
  # duplicate central/depot #246

  test_that("error with ambiguous central/depot", {
      C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA)
      d / dt(central) <- ka2 * depot - kel * central

      C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA)
      d / dt(central) <- ka2 * depot - kel * central

      C2 <- linCmt(V, CL, KA)
      d / dt(depot) <- -ka2 * depot

      C2 <- linCmt(V, CL)
      d / dt(depot) <- -ka2 * depot
    }), NA)

  tran1 <- expand.grid(
    Ka = c("ka", NA),
    Vc = c("v", "vc", "v1", NA),
    Cl = c("cl", NA),
    Q = c("q", "q1", "cld", NA),
    Vp = c("v2", "vp", "vt", "vss", NA),
    Q2 = c("q2", "cld2", NA),
    Vp2 = c("vp2", "v3", "vt2", NA)

  .clDf <- list()

  .fun <- function(x) {
    x <- setNames(x, names(tran1))
    .v1 <- as.character(na.omit(c(x["Vc"], x["Vp"], x["Vp2"])))
    .v2 <- as.character(na.omit(c(x["Cl"], x["Q"], x["Q2"])))
    .rx <- paste(c(
      ifelse(is.na(x["Ka"]), "", paste0(x["Ka"], "=tKa*exp(eta.ka)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Vc"]), "", paste0(x["Vc"], "=tVc*exp(eta.vc)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Cl"]), "", paste0(x["Cl"], "=tCl*exp(eta.cl)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Q"]), "", paste0(x["Q"], "=tQ*exp(eta.q)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Vp"]), "", paste0(x["Vp"], "=tVp*exp(eta.vp)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Q2"]), "", paste0(x["Q2"], "=tq2*exp(eta.q)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Vp2"]), "", paste0(x["Vp2"], "=tvp2*exp(eta.tvp2)")),
    ), collapse = "\n")
    .good <- FALSE
    if (length(.v1) == length(.v2)) {
      .good <- TRUE
      if (length(.v1) == 0) {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() should error without parameters"), {
          assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
        .good <- NA
      } else {
        .varsUp <- toupper(c(.v1, .v2))
        if (!any(.varsUp == "CL")) {
          .good <- FALSE
        .hasVc <- any(regexpr("^V(C|[1-9]|)$", .varsUp) != -1)
        if (!.hasVc) {
          .good <- FALSE
        .hasVp <- any(regexpr("^(VP[1-9]*)$", .varsUp) != -1)
        .hasVt <- any(regexpr("^(VT[1-9]*)$", .varsUp) != -1)
        .hasVn <- any(regexpr("^V[1-9]+$", .varsUp) != -1)
        if (.hasVp && .hasVn) {
          .good <- FALSE
        if (.hasVt && .hasVn) {
          .good <- FALSE
        if (.hasVp && .hasVt) {
          .good <- FALSE
        .hasQ <- any(regexpr("^(Q[1-9]*)$", .varsUp) != -1)
        .hasCld <- any(regexpr("^(CLD[1-9]*)$", .varsUp) != -1)
        if (.hasQ && .hasCld) {
          .good <- FALSE
        ## if (any("VP2" == .varsUp) && !any("VP" == .varsUp)) {
        ##   .good <- FALSE
        ## }
        ## if (any("VT2" == .varsUp) && !any("VT" == .varsUp)) {
        ##   .good <- FALSE
        ##   print("gf4")
        ## }
        ## if (any("CLD2" == .varsUp) && !any("CLD" == .varsUp)) {
        ##   .good <- FALSE
        ##   print("gf3")
        ## }
        .hasVss <- any(.varsUp == "VSS")
        if (.hasVss && length(.v1) != 2) {
          .good <- FALSE
        if (.hasVss && (.hasVp || .hasVt || sum(regexpr("^V[PT]?[1-9]+$", .varsUp) != -1) >= 1)) {
          .good <- FALSE
        if ((any(.varsUp == "V1") && !any(.varsUp == "V2") && any(.varsUp == "V3")) ||
              (!any(.varsUp == "V1")) && !any(.varsUp == "V2") && any(.varsUp == "V3")) {
          if (!any(.varsUp == "V") && !any(.varsUp == "VC")) {
            .good <- FALSE
    if (is.na(.good)) {
    } else if (.good) {
      test_that(sprintf("linCmt() successful with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(x), collapse = ", ")), {
        assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
        .rx <- rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE)
        expect_s3_class(.rx, "rxModelVars")
        .tmp <- na.omit(c(x["Ka"], sort(c(.v1, .v2))))
        .tmp <- c(.tmp, rep("", 7 - length(.tmp)))
        names(.tmp) <- paste0("par", seq_along(.tmp))
        .tmp["ncmt"] <- length(.v1)
        .clDf[[length(.clDf) + 1]] <- as.data.frame(t(.tmp))
        .clDf <<- .clDf
    } else {
      test_that(sprintf("linCmt() should error with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(x), collapse = ", ")), {
        assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
        expect_error(rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE))

