

#### Intersection LOS Analysis of speed vs volume ####
#Intersections vary speed and volume
int.spdvol <- expand.grid(
  int_id   = NA,
  app_dir  = NA,
  traf_dir = NA,
  N_d      = 1,
  N_th     = 1,
  S_85mj   = seq(5, 50, by = 5), #links$S_f and int$S_85mj
  v_rt     = NA,
  v_lt     = NA,
  v_th     = NA,
  v_v      = seq(50, 1200, by = 50), #Vehicle volume at intersection
  v_rtor   = NA,
  v_ltperm = NA,
  v_p      = 100,
  v_b      = 250,
  v_bl     = 250/4,
  v_br     = 250/4,
  P_bl2    = 0.5,
  N_rtcid  = 0,
  g        = 31.7,
  l        = 3.3,
  C        = 90,
  Walkmi   = 31.7,
  W_c      = 12,
  W_cd     = 24,
  L        = 24,
  W_bl     = 5,
  W_ol     = 12,
  p_pk     = 0.8,
  W_os     = 8,
  M_yp     = 0.5,
  M_yb     = 0.05,
  S_p      = 3.5,
  S_b      = 10,
  t_sb     = 3,
  t_sp     = 3,
  control  = "Signalized",
  curb     = TRUE)

#Calculate subsequent dummy vars
int.spdvol <-
int.spdvol[ , v_rt := v_v/4]
int.spdvol[ , v_lt := v_v/4]
int.spdvol[ , v_th := v_v/2]
int.spdvol[ , v_rtor := v_v/2]
int.spdvol[ , v_ltperm := v_v/4]
int.spdvol[ , int_id := 1:nrow(int.spdvol)]
int.spdvol <- rbindlist(lapply(c("NB","SB","EB","WB"), function(x) {
  tmp = int.spdvol
  tmp$traf_dir <- rep(x, nrow(int.spdvol))
  tmp$app_dir <- rep(switch(x,
                        "NB" = "S",
                        "SB" = "N",
                        "EB" = "W",
                        "WB" = "E"),

#Calculate Intersection LOS <- rbindlist(pblapply(unique(int.spdvol$int_id), function(x) {
  int = int.spdvol[int_id == x, ]
  data.table("v_v" = int$v_v[1], "S_85mj" = int$S_85mj[1],
             I_int.rev = bike.I_int(int, "EB"),
             I_int.og = ogbike.I_int(int, "EB"))

#Melt into longform <- melt(, c("v_v","S_85mj"))

#Score$LOS <- sapply($value, MMLOS::score2LOS)

#### PLOT: #LOS intersection plot
plot.LOSint = lapply(c("I_int.rev","I_int.og"), function(x) {
  ggplot(data =[variable == x, ], aes(x = v_v, y = S_85mj, z = value)) + 
    # geom_tile() +
    # scale_fill_distiller("LOS", palette = "RdYlGn", limits = range(LOS$value)) +
    geom_contour_filled(breaks = c(-Inf,2.00,2.75,3.50,4.25,5.00,Inf)) +
    scale_fill_manual("LOS score", values = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 6, name = "RdYlGn")),
                      labels = c("A","B","C","D","E","F"), drop = F) +
    scale_x_continuous("Automobile traffic volume (veh/hr)", expand = c(0,0)) +
    scale_y_continuous("Automobile traffic speed (mph)", expand = c(0,0)) +
    coord_fixed(ratio = 25) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman"), legend.position = "bottom", )
names(plot.LOSint) <- c("rev","og")

ggarrange(plot.LOSint$rev, plot.LOSint$og, ncol = 2, common.legend = T, legend = "right")

#### Link LOS Analysis of speed vs volume ####
link.spdvol <- data.table(expand.grid(
  link_id     = NA,
  link_dir    = "EB",
  boundary_id = NA,
  LL          = 3000,
  N_aps       = 0,
  v_m         = seq(25, 1000, by=25),
  v_ped       = 100,
  P_HV        = 2,
  S_f         = seq(25, 45, by=1),
  S_pf        = 3.3,
  S_b         = 10,
  N_th        = 1,
  W_T         = NA,
  W_bl        = 5,
  W_swbuf     = NA,
  W_blbuf     = 0,
  W_os        = 10,
  W_ol        = 12,
  w_oi        = NA,
  w_oo        = NA,
  pwindow     = NA,
  pbuilding   = NA,
  pfence      = NA,
  p_pk        = 0.85,
  P_c         = 3,
  p_mx        = NA,
  H_swbuf     = NA,
  H_blbuf     = 0,
  protected   = T,
  div         = F,
  p_strp      = NA,
  curb        = T,
  sharedbl    = NA,
  n_bus       = NA,
  n_xbus      = NA,
  t_ex        = NA,
  L_f         = NA,
  S           = NA,
  l_pt        = NA,
  pop         = NA,
  p_sh        = NA,
  p_be        = NA,
  bus         = NA,
  hilo        = c("a) No buffer:","b) Small buffer","c) Large buffer")))

