
# initial version: YR 25/03/2009

short.summary <- function(object) {

    # print header

    # print lavdata

    # Print Chi-square value for the user-specified (full/h0) model

    # robust/scaled statistics?
    if(object@Options$test %in% c("satorra.bentler",
                                  "scaled.shifted") &&
       length(object@test) > 1L) {
        scaled <- TRUE
        if(object@Options$test == "scaled.shifted")
            shifted <- TRUE
            shifted <- FALSE
    } else {
        scaled <- FALSE
        shifted <- FALSE

    # 0. heading
    #h.txt <- sprintf("\nChi-square test user model (h0)",
    #                 object@Options$estimator)
    t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Estimator")
    t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10s", object@Options$estimator)
    t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled,
              sprintf("  %10s", "Robust"), "")
    cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")

    # check if test == "none"
    if(object@Options$test != "none" && object@Options$estimator != "MML") {

        # 1. chi-square values
        t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Model Fit Test Statistic")
        t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[1]]$stat)
        t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled,
                  sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[2]]$stat), "")
        cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")

        # 2. degrees of freedom
        t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Degrees of freedom")
        t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10i",   object@test[[1]]$df)
        t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled,
                         ifelse(round(object@test[[2]]$df) ==
                                sprintf("  %10i",   object@test[[2]]$df),
                                sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[2]]$df)),
        cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")

        # 3. P-value
        if(is.na(object@test[[1]]$df)) {
            t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "P-value")
            t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[1]]$pvalue)
            t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled,
                      sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[2]]$pvalue), "")
            cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
        } else if(object@test[[1]]$df > 0) {
            if(object@test[[1]]$refdistr == "chisq") {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "P-value (Chi-square)")
            } else if(length(object@test) == 1L &&
                      object@test[[1]]$refdistr == "unknown") {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "P-value (Unknown)")
            } else {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "P-value")
            t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[1]]$pvalue)
            t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled,
                      sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[2]]$pvalue), "")
            cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
        } else {
            # FIXME: should we do this? To warn that exact 0.0 was not obtained?
            if(object@optim$fx > 0) {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-35s", "Minimum Function Value")
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %15.13f", object@optim$fx)
                t2.txt <- ""
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")

        # 3b. Do we have a Bollen-Stine p-value?
        if(object@Options$test == "bollen.stine") {
            t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "P-value (Bollen-Stine Bootstrap)")
            t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[2]]$pvalue)
            cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, "\n", sep="")

        # 4. Scaling correction factor
        if(scaled) {
            t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Scaling correction factor")
            t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10s", "")
            t2.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[2]]$scaling.factor)
            cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
            if(object@Options$test == "yuan.bentler") {
                cat("    for the Yuan-Bentler correction\n")
            } else if(object@Options$test == "yuan.bentler.mplus") {
                cat("    for the Yuan-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)\n")
            } else if(object@Options$test == "satorra.bentler") {
                if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
                   object@Options$estimator == "ML") {
                    cat("    for the Satorra-Bentler correction (Mplus variant)\n")
                } else if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
                          object@Options$estimator == "DWLS") {
                    cat("    for the Satorra-Bentler correction (WLSM)\n")
                } else if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
                          object@Options$estimator == "ULS") {
                    cat("    for the Satorra-Bentler correction (ULSM)\n")
                } else {
                    cat("    for the Satorra-Bentler correction\n")
            } else if(object@Options$test == "mean.var.adjusted") {
                if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
                   object@Options$estimator == "ML") {
                    cat("    for the mean and variance adjusted correction (MLMV)\n")
                } else if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
                          object@Options$estimator == "DWLS") {
                    cat("    for the mean and variance adjusted correction (WLSMV)\n")
                } else if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
                          object@Options$estimator == "ULS") {
                    cat("    for the mean and variance adjusted correction (ULSMV)\n")
                } else {
                    cat("    for the mean and variance adjusted correction\n")

