
Defines functions plot.forecastML combine_forecasts

Documented in combine_forecasts plot.forecastML

#' Combine multiple horizon-specific forecast models to produce one forecast
#' The horizon-specific models can either be combined to (a) produce final forecasts for only those
#' horizons at which they were trained (i.e., shorter-horizon models override longer-horizon models
#' when producing final short-horizon h-step-ahead forecasts) or (b) produce final forecasts using
#' any combination of horizon-specific models that minimized error over the validation/training dataset.
#' @param ... One or more objects of class 'forecast_results' from running \code{predict.forecast_model()} on
#' an input forward-looking forecast dataset. These are the forecasts from the horizon-specific
#' direct forecasting models trained over the entire training dataset by setting \code{create_windows(..., window_length = 0)}.
#' If multiple models are passed in \code{...} with the same direct forecast horizon, for \code{type = 'horizon'},
#' forecasts for the same direct forecast horizon are combined with \code{aggregate}; for \code{type = 'error'}, the model that
#' minimizes the error metric at the given direct forecast horizon produces the forecast.
#' @param type Default: 'horizon'. A character vector of length 1 that identifies the forecast combination method.
#' @param aggregate Default \code{median} for \code{type = 'horizon'}. A function--without parentheses--that aggregates forecasts if
#' more than one model passed in \code{...} has the same direct forecast horizon and \code{type = 'horizon'].}
#' @param data_error Optional. A list of objects of class 'validation_error' from running \code{return_error()}
#' on a training dataset. The length and order of \code{data_error} should match the models passed in \code{...}.
#' @param metric Required if \code{data_error} is given. A length 1 character vector naming the forecast
#' error metric used to select the optimal model at each forecast horizon from the models passed
#' in '...' e.g., 'mae'.
#' @return An S3 object of class 'forecastML' with final h-step-ahead forecasts.
#'    \strong{Forecast combination type:}
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{type = 'horizon'}: 1 final h-step-ahead forecast is returned for each model object passed in \code{...}.
#'       \item \code{type = 'error'}: 1 final h-step-ahead forecast is returned by selecting, for each forecast horizon,
#'       the model that minimized the chosen error metric at that horizon on the outer-loop validation data sets.
#'    }
#'    \strong{Columns in returned 'forecastML' data.frame:}
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \code{model}: User-supplied model name in \code{train_model()}.
#'       \item \code{model_forecast_horizon}: The direct-forecasting time horizon that the model was trained on.
#'       \item \code{horizon}: Forecast horizons, 1:h, measured in dataset rows.
#'       \item \code{forecast_period}: The forecast period in row indices or dates. The forecast period starts at either \code{attributes(create_lagged_df())$data_stop + 1} for row indices or \code{attributes(create_lagged_df())$data_stop + 1 * frequency} for date indices.
#'       \item \code{"groups"}: If given, the user-supplied groups in \code{create_lagged_df()}.
#'       \item \code{"outcome_name"_pred}: The final forecasts.
#'       \item \code{"outcome_name"_pred_lower}: If given, the lower forecast bounds returned by the user-supplied prediction function.
#'       \item \code{"outcome_name"_pred_upper}: If given, the upper forecast bounds returned by the user-supplied prediction function.
#'    }
#' @section Methods and related functions:
#' The output of \code{combine_forecasts()} has the following generic S3 methods
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link[=plot.forecastML]{plot}}
#' }
#' @example /R/examples/example_combine_forecasts.R
#' @export
combine_forecasts <- function(..., type = c("horizon", "error"), aggregate = stats::median, data_error = list(NULL), metric = NULL) {

  data_forecast_list <- list(...)

  if (!all(unlist(lapply(data_forecast_list, function(x) {methods::is(x, "forecast_results")})))) {
    stop("One or more of the forecast datasets given in '...' is not an object of class 'forecast_results'.
         Run predict.forecast_model() on a forward-looking forecast dataset trained over a training dataset
         made with create_windows(window_length = 0).")

