##### -- FastDend Class, internally used for dendrogram manipulation ---------
# author: Aidan Lakshman
# contact: ahl27@pitt.edu
slots = list(branches = 'matrix', leaflabels = 'character',
nleaves = 'numeric', nbranches = 'numeric',
root = 'numeric', dendrogram = 'ANY'))
setMethod(show, 'FastDend', function(object) {
cat("'FastDend' object with", object@nleaves, 'leaves and',
object@nbranches, 'branches.\n')
setMethod('plot', 'FastDend', function(x) plot(x@dendrogram))
setGeneric('branches', function(x) standardGeneric('branches'))
setMethod('branches', 'FastDend', function(x) {
setGeneric('leaves', function(x) standardGeneric('leaves'))
setMethod('leaves', 'FastDend', function(x) {
setGeneric('root', function(x) standardGeneric('root'))
setMethod('root', 'FastDend', function(x) {
setMethod('labels', 'FastDend', function(object) leaves(object))
setGeneric('subtree', function(x, y) standardGeneric('subtree'))
setMethod('subtree', 'FastDend', function(x, y) {
tree <- x@dendrogram
path <- rootPath(x, y)
path <- path[-length(path)]
subtree <- tree
for (element in path) subtree <- subtree[[element]]
setGeneric('parentTree', function(fDend, leafNode, height) standardGeneric('parentTree'))
setMethod('parentTree', 'FastDend', function(fDend, leafNode, height) {
stopifnot("leafNode must be type 'character' or 'numeric'." = (is(leafNode, 'character') || is(leafNode, 'numeric')))
stopifnot("'height' must be a non-negative integer." = (is(height, 'numeric') && height >= 0 && as.integer(height) == height))
if (is(leafNode, 'character')){
leafNode <- which(fDend@leaflabels == leafNode)
stopifnot('Leaf does not exist in tree.' = (length(leafNode) == 1 && leafNode %in% seq_len(fDend@nleaves)))
b <- fDend@branches
root <- fDend@root
curnode <- leafNode
while(height > 0) {
if(curnode == root){
warning('Height greater than maximal possible subtree.')
curnode <- b[curnode, 'parent']
height <- height - 1
return(subtree(fDend, curnode))
setGeneric('rootPath', function(x, y) standardGeneric('rootPath'))
setMethod('rootPath', 'FastDend', function(x, y) {
tree <- x@dendrogram
stopifnot(is(tree, 'dendrogram'))
stopifnot("'y' must be type 'character' or 'numeric'." = (is(y, 'character') || is(y, 'numeric')))
if (is(y, 'character')) {
y <- which(x@leaflabels == y)
b <- x@branches
stopifnot('Branch does not exist in tree.' = (length(y) == 1 && y %in% seq_len(nrow(b))))
path <- pathnames <- rep(NA, x@nbranches+1)
root <- x@root
curpos <- y
i <- x@nbranches
path[i] <- 0
pathnames[i] <- curpos
i <- i - 1
while(curpos != root){
parent <- b[curpos, 'parent']
path[i] <- ifelse(b[parent, 'left'] == curpos, 1, 2)
pathnames[i] <- parent
curpos <- parent
i <- i - 1
path <- path[!is.na(path)]
pathnames <- pathnames[!is.na(pathnames)]
names(path) <- pathnames
FastDend <- function(dend){
dfs_helper <- function(node, mat, labels, curval){
left <- node[[1]]
right <- node[[2]]
leftlength <- attr(node, 'height') - attr(left, 'height')
rightlength <- attr(node, 'height') - attr(right, 'height')
if (is.null(attr(left, 'leaf'))){
nextval <- which.min(mat[,'label'])
mat[curval, 'left'] <- nextval
mat[nextval, 'parent'] <- curval
mat[nextval, 'label'] <- nextval
mat[nextval, 'length'] <- leftlength
mat <- dfs_helper(left, mat, labels, nextval)
} else {
leaflabel <- which(labels == attr(left, 'label'))
mat[curval, 'left'] <- leaflabel
mat[leaflabel, 'parent'] <- curval
mat[leaflabel, 'length'] <- leftlength
if (is.null(attr(right, 'leaf'))){
nextval <- which.min(mat[,'label'])
mat[curval, 'right'] <- nextval
mat[nextval, 'parent'] <- curval
mat[nextval, 'label'] <- nextval
mat[nextval, 'length'] <- rightlength
mat <- dfs_helper(right, mat, labels, nextval)