        # 4b. Shift parameter?
        if(shifted) {
            if(object@Data@ngroups == 1L) {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", "Shift parameter")
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10s", "")
                t2.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f",
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
            } else { # multiple groups, multiple shift values!
                cat("  Shift parameter for each group:\n")
                for(g in 1:object@Data@ngroups) {
                    t0.txt <- sprintf("    %-38s", object@Data@group.label[[g]])
                    t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10s", "")
                    t2.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f",
                    cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
            if(object@Options$mimic == "Mplus" &&
               object@Options$estimator == "DWLS") {
                cat("    for simple second-order correction (WLSMV)\n")
            } else {
                cat("    for simple second-order correction (Mplus variant)\n")

        if(object@Data@ngroups > 1L) {
            cat("Chi-square for each group:\n\n")
            for(g in 1:object@Data@ngroups) {
                t0.txt <- sprintf("  %-40s", object@Data@group.label[[g]])
                t1.txt <- sprintf("  %10.3f", object@test[[1]]$stat.group[g])
                t2.txt <- ifelse(scaled, sprintf("  %10.3f",
                                 object@test[[2]]$stat.group[g]), "")
                cat(t0.txt, t1.txt, t2.txt, "\n", sep="")
    } # test != none

    if(object@Options$estimator == "MML") {
        fm <- fitMeasures(object, c("logl", "npar", "aic", "bic", "bic2"))


setMethod("show", "psindex",
function(object) {

    # show only basic information


setMethod("summary", "psindex",
function(object, header       = TRUE,
                 fit.measures = FALSE,
                 estimates    = TRUE,
                 ci           = FALSE,
                 fmi          = FALSE,
                 std          = FALSE,
                 standardized = FALSE,
                 cov.std      = TRUE,
                 rsquare      = FALSE,
                 std.nox      = FALSE,
                 modindices   = FALSE,
                 nd = 3L) {
    # this is to avoid partial matching of 'std' with std.nox
    standardized <- std || standardized

    if(std.nox) standardized <- TRUE

    # print the 'short' summary
    if(header) {

    # only if requested, the fit measures
    if(fit.measures) {
        if(object@Options$test == "none") {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fit measures not available if test = \"none\"\n\n")
        } else if(object@optim$npar > 0L && !object@optim$converged) {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fit measures not available if model did not converge\n\n")
        } else {
            print.fit.measures( fitMeasures(object, fit.measures="default") )

    if(estimates) {
        PE <- parameterEstimates(object, ci = ci, standardized = standardized,
                                 rsquare = rsquare, fmi = fmi,
                                 cov.std = cov.std,
                                 remove.eq = FALSE, remove.system.eq = TRUE,
                                 remove.ineq = FALSE, remove.def = FALSE,
                                 add.attributes = TRUE)
        if(standardized && std.nox) {
            #PE$std.all <- PE$std.nox
            PE$std.all <- NULL
        print(PE, nd = nd)

    # modification indices?
    if(modindices) {
        cat("Modification Indices:\n\n")
        print( modificationIndices(object, standardized=TRUE, cov.std = cov.std) )

setMethod("coef", "psindex",
function(object, type="free", labels=TRUE) {
    lav_object_inspect_coef(object = object, type = type, 
                            add.labels = labels, add.class = TRUE)

standardizedSolution <- standardizedsolution <- function(object,
                                                         type = "std.all",
                                                         se = TRUE,
                                                         zstat = TRUE,
                                                         pvalue = TRUE,
                                                         ci = TRUE,
                                                         level = 0.95,
                                                         cov.std = TRUE,
                                                         remove.eq = TRUE,
                                                         remove.ineq = TRUE,
                                                         remove.def = FALSE,
                                                         partable = NULL,
                                                         GLIST = NULL,
                                                         est   = NULL) {

    stopifnot(type %in% c("std.all", "std.lv", "std.nox"))

    # no zstat + pvalue if estimator is Bayes
    if(object@Options$estimator == "Bayes") {
        zstat <- pvalue <- FALSE

    # no se if class is not psindex
    if(class(object) != "psindex") {
        if(missing(se) || !se) {
            se <- FALSE
            zstat <- FALSE
            pvalue <- FALSE

    if(is.null(partable)) {
        PARTABLE <- inspect(object, "list")
    } else {
        PARTABLE <- partable
    LIST <- PARTABLE[,c("lhs", "op", "rhs")]
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$group)) {
        LIST$group <- PARTABLE$group