  # context("Cl style translations")
  apply(tran1, 1, .fun)

  .clDf <- do.call(rbind, .clDf)
  tran2 <- expand.grid(
    Ka = c("ka", NA),
    Vc = c("v", "vc", "v1", NA),
    k = c("k", "ke", "kel", NA),
    k12 = c("k12", NA),
    k21 = c("k21", NA),
    k13 = c("k13", NA),
    k31 = c("k31", NA)

  .fun <- function(x) {
    x <- setNames(x, names(tran2))
    assign(".x", x, globalenv())
    .rx <- paste(c(
      ifelse(is.na(x["Ka"]), "", paste0(x["Ka"], "=tKa*exp(eta.ka)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Vc"]), "", paste0(x["Vc"], "=tVc*exp(eta.vc)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["k"]), "", paste0(x["k"], "=tK*exp(eta.ka)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["k12"]), "", paste0(x["k12"], "=tK12*exp(eta.k12)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["k21"]), "", paste0(x["k21"], "=tK21*exp(eta.k21)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["k13"]), "", paste0(x["k13"], "=tK13*exp(eta.k13)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["k31"]), "", paste0(x["k31"], "=tK31*exp(eta.k31)")),
    ), collapse = "\n")
    assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
    .good <- TRUE
    .v1 <- as.character(na.omit(c(
      x["Ka"], x["Vc"], x["k"],
      x["k12"], x["k21"], x["k13"], x["k31"]
    .up <- toupper(.v1)
    .ncmt <- 1
    if (length(.up) == 0) {
    } else {
      if (is.na(x["k"])) {
        .good <- FALSE
      if (is.na(x["Vc"])) {
        .good <- FALSE
      if (any(.up == "K12")) {
        if (any(.up == "K21")) {
          .ncmt <- 2
        } else {
          .good <- FALSE
      if (any(.up == "K12")) {
        if (any(.up == "K21")) {
          .ncmt <- 2
        } else {
          .good <- FALSE
      } else if (any(.up == "K21")) {
        .good <- FALSE
      if (any(.up == "K13")) {
        if (any(.up == "K31")) {
          if (.ncmt != 2) .good <- FALSE
          .ncmt <- 3
        } else {
          .good <- FALSE
      } else if (any(.up == "K31")) {
        .good <- FALSE
      if (.good) {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() successful with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(.v1), collapse = ", ")), {
          .rx <- rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE)
          expect_s3_class(.rx, "rxModelVars")
          .tmp <- c(.v1, rep("", 7 - length(.v1)))
          names(.tmp) <- paste0("par", seq_along(.tmp))
          .tmp["ncmt"] <- .ncmt
          .kDf[[length(.kDf) + 1]] <- as.data.frame(t(.tmp))
          .kDf <<- .kDf
      } else {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() should error with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(x), collapse = ", ")), {
          assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
          expect_error(rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE))

  .kDf <- list()
  # context("Kel style translations")
  apply(tran2, 1, .fun)

  .kDf <- do.call(rbind, .kDf)

  tran3 <- expand.grid(
    Ka = c("ka", NA),
    Vc = c("v", "vc", "v1", NA),
    alpha = c("alpha", NA),
    beta = c("beta", NA),
    aob = c("aob", "k21", NA)

