#' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
#' @export
.DollarNames.rxEt <- function(x, pattern) {
grep(pattern, .Call(`_rxode2_etDollarNames`, x), value = TRUE)
.isRxEt <- function(obj) {
.Call(`_rxode2_rxIsEt2`, obj)
.etAddCls <- function(x) {
if (.isRxEt(x)) {
.x <- x
.cls <- class(x)
class(.x) <- "data.frame"
if (!is.null(.x[["evid"]])) {
class(.x[["evid"]]) <- "rxEvid"
.tmp <- .x[["rate"]]
.cls2 <- class(.tmp)
if (!inherits(.cls2, "rxRateDur")) {
class(.tmp) <- c("rxRateDur", .cls2)
.x[["rate"]] <- .tmp
.tmp <- .x[["dur"]]
.cls2 <- class(.tmp)
if (!inherits(.cls2, "rxRateDur")) {
class(.tmp) <- c("rxRateDur", .cls2)
.x[["dur"]] <- .tmp
class(.x) <- .cls
} else {
} else {
#' Event Table Function
#' @param ... Times or event tables. They can also be one of the named arguments below.
#' @param time Time is the time of the dose or the sampling times.
#' This can also be unspecified and is determined by the object
#' type (list or numeric/integer).
#' @param amt Amount of the dose. If specified, this assumes a dosing
#' record, instead of a sampling record.
#' @param evid Event ID; This can be:
#' | Numeric Value | Description |
#' |---------------|-------------|
#' | 0 | An observation. This can also be specified as `evid=obs` |
#' | 1 | A dose observation. This can also be specified as `evid=dose` |
#' | 2 | A non-dose event. This can also be specified as `evid=other` |
#' | 3 | A reset event. This can also be specified as `evid=reset`. |
#' | 4 |Dose and reset event. This can also be specified as `evid=doseReset` or `evid=resetDose` |
#' Note a reset event resets all the compartment values to zero and turns off all infusions.
#' @param cmt Compartment name or number. If a number, this is an
#' integer starting at 1. Negative compartments turn off a
#' compartment. If the compartment is a name, the compartment name
#' is changed to the correct state/compartment number before
#' running the simulation. For a compartment named "-cmt" the
#' compartment is turned off.
#' Can also specify `cmt` as `dosing.to`,
#' `dose.to`, `doseTo`, `dosingTo`, and
#' `state`.
#' @param ii When specifying a dose, this is the inter-dose interval
#' for `ss`, `addl` and `until` options (described below).
#' @param addl The number of additional doses at a inter-dose
#' interval after one dose.
#' @param ss Steady state flag; It can be one of:
#' | Value | Description |
#' |------------|-------------|
#' | 0 | This dose is not a steady state dose
#' | 1 | This dose is a steady state dose with the between/inter-dose interval of `ii` |
#' | 2 | Superposition steady state |
#' When `ss=2` the steady state dose that uses the super-position
#' principle to allow more complex steady states, like 10 mg in the
#' morning and 20 mg at night, or dosing at 8 am 12 pm and 8 pm
#' instead of every 12 hours. Since it uses the super positioning
#' principle, it only makes sense when you know the kinetics are
#' linear.
#' All other values of `SS` are currently invalid.
#' @param rate When positive, this is the rate of infusion. Otherwise:
#' | Value | Description |
#' |-------|--------------------------------|
#' | 0 | No infusion is on this record |
#' | -1 | Modeled rate (in rxode2:`rate(cmt) =`); Can be `et(rate=model)`. |
#' |-2 | Modeled duration (in rxode2: `dur(cmt) =`); Can be`et(dur=model)` or `et(rate=dur)`. |
#' When a modeled bioavailability is applied to positive rates
#' (`rate` > 0), the duration of infusion is changed. This is
#' because the data specify the rate and amount, the only think that
#' modeled bioavailability can affect is duration.
#' If instead you want the modeled bioavailability to increase the
#' rate of infusion instead of the duration of infusion, specify the
#' `dur` instead or model the duration with `rate=2`.
#' @param dur Duration of infusion. When `amt` and `dur`
#' are specified the rate is calculated from the two data items.
#' When `dur` is specified instead of `rate`, the
#' bioavailability changes will increase rate instead of
#' duration.
#' @param until This is the time until the dosing should end. It can
#' be an easier way to figure out how many additional doses are
#' needed over your sampling period.
#' @param id A integer vector of IDs to add or remove from the event
#' table. If the event table is identical for each ID, then you
#' may expand it to include all the IDs in this vector. All the
#' negative IDs in this vector will be removed.
#' @param amountUnits The units for the dosing records (`amt`)
#' @param timeUnits The units for the time records (`time`)
#' @param addSampling This is a boolean indicating if a sampling time
#' should be added at the same time as a dosing time. By default
#' this is `FALSE`.
#' @param x This is the first argument supplied to the event table.
#' This is named to allow `et` to be used in a pipe-line
#' with arbitrary objects.