    # add std and std.all columns
    if(type == "std.lv") {
        LIST$est.std     <- standardize.est.lv(object, est = est, GLIST = GLIST,
                                               partable = partable, cov.std = cov.std)
    } else if(type == "std.all") {
        LIST$est.std <- standardize.est.all(object, est = est, GLIST = GLIST,
                                            partable = partable, cov.std = cov.std)
    } else if(type == "std.nox") {
        LIST$est.std <- standardize.est.all.nox(object, est = est, GLIST = GLIST,
                                                partable = partable, cov.std = cov.std)

    if(object@Options$se != "none" && se) {
        # add 'se' for standardized parameters
        VCOV <- try(lav_object_inspect_vcov(object, standardized = TRUE,
                                            type = type, free.only = FALSE,
                                            add.labels = FALSE,
                                            add.class = FALSE))
        if(inherits(VCOV, "try-error")) {
            LIST$se <- rep(NA, length(LIST$lhs))
            if(zstat) {
                LIST$z  <- rep(NA, length(LIST$lhs))
            if(pvalue) {
                 LIST$pvalue <- rep(NA, length(LIST$lhs))
        } else {
            tmp <- diag(VCOV)
            # catch negative values
            min.idx <- which(tmp < 0)
            if(length(min.idx) > 0L) {
                tmp[min.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
            # now, we can safely take the square root
            tmp <- sqrt(tmp)

            # catch near-zero SEs
            zero.idx <- which(tmp < .Machine$double.eps^(1/3)) # was 1/2 < 0.6
            if(length(zero.idx) > 0L) {
                tmp[zero.idx] <- 0.0
            LIST$se <- tmp

            # add 'z' column
            if(zstat) {
                 tmp.se <- ifelse( LIST$se == 0.0, NA, LIST$se)
                 LIST$z <- LIST$est.std / tmp.se
            if(zstat && pvalue) {
                 LIST$pvalue <- 2 * (1 - pnorm( abs(LIST$z) ))

    # simple symmetric confidence interval
    if(se && object@Options$se != "none" && ci) {
        # next three lines based on confint.lm
        a <- (1 - level)/2; a <- c(a, 1 - a)
        if(object@Options$se != "bootstrap") {
            fac <- qnorm(a)
            ci <- LIST$est + LIST$se %o% fac
        } else {
            ci <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length(LIST$est)) + LIST$se %o% fac

        LIST$ci.lower <- ci[,1]; LIST$ci.upper <- ci[,2]

    # if single group, remove group column
    if(object@Data@ngroups == 1L) LIST$group <- NULL

    # remove == rows?
    if(remove.eq) {
        eq.idx <- which(LIST$op == "==")
        if(length(eq.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-eq.idx,]
    # remove <> rows?
    if(remove.ineq) {
        ineq.idx <- which(LIST$op == "<" || LIST$op == ">")
        if(length(ineq.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-ineq.idx,]
    # remove := rows?
    if(remove.def) {
        def.idx <- which(LIST$op == ":=")
        if(length(def.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-def.idx,]

    # always add attributes (for now)
    class(LIST) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")

parameterEstimates <- parameterestimates <- function(object,
                                                     se    = TRUE,
                                                     zstat = TRUE,
                                                     pvalue = TRUE,
                                                     ci = TRUE,
                                                     level = 0.95,
                                                     boot.ci.type = "perc",
                                                     standardized = FALSE,
                                                     cov.std = TRUE,
                                                     fmi = FALSE,
                                                     remove.system.eq = TRUE,
                                                     remove.eq = TRUE,
                                                     remove.ineq = TRUE,
                                                     remove.def = FALSE,
                                                     rsquare = FALSE,
                                                     add.attributes = FALSE,
                                                     header = TRUE) {

    if("psindex.fsr" %in% class(object)) {

    # no se if class is not psindex
    if(class(object) != "psindex") {
        if(missing(se) || !se) {
            se <- FALSE
            zstat <- FALSE
            pvalue <- FALSE

