
Defines functions sim.one frwd_selection bootdata multi2 vpc.nlmixrNlme vpc_nlmixr_nlme vpc.default vpc sim.one

Documented in bootdata frwd_selection vpc vpc.default vpc_nlmixr_nlme vpc.nlmixrNlme

## vpc.R: population PK/PD modeling library
## Copyright (C) 2014 - 2016  Wenping Wang
## This file is part of nlmixr.
## nlmixr is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## nlmixr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with nlmixr.  If not, see <http:##www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

sim.one <- function(zz, x) {
  ..ModList <- nlmeModList()
  nsub <- length(unique(x$groups[[1]]))
  om <- as.matrix(x$modelStruct$reStruct$ID) * x$sigma^2
  eta <- multi2(rep(0, dim(om)[1]), om, nsub)
  th <- x$coefficients$fixed

  m <- sapply(seq(length(th)), function(k) {
    ix <- match(names(th)[k], dimnames(eta)[[1]], nomatch = 0)
    if (ix) {
      th[k] + eta[ix, ]
    } else {
      rep(th[k], nsub)
  dimnames(m)[[2]] <- names(th)

  r <- as.integer(as.character(x$groups[[1]]))
  m <- m[r, ]
  m <- cbind(m, TIME = ..ModList$dat.g$TIME, ID = ..ModList$dat.g$ID)
  m <- .as.data.frame(m)
  res <- do.call(..ModList$user_fn, m)
  res + rnorm(res, 0, x$sigma)

##' Vpc function for nlmixr
##' @param sim Observed data frame or fit object
##' @param ... Other parameters
##' @return a nlmixr composite vpc object
##' @export
vpc <- function(sim, ...) {
##' @rdname vpc
##' @export
vpc.default <- function(sim, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("vpc", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("'vpc' is required; Download from CRAN or github https://github.com/ronkeizer/vpc")
  ns <- loadNamespace("vpc")
  if (exists("vpc_vpc", ns)) {
    vpcn <- "vpc_vpc"
  } else {
    vpcn <- "vpc"
  call <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))[-1]
  call <- call[names(call) %in% methods::formalArgs(getFromNamespace(vpcn, "vpc"))]
  p <- do.call(getFromNamespace(vpcn, "vpc"), call, envir = parent.frame(1))

##' Visual predictive check (VPC) for nlmixr nlme objects
##' Do visual predictive check (VPC) plots for nlme-based non-linear mixed effect models
##' @param fit nlme fit object
##' @param nsim number of simulations
##' @param condition conditional variable
##' @param ... Additional arguments
##' @inheritParams vpc::vpc
##' @return Called for its side effects of creating a VPC
##' @examples
##' specs <- list(fixed=lKA+lCL+lV~1, random = pdDiag(lKA+lCL~1), start=c(lKA=0.5, lCL=-3.2, lV=-1))
##' fit <- nlme_lin_cmpt(theo_md, par_model=specs, ncmt=1, verbose=TRUE)
##' vpc_nlmixr_nlme(fit, nsim = 100, condition = NULL)
##' @export
vpc_nlmixr_nlme <- function(fit, nsim = 100, condition = NULL, ...) {
    nlmeModList(new.env(parent = emptyenv()))
  ..ModList <- nlmeModList()

    s <- sapply(1:nsim, sim.one, x = fit)

    cond.var <- if (is.null(condition)) rep(1, dim(..ModList$dat.g)[1]) else ..ModList$dat.g[, condition]
    levels <- sort(unique(cond.var))
    for (k in 1:length(levels)) {
      sel <- cond.var == levels[k]
      xs <- s[sel, ]
      xd <- ..ModList$dat.g[sel, ]
      matplot(xd$TIME, xs, col = "#33FF66", pch = 19, xlab = "TIME", ylab = "DV")
      points(xd$TIME, xd$DV, col = "#000066")

      if (!is.null(condition)) {
        title(paste0(condition, ": ", levels[k]))

##' @rdname vpc_nlmixr_nlme
##' @export
vpcNlmixrNlme <- vpc_nlmixr_nlme

#' @rdname vpc_nlmixr_nlme
#' @export
vpc.nlmixrNlme <- function(sim, ...) {
  vpc_nlmixr_nlme(sim, ...)

