#' Define the genetic model of a trait
#' @description 
#' Defines the genetic architecture of a trait.
#' @param genome An object of class \code{genome}.
#' @param qtl.model  A matrix specifying the QTL model. Each row corresponds to
#' a different QTL. The first column gives the chromosome number, the second 
#' column gives the locus position (in cM), the third column gives the additive effect of
#' the favorable QTL allele (\code{a}) and the fourth column gives the dominance
#' effect at that QTL (\code{d}). If the matrix is one of NA, QTL will be
#' randomly assigned based on the number of rows in the matrix.
#' @param geno Genotype data for a base population. Must be a matrix of dimensions 
#' \code{n.ind} x \code{n.loci}, the elements of which must be z {0, 1, 2}, or a 
#' list of such matrices. Must be passed if \code{V_GE.scale} is passed.
#' @param ... Other arguments. See \emph{Details} for more information.
#' @details
#' QTL are simulated by sampling or specifying existing markers, which become "hidden."
#' The \code{qtl.model} matrix specifies the information for this assignment. The 
#' first column in this matrix is the chromosome number. The second column is 
#' the QTL position. The third column is the additive effect of the "1" allele
#' at the QTL (\code{a}). Genotypes homozygous for the "1" allele are assigned a 
#' genotypic value of \code{a} and genotypes homozygous for the "-1" allele are 
#' assigned a genotypic value of \code{-a}. The value of \code{a} provided in 
#' \code{qtl.model} can be negative. The fourth column is the dominance effect at the 
#' QTL. If non-zero, this value can be larger that \code{a} or smaller than \code{-a} 
#' (overdominance). The genotypic value of heterozygotes at the QTL is \code{d}.
#' Other arguments include:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{add.dist}}{The distribution of additive effects of QTL (if additive 
#'   effects are not provided in the \code{qtl.model} input). Can be 
#'   \code{"normal"} or \code{"geometric"}. For a distribution of \code{"normal"}, 
#'   additive effects are generated via the \code{\link[stats]{rnorm}} function.
#'   For a distribution of \code{"geometric"}, additive effects are calculated for
#'   the k-th QTL as \eqn{a^k} where \eqn{a = (1 - L) / (1 + L)} and \eqn{L} is 
#'   the number of QTL (Lande and Thompson, 1990).}
#'   \item{\code{dom.dist}}{The distribution of dominance effects of QTL (if dominance
#'   effects are not provided in the \code{qtl.model} input). Can be 
#'   \code{"normal"} for normally-distributed dominance effects.}
#'   \item{\code{max.qtl}}{The maximum number of QTL in the simulation experiment. Must
#'   be passed if the QTL are randomly sampled. If a trait is controlled by \emph{L} QTL
#'   and \code{max.qtl = M}, then \emph{M} - \emph{L} QTL are given NULL effects.
#'   This is useful if you want to simulate variable genetic architecture, but keep
#'   the number of SNP markers constant.}
#'   \item{\code{V_GE.scale}}{The scale of genotype-environment variance relative
#'   to the genetic variance. If passed and non-zero, this allow for linear QTL-environment
#'   interaction.}
#' }
#' Also note the following rules that apply when the \code{qtl.model} input is 
#' completely NA:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{QTL positions are randomly drawn, with no regard to uniformity
#'   over chromosomes.}
#' }
#' @return 
#' A \code{genome} object with added information for the gentic model.
#' @examples 
#' n.mar  <- c(505, 505, 505)
#' len <- c(120, 130, 140)
#' genome <- sim_genome(len, n.mar)
#' chromosome <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)
#' pos <- as.numeric(sapply(X = genome$len, FUN = runif, n = 2, min = 0))
#' a <- c(1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5)
#' d <- 0
#' qtl.model <- cbind(chromosome, pos, a, d)
#' genome <- sim_gen_model(genome, qtl.model)
#' # Randomly generate 15 QTL with additive allelic effects following a
#' # genometric series
#' qtl.model <- matrix(nrow = 15, ncol = 4)
#' genome <- sim_gen_model(genome, qtl.model, add.dist = "geometric")
#' # Generate a model with 15 QTL with QTL-environment interaction
#' # First simulate a population to use the genotype data
#' geno <- sim_pop(genome = genome, n.ind = 100, ignore.gen.model = TRUE)$geno
#' genome <- sim_gen_model(genome, qtl.model, add.dist = "geometric", V_GE.scale = 2,
#'                         geno = geno)
#' @export
sim_gen_model <- function(genome, qtl.model, geno, ...) {
  # Make sure genome inherits the class "genome."
  if (!inherits(genome, "genome"))
    stop("The input 'genome' must be of class 'genome.'")