  if (!is.null(data_error[[1]])) {

    if (is.null(metric) || length(metric) > 1) {
      stop("'metric' should be a length 1 character vector naming the forecast error metric used to select
           the optimal model at each direct forecast horizon from the models passed in '...', e.g., 'mae'.")
  method <- attributes(data_forecast_list[[1]])$method
  outcome_name <- attributes(data_forecast_list[[1]])$outcome_name
  outcome_levels <- attributes(data_forecast_list[[1]])$outcome_levels
  groups <- attributes(data_forecast_list[[1]])$groups
  data_stop <- attributes(data_forecast_list[[1]])$data_stop

  data_forecast_list <- lapply(data_forecast_list, tibble::as_tibble)
  data_forecast <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_forecast_list)  # Collapse the forecast_results list(...).
  # For factor outcomes, is the prediction a factor level or probability?
  if (!is.null(outcome_levels)) {
    factor_level <- if (any(names(data_forecast) %in% paste0(outcome_name, "_pred"))) {TRUE} else {FALSE}
    factor_prob <- !factor_level
  if (any(unique(data_forecast$window_length) != 0)) {
    stop("Some models were trained using multiple validation windows. Retrain any final forecast models
         using create_windows(window_length = 0) before combining forecast models across horizons.")

  type <- type[1]

  if (!type %in% c("horizon", "error")) {  # List all available types here.
    stop("Select a forecast combination 'type' that is one of 'horizon' or 'error'.")

  if (type == "horizon" && method == "multi_output") {
    stop("Horizon-based forecast combinations are not needed for multi-output models because there is only one model.
         Validation-error-based forecast combinations are available for combining multiple multi-output models.")
  # Because different model forecast horizons could be passed in '...'--e.g., model A = 1- and 12-step-
  # ahead models and model B = 3-, 6-, and 9-step ahead models--, we'll combine the horizon-specific
  # forecasts into a single forecast using the function passed in 'aggregate'.
  if (type == "horizon" && is.null(outcome_levels)) {

    if (length(unique(data_forecast$model)) > 1) {
      data_forecast$model <- "Ensemble"

    forecast_intervals <- paste0(outcome_name, "_pred_lower") %in% names(data_forecast)

    if (!forecast_intervals) {

      data_forecast <- data_forecast %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$model, .data$model_forecast_horizon, .data$horizon, !!!rlang::syms(groups), .data$forecast_period) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(!!paste0(outcome_name, "_pred") := aggregate(!!rlang::sym(paste0(outcome_name, "_pred"))))

    } else {

      data_forecast <- data_forecast %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$model, .data$model_forecast_horizon, .data$horizon, !!!rlang::syms(groups), .data$forecast_period) %>%
        dplyr::summarize(!!paste0(outcome_name, "_pred") := aggregate(!!rlang::sym(paste0(outcome_name, "_pred"))),
                      !!paste0(outcome_name, "_pred_lower") := aggregate(!!rlang::sym(paste0(outcome_name, "_pred_lower"))),
                      !!paste0(outcome_name, "_pred_upper") := aggregate(!!rlang::sym(paste0(outcome_name, "_pred_upper"))))
    # Create a list of forecast horizons where each horizon-specific model will produce
    # a forecast. This is a greedy selection method where the final forecast is a combination of horizon-specific
    # models--the combination being that longer-term models only contribute forecasts that are not
    # already being contributed by shorter-term models.
    model_forecast_horizons <- sort(unique(data_forecast$model_forecast_horizon))

    horizon_filter <- lapply(seq_along(model_forecast_horizons), function(i) {

      if (i == 1) {

        if (model_forecast_horizons[i] == 1) {

          x <- 1

        } else {

          x <- seq(1, model_forecast_horizons[i])

      } else if (i < max(seq_along(model_forecast_horizons))) {

        x <- seq(model_forecast_horizons[i - 1] + 1, model_forecast_horizons[i], 1)

      } else {

        x <- seq(model_forecast_horizons[i - 1] + 1, model_forecast_horizons[i], 1)
    })  # End the creation of model-specific forecast combination horizon filter indices.
    # Filter the results so that short-term forecasts from shorter-term horizon-specific models overwrite
    # short-term forecasts from longer-term horizon-specific models.
    data_forecast <- lapply(seq_along(model_forecast_horizons), function(i) {

      data_forecast[data_forecast$model_forecast_horizon == model_forecast_horizons[i] &
                    data_forecast$horizon %in% horizon_filter[[i]], ]

    data_forecast <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_forecast)
    data_forecast <- dplyr::arrange(data_forecast, .data$horizon)
    data_forecast <- as.data.frame(data_forecast)