    # check fmi
    if(fmi) {
        if(inherits(object, "psindexList")) {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fmi not available for object of class \"psindexList\"")
            fmi <- FALSE
        if(object@Options$se != "standard") {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fmi only available if se = \"standard\"")
            fmi <- FALSE
        if(object@Options$estimator != "ML") {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fmi only available if estimator = \"ML\"")
            fmi <- FALSE
        if(!object@SampleStats@missing.flag) {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fmi only available if missing = \"(fi)ml\"")
            fmi <- FALSE
        if(!object@optim$converged) {
            warning("psindex WARNING: fmi not available; model did not converge")
            fmi <- FALSE

    # no zstat + pvalue if estimator is Bayes
    if(object@Options$estimator == "Bayes") {
        zstat <- pvalue <- FALSE

    PARTABLE <- as.data.frame(object@ParTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    LIST <- PARTABLE[,c("lhs", "op", "rhs")]
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$user)) {
        LIST$user <- PARTABLE$user
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$block)) {
        LIST$block <- PARTABLE$block
    } else {
        LIST$block <- rep(1L, length(LIST$lhs))
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$level)) {
        LIST$level <- PARTABLE$level
    } else {
        LIST$level <- rep(1L, length(LIST$lhs))
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$group)) {
        LIST$group <- PARTABLE$group
    } else {
        LIST$group <- rep(1L, length(LIST$lhs))
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$label)) {
        LIST$label <- PARTABLE$label
    } else {
        LIST$label <- rep("", length(LIST$lhs))
    if(!is.null(PARTABLE$exo)) {
        LIST$exo <- PARTABLE$exo
    } else {
        LIST$exo <- rep(0L, length(LIST$lhs))
    if(inherits(object, "psindexList")) {
        # per default: nothing!
        #if("partable" %in% object@meta$store.slots) {
        #    COF <- sapply(object@ParTableList, "[[", "est")
        #    LIST$est <- rowMeans(COF)
        LIST$est <- NULL
    } else if(!is.null(PARTABLE$est)) {
        LIST$est <- PARTABLE$est
    } else {
        LIST$est <- lav_model_get_parameters(object@Model, type = "user",
                                             extra = TRUE)

    # add se, zstat, pvalue
    if(se && object@Options$se != "none") {
        LIST$se <- lav_object_inspect_se(object)
        # handle tiny SEs 
        LIST$se <- ifelse(LIST$se < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 0, LIST$se)
        tmp.se <- ifelse(LIST$se < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), NA, LIST$se)
        if(zstat) {
            LIST$z <- LIST$est / tmp.se
            if(pvalue) {
                LIST$pvalue <- 2 * (1 - pnorm( abs(LIST$z) ))

    # extract bootstrap data (if any)
    BOOT <- lav_object_inspect_boot(object)
    bootstrap.successful <- NROW(BOOT) # should be zero if NULL

    # confidence interval
    if(se && object@Options$se != "none" && ci) {
        # next three lines based on confint.lm
        a <- (1 - level)/2; a <- c(a, 1 - a)
        if(object@Options$se != "bootstrap") {
            fac <- qnorm(a)
            ci <- LIST$est + LIST$se %o% fac
        } else if(object@Options$se == "bootstrap") {

            # local copy of 'norm.inter' from boot package (not exported!)
            norm.inter <- function(t, alpha)  {
                t <- t[is.finite(t)]; R <- length(t); rk <- (R + 1) * alpha
                if (!all(rk > 1 & rk < R))
                     warning("extreme order statistics used as endpoints")
                k <- trunc(rk); inds <- seq_along(k)
                out <- inds; kvs <- k[k > 0 & k < R]
                tstar <- sort(t, partial = sort(union(c(1, R), c(kvs, kvs+1))))
                ints <- (k == rk)
                if (any(ints)) out[inds[ints]] <- tstar[k[inds[ints]]]
                out[k == 0] <- tstar[1L]
                out[k == R] <- tstar[R]
                not <- function(v) xor(rep(TRUE,length(v)),v)
                temp <- inds[not(ints) & k != 0 & k != R]
                temp1 <- qnorm(alpha[temp])
                temp2 <- qnorm(k[temp]/(R+1))
                temp3 <- qnorm((k[temp]+1)/(R+1))
                tk <- tstar[k[temp]]
                tk1 <- tstar[k[temp]+1L]
                out[temp] <- tk + (temp1-temp2)/(temp3-temp2)*(tk1 - tk)
                cbind(round(rk, 2), out)