  # Is there already genetic architecture?
  # If so clear it
  if (!is.null(genome$gen_model)) {
    genome$gen_model <- NULL
  # The qtl.model should be a matrix, not a list
  if (!is.matrix(qtl.model))
    stop("The 'qtl.model' input must be a matrix. Note that multi-trait genetic models
         are not accetpted by this function. Use the 'sim_multi_gen_model for multi-trait
         genetic models.")
  # Make sure each qtl.model matrix has four columns
  if (ncol(qtl.model) < 4)
    stop("The matrix or matrices in 'qtl.model' must have at least 4 columns.")
  # The QTL model must be all NA or no NA
  random_qtl <- all(is.na(qtl.model)) 
  # Extract other arguments
  other.args <- list(...)
  V_GE_scale <- other.args$V_GE.scale
  # If V_GE.scale is passed, make sure geno is present
  if (!is.null(V_GE_scale)) {
    # V_GE_scale must be numeric
    if(!is.numeric(V_GE_scale)) stop("Input 'V_GE.scale' must be numeric.")
    if (missing(geno)) {
      stop("The input 'geno' must be passed if 'V_GE.scale' is passed.")
    } else {
      # Check the genos
      if (!check_geno(genome = genome, geno = geno, ignore.gen.model = TRUE))
        stop("The geno did not pass. See warning for reason.")
  # If any should be randomly generated, continue
  if (random_qtl) {
    # Empty matrix to store information
    qtl_specs <- vector("list")
    ## Error handling
    # Determine the additive effect distribution
    add.dist <- other.args$add.dist
    dom.dist <- other.args$dom.dist
    # If the additive dist is NULL, error, otherwise check for consistency
    if (is.null(add.dist)) {
      stop("The qtl.model is NA but the distribution from which to draw additive
           effects was not provided. Options include 'normal' or 'geometric.'")
    } else if (!add.dist %in% c("normal", "geometric")) {
        stop("The argument 'add.dist' must be 'geometric' or 'normal.'")
    # If dom.dist is not NULL, it must be "normal"
    if (!is.null(dom.dist)) 
      if(dom.dist != "normal")
        stop("If the argument 'dom.dist' is provided, it must equal 'normal.'")
    ## Simulate QTL for the first trait
    n_qtl <- nrow(qtl.model)
    # Simulate additive effects
    if (add.dist == "normal") {
      add.eff <- rnorm(n_qtl) 
    } else if (add.dist == "geometric") {
      a <- (1 - n_qtl) / (1 + n_qtl)
      add.eff <- sample(abs( a ^ (seq(n_qtl)) ))
      # Randomly assign favorable or unfavorable for the first allele
      add.eff <- add.eff * sample(x = c(-1, 1), size = n_qtl, replace = TRUE)
    # Simulate dominance effect 
    if (is.null(dom.dist)) {
      dom.eff <- rep(0, n_qtl)
    } else {
      dom.eff <- rnorm(n_qtl)

    # If the max.qtl argument is FALSE, set it to the maximum number of QTL
    # for any trait
    max.qtl <- other.args$max.qtl
    if (is.null(max.qtl)) max.qtl <- nrow(qtl.model)

    # Sample marker names to become QTL
    marker_sample <- sample(x = markernames(genome, include.qtl = TRUE), size = max.qtl)
    # Get the positions of those markers
    marker_sample_pos <- find_markerpos(genome = genome, marker = marker_sample)
    marker_sample_pos$marker <- row.names(marker_sample_pos)
    # Set the new length of add.eff and dom.eff
    length(add.eff) <- max.qtl
    length(dom.eff) <- max.qtl
    # Pad with 0, not NA, and add to the df
    marker_sample_pos1 <- marker_sample_pos
    marker_sample_pos1$add.eff <- ifelse(is.na(add.eff), 0, add.eff)
    marker_sample_pos1$dom.eff <- ifelse(is.na(dom.eff), 0, dom.eff)
    marker_sample_pos1 <- marker_sample_pos1[order(marker_sample_pos1$chr, marker_sample_pos1$pos),,drop = FALSE]

    # Extract the chr and pos
    chr <- marker_sample_pos1$chr
    pos <- marker_sample_pos1$pos
    add.eff <- marker_sample_pos1$add.eff
    dom.eff <- marker_sample_pos1$dom.eff
    # Assign marker name for these QTL
    qtl_marker_name <- marker_sample_pos1$marker
    # Assemble the df
    qtl_specs[[1]] <- data.frame(chr = chr, pos = pos, add_eff = add.eff, dom_eff = dom.eff,