#' @inheritParams base::eval
#' @inheritParams base::seq
#' @return A new event table
#' @template etExamples
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats simulate end setNames start
#' @importFrom utils assignInMyNamespace
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
et <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
.pipelineRx <- NULL
.pipelineInits <- NULL
.pipelineEvents <- NULL
.pipelineParams <- NULL
.pipelineICov <- NULL
.pipelineKeep <- NULL
.pipelineThetaMat <- NULL
.pipelineOmega <- NULL
.pipelineIov <- NULL
.pipelineSigma <- NULL
.pipelineDfObs <- NULL
.pipelineDfSub <- NULL
.pipelineNSub <- NULL
.isNa1 <- function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "logical") ||
inherits(x, "numeric") ||
inherits(x, "integer")) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
.pipelineNStud <- NULL
#' Assign in the rxode2 pipeline
#' @param obj Object to assign. If NA return the value.
#' @return The pipeline object (invisibly)
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
.pipeRx <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineRx))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineRx", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeInits <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineInits))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineInits", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeEvents <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineEvents))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineEvents", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeParams <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineParams))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineParams", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeKeep <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineKeep))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineKeep", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeThetaMat <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineThetaMat))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineThetaMat", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeOmega <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineOmega))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineOmega", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeSigma <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineSigma))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineSigma", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeDfObs <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineDfObs))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfObs", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeDfSub <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineDfSub))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfSub", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeNSub <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineNSub))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineNSub", obj)
#' @rdname dot-pipeRx
#' @export
.pipeNStud <- function(obj) {
if (.isNa1(obj)) return(invisible(.pipelineNStud))
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineNStud", obj)
#' Clear/Set pipeline
#' @param rx rxode2 object
#' @keywords internal
#' @return None, clears rxode2 pipeline
#' @export
.clearPipe <- function(rx = NULL, inits = NULL,
events = NULL, params = NULL,
iCov = NULL, keep = NULL,
thetaMat = NULL, omega = NULL,
sigma = NULL, dfObs = NULL,
dfSub = NULL, nSub = NULL,
nStud = NULL) {
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineRx", rx)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineInits", inits)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineEvents", events)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineParams", params)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineICov", iCov)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineKeep", keep)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineThetaMat", thetaMat)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineOmega", omega)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineSigma", sigma)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfObs", dfObs)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfSub", dfSub)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineNSub", nSub)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineNStud", nStud)
#' @rdname et
#' @export
et.rxode2 <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineRx", x)
do.call(et, c(list(...), list(envir = envir)), envir = envir)
#' @rdname et
#' @export
et.function <- et.rxode2
#' @rdname et
#' @export
et.rxUi <- et.rxode2
#' @rdname et
#' @export
et.rxSolve <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
## Need to extract:
## 1. rxode2 model
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineRx", x$.args.object)
## 2. rxode2 parameters
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineParams", x$.args.par0)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineICov", x$.args$iCov)
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineKeep", x$.args$keep)
## 3. rxode2 inits
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineInits", x$.args.inits)
## 4. rxode2 thetaMat
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineThetaMat", x$.args$thetaMat)
## 5. rxode2 omega
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineOmega", x$.args$omega)
## 6. rxode2 sigma
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineSigma", x$.args$sigma)
## 7. rxode2 dfObs
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfObs", x$env$.args$dfObs)
## 8. rxode2 dfSub
assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfSub", x$env$.args$dfSub)
do.call(et, c(list(...), list(envir = envir)), envir = envir)
#' @rdname et
#' @export
et.rxParams <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
## Need to extract:
## 1. rxode2 model
## 2. rxode2 parameters
if (!is.null(x$params)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineParams", x$params)
if (!is.null(x$iCov)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineICov", x$iCov)
if (!is.null(x$keep)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineKeep", x$keep)
## 3. rxode2 inits
if (!is.null(x$inits)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineInits", x$inits)
## 4. rxode2 thetaMat
if (!is.null(x$thetaMat)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineThetaMat", x$thetaMat)
## 5. rxode2 omega
if (!is.null(x$omega)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineOmega", x$omega)
## 6. rxode2 sigma
if (!is.null(x$sigma)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineSigma", x$sigma)
## 7. rxode2 dfObs
if (!is.null(x$dfObs)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfObs", x$dfObs)
## 8. rxode2 dfSub
if (!is.null(x$dfSub)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineDfSub", x$dfSub)
if (!is.null(x$nSub)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineNSub", x$nSub)
if (!is.null(x$nStud)) assignInMyNamespace(".pipelineNStud", x$nStud)
do.call(et, c(list(...), list(envir = envir)), envir = envir)
#' @rdname et
#' @export
et.default <- function(x, ..., time, amt, evid, cmt, ii, addl,
ss, rate, dur, until, id,
amountUnits, timeUnits, addSampling,
envir = parent.frame(),
by = NULL, length.out = NULL) {
.lst <- as.list(match.call()[-1])
.isPipe <- as.character(substitute(x))
if (length(.isPipe) == 1) {
.isPipe <- (.isPipe == ".")