} else {
leaflabel <- which(labels == attr(right, 'label'))
mat[curval, 'right'] <- leaflabel
mat[leaflabel, 'parent'] <- curval
mat[leaflabel, 'length'] <- rightlength
labels <- labels(dend)
nleaves <- length(labels)
leaflabels <- seq_len(nleaves)
names(labels) <- leaflabels
nbranches <- 2*nleaves + 3
mat <- matrix(c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), nrow=nbranches, ncol = 7, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(mat) <- c('label', 'isLeaf', 'left', 'right', 'parent', 'length', 'support')
mat[leaflabels, 'isLeaf'] <- 1
mat[leaflabels, 'label'] <- leaflabels
rootval <- nleaves + 1
mat[rootval, 'label'] <- 0
mat[rootval, 'parent'] <- -1
mat[rootval, 'length'] <- attr(dend, 'height')
mat <- dfs_helper(dend, mat, labels, rootval)
mat <- mat[mat[,'label'] >= 0,]
d <- new('FastDend', branches = mat, leaflabels = labels,
nleaves = nleaves, nbranches = nrow(mat)-1,
root = rootval, dendrogram = dend)
# Extra Methods
fitch_up <- function(fDend, ov){
ov <- c(ov, rep(-1, nrow(branches(fDend)) - length(ov)))
helperfunc <- function(branchmat, node){
left <- branchmat[node, 'left']
if (ov[left] < 0){
helperfunc(branchmat, left)
right <- branchmat[node, 'right']
if (ov[right] < 0){
helperfunc(branchmat, right)
lv <- ov[left]
rv <- ov[right]
fillval <- 2
if (lv != rv && (lv == 2 || rv == 2))
fillval <- min(lv, rv)
fillval <- ifelse(xor(lv, rv), 2, lv)
ov[node] <<- fillval
helperfunc(branches(fDend), root(fDend))
fitch_down <- function(fDend, ov, pushUp=TRUE, rootFill = 0){
helperfunc <- function(branchesmat, node){
if (branchesmat[node, 'isLeaf'] != 1) {
if (ov[node] == 2){
if (branchesmat[node, 'parent'] == -1){
ov[node] <<- rootFill
} else {
pval <- ov[branchesmat[node, 'parent']]
ov[node] <<- ifelse(pushUp, abs(1-pval), pval)
helperfunc(branchesmat, branchesmat[node, 'left'])
helperfunc(branchesmat, branchesmat[node, 'right'])
helperfunc(branches(fDend), root(fDend))
fitch_parsimony<- function(fDend, occurrenceVec, moveEventsUpward=TRUE){
ovf <- fitch_up(fDend, occurrenceVec)
ovf <- fitch_down(fDend, ovf, moveEventsUpward)
gain_loss_vec <- function(fDend, occurrenceVec){
glvec <- rep(0, length(occurrenceVec))
helperfunc <- function(bmat, branch){
parent <- bmat[branch, 'parent']
if (parent != -1){ # not the root
glvec[branch] <<- occurrenceVec[branch] - occurrenceVec[parent]
if (bmat[branch, 'isLeaf'] != 1){
helperfunc(bmat, bmat[branch, 'left'])
helperfunc(bmat, bmat[branch, 'right'])
helperfunc(branches(fDend), root(fDend))
calc_SId_mat <- function(fd, IdOnly=FALSE){
fdbranch <- fd@branches
branchmat <- matrix(0, ncol=nrow(fdbranch), nrow=nrow(fdbranch))
blengths <- numeric(length=nrow(fdbranch))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(fdbranch))){
r <- fdbranch[i,]
v <- ifelse(r[1] == 0, 302, r[1])
blengths[v] <- r[6]
if (r[2] == 1)
if(r[3] != 0)
branchmat[v, r[3]] <- 1
if(r[4] != 0)
branchmat[v, r[4]] <- 1
blengths <- blengths / sum(blengths)
Cmat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(blengths), ncol=length(blengths))
for (i in seq_along(blengths)){
for (j in seq_along(blengths)){
if (i == j)
Cmat[i,j] <- blengths[i] * (1-blengths[j])
Cmat[i,j] <- -1*blengths[i]*blengths[j]
S1 <- branchmat
Id <- diag(nrow=nrow(S1), ncol=ncol(S1))
S <- S_c <- S1
if (!IdOnly){
S_c <- S_c %*% S1
if (all(S_c == 0))
S <- S + S_c
return(list(S=S, Id=Id, blengths=blengths, Cmat=Cmat))
generateGainLossVec <- function(fDend, PAvec, moveEventsUpward=TRUE){
stopifnot(is(fDend, 'FastDend'))
stopifnot(length(leaves(fDend)) == length(PAvec))
occvec <- fitch_parsimony(fDend, PAvec, moveEventsUpward)
glv <- gain_loss_vec(fDend, occvec)
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