#' Assess balance for an `lmw` object
#' @description Computes balance statistics for an `lmw` object created by
#' [lmw()]. Balance involves not only the similarity between the treatment
#' groups but also the similarity between each treatment group and the target
#' population.
#' @details `summary.lmw()` produces covariate balance or distribution
#' statistics and effective samples sizes before and after adjustment by the
#' regression weights and base weights, if supplied. For each covariate, the
#' following balance statistics are computed when `stat = "balance"`:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `SMD` - the standardized mean difference (SMD) between the
#' treated and control groups
#' \item `TSMD Treated` - the target
#' standardized mean difference (TSMD) between the treated group and target
#' sample
#' \item `TSMD Control` - the TSMD between between the control
#' group and target sample
#' \item `KS` - the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS)
#' statistic between the treated and control groups
#' \item `TKS Treated` -
#' the target KS (TKS) statistic between the treated group and target sample
#' \item `TKS Control` - the TKS statistic between the control group and
#' target sample
#' }
#' For multi-category treatments with `method = "MRI"`, balance statistics are
#' are computed between each treatment group and the target sample.
#' When `stat = "distribution"` the mean and standard deviation of each
#' covariate is compute before and after adjustment and for the target sample.
#' (Standard deviations are printed in parentheses for visual clarity.)
#' After weighting with the regression weights, the mean difference between
#' the treated and control groups of each covariate included in the original
#' call to `lmw()` will be equal to zero. However, the mean difference between
#' each treatment group and the target sample may not be equal to zero when
#' `method = "URI"` in the call to `lmw()`, and covariates supplied to
#' `addlvariables` not included in the call to `lmw()` may not be well
#' balanced.
#' When `s.weights` are supplied to `lmw()`, the unadjusted statistics (if
#' requested) will incorporate the sampling weights. When `base.weights` are
#' supplied to `lmw()`, the unadjusted statistics will *not* incorporate the
#' base weights; rather, balance with base weights applied (if supplied) will
#' be produced in a separate balance table (see Value below).
#' SMDs are computed as the difference between the (weighted) means divided by
#' a standardization factor, which is the standard deviation of the covariate
#' in the target sample. When `estimand = "ATT"` in the call to `lmw()`, the
#' standardization factor is the standard deviation in the treated group; when
#' `estimand = "ATC"`, the standardization factor is the standard deviation in
#' the control group; when `estimand = "ATE"` or when `estimand = "CATE"` and
#' a target profile is supplied, the standardization factor is the square root
#' of the average of the variances of both treatment groups; when `estimand = "CATE"`
#' and a target dataset is supplied, the standardization factor is the
#' standard deviation in the target dataset. When `s.weights` is supplied, the
#' standardization factor is computed including the sampling weights;
#' otherwise it is computed in the unweighted sample.
#' For binary covariates, the KS statistic is equal to the unstandardized
#' difference in means and is computed as such.
#' When `estimand = "CATE"` in the original call to `lmw()`, any variables
#' supplied to `addlvariables` that were not given a target value will not
#' have any target statistics computed (e.g., TSMD, TKS, target means, etc.).
#' The effective sample size (ESS) is computed within each group as \eqn{(\sum w)^2/\sum w^2}.
#' With uniform weights, this is equal to the sample size.
#' @param object an `lmw` object; the output of a call to [lmw()].
#' @param un `logical`; whether to display balance statistics for the sample
#' prior to weighting and, additionally, with base weights applied (if
#' supplied). If `s.weights` were supplied to `lmw()`, the unadjusted sample
#' will be weighted by the sampling weights.
#' @param addlvariables additional variables for which balance statistics are to
#' be computed along with the covariates in the `lmw` object. Can be entered
#' in one of three ways: as a data frame of covariates with as many rows as
#' there were units in the original `lmw()` call, as a string containing the
#' names of variables in `data`, or as a right-sided formula with the
#' additional variables (and possibly their transformations) found in `data`,
#' the environment, or the `lmw` object.