                                 qtl_name = qtl_marker_name, qtl1_pair = NA, 
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # Add the genetic model to the genome
    genome[["gen_model"]] <- qtl_specs
    # If V_GE_scale is not null, use the genos to first estimate the genetic variance; then
    # add gxe information
    if (!is.null(V_GE_scale)) {
      # Calculate the genotypic values
      gval <- pbsim:::calc_genoval(genome = genome, geno = geno)$gv[[2]] # Selects trait1 only
      # Calculate the genetic variance
      gVar <- mean((gval - mean(gval))^2)
      # Calculate the GxE variance
      geVar <- gVar * V_GE_scale
      # Draw gxe effects from a normal distribution
      gxe.eff <- rnorm(n = length(add.eff), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(geVar / length(add.eff)))
      # gxe.eff <- rnorm(n = length(add.eff), mean = 0, sd = sqrt(geVar) / length(add.eff))
      # Assemble the df
      qtl_specs[[1]] <- data.frame(chr = chr, pos = pos, add_eff = add.eff, dom_eff = dom.eff,
                                   gxe_slope = gxe.eff,
                                   qtl_name = qtl_marker_name, qtl1_pair = NA, 
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      # Add the genetic model to the genome
      genome[["gen_model"]] <- qtl_specs
  } else {
    # Else verify that the provided qtl.model matrices are sufficient

    # The qtl model must not have any NAs
    if (any(is.na(qtl.model)))
      stop("Unless the 'qtl.model' is completely NA, there can be no NA elements.")
    ## The names of the chromosome must be numeric!
    if (!is.numeric(qtl.model)) stop("The qtl model object must not have any non-numeric elements. Check 
that the chromosomes are given in numbers, not names.")

    ## What chromosomes are in the qtl.model?
    qtl_model_chr <- unique(qtl.model[,1])
    if (!all(qtl.model[,1] %in% chrnames(genome)))
      stop("The chromosome names in 'qtl.model' are not chromosomes in the genome.")
    # Which genome chromosomes are represented in the qtl.model?
    chrs_used <- which(chrnames(genome) %in% qtl_model_chr)
    # Are the marker positions correct?
    qtl.pos <- lapply(X = split(qtl.model[,2], qtl.model[,1]), as.numeric)
    if (!all(mapply(qtl.pos, genome$len[chrs_used], FUN = function(q, n) all(q <= n))))
      stop("The QTL positions in 'qtl.model' are not within the length of the 
    # Rename to qtl.specs - and convert to df
    qtl_specs <- list(as.data.frame(qtl.model, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    qtl_specs <- lapply(qtl_specs, structure, names = c("chr", "pos", "add_eff", "dom_eff"))
    # Add the genetic model to the genome
    genome[["gen_model"]] <- lapply(X = qtl_specs, FUN = arrange, chr, pos)
  ## Add names of QTL if not present
  # Pull out all QTL
  all_qtl <- pull_qtl(genome = genome, unique = FALSE)
  if (!"qtl_name" %in% names(all_qtl)) {
    # Find the markers that correspond to the positions listed in the qtl.model
    qtl.pos <- split(all_qtl$pos, all_qtl$chr)
    # Which genome chromosomes are represented in the qtl.model?
    chrs_used <- which(chrnames(genome) %in% all_qtl$chr)
    # Get the marker names that correspond to the QTL positions
    qtl_names <- unlist(mapply(qtl.pos, genome$map[chrs_used], FUN = function(q, m) names(m)[match(x = q, table = m)], SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    # Add these names to the all_qtl df
    all_qtl$qtl_name <- qtl_names
    all_qtl$qtl1_pair <- NA
    all_qtl <- list(all_qtl[-which(names(all_qtl) == "trait")])

    # Add back to genome
    genome$gen_model <- all_qtl

} # Close the function

#' Define a genetic model for two or more traits
#' @description 
#' Generates a genetic model for two or more traits with desired genetic correlation.
#' @param genome An object of class \code{genome}.
#' @param qtl.model  A matrix specifying the QTL model. See \code{\link[pbsim]{sim_gen_model}}.