            stopifnot(boot.ci.type %in% c("norm","basic","perc","bca.simple"))
            if(boot.ci.type == "norm") {
                fac <- qnorm(a)
                boot.x <- colMeans(BOOT)
                boot.est <-
                                       GLIST=lav_model_x2GLIST(object@Model, boot.x),
                                       type="user", extra=TRUE)
                bias.est <- (boot.est - LIST$est)
                ci <- (LIST$est - bias.est) + LIST$se %o% fac
            } else if(boot.ci.type == "basic") {
                ci <- cbind(LIST$est, LIST$est)
                alpha <- (1 + c(level, -level))/2

                # free.idx only
                qq <- apply(BOOT, 2, norm.inter, alpha)
                free.idx <- which(object@ParTable$free &
                ci[free.idx,] <- 2*ci[free.idx,] - t(qq[c(3,4),])

                # def.idx
                def.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == ":=")
                if(length(def.idx) > 0L) {
                    BOOT.def <- apply(BOOT, 1, object@Model@def.function)
                    if(length(def.idx) == 1L) {
                        BOOT.def <- as.matrix(BOOT.def)
                    } else {
                        BOOT.def <- t(BOOT.def)
                    qq <- apply(BOOT.def, 2, norm.inter, alpha)
                    ci[def.idx,] <- 2*ci[def.idx,] - t(qq[c(3,4),])

                # TODO: add cin/ceq?

            } else if(boot.ci.type == "perc") {
                ci <- cbind(LIST$est, LIST$est)
                alpha <- (1 + c(-level, level))/2

                # free.idx only
                qq <- apply(BOOT, 2, norm.inter, alpha)
                free.idx <- which(object@ParTable$free &
                ci[free.idx,] <- t(qq[c(3,4),])

                # def.idx
                def.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == ":=")
                if(length(def.idx) > 0L) {
                    BOOT.def <- apply(BOOT, 1, object@Model@def.function)
                    if(length(def.idx) == 1L) {
                        BOOT.def <- as.matrix(BOOT.def)
                    } else {
                        BOOT.def <- t(BOOT.def)
                    qq <- apply(BOOT.def, 2, norm.inter, alpha)
                    def.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == ":=")
                    ci[def.idx,] <- t(qq[c(3,4),])

                # TODO:  add cin/ceq?

            } else if(boot.ci.type == "bca.simple") {
               # no adjustment for scale!! only bias!!
               alpha <- (1 + c(-level, level))/2
               zalpha <- qnorm(alpha)
               ci <- cbind(LIST$est, LIST$est)

               # free.idx only
               free.idx <- which(object@ParTable$free &
               x <- LIST$est[free.idx]
               for(i in 1:length(free.idx)) {
                   t <- BOOT[,i]; t <- t[is.finite(t)]; t0 <- x[i]
                   w <- qnorm(sum(t < t0)/length(t))
                   a <- 0.0 #### !!! ####
                   adj.alpha <- pnorm(w + (w + zalpha)/(1 - a*(w + zalpha)))
                   qq <- norm.inter(t, adj.alpha)
                   ci[free.idx[i],] <- qq[,2]

               # def.idx
               def.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == ":=")
               if(length(def.idx) > 0L) {
                   x.def <- object@Model@def.function(x)
                   BOOT.def <- apply(BOOT, 1, object@Model@def.function)
                   if(length(def.idx) == 1L) {
                       BOOT.def <- as.matrix(BOOT.def)
                   } else {
                       BOOT.def <- t(BOOT.def)
                   for(i in 1:length(def.idx)) {
                       t <- BOOT.def[,i]; t <- t[is.finite(t)]; t0 <- x.def[i]
                       w <- qnorm(sum(t < t0)/length(t))
                       a <- 0.0 #### !!! ####
                       adj.alpha <- pnorm(w + (w + zalpha)/(1 - a*(w + zalpha)))
                       qq <- norm.inter(t, adj.alpha)
                       ci[def.idx[i],] <- qq[,2]

