###### -- drop predicted pairs based on user PID confidence -------------------
# version 2:
# users select a confidence that is the PID centroid a cluster must be at or above
# to be kept
# so you will retain pairs whose PID is below that centroid, but appear closer in distance
# to the lowest acceptable centroid than to the highest unacceptable centroid
# users can also move the ClusterScalar argument, this adjusts the decision making for
# how many clusters are going to be used for selection
# cluster number selection if performed by fitting the total within-cluster sum of squares
# to a right hyperbola / one-site binding isotherm, the half-max / Kd becomes the target of
# the scalar argument, when it is left with the default of 1, ceiling(Kd) selects the clustering regime to be used
# as scalar is adjusted, ceiling(Kd * ClusterScalar) continues to select for the clustering regime
SelectByK <- function(Pairs,
UserConfidence = 0.5,
ClusterScalar = 1,
MaxClusters = 15L,
ReturnAllCommunities = FALSE,
Verbose = FALSE,
ShowPlot = FALSE,
RetainHighest = TRUE) {
# require both Score and PID
if (!is(object = Pairs,
class2 = "PairSummaries")) {
stop ("Pairs must be an object of class 'PairSummaries'.")
COLS <- colnames(Pairs)
if (!all(c("SCORE", "PID") %in% COLS)) {
stop("PairSummaries object must contain calculated PIDs and Scores.")
if (MaxClusters >= nrow(Pairs)) {
stop ("User has requested more max clusters than rows exist in 'PairSummaries' object.")
if (MaxClusters <= 2L) {
warning ("User has requested a number of clusters that may not provide adequate group separation.")
# normalize score,
# convert absolute matches to relative
# dat1 <- data.frame("RelativeMatch" = Pairs$ExactMatch * 2L / (Pairs$p1FeatureLength + Pairs$p2FeatureLength),
# "Consensus" = Pairs$Consensus,
# "PID" = Pairs$PID,
# "SCORE" = Pairs$SCORE / max(Pairs$SCORE),
# "TetDist" = Pairs$TetDist)
if (Verbose) {
pBar <- txtProgressBar(style = 1)
FunctionTimeStart <- Sys.time()
PBAR <- MaxClusters - 1L
# treating score differently
# this doesn't seem to really change anything though
s1 <- Pairs$SCORE
s2 <- min(s1[s1 > 0])
if (s2 > 1) {
s2 <- 0.1
if (any(s1 < 0)) {
s1[s1 < 0] <- s2
s1 <- log(s1)
s2 <- max(s1)
s1 <- s1 / s2
dat1 <- data.frame("RelativeMatch" = Pairs$ExactMatch * 2L / (Pairs$p1FeatureLength + Pairs$p2FeatureLength),
"Consensus" = Pairs$Consensus,
"PID" = Pairs$PID,
# "SCORE" = Pairs$SCORE,
# "TetDist" = Pairs$TetDist,
# "SeqDiff" = abs(Pairs$p1FeatureLength - Pairs$p2FeatureLength),
"SCORE" = s1)
# cluster out to user specified total clusters
NClust <- 2:MaxClusters
kmc <- vector(mode = "list",
length = length(NClust))
for (m1 in seq_along(NClust)) {
kmc[[m1]] <- suppressWarnings(kmeans(x = dat1,
centers = NClust[m1],
iter.max = 25L,
nstart = 25L))
if (Verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pBar,
value = m1 / PBAR)
if (Verbose) {
wss <- sapply(X = kmc,
FUN = function(x) {
OneSite <- function(X,
Kd) {
Y <- (Bmax * X) / (Kd + X)
# first column defaults to the x axis
n <- NClust
dat2 <- cbind("n" = n,
"wss" = wss)
# transform data to make the 2 cluster data the origin
dat3 <- cbind("n" = n - 2L,
"wss" = abs(wss - wss[1]))
# plot(dat3)
FitA <- nls(dat3[, 2L]~OneSite(X = dat3[, 1L],
start = list(Bmax = max(dat3[, 2L]),
Kd = unname(quantile(dat3[, 1L], .25))))
FitASum <- summary(FitA)
# fit is offset by -2L to plot and fit correctly, re-offset by +1 to select the correct
# list position
EvalClust <- ceiling((FitASum$coefficients["Kd", "Estimate"] + 1L) * ClusterScalar)
if (EvalClust >= MaxClusters) {
warning("Evaluated clusters may be insufficient for this task. Retry with a larger 'MaxClusters'.")