#' If the qtl.model matrices are NA, the two traits must have the same number of QTL.

#' @details
#' QTL are simulated by sampling or specifying existing markers, which become "hidden."
#' The \code{qtl.model} matrix specifies the information for this assignment. The 
#' first column in this matrix is the chromosome number. The second column is 
#' the QTL position. The third column is the additive effect of the "1" allele
#' at the QTL (\code{a}). Genotypes homozygous for the "1" allele are assigned a 
#' genotypic value of \code{a} and genotypes homozygous for the "-1" allele are 
#' assigned a genotypic value of \code{-a}. The value of \code{a} provided in 
#' \code{qtl.model} can be negative. The fourth column is the dominance effect at the 
#' QTL. If non-zero, this value can be larger that \code{a} or smaller than \code{-a} 
#' (overdominance). The genotypic value of heterozygotes at the QTL is \code{d}.
#' Other arguments include:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{corr}}{The desired genetic correlation if QTL are to be drawn randomly.
#'   May be positive or negative. See below regarding the multivariate 
#'   random sampling of additive effects.}
#'   \item{\code{add.dist}}{The distribution of additive effects of QTL (if additive 
#'   effects are not provided in the \code{qtl.model} input). Can be 
#'   \code{"normal"} or \code{"geometric"}. For a distribution of \code{"normal"}, 
#'   additive effects are generated via a multivariate normal distribution using
#'   the \code{\link[mvtnorm]{rmvnorm}} function and with variance-covariance matrix
#'   \code{Sigma = rbind(c(1, corr), c(corr, 1))}. For a distribution of \code{"geometric"}, 
#'   additive effects are calculated for the k-th QTL as \eqn{a^k} where 
#'   \eqn{a = (1 - L) / (1 + L)} and \eqn{L} is the number of QTL (Lande and Thompson, 1990).
#'   The same variance-covariance matrix above is then used to adjust the additive
#'   effects to achieve the desired correlation. This approach assumes that pairs
#'   of QTL are in coupling phase linkage, therefore the desired correlation will
#'   be different than the observed correlation depending on the population.}
#'   \item{\code{dom.dist}}{The distribution of dominance effects of QTL (if dominance
#'   effects are not provided in the \code{qtl.model} input). Can be 
#'   \code{"normal"} for normally-distributed dominance effects.}
#'   \item{\code{max.qtl}}{The maximum number of QTL in the simulation experiment. Must
#'   be passed if the QTL are randomly sampled. If a trait is controlled by \emph{L} QTL
#'   and \code{max.qtl = M}, then \emph{M} - \emph{L} QTL are given NULL effects.
#'   This is useful if you want to simulate variable genetic architecture, but keep
#'   the number of SNP markers constant.}
#' }
#' @examples 
#' # Simulate a genome
#' n.mar  <- c(505, 505, 505)
#' len <- c(120, 130, 140)
#' genome <- sim_genome(len, n.mar)
#' # Simulate two traits that are completely pleiotropy and influenced by 50 QTL
#' qtl.model <- replicate(n = 2, matrix(NA, 50, 4), simplify = FALSE)
#' genome <- sim_multi_gen_model(genome = genome, qtl.model = qtl.model, corr = 0.6, 
#'                               prob.corr = cbind(0, 1), add.dist = "geometric")
#' # Use your own genetic model - 2 traits controlled by the same 10 QTL
#' sample_qtl <- sample(markernames(genome, include.qtl = TRUE), 10)
#' qtl.model <- replicate(2, cbind(find_markerpos(genome = genome, marker = sample_qtl), a = rnorm(10), d = 0), simplify = FALSE)
#' genome <- sim_multi_gen_model(genome = genome, qtl.model = qtl.model)
#' # Simulate two traits that are controlled by 50 pairs of QTL that are between 20
#' # and 30 cM.
#' prob.corr <- rbind(c(20, 0), c(30, 1))
#' genome <- sim_multi_gen_model(genome = genome, qtl.model = qtl.model, corr = 0.6, 
#'                               prob.corr = prob.corr, add.dist = "geometric")
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom purrr pmap_chr
#' @export
sim_multi_gen_model <- function(genome, qtl.model, ...) {
  # Make sure genome inherits the class "genome."
  if (!inherits(genome, "genome"))
    stop("The input 'genome' must be of class 'genome.'")