#Calculate subsequent dummy vars
link.spdvol[hilo == "a) No buffer:", (c("W_blbuf", "H_blbuf", "protected"))    := list(0,0,F)]
link.spdvol[hilo == "b) Small buffer", (c("W_blbuf", "H_blbuf")) := list(3,1)]
link.spdvol[hilo == "c) Large buffer", (c("W_blbuf", "H_blbuf"))   := list(10,4)]

#link.spdvol[ , hilo := paste0("W[buf]=", W_blbuf, "~,~H[buf]=", H_blbuf)]
link.spdvol[ , link_id := 1:nrow(link.spdvol)]
link.spdvol <- split(link.spdvol, link.spdvol$link_id)

#Calculate link LOS <- rbindlist(pblapply(link.spdvol, function(link) {
  data.table("v_v" = link$v_m, "S_85mj" = link$S_f, "hilo" = link$hilo,
             "H_buf" = link$H_blbuf, "W_buf" = link$W_blbuf,
             "S_R" = auto.S_R(link, "Signalized"),
             "F_s" =, "Signalized"),
             "Current HCM" = ogbike.I_link(link, "Signalized"),
             "Revisions" = bike.I_link(link, "Signalized")

#Melt by revision/current <- melt(, measure.vars = c("Current HCM","Revisions"))

#lets just keep revisions... <-[variable == "Revisions", ] <- split(,$hilo)

#### PLOT: #LOS link plot
plot.LOSlink = lapply(, function(dat) {
  ggplot(data = dat, aes(x = v_v, y = S_85mj, z = value)) + 
    geom_contour_filled(breaks = c(-Inf,2.00,2.75,3.50,4.25,5.00,Inf)) +
    scale_fill_manual("LOS score", values = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 6, name = "RdYlGn")),
                      labels = c("A","B","C","D","E","F"), drop = F) +
    scale_x_continuous("Automobile traffic volume (veh/hr/lane)", breaks = seq(0, 2000, by = 200), expand = c(0,0), labels = scales::comma) +
    scale_y_continuous("Automobile traffic speed (mi/hr)", expand = c(0,0)) +
    coord_fixed(ratio = 45) +
    labs(caption = bquote(.(as.character(dat$hilo)) ~ italic(W[buf]) == .(dat$W_buf) ~ "and" ~ italic(H[buf]) == .(dat$H_buf))) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman"),
          plot.caption = element_text(size=12, hjust = 0.5, margin=margin(t = 20, unit = "pt")),
          legend.position = "bottom", plot.margin = margin(0,10,0,0))
names(plot.LOSlink) <- names(
ggarrange(plotlist = plot.LOSlink, ncol = 3, common.legend = T, legend = "top")

#### Right turn delay ####
#Intersections vary right turn volume
int.rtbikevol <- expand.grid(
  int_id   = NA,
  app_dir  = NA,
  traf_dir = NA,
  N_d      = 1,
  N_th     = 1,
  S_85mj   = 25, #links$S_f and int$S_85mj
  v_rt     = seq(100, 1000, by = 50),
  v_lt     = NA,
  v_th     = NA,
  v_v      = NA, #Vehicle volume at intersection
  v_rtor   = NA,
  v_ltperm = NA,
  v_p      = 100,
  v_b      = 250, #seq(0, 1000, by = 150),
  v_bl     = NA,
  v_br     = NA,
  P_bl2    = 0.5,
  N_rtcid  = 0,
  g        = 31.7,
  l        = 3.3,
  C        = 90,
  Walkmi   = 31.7,
  W_c      = 12,
  W_cd     = 24,
  L        = 24,
  W_bl     = 5,
  W_ol     = 12,
  p_pk     = 0.8,
  W_os     = 8,
  M_yp     = 0.5,
  M_yb     = 0.1,
  S_p      = 3.5,
  S_b      = 10,
  t_sb     = 3,
  t_sp     = 3,
  control  = "Signalized",
  curb     = TRUE)