  } else if (type == "error") {

    data_error <- lapply(data_error, function(x) {x$error_by_horizon})
    data_error <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_error)

    if (!any(names(data_error) %in% metric)) {
      stop("The 'metric' is not available in 'data_error'. Re-run return_error() with your metric of choice.")

    names(data_error)[names(data_error) == "horizon"] <- "model_forecast_horizon"

    data_forecast <- dplyr::left_join(data_forecast, data_error, by = c("model", "model_forecast_horizon", groups))

    data_forecast <- data_forecast %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at(dplyr::vars(.data$horizon, !!groups)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate("error_rank" = base::rank(eval(parse(text = metric)), ties.method = "first")) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$error_rank == 1)

    data_forecast <- dplyr::select(data_forecast, -.data$window_length, -.data$window_number,
                                   -.data$window_start, -.data$window_stop, -.data$error_rank)

    if (is.null(groups)) {
      data_forecast <- dplyr::arrange(data_forecast, .data$horizon)
    } else {
      data_forecast <- dplyr::arrange(data_forecast, .data$horizon, !!rlang::sym(groups))

    data_forecast <- as.data.frame(data_forecast)
  }  # End type = "error".

  attr(data_forecast, "type") <- type
  attr(data_forecast, "outcome_name") <- outcome_name
  attr(data_forecast, "outcome_levels") <- outcome_levels
  attr(data_forecast, "groups") <- groups
  attr(data_forecast, "data_stop") <- data_stop
  attr(data_forecast, "metric") <- metric

  class(data_forecast) <- c("forecastML", "forecast_results", class(data_forecast))



#' Plot an object of class 'forecastML'
#' A forecast plot of h-step-ahead forecasts produced from multiple horizon-specific forecast models
#' using \code{combine_forecasts()}.
#' @param x An object of class 'forecastML' from \code{combine_forecasts()}.
#' @param data_actual A data.frame containing the target/outcome name and any grouping columns.
#' The data can be historical actuals and/or holdout/test data.
#' @param actual_indices Required if \code{data_actual} is given. A vector or 1-column data.frame
#' of numeric row indices or dates (class 'Date' or 'POSIXt') with length \code{nrow(data_actual)}.
#' The data can be historical actuals and/or holdout/test data.
#' @param facet Optional. A formula with any combination of \code{model}, or \code{group} (for grouped time series)
#' passed to \code{ggplot2::facet_grid()} internally (e.g., \code{~ model}, \code{model ~ .}, \code{~ model + group}).
#' @param models Optional. Filter results by user-defined model name from \code{train_model()}.
#' @param group_filter Optional. A string for filtering plot results for grouped time-series (e.g., \code{"group_col_1 == 'A'"});
#' passed to \code{dplyr::filter()} internally.
#' @param drop_facet Optional. Boolean. If actuals are given when forecasting factors, the plot facet with 'actual' data can be dropped.
#' @param interval_fill A character vector of color names or hex codes to fill the prediction intervals. For intervals with
#' multiple levels, the first color corresponds to the fill with the widest interval.
#' @param interval_alpha A numeric vector of alpha values to shade the prediction intervals. For intervals with
#' multiple levels, the first value corresponds to the shading with the widest interval.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return Forecast plot of class 'ggplot'.
#' @export
plot.forecastML <- function(x, data_actual = NULL, actual_indices = NULL, facet = ~ model,
                            models = NULL, group_filter = NULL,
                            drop_facet = FALSE, interval_fill = NULL, interval_alpha = NULL, ...) { # nocov start

  data_forecast <- x
  outcome_name <- attributes(data_forecast)$outcome_name
  outcome_levels <- attributes(data_forecast)$outcome_levels
  groups <- attributes(data_forecast)$groups
  data_stop <- attributes(data_forecast)$data_stop
  metric <- attributes(data_forecast)$metric
  horizons <- unique(data_forecast$horizon)
  prediction_intervals <- attributes(data_forecast)$prediction_intervals

  outcome_name_pred <- paste0(outcome_name, "_pred")
  outcome_name_pred_lower <- names(data_forecast)[grepl("_pred_lower", names(data_forecast))]
  outcome_name_pred_upper <- names(data_forecast)[grepl("_pred_upper", names(data_forecast))]
  data_forecast <- tibble::as_tibble(data_forecast)

  if (!is.null(prediction_intervals)) {

    if (length(names(data_forecast)[grepl("_pred_", names(data_forecast))]) / 2 > length(prediction_intervals)) {

      warning("User-defined prediction intervals will be ignored and replaced with those from calculate_intervals().")