  # Is there already genetic architecture?
  # If so clear it
  if (!is.null(genome$gen_model)) {
    genome$gen_model <- NULL
  # Is the qtl.model a list? If not make it one
  # Also determine the number of traits
  if (!is.list(qtl.model)) {
    qtl.model <- list(qtl.model)
    n_trait <- 1
  } else {
    n_trait <- length(qtl.model)
    # Sort the QTL models based on decreasing number of QTL
    n_qtl_per_trait <- sapply(X = qtl.model, FUN = nrow)
    qtl.model <- qtl.model[order(n_qtl_per_trait, decreasing = TRUE)]
  # Make sure each qtl.model matrix has four columns
  if (any(sapply(qtl.model, ncol) < 4))
    stop("The matrix or matrices in 'qtl.model' must have at least 4 columns.")
  # The QTL model must be all NA or no NA
  random_qtl <- sapply(qtl.model, function(mat) all(is.na(mat)))
  if (!sum(random_qtl) %in% c(0, length(random_qtl)))
    stop("For one or more traits, the qtl.model must be either totally complete (i.e.
         no NA) or totally missing (i.e. all NA).")
  # Extract other arguments
  other.args <- list(...)

  # How many traits?
  n_trait <- length(qtl.model)
  # If only one trait, return unedited
  if (n_trait < 2) stop("The 'qtl.model' must call for two or more traits.")
  # If any should be randomly generated, continue
  if (any(random_qtl)) {
    # Error handle the prob.corr and corr arguments
    prob.corr <- other.args$prob.corr
    if(is.null(prob.corr)) stop("argument 'prob.corr' is missing, with no default")
    corr <- other.args$corr
    if(is.null(corr)) stop("argument 'corr' is missing, with no default")
    ## Error handling of prob.corr
    # Make sure it has three columns
    if (ncol(prob.corr) != 2)
      stop("The 'prob.corr' input must have 2 columns.")
    # Are all probabilities between 0 and 1?
    if (!all(prob.corr[,2] >= 0 & prob.corr[,2] <= 1))
      stop("The probabilities in 'prob.corr' are not all between 0 and 1.")
    # Do the probabilities sum to 1
    if (!sum(prob.corr[,2]) == 1)
      stop("The probabilities in 'prob.corr' do not sum to 1.")
    # Are any of the levels of p greater than 50 or less than 0
    if (!all(prob.corr[,1] >= 0 & prob.corr[,1] <= 50))
      stop("The distances in 'prob.corr' must be between 0 and 50.")
    # Sort the matrix on order of p
    prob.corr <- prob.corr[order(prob.corr[,1]),, drop = FALSE]
    # Make sure the qtl models have the same number of QTL
    if (n_distinct(n_qtl_per_trait) != 1) 
      stop("The number of QTL in each qtl.model matrix must be the same.")
    # Empty list to store information
    qtl_specs <- vector("list", n_trait)
    ## Error handling
    # Determine the additive effect distribution
    add.dist <- other.args$add.dist
    dom.dist <- other.args$dom.dist
    # If the additive dist is NULL, error, otherwise check for consistency
    if (is.null(add.dist)) {
      stop("The qtl.model is NA but the distribution from which to draw additive
           effects was not provided. Options include 'normal' or 'geometric.'")
    } else if (!add.dist %in% c("normal", "geometric")) {
      stop("The argument 'add.dist' must be 'geometric' or 'normal.'")
    # If dom.dist is not NULL, it must be "normal"
    if (!is.null(dom.dist)) 
      if(dom.dist != "normal")
        stop("If the argument 'dom.dist' is provided, it must equal 'normal.'")