#' @param standardize `logical`; whether to compute standardized (`TRUE`) or
#' unstandardized (`FALSE`) mean differences. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param data a optional data frame containing variables named in
#' `addlvariables` if specified as a string or formula.
#' @param contrast for multi-category treatments with `method = "MRI"`, which
#' two groups should be compared. If `NULL`, only target balance statistics
#' will be displayed. Ignored with binary treatments or when `method = "URI"`.
#' @param stat `character`; whether to display balance statistics (i.e.,
#' standardized mean differences and Kolmogorv-Smirnov statistics;
#' `"balance"`) or distribution statistics (i.e., means and standard
#' deviations; `"distribution"`). Default is `"balance"`. Abbreviations
#' allowed.
#' @param \dots ignored.
#' @param x a `summary.lmw` object.
#' @param digits the number of digits to print.
#' @return A `summary.lmw` object, which contains the following components:
#' \item{call}{The original call to `lmw()`.}
#' \item{nn}{The (effective)
#' sample sizes before and after weighting.}
#' \item{bal.un}{When `stat = "balance"` and `un = TRUE`, the balance statistics prior
#' to weighting.}
#' \item{bal.base.weighted}{When `stat = "balance"`, `un = TRUE` and
#' base weights were supplied to `lmw()`, the balance statistics with the
#' base weights applied.}
#' \item{bal.weighted}{When `stat = "balance"`, the balance statistics with the implied regression
#' weights applied.}
#' \item{dist.un}{When `stat = "distribution"` and `un = TRUE`, the
#' distribution statistics prior to weighting.}
#' \item{dist.base.weighted}{When
#' `stat = "distribution"`, `un = TRUE` and base weights were
#' supplied to `lmw()`, the distribution statistics with the base weights
#' applied.}
#' \item{dist.weighted}{When `stat = "distribution"`, the distribution statistics with the implied
#' regression weights applied.}
#' \item{method}{The method used to estimate the weights (i.e., URI or MRI)}
#' \item{base.weights.origin}{If base weights were supplied through the
#' `obj` argument to `lmw()`, their origin (i.e, \pkg{MatchIt} or \pkg{WeightIt})}
#' With multi-category treatments and `method = "MRI"`, the object will also
#' inherit from class `summary.lmw_multi`.
#' @seealso [lmw()] for computing the implied regression weights,
#' [plot.summary.lmw()] for plotting the balance statistics in a Love plot,
#' [plot.lmw()] for assessing the representativeness and extrapolation of the
#' weights
#' @examples
#' data("lalonde")
#' # URI regression for ATT
#' lmw.out1 <- lmw(~ treat + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' estimand = "ATT", method = "URI",
#' treat = "treat")
#' lmw.out1
#' summary(lmw.out1)
#' summary(lmw.out1, stat = "distribution")
#' # Adding additional variables to summary, removing unweighted
#' summary(lmw.out1, un = FALSE,
#' addlvariables = ~I(age^2) + I(nodegree*re74))
#' @examplesIf requireNamespace("MatchIt")
#' # MRI regression for ATT after PS matching
#' m.out <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75,
#' data = lalonde, method = "nearest",
#' estimand = "ATT")
#' lmw.out2 <- lmw(~ treat + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' method = "MRI", treat = "treat", obj = m.out)
#' lmw.out2
#' summary(lmw.out2)
#' @examples
#' # MRI for a multi-category treatment ATE
#' lmw.out3 <- lmw(~ treat_multi + age + education + race + married +
#' nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde,
#' estimand = "ATE", method = "MRI",
#' treat = "treat_multi")
#' lmw.out3
#' summary(lmw.out3)
#' summary(lmw.out3, contrast = c("2", "1"))
#' @exportS3Method summary lmw
summary.lmw <- function(object, un = TRUE, addlvariables = NULL, standardize = TRUE, data = NULL, stat = "balance", ...) {
#Balance assessment, similar in structure to summary.matchit()
stat <- tolower(stat)
stat <- match_arg(stat, c("balance", "distribution"))
X <- {
if (is.null(object$covs)) matrix(nrow = length(object$treat), ncol = 0)
else covs_df_to_matrix(object$covs)
if (!is.null(addlvariables)) {
data <- get_data(data, object)