# vpc(fit, 100)

multi2 <- function(mu, vmat, n) {
  eta <- matrix(rnorm(length(mu) * n), ncol = n, nrow = length(mu))
  Q <- chol(vmat, pivot = TRUE)
  pivot <- attr(Q, "pivot")
  oo <- order(pivot)
  para <- t(Q[, oo]) %*% eta
  sweep(para, 1, mu, "+")

#' Bootstrap data
#' Bootstrap data by sampling the same number of subjects from the original dataset by sampling with replacement.
#' @param dat model data to be bootstrapped
#' @return Bootstrapped data
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' specs <- list(fixed = lKA + lCL + lV ~ 1,
#'   random = pdDiag(lKA + lCL ~ 1),
#'   start = c(lKA = 0.5, lCL = -3.2, lV = -1))
#' set.seed(99)
#' nboot <- 5
#' cat("generating", nboot, "bootstrap samples...\n")
#' cmat <- matrix(NA, nboot, 3)
#' for (i in 1:nboot)
#' {
#'   # print(i)
#'   bd <- bootdata(theo_md)
#'   fit <- nlme_lin_cmpt(bd, par_model = specs, ncmt = 1)
#'   cmat[i, ] <- fit$coefficients$fixed
#' }
#' dimnames(cmat)[[2]] <- names(fit$coefficients$fixed)
#' print(head(cmat))
#' }
#' @export
bootdata <- function(dat) {
  id <- unique(dat$ID)
  nsub <- length(id)
  s <- sample(id, nsub, replace = TRUE)

    lapply(1:nsub, function(ix) {
      k <- s[ix]
      d <- dat[dat$ID == k, ]
      d$ID <- ix

#' Forward covariate selection for nlme-base non-linear mixed effect models
#' Implements forward covariate selection for nlme-based non-linear mixed effect models
#' @param base base model
#' @param cv a list of candidate covariate to model parameters
#' @param dat model data
#' @param cutoff significance level
#' @return an nlme object of the final model
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' dat <- theo_md
#' dat$LOGWT <- log(dat$WT)
#' dat$TG <- (dat$ID < 6) + 0 # dummy covariate
#' specs <- list(
#'   fixed = list(lKA = lKA ~ 1, lCL = lCL ~ 1, lV = lV ~ 1),
#'   random = pdDiag(lKA + lCL ~ 1),
#'   start = c(0.5, -3.2, -1)
#' )
#' fit0 <- nlme_lin_cmpt(dat, par_model = specs, ncmt = 1)
#' cv <- list(lCL = c("WT", "TG"), lV = c("WT"))
#' fit <- frwd_selection(fit0, cv, dat)
#' print(summary(fit))
#' }
#' @export
frwd_selection <- function(base, cv, dat, cutoff = .05) {
  # dat = getData(base)
  fixed.save <- base$call$fixed
  start.save <- as.list(base$call$start)
  names(start.save) <- names(fixed.save)

  cat("covariate selection process:\n")
  while (1) {
    rl <- NULL
    pval <- NULL
    for (par in names(cv))
      fixed <- fixed.save
      start <- start.save
      for (wh in cv[[par]])
        fixed[[par]] <- as.formula(sprintf("%s+%s", deparse(fixed.save[[par]]), wh))
        start[[par]] <- c(start.save[[par]], 0)
        specs <- list(
          fixed = fixed,
          random = pdDiag(lKA + lCL ~ 1),
          start = unlist(start)
        fit <- nlme_lin_cmpt(dat, par_model = specs, ncmt = 1)
        aov <- anova(base, fit)[2, "p-value"]
        cat("\nadding", wh, "to", par, ": p-val =", aov)
        pval <- c(pval, aov)
        rl <- c(rl, list(list(par, wh, fixed[[par]], start, fit)))

    if (min(pval) > cutoff) {
      cat("\n\ncovariate selection finished.\n\n\n")

    wh <- match(min(pval), pval)
    s <- rl[[wh]]
    ix <- match(s[[2]], cv[[s[[1]]]])

    cat("\n", cv[[s[[1]]]][ix], "added to", s[[1]], "\n")

    cv[[s[[1]]]] <- cv[[s[[1]]]][-ix]
    if (length(cv[[s[[1]]]]) == 0) cv[[s[[1]]]] <- NULL
    fixed.save[[s[[1]]]] <- s[[3]]
    start.save[[s[[1]]]] <- s[[4]][[s[[1]]]]
    base <- s[[5]]


sim.one <- function(zz, x) {
  ..ModList <- nlmeModList()
  nsub <- length(unique(x$groups[[1]]))
  om <- as.matrix(x$modelStruct$reStruct$ID) * x$sigma^2
  eta <- t(multi2(rep(0, dim(om)[1]), om, nsub))
  dimnames(eta)[[1]] <- dimnames(x$coefficients$random$ID)[[1]]
  x$coefficients$random$ID <- eta
  pred <- predict(x, getData(x))
  if (is.null(x$call$weights)) {
    sd <- 1
  else if (is(x$call$weights, "varPower")) {
    sd <- abs(pred)^as.double(coef(x$modelStruct$varStruct, allCoef = TRUE))
  else if (inherits(x$call$weights, "varConstPower")) {
    sd <- exp(x$modelStruct$varStruct$const) + abs(pred)^x$modelStruct$varStruct$power
  } else {
    stop("residual model not implemented")
  ## pred + rnorm(pred, 0, x$sigma)
  pred + rnorm(pred, 0, sd * x$sigma)
nlmixrdevelopment/nlmixr documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 2:16 p.m.