    ## Simulate QTL effects
    n_qtl <- unique(n_qtl_per_trait)
    # Create a variance-covariance matrix for simulation
    sigma <- rbind(c(1, corr), c(corr, 1))
    # Cholesky composition of sigma
    sigma_decomp <- chol(sigma, pivot = TRUE)
    sigma_decomp <- sigma_decomp[, order(attr(sigma_decomp, "pivot"))]
    # Simulate additive effects
    if (add.dist == "normal") {
      add.eff <- matrix(rnorm(n = n_qtl * n_trait), nrow = n_qtl) %*% sigma_decomp
    } else if (add.dist == "geometric") {
      a <- (1 - n_qtl) / (1 + n_qtl)
      a_mat <- replicate(n_trait, {sample(a ^ seq(n_qtl))})
      # Randomly assign favorable or unfavorable for the first allele
      a_mat1 <- a_mat * replicate(n_trait, sample(c(-1, 1), size = n_qtl, replace = TRUE))
      # Force correlation
      add.eff <- a_mat1 %*% sigma_decomp
    # Simulate dominance effect 
    if (is.null(dom.dist)) {
      dom.eff <- replicate(n_trait, rep(0, n_qtl))
    } else {
      dom.eff <- replicate(n_trait, rnorm(n_qtl))

    # Sample marker names to become QTL
    marker_sample <- sample(x = markernames(genome, include.qtl = TRUE), size = n_qtl)
    # Get the positions of those markers
    marker_sample_pos <- find_markerpos(genome = genome, marker = marker_sample)
    marker_sample_pos$marker <- row.names(marker_sample_pos)
    # add to the df
    marker_sample_pos1 <- marker_sample_pos
    marker_sample_pos1$add.eff <- add.eff[,1]
    marker_sample_pos1$dom.eff <- dom.eff[,1]
    # Extract the chr and pos
    chr1 <- marker_sample_pos1$chr
    pos1 <- marker_sample_pos1$pos
    add.eff1 <- marker_sample_pos1$add.eff
    dom.eff1 <- marker_sample_pos1$dom.eff
    # Assign marker name for these QTL
    qtl_marker_name <- marker_sample_pos1$marker
    # Assemble the data.frame
    qtl_specs[[1]] <- data.frame(chr = chr1, pos = pos1, add_eff = add.eff1, dom_eff = dom.eff1,
                                 qtl_name = qtl_marker_name, qtl1_pair = NA, 
                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    for (t in seq(2, n_trait)) {
      # If the length of prob.corr is 1, output a vector of that prob.corr
      if (nrow(prob.corr) == 1) {
        qtl_designator <- rep(x = prob.corr[,1], times = n_qtl)
      } else {
        # Randomly designated each QTL to share some correlation with QTL of the
        # first trait
        qtl_designator <- sample(prob.corr[,1], size = n_qtl, 
                                 prob = prob.corr[,2], replace = TRUE)
      # Pull out the linkage information and desired LD
      linkage <- prob.corr[,1]
      # Create an empty data.frame
      qtl_specs[[t]] <- as.data.frame(
        matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_qtl, ncol = 6, 
               dimnames = list(NULL, names(qtl_specs[[1]])))
      ## Create a vector of row numbers from which to draw QTL from trait 1
      ## These must be "real" QTL (i.e. add_eff > 0)
      qtl1_row_vec <- which(qtl_specs[[1]]$add_eff != 0)
      # Extract the qtl1 names
      qtl1_names <- qtl_specs[[1]]$qtl_name
      ## Iterate over the correlation levels
      for (i in seq_along(linkage)) {
        # Extract the linkage level p
        p <- linkage[i]
        # If prob is 0, simulate pleiotropy by drawing chr and pos from the first trait
        if (p == 0) {
          # Sample rows from the qtl1 specs with size equal to the number of qtl_t
          # assigned to the specific linkage level
          qtl_one_sample <- sample(qtl1_row_vec, size = sum(qtl_designator == p))
          # Subset chromosomes and positions for these first QTL, then add
          # the corresponding additive effect from the add.eff matrix
          qtl_specs[[t]][which(qtl_designator == p), ] <- 
            qtl_specs[[1]][qtl_one_sample, ] %>%
            mutate(add_eff = add.eff[qtl_one_sample, t],
                   dom_eff = dom.eff[qtl_one_sample, t])
          # Add the name of the qtl1 to the qtl2
          qtl_specs[[t]]$qtl1_pair[which(qtl_designator == p)] <- 
          # Replace the qtl1_row_vec with the the index of non-sampled qtl for
          # further sampling
          qtl1_row_vec <- setdiff(qtl1_row_vec, qtl_one_sample)
          # Sample QTL for linkage
        } else if (p > 0 & p < 50) {
          # Sample QTL from trait 1
          qtl_one_sample <- sample(qtl1_row_vec, size = sum(qtl_designator == p))
          # If the length of the sample is 0, skip
          if (length(qtl_one_sample) == 0)
          # Get those QTL positions
          qtl_one_pos <- qtl_specs[[1]][qtl_one_sample, , drop = FALSE]
          # What is the previous level of p? If it is the first, set the minimum 
          # distance to 0.000001
          prev_p <- match(p, prob.corr[,1]) - 1
          min_dist <- ifelse(prev_p == 0, 1e-6, linkage[prev_p])
          # If min_dist is 0, set to 1e-6
          min_dist <- ifelse(min_dist == 0, 1e-6, min_dist)