if (is.character(addlvariables)) {
if (is.null(data) || !is.data.frame(data)) {
chk::err("if `addlvariables` is specified as a string, a data frame argument must be supplied to `data`")
if (!all(addlvariables %in% names(data))) {
chk::err("all variables in `addlvariables` must be in `data`")
addlvariables <- data[addlvariables]
else if (inherits(addlvariables, "formula")) {
vars.in.formula <- all.vars(addlvariables)
if (!is.null(data) && is.data.frame(data)) {
data <- cbind(data[names(data) %in% vars.in.formula],
object$covs[names(data) %in% setdiff(vars.in.formula, names(data))])
else {
data <- object$covs
addlvariables <- covs_df_to_matrix(model.frame(addlvariables, data = data))
else if (!is.matrix(addlvariables) && !is.data.frame(addlvariables)) {
chk::err("the argument to `addlvariables` must be in one of the accepted forms. See `?summary.lmw` for details")
if (is.data.frame(addlvariables)) {
addlvariables <- covs_df_to_matrix(addlvariables)
X <- cbind(X, addlvariables[, setdiff(colnames(addlvariables), colnames(X)), drop = FALSE])
X_target <- target.weights <- NULL
if (!is.null(object$target)) {
X_target <- covs_df_to_matrix(model.frame(remove_treat_from_formula(delete.response(terms(object$formula)), attr(object$treat, "treat_name")),
data = object$target))
target.weights <- attr(object$target, "target.weights")
if (length(addl_diff <- setdiff(colnames(X), colnames(X_target))) > 0) {
addl_target <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(X_target), ncol = length(addl_diff),
dimnames = list(rownames(X_target), addl_diff))
X_target <- cbind(X_target, addl_target)
treat <- apply_contrast_to_treat(object$treat, object$contrast)
focal <- if (!is.null(object$focal)) setNames(c("Control", "Treated"), levels(treat))[object$focal]
levels(treat) <- c("Control", "Treated")
weights <- object$weights
s.weights <- if (is.null(object$s.weights)) rep(1, length(weights)) else object$s.weights
kk <- ncol(X)
bal.un <- bal.base.weighted <- bal.weighted <- NULL
dist.un <- dist.base.weighted <- dist.weighted <- NULL
if (kk > 0) {
#Remove tics (``) from outside of variables names
nam <- colnames(X)
has_tics <- startsWith(nam, "`") & endsWith(nam, "`")
nam[has_tics] <- substr(nam[has_tics], 2, nchar(nam[has_tics]) - 1)
if (stat == "balance") {
#Compute balance statistics - SMD, KS
if (un) {
aa.un <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
balance_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = s.weights, s.weights = s.weights,
standardize = standardize, focal = focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
bal.un <- do.call("rbind", aa.un)
rownames(bal.un) <- nam
if (!is.null(object$base.weights)) {
aa.base.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
balance_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat,
weights = s.weights*object$base.weights,
s.weights = s.weights,
standardize = standardize, focal = focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
bal.base.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.base.weighted)
rownames(bal.base.weighted) <- nam
aa.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
balance_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = weights, s.weights = s.weights,
standardize = standardize, focal = focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
bal.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.weighted)
rownames(bal.weighted) <- nam
else if (stat == "distribution") {
#Compute distribution statistics - mean, SD
if (un) {
aa.un <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
distribution_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = s.weights, s.weights = s.weights)
dist.un <- do.call("rbind", aa.un)
colnames(dist.un)[1:2] <- c("Mean Overall", "SD Overall")
rownames(dist.un) <- nam
if (!is.null(object$base.weights)) {
aa.base.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
distribution_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat,
weights = s.weights*object$base.weights,
s.weights = s.weights, focal = focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