      interval_names_lower <- names(data_forecast)[grepl("_pred_lower_", names(data_forecast))]
      interval_names_upper <- names(data_forecast)[grepl("_pred_upper_", names(data_forecast))]
      interval_names_ci <- c(interval_names_lower, interval_names_upper)
      interval_names_all <- c(outcome_name_pred_lower, outcome_name_pred_upper)

      interval_names_user <- interval_names_all[!interval_names_all %in% interval_names_ci]

      data_forecast <- data_forecast[, !names(data_forecast) %in% interval_names_user, drop = FALSE]

      outcome_name_pred_lower <- interval_names_lower
      outcome_name_pred_upper <- interval_names_upper

  if (!is.null(outcome_levels) && !is.null(groups) && !is.null(data_actual)) {
    stop("Plotting forecasts from grouped time series with an actuals dataset is not currently supported.")
  # Plot aesthetic arguments
  if (is.null(interval_fill) && !is.null(outcome_name_pred_lower)) {

    interval_fill <- rep("purple", length(outcome_name_pred_lower))

  if (is.null(interval_alpha) && !is.null(outcome_name_pred_lower)) {

    interval_alpha <- seq(.5, 1, length.out = length(outcome_name_pred_lower))
  names(data_forecast)[names(data_forecast) == "forecast_period"] <- "index"  # For code uniformity.
  # For factor outcomes, is the prediction a factor level or probability?
  if (!is.null(outcome_levels)) {
    factor_level <- if (any(names(data_forecast) %in% outcome_name_pred)) {TRUE} else {FALSE}
    factor_prob <- !factor_level
  facets <- forecastML_facet_plot(facet, groups)  # Function in zzz.R.
  facet <- facets[[1]]
  facet_names <- facets[[2]]
  if (!is.null(data_actual)) {

    data_actual <- data_actual[, c(outcome_name, groups), drop = FALSE]

    data_actual$index <- actual_indices

    if (!is.null(group_filter)) {

      data_actual <- dplyr::filter(data_actual, eval(parse(text = group_filter)))
  # Filter plots using user input.
  models <- if (is.null(models)) {unique(data_forecast$model)} else {models}

  data_forecast <- data_forecast[data_forecast$model %in% models, ]

  if (!is.null(group_filter)) {
    data_forecast <- dplyr::filter(data_forecast, eval(parse(text = group_filter)))
  # ggplot colors and facets are complimentary: all facets, same color; all colors, no facet.
  ggplot_color <- c(c("model", groups)[!c("model", groups) %in% facet_names])
  data_forecast$ggplot_color <- apply(data_forecast[,  ggplot_color, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "-")})

  # Give predictions a name in the legend if plot is faceted by model and horizon (and group if groups are given).
  if (length(ggplot_color) == 0) {
    data_forecast$ggplot_color <- "Forecast"

  data_forecast$ggplot_group <- apply(data_forecast[,  ggplot_color, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "-")})
  # Coerce to viridis color scale with an ordered factor. With the data.frame sorted, unique() pulls the levels in their order of appearance.
  data_forecast$ggplot_color <- factor(data_forecast$ggplot_color, levels = unique(data_forecast$ggplot_color), ordered = TRUE)

  data_forecast$ggplot_group <- factor(data_forecast$ggplot_group, levels = unique(data_forecast$ggplot_group), ordered = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(data_actual)) {

    # If the plot is faceted by model, repeat the actuals dataset once for each model in a long format for faceting by model.
    if (length(unique(data_forecast$model)) == 1) {

      data_actual$model <- unique(data_forecast$model)

    } else {

      n_reps <- nrow(data_actual)
      data_actual <- data_actual[rep(1:nrow(data_actual), length(unique(data_forecast$model))), ]
      data_actual$model <- rep(unique(data_forecast$model), each = n_reps)

    data_actual$ggplot_color <- apply(data_actual[,  ggplot_color, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "-")})