} else {
.isPipe <- FALSE
if (!missing(x)) {
names(.lst)[1] <- ""
if (!missing(by)) {
checkmate::assertNumeric(by, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = 0)
if (!missing(length.out)) {
stop("cannot supply both 'by' and 'length.out'", call. = FALSE)
.lst <- .lst[names(.lst) != "by"]
.lst <- .lst[names(.lst) != "envir"]
if (.isPipe) {
if (length(.lst) == 3) {
.from <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
.to <- eval(.lst[[3]], envir = envir)
.lst <- .lst[-3]
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
checkmate::assertNumeric(.to, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "to")
.lst[[2]] <- seq(from = .from, to = .to, by = by)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
} else {
.from <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
.lst[[2]] <- seq(from = .from, by = by)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
} else {
if (length(.lst) == 2) {
.from <- eval(.lst[[1]], envir = envir)
.to <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
.lst <- .lst[-2]
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
checkmate::assertNumeric(.to, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "to")
.lst[[1]] <- seq(from = .from, to = .to, by = by)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
} else {
.from <- eval(.lst[[1]], envir = envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
.lst[[1]] <- seq(from = .from, by = by)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
if (!missing(length.out)) {
.lst <- .lst[names(.lst) != "length.out"]
.lst <- .lst[names(.lst) != "envir"]
if (.isPipe) {
if (length(.lst) == 3) {
.from <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
.to <- eval(.lst[[3]], envir = envir)
.lst <- .lst[-3]
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
checkmate::assertNumeric(.to, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "to")
.lst[[2]] <- seq(from = .from, to = .to, length.out = length.out)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
} else {
.from <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
.lst[[2]] <- seq(from = .from, length.out = length.out)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
} else {
if (length(.lst) == 2) {
.from <- eval(.lst[[1]], envir = envir)
.to <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
checkmate::assertNumeric(.to, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "to")
.lst <- eval(.lst[-2], envir = envir)
.lst[[1]] <- seq(from = .from, to = .to, length.out = length.out)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
} else {
.from <- eval(.lst[[1]], envir = envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
.lst[[1]] <- seq(from = .from, length.out = length.out)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
if (!.isPipe) {
if (all(names(.lst) == "") && length(.lst) == 2) {
if ((is(.lst[[1]], "numeric") || is(.lst[[1]], "integer")) &&
(is(.lst[[2]], "numeric") || is(.lst[[2]], "integer"))) {
.from <- eval(.lst[[1]], envir = envir)
.to <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
.lst <- .lst[-2]
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
checkmate::assertNumeric(.to, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "to")
.lst[[1]] <- seq(from = .from, to = .to)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
.len <- sum(names(.lst) == "")
if (.len == 2 && is(.lst[[2]], "character")) {
} else if (.len > 1) {
stop("improper arguments to 'et'", call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (all(names(.lst)[-1] == "") && length(.lst) == 3) {
if ((is(.lst[[2]], "numeric") || is(.lst[[2]], "integer")) &&
(is(.lst[[3]], "numeric") || is(.lst[[3]], "integer"))) {
.from <- eval(.lst[[2]], envir = envir)
.to <- eval(.lst[[3]], envir = envir)
checkmate::assertNumeric(.from, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "from")
checkmate::assertNumeric(.to, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, .var.name = "to")
.lst <- .lst[-3]
.lst[[2]] <- seq(from = .from, to = .to)
return(do.call(et.default, .lst, envir = envir))
.len <- sum(names(.lst)[-1] == "")
if (.len == 2 && is(.lst[[3]], "character")) {
} else if (.len > 1) {
if (sum(names(.lst)[-1] == "") > 1) {
stop("improper arguments to 'et'", call. = FALSE)
if (!missing(amt)) {
if (length(amt) > 1) {
if (missing(time)) {
time <- 0
} else if (length(time) != length(amt)) {
if (length(time) != 1) {
stop("when supplying vectors of 'time', 'amt' they need to be the same size", call. = FALSE)
.df <- data.frame(time = time, amt = amt)
if (!missing(id)) {
.df$id <- id
if (missing(cmt)) {
.df$cmt <- "(default)"
} else {
.df$cmt <- cmt
.df$amt <- amt
if (missing(rate)) {
.df$rate <- 0.0
} else {
.df$rate <- rate
if (missing(ii)) {
.df$ii <- 0.0
} else {
.df$ii <- ii
if (missing(addl)) {
.df$addl <- 0L
} else {
.df$addl <- addl
if (missing(evid)) {
.df$evid <- 1L
} else {
.df$evid <- evid
if (missing(ss)) {
.df$ss <- 0L
} else {
.df$ss <- ss
if (missing(dur)) {
.df$dur <- 0.0
} else {
.df$dur <- dur
.et <- et()
if (.isPipe) {
.tmp <- eval(.lst[[1]], envir = envir)
if (nrow(.et) == 0) {
} else if (nrow(.tmp) == 0) {
} else {
return(etRbind(.tmp, .et))
} else {
if (!missing(time)) {
if (inherits(time, "list")) {
any.missing = FALSE,
unique = FALSE,
names = "unnamed"
} else {
finite = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE,
unique = TRUE,
names = "unnamed"
.lst$time <- time
if (!missing(amt)) {
finite = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE,
max.len = 1,
names = "unnamed"
.lst$amt <- amt
if (!missing(evid)) {
.evid <- as.character(substitute(evid))
if (length(.evid) != 1) {
if (all(.evid == .evid[1])) {
.evid <- .evid[1]
} else {
.evid0 <- suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(evid), silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(.evid, "try-error")) {
gettext("only a single evid 'evid' can be specified ('%s')"),
paste(.evid, collapse = "', '")
), call. = FALSE)
} else {
.evid <- .evid0
if (.evid == "obs" || .evid == "0") {
.tmp <- try(eval(evid, envir = envir), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.lst$evid <- 0L
} else {
.lst$evid <- as.integer(.tmp)
} else if (.evid == "dose" || .evid == "1") {
.tmp <- try(eval(evid, envir = envir), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.lst$evid <- 1L