dist.base.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.base.weighted)
rownames(dist.base.weighted) <- nam
aa.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
distribution_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = weights, s.weights = s.weights,
focal = focal, x_target = X_target[,i],
target.weights = target.weights)
dist.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.weighted)
rownames(dist.weighted) <- nam
## Sample sizes
nn_w <- nn(treat, weights, object$base.weights, s.weights)
## output
res <- list(call = object$call,
nn = nn_w,
bal.un = bal.un,
bal.base.weighted = bal.base.weighted,
bal.weighted = bal.weighted,
dist.un = dist.un,
dist.base.weighted = dist.base.weighted,
dist.weighted = dist.weighted,
method = object$method,
base.weights.origin = attr(object$base.weights, "origin"))
class(res) <- "summary.lmw"
#' @exportS3Method summary lmw_multi
#' @rdname summary.lmw
summary.lmw_multi <- function(object, un = TRUE, addlvariables = NULL, standardize = TRUE, data = NULL,
contrast = NULL, stat = "balance", ...) {
#Balance assessment, similar in structure to summary.matchit()
stat <- tolower(stat)
stat <- match_arg(stat, c("balance", "distribution"))
if (object$method == "URI") {
if (utils::hasName(match.call(), "contrast")) {
chk::wrn("the `contrast` argument is ignored when `method = \"URI\"` in the original call to `lmw()`")
contrast <- object$contrast
else if (!utils::hasName(match.call(), "contrast")) {
contrast <- object$contrast
X <- {
if (is.null(object$covs)) matrix(nrow = length(object$treat), ncol = 0)
else covs_df_to_matrix(object$covs)
if (!is.null(addlvariables)) {
data <- get_data(data, object)
if (is.character(addlvariables)) {
if (is.null(data) || !is.data.frame(data)) {
chk::err("if `addlvariables` is specified as a string, a data frame argument must be supplied to `data`")
if (!all(addlvariables %in% names(data))) {
chk::err("all variables in `addlvariables` must be in `data`")
addlvariables <- data[addlvariables]
else if (inherits(addlvariables, "formula")) {
vars.in.formula <- all.vars(addlvariables)
if (!is.null(data) && is.data.frame(data)) {
data <- cbind(data[names(data) %in% vars.in.formula],
object$covs[names(data) %in% setdiff(vars.in.formula, names(data))])
else {
data <- object$covs
addlvariables <- covs_df_to_matrix(model.frame(addlvariables, data = data))
else if (!is.matrix(addlvariables) && !is.data.frame(addlvariables)) {
chk::err("the argument to `addlvariables` must be in one of the accepted forms. See `?summary.lmw` for details")
if (is.data.frame(addlvariables)) {
addlvariables <- covs_df_to_matrix(addlvariables)
X <- cbind(X, addlvariables[, setdiff(colnames(addlvariables), colnames(X)), drop = FALSE])
X_target <- target.weights <- NULL
if (!is.null(object$target)) {
X_target <- covs_df_to_matrix(object$target)
target.weights <- attr(object$target, "target.weights")
treat <- object$treat
weights <- object$weights
s.weights <- if (is.null(object$s.weights)) rep(1, length(weights)) else object$s.weights
if (is.null(contrast)) {
un_weights <- s.weights
if (stat == "balance") {
balance_fun <- balance_one_var.multi
else {
distribution_fun <- distribution_one_var.multi
else {
contrast <- process_contrast(contrast, treat, object$method)
un_weights <- s.weights #* (treat %in% contrast)
treat <- apply_contrast_to_treat(treat, contrast)
# if (object$method == "MRI") weights <- weights * (treat %in% contrast)
# else treat[treat != levels(treat)[2]] <- levels(treat)[1]
if (stat == "balance") {
balance_fun <- balance_one_var
else {
distribution_fun <- distribution_one_var
kk <- ncol(X)
bal.un <- bal.base.weighted <- bal.weighted <- NULL
dist.un <- dist.base.weighted <- dist.weighted <- NULL
## Summary Stats
if (kk > 0) {
#Remove tics (``) from outside of variables names
nam <- colnames(X)
has_tics <- startsWith(nam, "`") & endsWith(nam, "`")
nam[has_tics] <- substr(nam[has_tics], 2, nchar(nam[has_tics]) - 1)
if (stat == "balance") {
if (un) {
aa.un <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
balance_fun(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = un_weights, s.weights = s.weights,