               # TODO:
               # - add cin/ceq

        LIST$ci.lower <- ci[,1]; LIST$ci.upper <- ci[,2]

    # standardized estimates?
    if(standardized) {
        LIST$std.lv  <- standardize.est.lv(object, cov.std = cov.std)
        LIST$std.all <- standardize.est.all(object, est.std=LIST$est.std,
                                            cov.std = cov.std)
        LIST$std.nox <- standardize.est.all.nox(object, est.std=LIST$est.std,
                                                cov.std = cov.std)

    # rsquare?
    if(rsquare) {
        r2 <- lavTech(object, "rsquare", add.labels = TRUE)
        NAMES <- unlist(lapply(r2, names)); nel <- length(NAMES)
        if(nel == 0L) {
            warning("psindex WARNING: rsquare = TRUE, but there are no dependent variables")
        } else {
            if(lav_partable_nlevels(LIST) == 1L) {
            R2 <- data.frame( lhs = NAMES, op = rep("r2", nel), rhs = NAMES,
                              block = rep(1:length(r2), sapply(r2, length)),
                              est = unlist(r2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
            } else {
            # add level column
            R2 <- data.frame( lhs = NAMES, op = rep("r2", nel), rhs = NAMES,
                              block = rep(1:length(r2), sapply(r2, length)),
                              level = rep(lav_partable_level_values(LIST),
                                          sapply(r2, length)),
                              est = unlist(r2), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
            LIST <- lav_partable_merge(pt1 = LIST, pt2 = R2, warn = FALSE)

    # fractional missing information (if estimator="fiml")
    if(fmi) {
        SE.orig <- LIST$se
        lavmodel <- object@Model; implied <- object@implied
        COV <- if(lavmodel@conditional.x) implied$res.cov else implied$cov
        MEAN <- if(lavmodel@conditional.x) implied$res.int else implied$mean

        # provide rownames
        for(g in 1:object@Data@ngroups)
            rownames(COV[[g]]) <- object@Data@ov.names[[g]]

        # if estimator="ML" and likelihood="normal" --> rescale
        if(object@Options$estimator == "ML" &&
           object@Options$likelihood == "normal") {
            for(g in 1:object@Data@ngroups) {
                N <- object@Data@nobs[[g]]
                COV[[g]] <- (N+1)/N * COV[[g]]

        # fit another model, using the model-implied moments as input data
        step2 <- psindex(slotOptions  = object@Options,
                        slotParTable = object@ParTable,
                        sample.cov   = COV,
                        sample.mean  = MEAN,
                        sample.nobs  = object@Data@nobs)
        SE2 <- lav_object_inspect_se(step2)
        SE.step2 <- ifelse(SE2 == 0.0, as.numeric(NA), SE2)
        if(rsquare) {
            # add additional elements, since LIST$se is now longer
            r2.idx <- which(LIST$op == "r2")
            if(length(r2.idx) > 0L) {
                SE.step2 <- c(SE.step2, rep(as.numeric(NA), length(r2.idx)))
        LIST$fmi <- 1-(SE.step2*SE.step2/(SE.orig*SE.orig))

    # if single level, remove level column
    if(object@Data@nlevels == 1L) LIST$level <- NULL

    # if single group, remove group column
    if(object@Data@ngroups == 1L) LIST$group <- NULL

    # if single everything, remove block column
    if(object@Data@nlevels == 1L &&
       object@Data@ngroups == 1L) {
        LIST$block <- NULL