          # Max dist is equal to p
          max_dist <- p
          # Sample from markers in the range
          prox_mar <- find_proxmarkers(genome = genome, marker = qtl_one_pos$qtl_name,
                                       min.dist = min_dist, max.dist = max_dist)
          # Remove those that are from the first trait
          prox_mar_unique <- lapply(prox_mar, setdiff, qtl1_names)
          # Iterate over each list name and sample proximal markers
          # After each iteration, remove the sampled marker from the remainder of the list
          prox_mar_sample <- structure(vector("character", length(prox_mar_unique)), 
                                       names = names(prox_mar_unique))
          for (j in seq_along(prox_mar_unique)) {
            qtl1 <- names(prox_mar_unique)[j]
            prox_qtl <- prox_mar_unique[[j]]
            # If prox_qtl has length 0, return NA
            if (length(prox_qtl) == 0) {
              prox_mar_sample[j] <- NA 
            } else {
              prox_mar_sample[j] <- sample(prox_qtl, 1)
            # Remove that marker from sampling in the future
            prox_mar_unique <- sapply(prox_mar_unique, setdiff, prox_mar_sample[j])
          # Create an empty data.frame
          marker_sample_pos <- as.data.frame(
            matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(prox_mar_sample), ncol = 3, 
                   dimnames = list(NULL, c("chr", "pos", "marker"))))
          # Get the positions of those markers
          marker_sample_pos[!is.na(prox_mar_sample),] <- 
            find_markerpos(genome = genome, marker = na.omit(prox_mar_sample)) %>%
            mutate(marker = row.names(.))
          # Assign this info to the qtl_specs df for trait t
          qtl_specs[[t]][which(qtl_designator == p), c("chr", "pos", "qtl_name")] <- 
          # Extract the QTL names that are paired
          qtl_specs[[t]][which(qtl_designator == p), "qtl1_pair"] <- 
          # Add additive effects and dominance effects
          qtl_specs[[t]][which(qtl_designator == p), c("add_eff", "dom_eff")] <- 
            cbind(add.eff[qtl_one_sample, t], dom.eff[qtl_one_sample, t])
          # Replace the qtl1_row_vec with the the index of non-sampled qtl
          qtl1_row_vec <- setdiff(qtl1_row_vec, qtl_one_sample)
          # If p is 50, randomly draw positions and chromosomes, regardless of the first trait
        } else if (p == 50) {
          # Randomly draw markers to be QTL, excluding those already designated as QTL
          avail_markers <- setdiff(markernames(genome, include.qtl = TRUE), 
                                   unlist(lapply(qtl_specs, "[[", "qtl_name")))
          marker_sample <- sample(x = avail_markers, size = sum(qtl_designator == p))
          # If the length of the sample is 0, skip
          if (length(marker_sample) == 0)
          # Get the positions of those markers
          marker_sample_pos <- find_markerpos(genome = genome, marker = marker_sample) %>%
            mutate(marker = row.names(.))
          # Assign this info to the qtl_specs df for trait t
          qtl_specs[[t]][which(qtl_designator == p), c("chr", "pos", "qtl_name")] <- 
          # Add additive and dominance effects
          qtl_specs[[t]][which(qtl_designator == p), c("add_eff", "dom_eff")] <- 
            cbind(add.eff[qtl_designator == p, t], dom.eff[qtl_designator == p, t])
        } # Close the p object if statements 
      } # Close the loop per cor level
    } # Close the per-trait loop
    # If the max.qtl argument is NULL, set it to the maximum number of QTL
    # for any trait
    max.qtl <- other.args$max.qtl
    if (is.null(max.qtl))
      max.qtl <- max(sapply(X = qtl.model, nrow))
    # If there are fewer qtl than that max.qtl, add NAs to pad
    if (n_qtl < max.qtl) {
      # Create a blank data.frame
      pad_df <- data.frame(chr = rep(NA, max.qtl - n_qtl), 
                           pos = NA, add_eff = 0, dom_eff = 0, qtl_name = NA, 
                           qtl1_pair = NA)
      # Add the df to the specs
      qtl_specs1 <- qtl_specs %>% 
        lapply(bind_rows, pad_df)
    } else {
      # Need to rename
      qtl_specs1 <- qtl_specs
    # Randomly draw markers to be QTL, excluding those already designated as QTL
    avail_markers <- setdiff(markernames(genome, include.qtl = TRUE), 
                             unlist(lapply(qtl_specs, "[[", "qtl_name")))
    # Iterate over the df in the qtl_specs1 list, sample markers and add them in,
    # then adjust the markers to sample
    for (t in seq_along(qtl_specs1)) {
      # Sample the available markers
      marker_sample <- sample(x = avail_markers, size = sum(is.na(qtl_specs1[[t]]$qtl_name)))
      # Get the positions of those markers
      marker_sample_pos <- find_markerpos(genome = genome, marker = marker_sample) %>%
        mutate(marker = row.names(.))