standardize = standardize, focal = object$focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
bal.un <- do.call("rbind", aa.un)
rownames(bal.un) <- nam
if (!is.null(object$base.weights)) {
aa.base.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
balance_fun(X[,i], treat = treat,
weights = un_weights*object$base.weights,
s.weights = s.weights,
standardize = standardize, focal = object$focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
bal.base.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.base.weighted)
rownames(bal.base.weighted) <- nam
aa.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
balance_fun(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = weights, s.weights = s.weights,
standardize = standardize, focal = object$focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights)
bal.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.weighted)
rownames(bal.weighted) <- nam
else if (stat == "distribution") {
#Compute distribution statistics - mean, SD
if (un) {
aa.un <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
distribution_fun(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = un_weights, s.weights = s.weights,
contrast = contrast)
dist.un <- do.call("rbind", aa.un)
colnames(dist.un)[1:2] <- c("Mean Overall", "SD Overall")
rownames(dist.un) <- nam
if (!is.null(object$base.weights)) {
aa.base.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
distribution_fun(X[,i], treat = treat,
weights = s.weights*object$base.weights,
s.weights = s.weights, focal = object$focal,
x_target = X_target[,i], target.weights = target.weights,
contrast = contrast)
dist.base.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.base.weighted)
rownames(dist.base.weighted) <- nam
aa.weighted <- lapply(colnames(X), function(i) {
distribution_one_var(X[,i], treat = treat, weights = weights, s.weights = s.weights,
focal = object$focal, x_target = X_target[,i],
target.weights = target.weights,
contrast = contrast)
dist.weighted <- do.call("rbind", aa.weighted)
rownames(dist.weighted) <- nam
## Sample sizes
nn_w <- {
if (is.null(contrast)) nn_multi(treat, weights, object$base.weights, s.weights)
else nn(treat, weights, object$base.weights, s.weights)
## output
res <- list(call = object$call, nn = nn_w,
bal.un = bal.un,
bal.base.weighted = bal.base.weighted,
bal.weighted = bal.weighted,
dist.un = dist.un,
dist.base.weighted = dist.base.weighted,
dist.weighted = dist.weighted,
method = object$method,
base.weights.origin = attr(object$base.weights, "origin"))
class(res) <- c("summary.lmw_multi"[is.null(contrast)], "summary.lmw")
#' @exportS3Method print summary.lmw
#' @rdname summary.lmw
print.summary.lmw <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), ...){
if (!is.null(x$call)) cat("\nCall:", deparse(x$call), sep = "\n")
if (!is.null(x$bal.un)) {
cat("\nSummary of Balance for Unweighted Data:\n")
print.data.frame(round_df_char(x$bal.un, digits))
if (!is.null(x$bal.base.weighted)) {
cat("\nSummary of Balance for Base Weighted Data:\n")
print.data.frame(round_df_char(x$bal.base.weighted, digits))
if (!is.null(x$bal.weighted)) {
cat("\nSummary of Balance for Weighted Data:\n")
print.data.frame(round_df_char(x$bal.weighted, digits))
if (!is.null(x$dist.un)) {
cat("\nDistribution Summary for Unweighted Data:\n")
print.data.frame(add_peren_to_sd(round_df_char(x$dist.un, digits)))
if (!is.null(x$dist.base.weighted)) {
cat("\nDistribution Summary for Base Weighted Data:\n")
print.data.frame(add_peren_to_sd(round_df_char(x$dist.base.weighted, digits)))
if (!is.null(x$dist.weighted)) {
cat("\nDistribution Summary for Weighted Data:\n")
print.data.frame(add_peren_to_sd(round_df_char(x$dist.weighted, digits)))
if (!is.null(x$nn)) {
cat("\nEffective Sample Sizes:\n")
print.data.frame(round_df_char(x$nn, 2, pad = " "))
balance_one_var <- function(x, treat, weights, s.weights, standardize = TRUE,
focal = NULL, x_target = NULL, target.weights = NULL) {
#weights must already have s.weights applied, which is true of regression weights from
#lmw() but but not base.weights, so make sure they are multiplied by s.weights in the
#function call.