    # if no user-defined labels, remove label column
    if(sum(nchar(object@ParTable$label)) == 0L) LIST$label <- NULL

    # remove == rows?
    if(remove.eq) {
        eq.idx <- which(LIST$op == "==" & LIST$user == 1L)
        if(length(eq.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-eq.idx,]
    if(remove.system.eq) {
        eq.idx <- which(LIST$op == "==" & LIST$user != 1L)
        if(length(eq.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-eq.idx,]
    # remove <> rows?
    if(remove.ineq) {
        ineq.idx <- which(LIST$op == "<" || LIST$op == ">")
        if(length(ineq.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-ineq.idx,]
    # remove := rows?
    if(remove.def) {
        def.idx <- which(LIST$op == ":=")
        if(length(def.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-def.idx,]

    # remove LIST$user
    LIST$user <- NULL

    if(add.attributes) {
        class(LIST) <- c("psindex.parameterEstimates", "psindex.data.frame",
        attr(LIST, "information") <- object@Options$information
        attr(LIST, "se") <- object@Options$se
        attr(LIST, "group.label") <- object@Data@group.label
        attr(LIST, "level.label") <- object@Data@level.label
        attr(LIST, "bootstrap") <- object@Options$bootstrap
        attr(LIST, "bootstrap.successful") <- bootstrap.successful
        attr(LIST, "missing") <- object@Options$missing
        attr(LIST, "observed.information") <-
        attr(LIST, "h1.information") <- object@Options$h1.information
        attr(LIST, "header") <- header
        # FIXME: add more!!
    } else {
        LIST$exo <- NULL
        class(LIST) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")


parameterTable <- parametertable <- parTable <- partable <-
        function(object) {

    # convert to data.frame
    out <- as.data.frame(object@ParTable, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    class(out) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")

varTable <- vartable <- function(object, ov.names=names(object),
                                 ordered = NULL, factor = NULL,
                                 as.data.frame.=TRUE) {

    if(inherits(object, "psindex")) {
        VAR <- object@Data@ov
    } else if(inherits(object, "lavData")) {
        VAR <- object@ov
    } else if(inherits(object, "data.frame")) {
        VAR <- lav_dataframe_vartable(frame = object, ov.names = ov.names,
                                      ov.names.x = ov.names.x,
                                      ordered = ordered, factor = factor,
                                      as.data.frame. = FALSE)
    } else {
        stop("object must of class psindex or a data.frame")

    if(as.data.frame.) {
        VAR <- as.data.frame(VAR, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
        class(VAR) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")


setMethod("fitted.values", "psindex",
function(object, type = "moments", labels=TRUE) {

    # lowercase type
    type <- tolower(type)

    # catch type="casewise"
    if(type %in% c("casewise","case","obs","observations","ov")) {
        return( lavPredict(object, type = "ov", label = labels) )

               add.labels = labels, add.class = TRUE,
               drop.list.single.group = TRUE)

setMethod("fitted", "psindex",
function(object, type = "moments", labels=TRUE) {
     fitted.values(object, type = type, labels = labels)

setMethod("vcov", "psindex",
function(object, labels = TRUE, remove.duplicated = FALSE) {

    # check for convergence first!
    if(object@optim$npar > 0L && !object@optim$converged)
        stop("psindex ERROR: model did not converge")

    if(object@Options$se == "none") {
        stop("psindex ERROR: vcov not available if se=\"none\"")

    VarCov <- lav_object_inspect_vcov(object,
                                      add.labels = labels,
                                      add.class = TRUE,
                                      remove.duplicated = remove.duplicated)


# logLik (so that we can use the default AIC/BIC functions from stats4(
setMethod("logLik", "psindex",
function(object, ...) {
    if(object@Options$estimator != "ML") {
        warning("psindex WARNING: logLik only available if estimator is ML")
    if(object@optim$npar > 0L && !object@optim$converged) {
        warning("psindex WARNING: model did not converge")
    # new in 0.6-1: we use the @loglik slot (instead of fitMeasures)
    if("loglik" %in% slotNames(object)) {
        LOGL <- object@loglik
    } else {
        LOGL <- lav_model_loglik(lavdata        = object@Data,
                                 lavsamplestats = object@SampleStats,
                                 lavimplied     = object@implied,
                                 lavmodel       = object@Model,
                                 lavoptions     = object@Options)

    logl <- LOGL$loglik
    attr(logl, "df") <- LOGL$npar    ### note: must be npar, not df!!
    attr(logl, "nobs") <- LOGL$ntotal
    class(logl) <- "logLik"