EvalClust <- MaxClusters
if (EvalClust < 1L) {
warning("Scalar selection requested a number of clusters less than 2, defaulting to 2 clusterings.")
EvalClust <- 1L
SEQ <- seq(from = dat3[1, 1L],
to = dat3[nrow(dat3), 1L],
by = 0.05)
CURVE <- OneSite(X = SEQ,
Kd = FitASum$coefficients[2, 1],
Bmax = FitASum$coefficients[1, 1])
# original method, select by quantile
# select the cluster number based on quantile of within cluster sum of squares
# that users input, default is 50%, seems to be fine for tests of initial version
# EvalClust <- max(which(wss >= quantile(wss, ClusterSelect))) + 1L
# if (EvalClust >= MaxClusters) {
# warning("Evaluated clusters may be insufficient for this task. Retry with a larger 'MaxClusters'.")
# EvalClust <- MaxClusters
# }
# EvalClust <- max(which(diff(wss) <= quantile(diff(wss), ClusterSelect))) + 1L
# print(wss)
# print(quantile(wss, ClusterSelect))
# print(EvalClust)
res1 <- kmc[[EvalClust]]$centers[, "PID"]
res1 <- names(res1)[res1 >= UserConfidence]
if (RetainHighest & length(res1) == 0) {
res1 <- names(which.max(kmc[[EvalClust]]$centers[, "PID"]))
res2 <- kmc[[EvalClust]]$cluster %in% as.integer(res1)
res3 <- Pairs[res2, ]
class(res3) <- c("data.frame",
attr(x = res3,
which = "GeneCalls") <- attr(x = Pairs,
which = "GeneCalls")
res4 <- vector(mode = "list",
length = nrow(kmc[[EvalClust]]$centers))
for (m2 in seq_along(res4)) {
# kmeans increments clusters by 1 from 1 by default, though numerically
# they may not be ordered in increasing PID
res4[[m2]] <- Pairs[kmc[[EvalClust]]$cluster %in% m2, ]
attr(res4[[m2]], "GeneCalls") <- NULL
if (ShowPlot) {
layout(mat = matrix(data = c(1,2,3,4),
nrow = 2,
byrow = TRUE))
par(mar = c(2.8,2.8,2.8,1),
mgp = c(1.55,0.5,0))
plot(x = dat3[, 1L],
y = dat3[, 2L],
main = "fit Bmax Kd",
xaxt = "n",
xlab = "Cluster number",
ylab = "Transformed WSS val")
axis(side = 1,
at = seq(from = 0,
to = max(dat3[, 1L]),
by = 1L),
labels = seq(from = 0,
to = max(dat3[, 1L]),
by = 1L) + 2L)
lines(x = SEQ,
y = CURVE)
abline(v = EvalClust - 1,
lty = 2,
col = "blue")
main = "density")
plot(x = 0,
y = 0,
type = "n",
ylab = "Frequency",
xlab = "PID",
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = c(0, 1),
main = "Cluster CDFs")
for (m2 in seq_along(res4)) {
u1 <- res4[[m2]]$PID
u2 <- mean(u1)
points(x = sort(u1),
y = seq_along(u1) / length(u1),
col = m2,
pch = if (u2 >= UserConfidence) {
} else {
resgroups <- kmc[[EvalClust]]$cluster
pchkey1 <- tapply(X = Pairs$PID,
INDEX = resgroups,
FUN = mean)
pchkey2 <- names(pchkey1)[pchkey1 >= UserConfidence]
if (RetainHighest & length(pchkey2) == 0) {
pchkey2 <- names(which.max(kmc[[EvalClust]]$centers[, "PID"]))
pchkey2 <- as.integer(pchkey2)
plot(x = Pairs$PID,
y = Pairs$SCORE,
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = range(Pairs$SCORE),
col = resgroups,
pch = ifelse(test = resgroups %in% pchkey2,
yes = 1,
no = 4),
main = "Pairs",
xlab = "PID",
ylab = "SCORE")
if (Verbose) {
FunctionTimeEnd <- Sys.time()
FunctionTimeTotal <- FunctionTimeEnd - FunctionTimeStart
if (ReturnAllCommunities) {
# return(list(kmc,
# res3,
# EvalClust,
# res4))
return(list("RetainedPairs" = res3,
"PairsByGroup" = res4))
} else {
# return(list(kmc,
# res3,
# EvalClust))
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