t1 <- levels(treat)[2] #treated level
xsum <- rep(NA_real_, 6)
names(xsum) <- {
if (standardize)
c("SMD", paste("TSMD", levels(treat)[1:2]), "KS", paste("TKS", levels(treat)[1:2]))
c("MD", paste("TMD", levels(treat)[1:2]), "KS", paste("TKS", levels(treat)[1:2]))
#If all variable values are the same, return 0s
if (all(abs(x[-1] - x[1]) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
xsum[] <- 0
bin.var <- all(x == 0 | x == 1)
too.small <- any(vapply(levels(treat)[1:2], function(t) sum(s.weights[treat==t] != 0) < 2, logical(1L)))
M <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) mean_w(x, s.weights, treat==focal)
else if (!is.null(x_target)) mean_w(x_target, target.weights)
else mean_w(x, s.weights)
M0 <- mean_w(x, weights, treat!=t1)
M1 <- mean_w(x, weights, treat==t1)
mdiff <- M1 - M0
mdiff0 <- M0 - M
mdiff1 <- M1 - M
if (all(abs(c(mdiff, mdiff0, mdiff1)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
xsum[1:3] <- 0
else if (standardize) {
if (!too.small) {
std <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights, treat==focal))
else if (!is.null(x_target) && length(x_target) > 1) sqrt(var_w(x_target, bin.var, target.weights))
else sqrt(mean(vapply(levels(treat), function(t) var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights, treat==t), numeric(1L))))
if (std < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) std <- sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights)) #Avoid divide by zero
xsum[1] <- mdiff/std
xsum[2] <- mdiff0/std
xsum[3] <- mdiff1/std
else {
xsum[1] <- mdiff
xsum[2] <- mdiff0
xsum[3] <- mdiff1
if (bin.var) {
xsum[4] <- abs(mdiff)
xsum[5] <- abs(mdiff0)
xsum[6] <- abs(mdiff1)
else if (!too.small) {
xsum[4] <- ks_w(x, treat, weights)
if (!is.null(focal)) {
xsum[5] <- tks_w(x[treat != t1], x[treat == focal], weights[treat != t1], s.weights[treat == focal])
xsum[6] <- tks_w(x[treat == t1], x[treat == focal], weights[treat == t1], s.weights[treat == focal])
else if (!is.null(x_target)) {
if (is.null(target.weights)) target.weights <- rep(1, length(x_target))
xsum[5] <- tks_w(x[treat != t1], x_target, weights[treat != t1], target.weights)
xsum[6] <- tks_w(x[treat == t1], x_target, weights[treat == t1], target.weights)
else {
xsum[5] <- tks_w(x[treat != t1], x, weights[treat != t1], s.weights)
xsum[6] <- tks_w(x[treat == t1], x, weights[treat == t1], s.weights)
balance_one_var.multi <- function(x, treat, weights = NULL, s.weights, standardize = TRUE,
focal = NULL, x_target = NULL, target.weights = NULL) {
#weights must already have s.weights applied, which is true of regression weights from
#lmw() but but not base.weights, so make sure they are multiplied by s.weights in the
#function call.