    # Give predictions a name in the legend if plot is faceted by model and horizon (and group if groups are given).
    if (length(ggplot_color) == 0) {
      data_actual$ggplot_color <- "Forecast"

    data_actual$ggplot_group <- apply(data_actual[,  ggplot_color, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "-")})
    # Coerce to viridis color scale with an ordered factor. The levels in the actual data are limited
    # to those factor levels that appear in the forecast data.
    data_actual$ggplot_color <- factor(data_actual$ggplot_color, levels = levels(data_forecast$ggplot_color), ordered = TRUE)

    data_actual$ggplot_group <- factor(data_actual$ggplot_group, levels = levels(data_forecast$ggplot_color), ordered = TRUE)

    if (is.null(outcome_levels)) {  # Numeric outcome.

      p <- ggplot()

      if (all(horizons == 1)) {  # Use geom_point instead of geom_line to plot a 1-step-ahead forecast.

        # If the plotting data.frame has both lower and upper forecasts plot these bounds.
        # We'll add the shading in a lower ggplot layer so the point forecasts are on top in the final plot.
        if (all(length(outcome_name_pred_lower) > 0, length(outcome_name_pred_upper) > 0)) {

          # geom_ribbon() does not work with a single data point when forecast bounds are plotted.
          p <- p + geom_linerange(data = data_forecast,
                                  aes(x = .data$index, ymin = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred_lower)),
                                      ymax = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred_upper)),
                                      color = .data$ggplot_color, group = .data$ggplot_group), alpha = .25, size = 3, show.legend = FALSE)


        p <- p + geom_point(data = data_forecast,
                            aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                color = .data$ggplot_color, group = .data$ggplot_group))

      }  # End forecast horizon of 1.
      if (!all(horizons == 1)) {  # Plot forecasts for model forecast horizons > 1.

        # If the plotting data.frame has both lower and upper forecasts, plot these bounds.
        if (all(length(outcome_name_pred_lower) > 0, length(outcome_name_pred_upper) > 0)) {

          # For geom_ribbon(), rows need to be added to the plotting dataset to remove gaps in the colored
          # ribbons so that they touch each other when changing from one model forecast horizon to the next.
          # dplyr::distinct() keep the first distinct row which is the desired behavior.
          if (is.null(groups)) {  # Single time series.

            data_fill <- dplyr::distinct(data_forecast, .data$model, .data$model_forecast_horizon, .keep_all = TRUE)

            data_fill <- data_forecast %>%
              dplyr::group_by_at(dplyr::vars(.data$model)) %>%
              dplyr::mutate("model_forecast_horizon" = dplyr::lag(.data$model_forecast_horizon, 1)) %>%

            data_fill <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_forecast, data_fill)

            data_fill_lower <- data_fill[, names(data_fill)[!names(data_fill) %in% outcome_name_pred_upper]]
            data_fill_upper <- data_fill[, names(data_fill)[!names(data_fill) %in% outcome_name_pred_lower]]

            data_fill_lower <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data_fill_lower, cols = outcome_name_pred_lower, names_to = ".interval", values_to = ".lower")
            data_fill_upper <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data_fill_upper, cols = rev((outcome_name_pred_upper)), names_to = ".interval", values_to = ".upper")

            data_fill <- data_fill_lower
            data_fill$.upper <- data_fill_upper$.upper

            if (is.null(prediction_intervals)) {

              prediction_intervals <- length(outcome_name_pred_lower)

              data_fill$prediction_intervals <- factor(prediction_intervals, ordered = TRUE)

            } else {

              data_fill$prediction_intervals <- factor(data_fill$.interval, levels = unique(data_fill$.interval), labels = rev(prediction_intervals), ordered = TRUE)

            for (i in seq_along(prediction_intervals)) {

              p <- p + geom_ribbon(data = data_fill[as.numeric(as.character(data_fill$prediction_intervals)) == rev(prediction_intervals)[i], ],
                                   aes(x = .data$index,
                                       ymin = .data$.lower,
                                       ymax = .data$.upper,
                                       fill = .data$prediction_intervals,
                                       alpha = .data$prediction_intervals
                                   linetype = 0)

            p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = rev(interval_fill))

            p <- p + scale_alpha_manual(values = rev(interval_alpha))

          } else {  # Grouped time series.