# nobs
if(!exists("nobs", envir=asNamespace("stats4"))) {
    setGeneric("nobs", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("nobs"))
setMethod("nobs", signature(object = "psindex"),
function(object, ...) {

# see: src/library/stats/R/update.R
setMethod("update", signature(object = "psindex"),
function(object, model, add, ..., evaluate = TRUE) {

    call <- object@call
    if (is.null(call))
        stop("need an object with call slot")

    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...

    if (!missing(model)) {
      #call$formula <- update.formula(formula(object), formula.)
      call$model <- model
    } else if (exists(as.character(call$model))) {
      call$model <- eval(call$model, parent.frame())
    } else if (is.character(call$model)) {
      ## do nothing
      ## call$model <- call$model
    } else {
      call$model <- parTable(object)
      call$model$est <- NULL
      call$model$se <- NULL
    if (!is.null(call$slotParTable) && is.list(call$model)) call$slotParTable <- call$model
    if (length(extras) > 0) {
      ## check for call$slotOptions conflicts
      if (!is.null(call$slotOptions)) {
        sameNames <- intersect(names(lavOptions()), names(extras))
        for (i in sameNames) {
          call$slotOptions[[i]] <- extras[[i]]
          extras[i] <- NULL # not needed if they are in slotOptions
      existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
        for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
        if (any(!existing)) {
            call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
            call <- as.call(call)
    if (missing(add) && !evaluate) return(call)
    ## for any of the other 3 scenarios, we need the updated fit
    ## Check if "add" and "model" are both strings; combine them
    if (missing(add)) {
      ADD.already.in.parTable <- TRUE # because nothing to add
    } else {
      if (is.character(add) && is.character(call$model)) {
        call$model <- c(call$model, add)
        ADD.already.in.parTable <- TRUE
      } else ADD.already.in.parTable <- FALSE
    newfit <- eval(call, parent.frame())
    if (ADD.already.in.parTable && evaluate) return(newfit)
    ## only remaining situations: "add" exists, but either "add" or "model"
    ## is a parameter table, so update the parameter table in the call
    if (!(mode(add) %in% c("list","character"))) {
        stop("'add' argument must be model syntax or parameter table. ",
             "See ?psindexify help page.")
    PT <- lav_object_extended(newfit, add = add)@ParTable
    PT$user <- NULL # get rid of "10" category used in lavTestScore()
    ## group == 0L in new rows
    PT$group[PT$group == 0L] <- PT$block[PT$group == 0L]
    # PT$plabel == "" in new rows.  Consequences?
    PT$est <- NULL
    PT$se <- NULL
    call$model <- PT
    if (evaluate) {
        eval(call, parent.frame())
    else call

setMethod("anova", signature(object = "psindex"),
function(object, ...) {

    # NOTE: if we add additional arguments, it is not the same generic
    # anova() function anymore, and match.call will be screwed up

    # NOTE: we need to extract the names of the models from match.call here,
    #       otherwise, we loose them in the call stack

    mcall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    dots <- list(...)

    # catch SB.classic and SB.H0
    SB.classic <- TRUE; SB.H0 <- FALSE

    arg.names <- names(dots)
    arg.idx <- which(nchar(arg.names) > 0L)
    if(length(arg.idx) > 0L) {
            SB.classic <- dots$SB.classic
            SB.H0 <- dots$SB.H0
        dots <- dots[-arg.idx]

    modp <- if(length(dots))
        sapply(dots, is, "psindex") else logical(0)
    mods <- c(list(object), dots[modp])
    NAMES <- sapply(as.list(mcall)[c(FALSE, TRUE, modp)], deparse)

    # use do.call to handle changed dots
    ans <- do.call("lavTestLRT", c(list(object = object,
                   SB.classic = SB.classic, SB.H0 = SB.H0,
                   model.names = NAMES), dots))

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.