xsum <- rep(NA_real_, 6)
names(xsum) <- {
if (standardize)
c(paste("TSMD", levels(treat)), paste("TKS", levels(treat)))
c(paste("TMD", levels(treat)), paste("TKS", levels(treat)))
#If all variable values are the same, return 0s
if (all(abs(x[-1] - x[1]) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
xsum[] <- 0
bin.var <- all(x == 0 | x == 1)
too.small <- any(vapply(levels(treat), function(t) sum(s.weights[treat==t] != 0) < 2, logical(1L)))
M <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) mean_w(x, s.weights, treat==focal)
else if (!is.null(x_target)) mean_w(x_target, target.weights)
else mean_w(x, s.weights)
Mt <- vapply(levels(treat), function(t) mean_w(x, weights, treat==t), numeric(1L))
mdifft <- Mt - M
if (standardize) {
if (!too.small) {
std <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights, treat==focal))
else if (!is.null(x_target) && length(x_target) > 1) sqrt(var_w(x_target, bin.var, target.weights))
else sqrt(mean(vapply(levels(treat), function(t) var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights, treat==t), numeric(1L))))
if (std < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) std <- sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights)) #Avoid divide by zero
xsum[seq_len(nlevels(treat))] <- mdifft/std
else {
xsum[seq_len(nlevels(treat))] <- mdifft
if (bin.var) {
xsum[nlevels(treat) + seq_len(nlevels(treat))] <- abs(mdifft)
else if (!too.small) {
xsum[nlevels(treat) + seq_len(nlevels(treat))] <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) {
vapply(levels(treat), function(t) {
tks_w(x[treat == t], x[treat == focal], weights[treat == t], s.weights[treat == focal])
}, numeric(1L))
else if (!is.null(x_target)) {
if (is.null(target.weights)) target.weights <- rep(1, length(x_target))
vapply(levels(treat), function(t) {
tks_w(x[treat == t], x_target, weights[treat == t], target.weights)
}, numeric(1L))
else {
vapply(levels(treat), function(t) {
tks_w(x[treat == t], x, weights[treat == t], s.weights)
}, numeric(1L))
distribution_one_var <- function(x, treat, weights, s.weights, focal = NULL,
x_target = NULL, target.weights = NULL, contrast = NULL) {
#weights must already have s.weights applied, which is true of regression weights from
#lmw() but but not base.weights, so make sure they are multiplied by s.weights in the
#function call.
t1 <- levels(treat)[2] #treated level
bin.var <- all(x == 0 | x == 1)
xsum <- rep(NA_real_, 6)
names(xsum) <- c(paste(c("Mean", "SD"), "Target"),
paste(c("Mean", "SD"), levels(treat)[1]),
paste(c("Mean", "SD"), levels(treat)[2]))
tlevs <- levels(treat)
if (!is.null(contrast)) {
tlevs <- intersect(tlevs, contrast)
xsum["Mean Target"] <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) mean_w(x, s.weights, treat==focal)
else if (!is.null(x_target)) mean_w(x_target, target.weights)
else mean_w(x, s.weights)
xsum["SD Target"] <- {
if (!is.null(focal)) sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights, treat==focal))
else if (!is.null(x_target)) {
if (length(x_target) > 1) sqrt(var_w(x_target, bin.var, target.weights))
else NA_real_
else sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights))
xsum[paste("Mean", levels(treat)[1])] <- mean_w(x, weights, treat != t1)
xsum[paste("SD", levels(treat)[1])] <- sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, weights, treat != t1))
xsum[paste("Mean", levels(treat)[2])] <- mean_w(x, weights, treat == t1)
xsum[paste("SD", levels(treat)[2])] <- sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, weights, treat == t1))
distribution_one_var.multi <- function(x, treat, weights, s.weights, focal = NULL,
x_target = NULL, target.weights = NULL, contrast = NULL) {
#weights must already have s.weights applied, which is true of regression weights from
#lmw() but but not base.weights, so make sure they are multiplied by s.weights in the
#function call.