      # Assign this info to the qtl_specs df for trait t
      qtl_specs1[[t]][which(is.na(qtl_specs1[[t]]$qtl_name)), c("chr", "pos", "qtl_name")] <- 
      # Adjust the available markers 
      avail_markers <- setdiff(avail_markers, marker_sample)
  } else {
    ## The user is providing a genetic model
    ## Issue a warning that any other arguments will be ignored
    if (length(other.args) > 0) {
      warning("You have provided your own qtl model for two traits. The ancillary arguments you provided (", 
              paste(names(other.args), collapse = ", "), ") will be ignored.")
    # Else verify that the provided qtl.model matrices are sufficient
    for (mat in qtl.model) {
      # The qtl model must not have any NAs
      if (any(is.na(mat)))
        stop("Unless the 'qtl.model' is completely NA, there can be no NA elements.")
      ## The names of the chromosome must be numeric!
      if (!all(apply(X = mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = is.numeric))) stop("The qtl model object must not have any non-numeric elements. Check 
that the chromosomes are given in numbers, not names.")
      ## What chromosomes are in the qtl.model?
      mat_chr <- unique(mat[,1])
      if (!all(mat[,1] %in% chrnames(genome)))
        stop("The chromosome names in 'qtl.model' are not chromosomes in the genome.")
      # Which genome chromosomes are represented in the qtl.model?
      chrs_used <- which(chrnames(genome) %in% mat_chr)
      # Are the marker positions correct?
      qtl.pos <- split(mat[,2], mat[,1])
      if (!all(mapply(qtl.pos, chrlen(genome)[chrs_used], FUN = function(q, n) all(q <= n))))
        stop("The QTL positions in 'qtl.model' are not within the length of the 

    # Rename to qtl.specs1 - and convert to df
    qtl_specs1 <- lapply(lapply(qtl.model, as.data.frame), structure, names = c("chr", "pos", "add_eff", "dom_eff"))
    } # Close if else statement
  # Add the genetic model to the genome
  genome[["gen_model"]] <- lapply(qtl_specs1, function(x) x[order(x$chr, x$pos),] )
  ## Add names of QTL if not present - generally done if missing by the user
  # Pull out all QTL
  all_qtl <- pull_qtl(genome = genome, unique = FALSE)
  if (!"qtl_name" %in% names(all_qtl)) {
    # Split by trait
    all_qtl_trait <- split(all_qtl, all_qtl$trait)
    # Iterate over traits
    for (i in seq_along(all_qtl_trait)) {
      trait_qtl <- all_qtl_trait[[i]]
      # Find the markers that correspond to the positions listed in the qtl.model
      qtl.pos <- split(trait_qtl$pos, trait_qtl$chr)
      # Which genome chromosomes are represented in the qtl.model?
      chrs_used <- which(chrnames(genome) %in% all_qtl$chr)
      # Get the marker names that correspond to the QTL positions
      qtl_names <- unlist(mapply(qtl.pos, genome$map[chrs_used], FUN = function(q, m) names(m)[match(x = q, table = m)], SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
      # Add these names to the trait_qtl df
      trait_qtl$qtl_name <- qtl_names
      trait_qtl$qtl1_pair <- NA
      ## For traits other than trait 1, find any markers that are the same as trait1
      if (i > 1) {
        any_qtl1 <- which(trait_qtl$qtl_name %in% all_qtl_trait[[1]]$qtl_name)
        trait_qtl$qtl1_pair[any_qtl1] <- match(x = trait_qtl$qtl_name[any_qtl1], table = all_qtl_trait[[1]]$qtl_name)
      all_qtl_trait[[i]] <- trait_qtl
    ## For trait 2, find any markers that are the same as trait1
    # Add back to genome
    genome$gen_model <- all_qtl_trait
  # Return the genome
} # Close the function
neyhartj/qgsim documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 4:08 p.m.