            data_fill <- dplyr::distinct(data_forecast, .data$model, .data$model_forecast_horizon, .data$ggplot_group, .keep_all = TRUE)

            data_fill <- data_forecast %>%
              dplyr::group_by_at(dplyr::vars(.data$model, .data$ggplot_group)) %>%
              dplyr::mutate("model_forecast_horizon" = dplyr::lag(.data$model_forecast_horizon, 1)) %>%

            data_fill <- dplyr::bind_rows(data_forecast, data_fill)

            data_fill_lower <- data_fill[, names(data_fill)[!names(data_fill) %in% outcome_name_pred_upper]]
            data_fill_upper <- data_fill[, names(data_fill)[!names(data_fill) %in% outcome_name_pred_lower]]

            data_fill_lower <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data_fill_lower, cols = outcome_name_pred_lower, names_to = ".interval", values_to = ".lower")
            data_fill_upper <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data_fill_upper, cols = rev((outcome_name_pred_upper)), names_to = ".interval", values_to = ".upper")

            data_fill <- data_fill_lower
            data_fill$.upper <- data_fill_upper$.upper

            if (!is.null(prediction_intervals)) {

              data_fill$prediction_intervals <- as.numeric(as.character(factor(data_fill$.interval, levels = unique(data_fill$.interval), labels = rev(prediction_intervals), ordered = TRUE)))

              for (i in seq_along(prediction_intervals)) {

                p <- p + geom_ribbon(data = data_fill[data_fill$prediction_intervals == prediction_intervals[i], ],
                                     aes(x = .data$index, ymin = .data$.lower,
                                         ymax = .data$.upper,
                                         color = .data$ggplot_group,
                                         fill = .data$ggplot_group),
                                     alpha = .25,
                                     linetype = 0, show.legend = FALSE)

            } else {

              p <- p + geom_ribbon(data = data_fill,
                                   aes(x = .data$index, ymin = .data$.lower,
                                       ymax = .data$.upper,
                                       color = .data$ggplot_group,
                                       fill = .data$ggplot_group),
                                   linetype = 0, alpha = .25, show.legend = FALSE)
        }  # End plotting lower and upper forecast bounds.

        if (is.null(groups)) {  # Single time series.

          if (is.null(prediction_intervals)) {

            p <- p + geom_line(data = data_forecast,
                               aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                   color = ordered(.data$model_forecast_horizon), group = .data$ggplot_group))

            p <- p + geom_point(data = data_forecast,
                                aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                    color = ordered(.data$model_forecast_horizon), group = .data$ggplot_group), color = "black")

          } else {

            p <- p + geom_line(data = data_forecast,
                               aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                   group = .data$ggplot_group), size = 1.2, color = "white", show.legend = FALSE)

            p <- p + geom_line(data = data_forecast,
                               aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                               group = .data$ggplot_group), color = "black", show.legend = FALSE)

            p <- p + geom_point(data = data_forecast,
                                aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                    group = .data$ggplot_group), size = 3, color = "white", show.legend = FALSE)

            p <- p + geom_point(data = data_forecast,
                                aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                    group = .data$ggplot_group), color = "black", show.legend = FALSE)

        } else {  # Grouped time series.

          p <- p + geom_line(data = data_forecast,
                             aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                 group = .data$ggplot_color), size = 1.2, color = "white", show.legend = FALSE)

          p <- p + geom_line(data = data_forecast,
                             aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                 color = .data$ggplot_color, group = .data$ggplot_group))

          p <- p + geom_point(data = data_forecast,
                              aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                  group = .data$ggplot_color), size = 3, color = "white", show.legend = FALSE)

          p <- p + geom_point(data = data_forecast,
                              aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name_pred)),
                                  color = .data$ggplot_color, group = .data$ggplot_group))
      }  # End plot forecasts for model forecast horizons > 1.
      # Add user-defined actuals data to the plots.
      if (!is.null(data_actual)) {

        if (is.null(groups)) {

          p <- p + geom_line(data = data_actual, aes(x = .data$index,
                                                     y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name))), color = "grey50")
        } else {

          # If faceting by group, this reduces to the single time series case so the actuals
          # will be the default grey so as not to double encode the plot data.
          if (any(facet_names %in% groups)) {

            p <- p + geom_line(data = data_actual, aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name))), color = "grey50", show.legend = FALSE)

          } else if (facet_names != c("model")) {  # The actuals colors cannot be uniquely mapped to the forecast plot colors.