bin.var <- all(x == 0 | x == 1)
tlevs <- levels(treat)
if (!is.null(contrast)) {
tlevs <- intersect(tlevs, contrast)
xsum <- c(
"Mean Target" = {
if (!is.null(focal)) mean_w(x, s.weights, treat==focal)
else if (!is.null(x_target)) mean_w(x_target, target.weights)
else mean_w(x, s.weights)
"SD Target" = {
if (!is.null(focal)) sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights, treat==focal))
else if (!is.null(x_target)) {
if (length(x_target) > 1) sqrt(var_w(x_target, bin.var, target.weights))
else NA_real_
else sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, s.weights))
unlist(lapply(tlevs, function(t) {
setNames(c(mean_w(x, weights, treat==t),
sqrt(var_w(x, bin.var, weights, treat==t))),
paste(c("Mean", "SD"), t))
ks_w <- function(x, treat, weights) {
t1 <- levels(treat)[2]
weights[treat==t1] <- weights[treat==t1]/sum(weights[treat==t1])
weights[treat!=t1] <- weights[treat!=t1]/sum(weights[treat!=t1])
ord <- order(x)
x_ord <- x[ord]
weights_ord <- weights[ord]
treat_ord <- treat[ord]
#Difference between ecdf of x for each group
weights_ord_ <- weights_ord
weights_ord_[treat_ord==t1] <- -weights_ord_[treat_ord==t1]
ediff <- abs(cumsum(weights_ord_))[c(diff(x_ord) != 0, TRUE)]
tks_w <- function(x, x_target, weights, target.weights) {
treat <- factor(c(rep(1, length(x)), rep(0, length(x_target))), levels = 0:1)
x <- c(x, x_target)
weights <- c(weights, target.weights)
ks_w(x, treat, weights)
#Compute sample sizes
nn <- function(treat, weights, base.weights, s.weights) {
# weights <- weights * s.weights #s.weights already in weights
t1 <- levels(treat)[2] #treated level
t0 <- levels(treat)[1] #control level
if (is.null(base.weights)) {
n <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("All", "Weighted"),
n["All",] <- c(ESS(s.weights[treat==t0]),
n["Weighted",] <- c(ESS(weights[treat!=t1]),
else {
base.weights <- base.weights*s.weights
n <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=2, dimnames = list(c("All","Base weighted", "Weighted"),
n["All",] <- c(ESS(s.weights[treat==t0]),
n["Base weighted",] <- c(ESS((s.weights*base.weights)[treat==t0]),
n["Weighted",] <- c(ESS(weights[treat!=t1]),
nn_multi <- function(treat, weights, base.weights, s.weights) {
if (is.null(s.weights)) s.weights <- rep(1, length(treat))
# weights <- weights * s.weights #s.weights already in weights
if (is.null(base.weights)) {
n <- matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = nlevels(treat),
dimnames = list(c("All", "Weighted"),
n["All",] <- vapply(levels(treat), function(t) ESS(s.weights[treat==t]), numeric(1L))
n["Weighted",] <- vapply(levels(treat), function(t) ESS(weights[treat==t]), numeric(1L))
else {
base.weights <- base.weights*s.weights
n <- matrix(0, nrow = 3, ncol = nlevels(treat),
dimnames = list(c("All","Base weighted", "Weighted"),
n["All",] <- vapply(levels(treat), function(t) ESS(s.weights[treat==t]), numeric(1L))
n["Base weighted",] <- vapply(levels(treat), function(t) ESS(base.weights[treat==t]), numeric(1L))
n["Weighted",] <- vapply(levels(treat), function(t) ESS(weights[treat==t]), numeric(1L))
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