#Calculate subsequent dummy vars
int.rtbikevol <-
int.rtbikevol[ , v_lt := v_rt/4]
int.rtbikevol[ , v_th := v_rt]
int.rtbikevol[ , v_rtor := v_v/2]
int.rtbikevol[ , v_ltperm := v_rt/4]
int.rtbikevol[ , v_v := v_rt + v_lt + v_th]
int.rtbikevol[ , v_bl := v_b/4]
int.rtbikevol[ , v_br := v_b/4]
int.rtbikevol[ , int_id := 1:nrow(int.rtbikevol)]
int.rtbikevol <- rbindlist(lapply(c("NB","SB","EB","WB"), function(x) {
  tmp = int.rtbikevol
  tmp$traf_dir <- rep(x, nrow(int.rtbikevol))
  tmp$app_dir <- rep(switch(x,
                            "NB" = "S",
                            "SB" = "N",
                            "EB" = "W",
                            "WB" = "E"),

#### Right turning vehicle delay
rtdelay <- rbindlist(lapply(unique(int.rtbikevol$int_id), function(x) {
  int = int.rtbikevol[int_id == x, ]
  data.table("v_rt" = int$v_rt[1], "v_b" = int$v_b[1], "Proposed revisions" = bike.d_bS(int, "EB"))

rtdelay <- merge(rtdelay, 
      rbindlist(lapply(unique(int.rtbikevol$int_id), function(x) {
        int = int.rtbikevol[int_id == x, ]
        dir = "EB"
        #HCM bike lane capacity
        c_b = int[traf_dir == dir, 2000*g/C]
        #Calculate delay from signal, including right-turn vehicle encroachment
        d_bS = int[traf_dir == dir, (0.5*C*(1-(g/C))^2) / (1 - min(v_b/c_b, 1)*(g/C)) ]
        data.table("v_rt" = int$v_rt[1], "v_b" = int$v_b[1], "Current HCM" = d_bS)
    by = c("v_rt","v_b"))

#Convert to veh per cycle
rtdelay[ , v_rt := int.rtbikevol$C[1]*v_rt/3600]
rtdelay[ , v_b := int.rtbikevol$C[1]*v_b/3600]
rtdelay[ , (c("Proposed revisions","Current HCM")) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x/v_b),
         .SDcols = c("Proposed revisions","Current HCM")]

#### PLOT: Right turn delay plot 
ggplot(data = melt(rtdelay, id.vars = c("v_rt","v_b")),
       aes(x = v_rt, y = value, color = variable, linetype = variable)) +
  geom_line() + 
  scale_x_continuous("Number of right turning vehicles\nper 90 second signal cycle", expand = c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous("Average icycle delay (s)", expand = c(0,0), limits = c(3,5)) +
  scale_color_brewer(NULL, palette = "Set1", direction = -1) +
  scale_linetype(NULL) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman"), 
        legend.position = "right",
        legend.background = element_blank(), = element_blank())

#### Traffic exposure factor ####
#Intersections vary speed and volume
int.spd <- expand.grid(
  int_id   = NA,
  app_dir  = NA,
  traf_dir = NA,
  N_d      = 1,
  N_th     = 1,
  S_85mj   = seq(5, 40, by = 5), #links$S_f and int$S_85mj
  v_rt     = NA,
  v_lt     = NA,
  v_th     = NA,
  v_v      = seq(50, 1000, by = 50), #Vehicle volume at intersection
  v_rtor   = NA,
  v_ltperm = NA,
  v_p      = 100,
  v_b      = 100,
  v_bl     = 100/4,
  v_br     = 100/4,
  P_bl2    = 0.5,
  N_rtcid  = 0,
  g        = 31.7,
  l        = 3.3,
  C        = 90,
  Walkmi   = 31.7,
  W_c      = 12,
  W_cd     = 24,
  L        = 24,
  W_bl     = 5,
  W_ol     = 12,
  p_pk     = 0.8,
  W_os     = 8,
  M_yp     = 0.5,
  M_yb     = 0.1,
  S_p      = 3.5,
  S_b      = 10,
  t_sb     = 3,
  t_sp     = 3,
  control  = "Signalized",
  curb     = TRUE)