            p <- p + geom_line(data = data_actual, aes(x = .data$index, y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name))), color = "grey50", show.legend = FALSE)

          } else if (facet_names == c("model")) {  # The actuals can be uniquely mapped to the forecasts given the faceting.

            p <- p + geom_line(data = data_actual, aes(x = .data$index,
                                                       y = eval(parse(text = outcome_name)),
                                                       color = .data$ggplot_color,
                                                       group = .data$ggplot_group), show.legend = FALSE)
      }  # End plot of user-supplied historical and/or test set actuals.
      p <- p + scale_color_viridis_d()
      p <- p + facet_grid(facet, scales = "free_y")
      p <- p + theme_bw() + theme(panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"))
    } else {  # Factor outcome.

      data_plot <- data_forecast

      if (is.null(metric)) {  # combine_forecasts(type = "horizon")

        data_plot$ggplot_color_group <- apply(data_plot[,  c("model", groups), drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "-")})

      } else {  # combine_forecasts(type = "error")

        data_plot$ggplot_color_group <- apply(data_plot[,  groups, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "-")})

      if (factor_prob) {  # Plot predicted class probabilities.

        # Melt the data for plotting the multiple class probabilities in stacked bars.
        data_plot <- suppressWarnings(tidyr::gather(data_plot, "outcome", "value",
                                                    -!!names(data_plot)[!names(data_plot) %in% c(outcome_levels)]))

          # The actuals, if given, will be combined with the forecasts in a single data.frame for plotting.
          if (!is.null(data_actual)) {

            # actual or forecast: these are all actuals.
            data_actual$actual_or_forecast <- "actual"
            # historical, test, or model_forecast: these may be any combination of historical data and a holdout test dataset.
            data_actual$time_series_type <- with(data_actual, ifelse(index <= data_stop, "historical", "test"))
            names(data_actual)[names(data_actual) == outcome_name] <- "outcome"  # Standardize before concat with forecasts.
            data_actual$ggplot_color_group <- "Actual"  # Actuals will be plotted in the top plot facet.
            data_actual$value <- 1  # Plot a solid bar with probability 1 in geom_col().

            # In cases where historical data is provided in data_actual, duplicate the historical data
            # such that it appears as a sequence in each plot facet. Here, 'model' gives the,
            # possibly user-filtered, plot facets.
            if ("historical" %in% unique(data_actual$time_series_type)) {

              data_hist <- data_actual[data_actual$time_series_type == "historical", c("index", "outcome", "value", "ggplot_color_group")]
              n_rows <- nrow(data_hist)
              data_hist <- data_hist[rep(1:nrow(data_hist), length(unique(data_plot$ggplot_color_group))), ]
              data_hist$ggplot_color_group <- rep(unique(data_plot$ggplot_color_group), each = n_rows)

              data_actual <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(data_hist, data_actual))

          # Standardize names for plotting and before any concatenation with data_actual.
          names(data_plot)[names(data_plot) == "forecast_period"] <- "index"
          data_plot$actual_or_forecast <- "forecast"
          data_plot$time_series_type <- "model_forecast"

          if (!is.null(data_actual)) {
            data_plot <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(data_plot, data_actual))

          data_plot$ggplot_color_group <- factor(data_plot$ggplot_color_group, levels = rev(unique(data_plot$ggplot_color_group)), ordered = TRUE)
          data_plot$value <- as.numeric(data_plot$value)
          data_plot$outcome <- factor(data_plot$outcome, levels = outcome_levels, ordered = TRUE)

          if (drop_facet) {
            data_plot <- data_plot[!grepl("Actual", data_plot$ggplot_color_group), ]

          if (!is.null(groups)) {
            data_plot <- dplyr::distinct(data_plot, .data$ggplot_color_group, .data$index, .data$outcome, .keep_all = TRUE)

          p <- ggplot()
          p <- p + geom_col(data = data_plot,
                            aes(x = .data$index, y = .data$value, color = .data$outcome, fill = .data$outcome),
                            position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE))
          p <- p + scale_color_viridis_d(drop = FALSE)
          p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(drop = FALSE)
          if (is.null(groups)) {
            p <- p + facet_wrap(~ ggplot_color_group, scales = "free_y")
          } else {
            p <- p + facet_grid(ggplot_color_group ~ ., scales = "free_y")
          p <- p + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"))
      } else {  # Plot predicted factor level.

        if (!is.null(data_actual)) {

          # actual or forecast: these are all actuals.
          data_actual$actual_or_forecast <- "actual"
          # historical, test, or model_forecast: these may be any combination of historical data and a holdout test dataset.
          data_actual$time_series_type <- with(data_actual, ifelse(index <= data_stop, "historical", "test"))
          names(data_actual)[names(data_actual) == outcome_name] <- "outcome"  # Standardize before concat with forecasts.
          data_actual$ggplot_color_group <- "Actual"  # Actuals will be plotted in the top plot facet.
          data_actual$value <- 1  # Plot a solid bar with probability 1 in geom_col().