} else {
.lst$evid <- as.integer(.tmp)
} else if (.evid == "other" || .evid == "2") {
.tmp <- try(eval(evid, envir = envir), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.lst$evid <- 2L
} else {
.lst$evid <- as.integer(.tmp)
} else if (.evid == "reset" || .evid == "3") {
.tmp <- try(eval(evid, envir = envir), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.lst$evid <- 3L
} else {
.lst$evid <- as.integer(.tmp)
} else if (.evid == "doseReset" || .evid == "resetDose" || .evid == "4") {
.tmp <- try(eval(evid, envir = envir), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.tmp, "try-error")) {
.lst$evid <- 4L
} else {
.lst$evid <- as.integer(.tmp)
} else {
.lst$evid <- as.integer(evid)
if (!missing(cmt)) {
.cmt <- as.character(substitute(cmt))
.cmt2 <- try(force(cmt), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.cmt2, "character") ||
inherits(.cmt2, "numeric")) {
.cmt <- .cmt2
if (length(.cmt) != 1) {
if (.cmt[1] == "$") {
.cmt <- cmt
} else if (all(.cmt == .cmt[1])) {
.cmt <- .cmt[1]
} else {
.cmt0 <- suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(cmt), silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(.cmt, "try-error")) {
gettext("only a single compartment 'cmt' can be specified ('%s')"),
paste(.cmt, collapse = "', '")
), call. = FALSE)
} else {
.cmt <- .cmt0
.cmt1 <- try(suppressWarnings(as.integer(cmt)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.cmt1, "try-error")) {
.lst$cmt <- .cmt
} else {
if (is.na(.cmt1)) {
.lst$cmt <- .cmt
} else {
.lst$cmt <- .cmt1
if (!missing(rate)) {
.rate <- as.character(substitute(rate))
if (length(.rate) != 1) {
if (all(.rate == .rate[1])) {
.rate <- .rate[1]
} else {
.rate0 <- suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(rate), silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(.rate, "try-error")) {
gettext("only a single rate 'rate' can be specified ('%s')"),
paste(.rate, collapse = "', '")
), call. = FALSE)
} else {
.rate <- .rate0
.lst$rate <- rate
if (!missing(dur)) {
.dur <- as.character(substitute(dur))
if (length(.dur) != 1) {
if (all(.dur == .dur[1])) {
.dur <- .dur[1]
} else {
.dur0 <- suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(dur), silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(.dur, "try-error")) {
gettext("only a single duration 'dur' can be specified ('%s')"),
paste(.dur, collapse = "', '")
), call. = FALSE)
} else {
.dur <- .dur0
.lst$dur <- dur
.unitNames <- names(.lst)
.unitNames <- .unitNames[regexpr("^(amount|time)", .unitNames) != -1]
.unitNames <- .unitNames[.unitNames != "time"]
for (.u in .unitNames) {
if (inherits(.lst[[.u]], "name")) {
.tmp <- .lst[[.u]]
.tmp <- deparse(substitute(.tmp))
.lst[[.u]] <- .tmp
.lst <- lapply(.lst, function(x) {
eval(x, envir)
if (any(names(.lst) == "evid")) {
if (all(.lst$evid == 0)) {
.lst <- .lst[names(.lst) != "evid"]
.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, .lst, list())
#' @export
`$.rxEt` <- function(obj, arg, exact = FALSE) {
return(.Call(`_rxode2_etUpdate`, obj, arg, NULL, exact))
#' Dispatch solve to 'rxode2' solve
#' @param x rxode2 solve dispatch object
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @return if 'rxode2' is loaded, a solved object, otherwise an error
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxEtDispatchSolve <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rxEtDispatchSolve
#' @export
rxEtDispatchSolve.default <- function(x, ...) {
stop("need 'rxode2' loaded for piping to a simulation")
#' @export
simulate.rxEt <- # nolint
function(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...) {
.name <- as.character(substitute(object))
if (is.null(.pipelineRx) || .name != ".") {
if (!missing(nsim)) warning("'nsim' is ignored when simulating event tables", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
return(.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, list(simulate = TRUE), object))
} else {
.ret <- list(object, ..., seed = seed, nsim = nsim)
class(.ret) <- "rxode2et"
drop_units.rxEt <- function(x) {
if (requireNamespace("units", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("requires package 'units'", call. = FALSE)
.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, list(amountUnits = NA_character_, timeUnits = NA_character_), x)
set_units.rxEt <- function(x, value, ..., mode = .setUnitsMode()) {
if (is.null(mode)) {
stop("requires package 'units'", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(value)) {
value <- .unitless()
} else if (mode == "symbols") {
value <- substitute(value)
if (is.numeric(value) && !identical(value, 1) && !identical(value, 1L)) {
stop("the only valid number defining a unit is '1', signifying a unitless unit", call. = FALSE)
if (identical(value, .unitless())) {
warning("clearing both amount and time units\nfor more precise control use 'et(amountUnits=\"\")' or 'et(timeUnits=\"\")'",
call. = FALSE
.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, list(amountUnits = "", timeUnits = ""), x)
} else {
if (!inherits(value, "character")) value <- deparse(value)
.tUnit <- units::set_units(1, "sec", mode = "standard")
.isTime <- try(units::set_units(units::set_units(1, value, mode = "standard"), "sec"), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.isTime, "try-error")) {
## Amount
return(.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, list(amountUnits = value), x))
} else {
return(.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, list(timeUnits = value), x))
#' Add dosing to eventTable
#' This adds a dosing event to the event table. This is provided for
#' piping syntax through magrittr. It can also be accessed by `eventTable$add.dosing(...)`
#' @param eventTable eventTable object; When accessed from object it would be `eventTable$`
#' @param dose numeric scalar, dose amount in `amount.units`;
#' @param nbr.doses integer, number of doses;
#' @param dosing.interval required numeric scalar, time between doses
#' in `time.units`, defaults to 24 of
#' `time.units="hours"`;
#' @param dosing.to integer, compartment the dose goes into (first
#' compartment by default);
#' @param rate for infusions, the rate of infusion (default is
#' `NULL`, for bolus dosing;
#' @param amount.units optional string indicating the dosing units.