  .fun <- function(x) {
    x <- setNames(x, names(tran3))
    .rx <- paste(c(
      ifelse(is.na(x["Ka"]), "", paste0(x["Ka"], "=tKa*exp(eta.ka)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["Vc"]), "", paste0(x["Vc"], "=tVc*exp(eta.vc)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["alpha"]), "", paste0(x["alpha"], "=tAlpha*exp(eta.alpha)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["beta"]), "", paste0(x["beta"], "=tBeta*exp(eta.beta)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["aob"]), "", paste0(x["aob"], "=tAob*exp(eta.aob)")),
    ), collapse = "\n")
    .good <- TRUE
    .v1 <- as.character(na.omit(c(
      x["Ka"], x["Vc"], x["alpha"],
      x["beta"], x["aob"]
    .ncmt <- 1
    if (length(.v1) == 0) {
    } else {
      .ncmt <- 1
      if (is.na(x["Vc"])) {
        .good <- FALSE
      if (is.na(x["alpha"])) {
        .good <- FALSE
      .s <- sum(is.na(c(x["beta"], x["aob"])))
      if (.s == 1) {
        .good <- FALSE
      } else if (.s == 2) {
        .ncmt <- 2
      if (.good) {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() successful with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(.v1), collapse = ", ")), {
          .rx <- rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE)
          expect_s3_class(.rx, "rxModelVars")
          .tmp <- c(.v1, rep("", 7 - length(.v1)))
          names(.tmp) <- paste0("par", seq_along(.tmp))
          .tmp["ncmt"] <- .ncmt
          .kAlpha[[length(.kAlpha) + 1]] <- as.data.frame(t(.tmp))
          .kAlpha <<- .kAlpha
      } else {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() should error with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(x), collapse = ", ")), {
          assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
          expect_error(rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE))

  .kAlpha <- list()
  # context("alpha/V style translations")
  apply(tran3, 1, .fun)

  tran4 <- expand.grid(
    Ka = c("ka", NA),
    a = c("a", NA),
    alpha = c("alpha", NA),
    b = c("b", NA),
    beta = c("beta", NA),
    c = c("c", NA),
    gamma = c("gamma", NA)

  .fun <- function(x) {
    x <- setNames(x, names(tran4))
    .rx <- paste(c(
      ifelse(is.na(x["Ka"]), "", paste0(x["Ka"], "=tKa*exp(eta.ka)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["a"]), "", paste0(x["a"], "=tA*exp(eta.a)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["alpha"]), "", paste0(x["alpha"], "=tAlpha*exp(eta.alpha)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["b"]), "", paste0(x["b"], "=tB*exp(eta.b)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["beta"]), "", paste0(x["beta"], "=tBeta*exp(eta.beta)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["c"]), "", paste0(x["c"], "=tC*exp(eta.c)")),
      ifelse(is.na(x["gamma"]), "", paste0(x["gamma"], "=tGamma*exp(eta.gamma)")),
    ), collapse = "\n")
    .good <- TRUE
    .v1 <- as.character(na.omit(c(
      x["Ka"], x["a"], x["alpha"],
      x["b"], x["beta"], x["c"], x["gamma"]
    .ncmt <- 1
    if (length(.v1) == 0) {
    } else {
      .good <- TRUE
      .ncmt <- 0
      .s <- sum(!is.na(c(x["a"], x["alpha"])))
      if (.s == 2) {
        .ncmt <- 1
      } else {
        .good <- FALSE
      .s <- sum(!is.na(c(x["b"], x["beta"])))
      if (.s == 2) {
        if (.ncmt != 1) .good <- FALSE
        .ncmt <- 2
      } else if (.s == 1) {
        .good <- FALSE
      .s <- sum(!is.na(c(x["c"], x["gamma"])))
      if (.s == 2) {
        if (.ncmt != 2) .good <- FALSE
        .ncmt <- 3
      } else if (.s == 1) {
        .good <- FALSE
      if (.good) {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() successful with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(.v1), collapse = ", ")), {
          .rx <- rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE)
          expect_s3_class(.rx, "rxModelVars")
          .tmp <- c(.v1, rep("", 7 - length(.v1)))
          names(.tmp) <- paste0("par", seq_along(.tmp))
          .tmp["ncmt"] <- .ncmt
          .kAlpha[[length(.kAlpha) + 1]] <- as.data.frame(t(.tmp))
          .kAlpha <<- .kAlpha
      } else {
        test_that(sprintf("linCmt() should error with parameters: %s", paste(na.omit(x), collapse = ", ")), {
          assign(".rx", .rx, globalenv())
          expect_error(rxode2parse(.rx, linear=TRUE))

  # context("alpha/A style translations")
  apply(tran4, 1, .fun)

nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.