          # In cases where historical data is provided in data_actual, duplicate the historical data
          # such that it appears as a sequence in each plot facet. Here, 'ggplot_color_group' gives the,
          # possibly user-filtered, plot facets.
          if ("historical" %in% unique(data_actual$time_series_type)) {

            data_hist <- data_actual[data_actual$time_series_type == "historical", c("index", "outcome", "value", "ggplot_color_group")]
            n_rows <- nrow(data_hist)
            data_hist <- data_hist[rep(1:nrow(data_hist), length(unique(data_plot$ggplot_color_group))), ]
            data_hist$ggplot_color_group <- rep(unique(data_plot$ggplot_color_group), each = n_rows)

            data_actual <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(data_hist, data_actual))

        # Standardize names for plotting and before any concatenation with data_actual.
        names(data_plot)[names(data_plot) == "forecast_period"] <- "index"
        names(data_plot)[names(data_plot) == outcome_name_pred] <- "outcome"
        data_plot$value <- 1
        data_plot$actual_or_forecast <- "forecast"
        data_plot$time_series_type <- "model_forecast"

        if (!is.null(data_actual)) {
          data_plot <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(data_plot, data_actual))

        data_plot$ggplot_color_group <- factor(data_plot$ggplot_color_group, levels = rev(unique(data_plot$ggplot_color_group)), ordered = TRUE)
        data_plot$value <- as.numeric(data_plot$value)
        data_plot$outcome <- factor(data_plot$outcome, levels = outcome_levels, ordered = TRUE)

        if (drop_facet) {
          data_plot <- data_plot[!grepl("Actual", data_plot$ggplot_color_group), ]

        p <- ggplot()
        p <- p + geom_col(data = data_plot,
                          aes(x = .data$index, y = .data$value, color = .data$outcome, fill = .data$outcome),
                          position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE))
        p <- p + scale_y_continuous(limits = 0:1)
        p <- p + scale_color_viridis_d(drop = FALSE)
        p <- p + scale_fill_viridis_d(drop = FALSE)
        if (is.null(groups)) {
          p <- p + facet_wrap(~ ggplot_color_group, scales = "free_y")
        } else {
          p <- p + facet_grid(ggplot_color_group ~ ., scales = "free_y")
        p <- p + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(), panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"))
      }  # End factor level prediction plots.
    }  # End numeric and factor outcome plot setup.
    # Add a vertical line to mark the beginning of the forecast period.
    p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = data_stop, color = "red")

  temp_1 <- unlist(Map(function(x) {toupper(substr(x[1], 1, 1))}, ggplot_color))
  temp_2 <- unlist(Map(function(x) {substr(x, 2, nchar(x))}, ggplot_color))
  x_axis_title <- paste(temp_1, temp_2, sep = "")
  x_axis_title <- paste(x_axis_title, collapse = " + ")

  if (is.null(outcome_levels)) {  # Numeric outcome.

    if (is.null(prediction_intervals)) {

      p <- p + xlab("Dataset index") + ylab("Outcome") +
        labs(color = x_axis_title, fill = NULL) +
        ggtitle("H-Step-Ahead Model Forecasts")

    } else {

      p <- p + xlab("Dataset index") + ylab("Outcome") +
        labs(color = x_axis_title, fill = "Level", alpha = "Level") +
        ggtitle("H-Step-Ahead Model Forecasts")

  } else {  # Factor ouctome.

    p <- p + xlab("Dataset index") + ylab("Outcome") +
      labs(color = "Outcome", fill = "Outcome") +
      ggtitle("H-Step-Ahead Model Forecasts")

} # nocov end
nredell/forecastML documentation built on June 14, 2020, 5:12 p.m.