#' Defaults to `NA` to indicate as per the original
#' `EventTable` definition.
#' @param start.time required dosing start time;
#' @param do.sampling logical, should observation sampling records be
#' added at the dosing times? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param time.units optional string indicating the time units.
#' Defaults to `"hours"` to indicate as per the original
#' `EventTable` definition.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to [et()].
#' @return eventTable with updated dosing (note the event table will
#' be updated anyway)
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @template etExamples
#' @export
# nolint start
add.dosing <- function(eventTable, dose, nbr.doses = 1L,
dosing.interval = 24, dosing.to = 1L,
rate = NULL, amount.units = NA_character_,
start.time = 0.0, do.sampling = FALSE,
time.units = NA_character_, ...) {
checkmate::assertDouble(dose, any.missing = FALSE, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1)
checkmate::assertDouble(dosing.interval, lower = 0, any.missing = FALSE, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1)
checkmate::assertDouble(start.time, any.missing = FALSE, finite = TRUE, max.len = 1)
.lst <- list(
dose = dose,
nbr.doses = nbr.doses,
start.time = start.time,
do.sampling = do.sampling,
if (!is.na(amount.units)) .lst$amount.units <- amount.units
if (!is.na(time.units)) .lst$time.units <- time.units
if (dosing.to != 1) .lst$dosing.to <- dosing.to
if (!is.null(rate)) .lst$rate <- rate
if (nbr.doses > 1) {
.lst$dosing.interval <- dosing.interval
} else {
.lst$dosing.interval <- 0.0
checkmate::assertIntegerish(nbr.doses, lower = 1L, any.missing = FALSE, max.len = 1)
.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, .lst, eventTable)
#' Add sampling to eventTable
#' This adds a dosing event to the event table. This is provided for
#' piping syntax through magrittr. It can also be accessed by
#' `eventTable$add.sampling()`
#' @param eventTable An eventTable object. When accessed from object it would be `eventTable$`
#' @param time a vector of time values (in `time.units`).
#' @param time.units an optional string specifying the time
#' units. Defaults to the units specified when the
#' `EventTable` was initialized.
#' @return eventTable with updated sampling. (Note the event table
#' will be updated even if you don't reassign the eventTable)
#' @template etExamples
#' @export
add.sampling <- function(eventTable, time, time.units = NA) {
.lst <- list(time = time)
if (!is.na(time.units)) .lst$time.units <- time.units
return(.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, .lst, eventTable))
#' Create an event table object
#' Initializes an object of class \sQuote{EventTable} with methods for
#' adding and querying dosing and observation records
#' @param amount.units string denoting the amount dosing units, e.g.,
#' \dQuote{mg}, \dQuote{ug}. Default to `NA` to denote
#' unspecified units. It could also be a solved rxode2 object. In
#' that case, eventTable(obj) returns the eventTable that was used
#' to solve the rxode2 object.
#' @param time.units string denoting the time units, e.g.,
#' \dQuote{hours}, \dQuote{days}. Default to `"hours"`.
#' An `eventTable` is an object that consists of a data.frame
#' storing ordered time-stamped events of an (unspecified) PK/PD
#' dynamic system, units (strings) for dosing and time records, plus a
#' list of functions to add and extract event records.
#' Currently, events can be of two types: dosing events that represent
#' inputs to the system and sampling time events that represent
#' observations of the system with \sQuote{amount.units} and
#' \sQuote{time.units}, respectively.
#' @return A modified data.frame with the following accessible functions:
#' * `get.EventTable()` returns the current event table
#' * [add.dosing()] adds dosing records to the event table.
#' * `get.dosing()` returns a data.frame of dosing records.
#' * `clear.dosing()` clears or deletes all dosing from event table
#' * `[add.sampling()] adds sampling time observation records to the
#' event table.
#' * `get.sampling()`returns a data.frame of sampled observation records.
#' * `clear.sampling()` removes all sampling from event table.
#' * `get.obs.rec()` returns a logical vector indicating whether each
#' event record represents an observation or not.
#' * `get.nobs()` returns the number of observation (not dosing) records.