#Calculate subsequent dummy vars
int.spd <-
int.spd[ , v_rt := v_v/4]
int.spd[ , v_lt := v_v/4]
int.spd[ , v_th := v_v/2]
int.spd[ , v_rtor := v_v/2]
int.spd[ , v_ltperm := v_v/4]
int.spd[ , int_id := 1:nrow(int.spd)]
int.spd <- rbindlist(lapply(c("NB","SB","EB","WB"), function(x) {
  tmp = int.spd
  tmp$traf_dir <- rep(x, nrow(int.spd))
  tmp$app_dir <- rep(switch(x,
                            "NB" = "S",
                            "SB" = "N",
                            "EB" = "W",
                            "WB" = "E"),

#Calculate speed factor
spdfact <- rbindlist(pblapply(unique(int.spd$int_id), function(x) {
  int = int.spd[int_id == x, ]
  #The traffic direction being crossed
  xdir = "NB"
  #Opposite cross street dir
  odir ="SB"
  N_d = int[traf_dir == xdir, N_d]
  N_d = ifelse(, int[traf_dir == odir, N_d], N_d)
  n_15mj = (0.25 / N_d)*sum(int$v_v, na.rm = T)
  data.table("v_v" = int$v_v[1], "S_85mj" = int$S_85mj[1],
             F_s = (sqrt(n_15mj)*int[traf_dir == "EB", S_85mj])/200)

#### PLOT: Traffic exposure plot
ggplot(data = spdfact, aes(x = v_v, y = S_85mj, z = F_s)) + 
  geom_contour_filled(binwidth = 1) +
  scale_fill_brewer(expression("Traffic\nexposure factor,"~F[s]), palette = "YlGnBu", 
                    labels = paste(0:floor(max(spdfact$F_s)),
                                   1:ceiling(max(spdfact$F_s)), sep="-"), direction = -1) +
  scale_x_continuous("Automobile traffic volume (veh/hr)", expand = c(0,0), labels = scales::comma) +
  scale_y_continuous("Automobile traffic speed (mph)", expand = c(0,0)) +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 25) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman"), legend.position = "right")

#### Left turn delay from car volume vs proportion of 1 and 2 stage left turns ####
#Intersections vary right turn volume
int.ltbike <- expand.grid(
  int_id   = NA,
  app_dir  = NA,
  traf_dir = NA,
  N_d      = 1:4, #Number of lanes crossed
  N_th     = 1,
  S_85mj   = 25,
  v_rt     = NA,
  v_lt     = NA,
  v_th     = NA,
  v_v      = seq(100, 2000, by = 25), #Vehicle volume at intersection
  v_rtor   = NA,
  v_ltperm = NA,
  v_p      = 100,
  v_b      = 250,
  v_bl     = NA,
  v_br     = NA,
  P_bl2    = 0.5,
  N_rtcid  = 0,
  g        = 31.7,
  l        = 3.3,
  C        = 90,
  Walkmi   = 31.7,
  W_c      = 12,
  W_cd     = 24,
  L        = 24,
  W_bl     = 5,
  W_ol     = 12,
  p_pk     = 0.8,
  W_os     = 8,
  M_yp     = 0.5,
  M_yb     = 0.05,
  S_p      = 3.5,
  S_b      = 10,
  t_sb     = 3,
  t_sp     = 3,
  control  = "Signalized",
  curb     = TRUE)

#Calculate subsequent dummy vars
int.ltbike <-
int.ltbike[ , N_th := N_d]
int.ltbike[ , v_v := v_v*N_d]
int.ltbike <- int.ltbike[v_v < 5000, ]
int.ltbike[ , v_rt := v_v/4]
int.ltbike[ , v_lt := v_v/4]
int.ltbike[ , v_th := v_v/2]
int.ltbike[ , v_rtor := v_v/2]
int.ltbike[ , v_ltperm := v_v/4]
int.ltbike[ , int_id := 1:nrow(int.ltbike)]
int.ltbike <- rbindlist(lapply(c("NB","SB","EB","WB"), function(x) {
  tmp = int.ltbike
  tmp$traf_dir <- rep(x, nrow(int.ltbike))
  tmp$app_dir <- rep(switch(x,
                            "NB" = "S",
                            "SB" = "N",
                            "EB" = "W",
                            "WB" = "E"),
#Sort just for processing sake
int.ltbike <- int.ltbike[order(-v_v), ]