#' * `get.units()` returns a two-element character vector with the
#' dosing and time units, respectively
#' * `copy()` makes a copy of the current event table. To create
#' a copy of an event table object use `qd2 <- qd$copy()`
#' * `expand()` Expands the event table for multi-subject solving.
#' This is done by `qd$expand(400)` for a 400 subject data expansion
#' @author Matthew Fidler, Melissa Hallow and Wenping Wang
#' @seealso [et()]
#' @examples
#' # create dosing and observation (sampling) events
#' # QD 50mg dosing, 5 days followed by 25mg 5 days
#' #
#' qd <- eventTable(amount.units = "mg", time.units = "days")
#' #
#' qd$add.dosing(dose = 50, nbr.doses = 5, dosing.interval = 1, do.sampling = FALSE)
#' #
#' # sample the system's drug amounts hourly the first day, then every 12 hours
#' # for the next 4 days
#' qd$add.sampling(seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 1 / 24))
#' qd$add.sampling(seq(from = 1, to = 5, by = 12 / 24))
#' #
#' # print(qd$get.dosing()) # table of dosing records
#' print(qd$get.nobs()) # number of observation (not dosing) records
#' #
#' # BID dosing, 5 days
#' bid <- eventTable("mg", "days") # only dosing
#' bid$add.dosing(
#' dose = 10000, nbr.doses = 2 * 5,
#' dosing.interval = 12, do.sampling = FALSE
#' )
#' #
#' # Use the copy() method to create a copy (clone) of an existing
#' # event table (simple assignments just create a new reference to
#' # the same event table object (closure)).
#' #
#' bid.ext <- bid$copy() # three-day extension for a 2nd cohort
#' bid.ext$add.dosing(
#' dose = 5000, nbr.doses = 2 * 3,
#' start.time = 120, dosing.interval = 12, do.sampling = FALSE
#' )
#' # You can also use the Piping operator to create a table
#' qd2 <- eventTable(amount.units = "mg", time.units = "days") %>%
#' add.dosing(dose = 50, nbr.doses = 5, dosing.interval = 1, do.sampling = FALSE) %>%
#' add.sampling(seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 1 / 24)) %>%
#' add.sampling(seq(from = 1, to = 5, by = 12 / 24))
#' # print(qd2$get.dosing()) # table of dosing records
#' print(qd2$get.nobs()) # number of observation (not dosing) records
#' # Note that piping with %>% will update the original table.
#' qd3 <- qd2 %>% add.sampling(seq(from = 5, to = 10, by = 6 / 24))
#' print(qd2$get.nobs())
#' print(qd3$get.nobs())
#' @keywords models data
#' @concept ordinary differential equations
#' @concept Nonlinear regression
#' @concept Pharmacokinetics (PK)
#' @concept Pharmacodynamics (PD)
#' @export
eventTable <- function(amount.units = NA, time.units = NA) {
.lst <- list()
if (!missing(amount.units)) {
checkmate::assertCharacter(amount.units, max.len = 1)
.lst$amount.units <- amount.units
if (!missing(time.units)) {
checkmate::assertCharacter(time.units, max.len = 1)
.lst$time.units <- time.units
.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, .lst, list())
# nolint end
#' Sequence of event tables
#' This combines a sequence of event tables.
#' @param ... The event tables and optionally time between event
#' tables, called waiting times in this help document.
#' @param samples How to handle samples when repeating an event
#' table. The options are:
#' * `"clear"` Clear sampling records before combining the datasets
#' * `"use"` Use the sampling records when combining the datasets
#' @param waitII This determines how waiting times between events are
#' handled. The options are:
#' * `"smart"` This "smart" handling of waiting times is the
#' default option. In this case, if the waiting time is above the
#' last observed inter-dose interval in the first combined event
#' table, then the actual time between doses is given by the wait
#' time. If it is smaller than the last observed inter-dose
#' interval, the time between event tables is given by the inter-dose
#' interval + the waiting time between event tables.
#' * `"+ii"` In this case, the wait time is added to the
#' inter-dose interval no matter the length of the wait time or
#' inter-dose interval
#' @param ii If there was no inter-dose intervals found in the event
#' table, assume that the interdose interval is given by this
#' `ii` value. By default this is `24`.
#' @return An event table
#' @details
#' This `seq`uences all the event tables in added in the
#' argument list `...`. By default when combining the event
#' tables the offset is at least by the last inter-dose interval in
#' the prior event table (or `ii`). If you separate any of the
#' event tables by a number, the event tables will be separated at
#' least the wait time defined by that number or the last inter-dose
#' interval.
#' @template etExamples
#' @export
etSeq <- function(..., samples = c("clear", "use"), waitII = c("smart", "+ii"), ii = 24) {
## etSeq_(List ets, bool clearSampling=clearSampling);
.sampleIx <- c(clear = 0L, use = 1L)
.waitIx <- c(smart = 0L, `+ii` = 1L)
`_rxode2_etSeq_`, list(...), setNames(.sampleIx[match.arg(samples)], NULL),
setNames(.waitIx[match.arg(waitII)], NULL), as.double(ii), FALSE, 0L,
0L, TRUE, character(0), logical(0), FALSE
#' Combining event tables
#' @inheritParams etSeq
#' @param id This is how rbind will handle IDs. There are two different types of options:
#' * `merge` with `id="merge"`, the IDs are merged together,
#' overlapping IDs would be merged into a single event table.
#' * `unique` with `id="unique"`, the IDs will be renumbered
#' so that the IDs in all the event tables are not overlapping.
#' @param
#' deparse.level The `deparse.level` of a traditional
#' `rbind` is ignored.
#' @author Matthew L Fidler
#' @return An event table
#' @template etExamples
#' @export
etRbind <- function(..., samples = c("use", "clear"), waitII = c("smart", "+ii"),
id = c("merge", "unique")) {
.sampleIx <- c(clear = 0L, use = 1L)
.waitIx <- c(smart = 0L, `+ii` = 1L)
.idIx <- c(merge = 0L, unique = 1L)
`_rxode2_etSeq_`, list(...), setNames(.sampleIx[match.arg(samples)], NULL),
setNames(.waitIx[match.arg(waitII)], NULL), as.double(0), TRUE,
setNames(.idIx[match.arg(id)], NULL),
0L, TRUE, character(0), logical(0), FALSE
#' @rdname etRbind
#' @export
rbind.rxEt <- function(..., deparse.level = 1) {
if (!missing(deparse.level)) warning("'deparse.level' not used with rxode2 event tables", call. = FALSE)
do.call(etRbind, list(...))
#' @rdname etSeq
#' @export
seq.rxEt <- function(...) {
do.call(etSeq, list(...))
#' @export
c.rxEt <- function(...) {
do.call(etSeq, list(...))
#' Repeat an rxode2 event table
#' @param x An rxode2 event table
#' @param times Number of times to repeat the event table
#' @param length.out Invalid with rxode2 event tables, will throw an
#' error if used.
#' @param each Invalid with rxode2 event tables, will throw an error
#' if used.
#' @param n The number of times to repeat the event table. Overrides
#' `times`.
#' @param wait Waiting time between each repeated event table. By
#' default there is no waiting, or wait=0
#' @inheritParams et
#' @inheritParams etSeq
#' @template etExamples
#' @return An event table
#' @export
etRep <- function(x, times = 1, length.out = NA, each = NA, n = NULL, wait = 0, id = integer(0),
samples = c("clear", "use"),
waitII = c("smart", "+ii"), ii = 24) {
if (!is.null(n)) {
times <- n
.sampleIx <- c(clear = 0L, use = 1L)
.waitIx <- c(smart = 0L, `+ii` = 1L)
if (!is.na(length.out)) stop("'length.out' makes no sense with event tables", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.na(each)) stop("'each' makes no sense with event tables", call. = FALSE)
`_rxode2_etRep_`, x, as.integer(times),
wait, as.integer(id), setNames(.sampleIx[match.arg(samples)], NULL),
setNames(.waitIx[match.arg(waitII)], NULL), as.double(ii)
#' @rdname etRep
#' @export
rep.rxEt <- function(x, ...) {
do.call(etRep, list(x = x, ...))
#' Coerce object to data.frame
#' @param x Object to coerce to et.
#' @param ... Other parameters
#' @return An event table
#' @export
as.et <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname as.et
#' @export
as.et.default <- function(x, ...) {
.e <- et()
#' @export
as.data.frame.rxEt <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
if (.isRxEt(x)) {
.x <- x
.tmp <- .x[, .x$show, drop = FALSE]
class(.tmp) <- c("rxEt2", "data.frame")
return(as.data.frame(.tmp, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...))
} else {
return(as.data.frame(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...))
.datatable.aware <- TRUE
#' Convert an event table to a data.table
#' @inheritParams data.table::as.data.table
#' @return data.table of event table
#' @noRd
as.data.table.rxEt <- function(x, keep.rownames = FALSE, ...) {
return(data.table::as.data.table(as.data.frame.rxEt(x, ...), keep.rownames = keep.rownames, ...))
#' Convert to tbl
#' @param x rxode2 event table
#' @param ... Other arguments to `as_tibble`
#' @return tibble of event table
#' @noRd
as_tibble.rxEt <- function(x, ...) {
if (.isRxEt(x)) {
.x <- x
.show <- .x$show
class(.x) <- "data.frame"
.tmp <- .x[, .show, drop = FALSE]
return(tibble::as_tibble(.tmp, ...))
} else {
return(tibble::as_tibble(x, ...))
#' Check to see if this is an rxEt object.
#' @param x object to check to see if it is rxEt
#' If this is an rxEt object that has expired strip all rxEt
#' information.
#' @return Boolean indicating if this is a rxode2 event table
#' @author Matthew L.Fidler
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
is.rxEt <- function(x) {
.Call(`_rxode2_rxIsEt2`, x)
#' Expand additional doses
#' @param et Event table to expand additional doses for.
#' @return New event table with `addl` doses expanded
#' @author Matthew Fidler
#' @examples
#' ev <- et(amt = 3, ii = 24, until = 240)
#' print(ev)
#' etExpand(ev) # expands event table, but doesn't modify it
#' print(ev)
#' ev$expand() ## Expands the current event table and saves it in ev
#' @export
etExpand <- function(et) {
.Call(`_rxode2_et_`, list(expand = TRUE), et)
#' EVID formatting for tibble and other places.
#' This is to make an EVID more readable by non
#' pharmacometricians. It displays what each means and allows it to
#' be displayed in a tibble.
#' @param x Item to be converted to a rxode2 EVID specification.