#Calculate delay
ltdelay <- rbindlist(pblapply(unique(int.ltbike$int_id), function(x) {
  int = int.ltbike[int_id == x, ]
  data.table("v_v" = int$v_v[1], "v_b" = int$v_b[1], "N_d" = int$N_d[1],
             "One-stage turn delay" = bike.d_1stageleft(int, "EB"), #One-stage left turn delay
             "Two-stage turn delay" = bike.d_2stageleft(int, "EB")  #Two-stage left turn delay

#Adjust volume per lane
ltdelay[ , v_vpl := v_v/N_d]

#Convert to veh per cycle
ltdelay[ , v_v := int.ltbike$C[1]*v_v/3600]
ltdelay[ , v_vpl := int.ltbike$C[1]*v_vpl/3600]
ltdelay[ , v_b := int.ltbike$C[1]*v_b/3600]
ltdelay[ , (c("One-stage turn delay","Two-stage turn delay")) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x/v_b),
         .SDcols = c("One-stage turn delay","Two-stage turn delay")]

#### PLOT: Left turn delay plot
ggplot(data = melt(ltdelay, id.vars = c("v_v","v_b","v_vpl","N_d")),
       aes(x = v_vpl, y  = value, color = factor(N_d), linetype = variable)) +
  geom_line() + 
  scale_x_continuous("Number of vehicles per lane\nper 90 second signal cycle", expand = c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous("Average bicycle delay (s)", expand = c(0,0)) +
  scale_color_brewer("Number of lanes crossed", palette = "Set1",
                     labels = c("One lane", "Two lanes", "Three lanes", "Four lanes")) +
  scale_linetype(NULL) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,20)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman"),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(face="bold", hjust=0.5))

#### Separated bike lanes on effective width factor ####
link.sepbl <- data.table(expand.grid(
  link_id     = NA,
  link_dir    = "EB",
  boundary_id = NA,
  LL          = 250,
  N_aps       = 0,
  v_m         = 800,
  v_ped       = 100,
  P_HV        = 2,
  S_f         = 35,
  S_pf        = 3.3,
  S_b         = 10,
  N_th        = 1,
  W_T         = NA,
  W_bl        = 5,
  W_swbuf     = NA,
  W_blbuf     = seq(0, 10, by = 0.25),
  W_os        = 10,
  W_ol        = 12,
  w_oi        = 0,
  w_oo        = 0,
  pwindow     = NA,
  pbuilding   = NA,
  pfence      = NA,
  p_pk        = 0.85,
  P_c         = 3,
  p_mx        = NA,
  H_swbuf     = NA,
  H_blbuf     = seq(0, 4, by = 0.25),
  protected   = T,
  div         = F,
  p_strp      = NA,
  curb        = T,
  sharedbl    = NA,
  n_bus       = NA,
  n_xbus      = NA,
  t_ex        = NA,
  L_f         = NA,
  S           = NA,
  l_pt        = NA,
  pop         = NA,
  p_sh        = NA,
  p_be        = NA,
  bus         = NA))

#Add link IDs... for whatever
link.sepbl[ , link_id := 1:nrow(link.sepbl)]

#Split into list to calculate with lapply
link.sepbl <- split(link.sepbl, link.sepbl$link_id)

#Calculate F_w
sepbl <- rbindlist(lapply(link.sepbl, function(link) {
  data.table("W_buf" = link$W_blbuf, "H_buf" = link$H_blbuf,
             "v_m" = link$v_m, "S_f" = link$S_f,
             "F_w" =

#### PLOT: Cross section factor
ggplot(data = sepbl, aes(x = W_buf, y = H_buf,  z = F_w)) + 
  geom_contour_filled(binwidth = 1/3) +
  scale_fill_brewer(expression("Cross-section\nadjustment factor, "~F[w]), palette = "YlGnBu", direction = -1, drop = T,
                    labels =
                      paste(sprintf('%.2f', seq(floor(min(sepbl$F_w)),-1,by=1/3)),
                            sprintf('%.2f', seq(ceiling(min(sepbl$F_w)),0,by=1/3)), sep=" to ")) +
  scale_x_continuous(expression("Buffer width, "~italic(W[buf])~" (ft)"), expand = c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expression("Buffer height, "~italic(H[buf])~" (ft)"), expand = c(0,0)) +
  coord_fixed() +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(text = element_text(family = "Times New Roman"), legend.position = "right")
nick-fournier/complete-streets-los documentation built on June 24, 2021, 3:09 p.m.