#' @param ... Other parameters
#' @return rxEvid specification
#' @examples
#' rxEvid(1:7)
#' @export
rxEvid <- function(x) {
return(structure(x, class = "rxEvid"))
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @export
as.rxEvid <- rxEvid
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @export
c.rxEvid <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @export
`[.rxEvid` <- function(x, ...) {
.colorFmt.rxEvid <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- unclass(x)
if (is.numeric(.x)) {
.x <-
.x == 0, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("0"), ":", crayon::white("Observation")),
.x == 1, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("1"), ":", crayon::yellow("Dose (Add)")),
.x == 2, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("2"), ":", crayon::yellow("Other")),
.x == 3, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("3"), ":", crayon::red("Reset")),
.x == 4, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("4"), ":", crayon::red("Reset"), "&", crayon::yellow("Dose")),
.x == 5, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("5"), ":", crayon::red("Replace")),
.x == 6, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("6"), ":", crayon::yellow("Multiply")),
.x == 7, paste0(crayon::blue$bold("7"), ":", crayon::yellow("Transit")),
default=paste0(crayon::blue$red(.x), ":", crayon::red("Invalid"))
} else {
.x <- paste0(crayon::blue$red(.x), ":", crayon::red("Invalid"))
format(.x, justify = "left")
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @export
as.character.rxEvid <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- unclass(x)
if (is.numeric(.x)) {
.x <-
.x == 0, "0:Observation",
.x == 1, "1:Dose (Add)",
.x == 2, "2:Other",
.x == 3, "3:Reset",
.x == 4, "4:Reset&Dose",
.x == 5, "5:Replace",
.x == 6, "6:Multiply",
.x == 7, "7:Transit",
default = paste0(.x, ":Invalid")
} else {
.x <- paste0(.x, ":Invalid")
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @export
`[[.rxEvid` <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @param value It will be an error to set units for evid
#' @export
`units<-.rxEvid` <- function(x, value) {
stop("'evid' is unitless", call. = FALSE)
#' @export
`[<-.rxEvid` <- function(x, i, value) {
# registered in .onLoad()
type_sum.rxEvid <- function(x) {
# registered in .onLoad()
pillar_shaft.rxEvid <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- .colorFmt.rxEvid(x)
#' @export
as.data.frame.rxEvid <- base::as.data.frame.difftime
#' Creates a rxRateDur object
#' This is primarily to display information about rate
#' @param x rxRateDur data
#' @param ... Other parameters
#' @return rxRateDur object
#' @export
rxRateDur <- function(x) {
return(structure(x, class = "rxRateDur"))
#' @rdname rxRateDur
#' @export
`[.rxRateDur` <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rxRateDur
#' @export
as.rxRateDur <- rxRateDur
#' @rdname rxEvid
#' @export
c.rxRateDur <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rxRateDur
#' @export
as.character.rxRateDur <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- unclass(x)
.x <-
ifelse(.x == -1, "-1:rate",
ifelse(.x == -2, "-2:dur",
ifelse(.x < 0, paste0(as.character(.x), ":Invalid"),
sprintf(" %-8g", .x)
.fmt <- function(x, width = 9) {
.g <- sprintf(paste0(" %-", width - 1, "g"), unclass(x))
.f <- sprintf(paste0(" %-", width - 1, "f"), unclass(x))
.ncg <- nchar(.g)
.ncf <- nchar(.f)
.ret <- ifelse(.ncg == width, .g,
ifelse(.ncf == width, .f, .g)
.colorFmt.rxRateDur <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- unclass(x)
.x <-
ifelse(.x == -1, paste0(crayon::red("-1"), ":", crayon::yellow("rate")),
ifelse(.x == -2, paste0(crayon::red("-2"), ":", crayon::yellow("dur")),
ifelse(.x < 0, paste0(crayon::red(as.character(.x)), ":", crayon::red("Invalid")),
#' @rdname rxRateDur
#' @export
`[[.rxRateDur` <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
`[<-.rxRateDur` <- function(x, i, value) {
# registered in .onLoad()
type_sum.rxRateDur <- function(x) {
.unit <- attr(x, "units")
if (!is.null(.unit)) {
.tmp <- x
class(.tmp) <- "units"
} else {
# registered in .onLoad()
pillar_shaft.rxRateDur <- function(x, ...) {
.x <- .colorFmt.rxRateDur(x)
pillar::new_pillar_shaft_simple(.x, align = "left", width = 10)
#' @export
as.data.frame.rxRateDur <- base::as.data.frame.difftime
set_units.rxRateDur <- function(x, value, ..., mode = .setUnitsMode()) {
if (is.null(mode)) {
stop("requires package 'units'", call. = FALSE)
if (inherits(x, "units")) {
.ret <- x
.ret0 <- unclass(x)
.w1 <- which(.ret0 == -1)
.w2 <- which(.ret0 == -2)
.lst <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
class(.ret0) <- "units"
.lst[[1]] <- .ret0
.ret <- do.call(units::set_units, .lst)
if (length(.w1) > 0) .ret[.w1] <- -1
if (length(.w2) > 0) .ret[.w2] <- -2
class(.ret) <- c("rxRateDur", "units")
} else {
.lst <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
.lst[[1]] <- unclass(x)
.ret <- do.call(units::set_units, .lst)
class(.ret) <- c("rxRateDur", "units")
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