Defines functions LDS_BFGS ssqTrain negLogLik LDS_BFGS_with_update LDS_GA penalized_likelihood vec_to_list

Documented in LDS_BFGS LDS_BFGS_with_update LDS_GA negLogLik penalized_likelihood vec_to_list

#' Converts theta from a vector (as used in GA) to list (as used in Kalman smoothing)
#' @param theta.vec a vector of parameter elements
#' @param d dimention of inputs
#' @return A theta object, see [make_init]
vec_to_list <- function(theta.vec, d) {
  d2 <- d*2
  list(A = matrix(theta.vec[1]),
       B = matrix(theta.vec[2:(d+1)],1,d),
       C = matrix(theta.vec[d+2]),
       D = matrix(theta.vec[(d+3):(d2+2)], 1, d),
       Q = matrix(theta.vec[d2+3]),
       R = matrix(theta.vec[d2+4]),
       mu1 = matrix(theta.vec[d2+5]),
       V1 = matrix(theta.vec[d2+6]))

#' Penalized likelihood objective function
#' [Kalman_smoother] returns X and likelihood.
#' The penalized likelihood is the likelihood minus the sum-of-squares of the
#' measurement update. This is used as the fitness function in genetic algorihm.
#' @inheritParams Kalman_smoother
#' @param theta.vec a vector of parameter elements (i.e, the vectorized version of theta
#' in \code{Kalman_smoother})
#' @param lambda weight of the penalty
#' @return The penalized likelihood (a real number)
penalized_likelihood <- function(y, u, v, theta.vec, lambda) {

  theta.list <- vec_to_list(theta.vec, nrow(u))
  ks.result <- Kalman_smoother(y, u, v, theta.list, stdlik = FALSE)

  # Calculate sum of squares of measurement update
  A <- theta.list$A
  B <- theta.list$B
  N <- ncol(u)
  X.tp1 <- ks.result$X[1, 2:N]
  X.t <- ks.result$X[1,1:(N-1)]
  ssq <- sum((X.tp1 - A %*% X.t - B %*% u[,1:(N-1)])^2)
  # X <- rep(0, N)
  # for (i in 2:N) X[i] <- A * X[i-1] + B %*% u[,i-1]
  # ssq <- sum((ks.result$X - X)^2)
  ks.result$lik - lambda * ssq

#' Learn a linear dynamical system using Genetic Algorithm.
#' **Warning** This is an experimental feature. Use with care.
#' @inheritParams LDS_reconstruction
#' @param y Transformed and standardized streamflow
#' @param parallel Logical, whether parallel computation is used
#' @param lambda weight for penalty
#' @return A list of reconstruction results; see [LDS_reconstruction]
LDS_GA <- function(y, u, v, lambda = 1, ub, lb, num.islands = 4, pop.per.island = 100, niter = 1000, parallel = TRUE) {

  # Run genetic algorithm
  d <- nrow(u)
  GA <- GA::gaisl(type = 'real-valued',
                  fitness = function(theta) penalized_likelihood(y, u, v, theta, lambda),
                  lower = lb,
                  upper = ub,
                  popSize = pop.per.island * num.islands,
                  numIslands = num.islands,
                  # migrationRate = 0.01,
                  names = c('A', paste0('B', 1:d), 'C', paste0('D', 1:d), 'Q', 'R',   'V1'),
                  run = 100,
                  maxiter = niter,
                  monitor = FALSE,
                  optim = FALSE, # optim = TRUE gives ugly results
                  parallel = parallel)
  # fit <- summary(GA)
  # best <- which.max(fit$fitnessValues)
  theta.vec <- GA@solution

  # Reconstruction with measurement update
  theta <- vec_to_list(theta.vec, d)
  ks.result <- Kalman_smoother(y, u, v, theta) # Return standardized lik so that it's comparable with EM
  list(theta = theta,
       fit = ks.result,
       lik = ks.result$lik,
       pl = GA@fitnessValue)

#' Learn LDS with L-BFGS-B
#' **Warning** This is an experimental feature. Use with care.
#' @inheritParams LDS_GA
#' @inheritParams LDS_reconstruction
#' @return A list of reconstruction results; see [LDS_reconstruction]
LDS_BFGS_with_update <- function(y, u, v, lambda = 1, ub, lb, num.restarts = 100, parallel = TRUE) {

  d <- nrow(u)
  # Initial guess for L-BFGS-B
  par.list <- replicate(num.restarts,
                        stats::runif(d + d + 6, min = lb, max = ub),
                        simplify = FALSE)
  # Non-standard call issue in R CMD check
  par <- NULL
  if (parallel) {
    optim.result <- foreach(par = par.list, .packages = 'stats') %dopar%
                   function(theta) -penalized_likelihood(y, u, v, theta, lambda),
                   method = 'L-BFGS-B',
                   lower = lb,
                   upper = ub)
  } else {
    optim.result <- lapply(par.list, function(par)
                   function(theta) -penalized_likelihood(y, u, v, theta, lambda),
                   method = 'L-BFGS-B',
                   lower = lb,
                   upper = ub))

  optim.vals <- sapply(optim.result, '[[', 'value')
  best <- which.max(optim.vals)
  theta.vec <- optim.result[[best]]$par

  # Reconstruction with measurement update
  theta <- vec_to_list(theta.vec, d)
  ks.result <- Kalman_smoother(y, u, v, theta)
  list(theta = theta,
       fit = ks.result,
       lik = ks.result$lik,
       pl = optim.vals[best])


#' Calculates the negative log-likelihood
#' @param theta A vector of model parameters, to be converted to a list
#' @param u Input matrix
#' @param v Input matrix
#' @param y Observations
#' @return The negative log-likelihood
negLogLik <- function(theta, u, v, y) {

  theta <- vec_to_list(theta, nrow(u))
  estimates <- propagate(theta, u, v, y)

ssqTrain <- function(theta, u, v, y) {
  theta <- vec_to_list(theta, nrow(u))
  estimates <- propagate(theta, u, v, y)
  sum((y - as.vector(estimates$Y))^2, na.rm = TRUE)

#' Learn LDS with L-BFGS-B
#' **Warning** This is an experimental feature. Use with care.
#' @inheritParams LDS_GA
#' @inheritParams LDS_reconstruction
#' @return A list of reconstruction results; see [LDS_reconstruction]
LDS_BFGS <- function(y, u, v, ub, lb, num.restarts = 100, parallel = TRUE) {

  d <- nrow(u)
  # Initial guess for L-BFGS-B
  par.list <- replicate(num.restarts,
                        stats::runif(d + d + 6, min = lb, max = ub),
                        simplify = FALSE)

  par <- NULL
  `%DO%` <- if (parallel) foreach::`%dopar%` else foreach::`%do%`
  # REMEMBER: optim() only accepts vector for par
  optim.result <- foreach(par = par.list, .packages = 'stats') %DO%
                 ssqTrain, u = u, v = v, y = y,
                 method = 'L-BFGS-B',
                 lower = lb,
                 upper = ub)

  optim.vals <- sapply(optim.result, '[[', 'value')
  best <- which.max(optim.vals)
  theta.vec <- optim.result[[best]]$par
  # browser()
  # Reconstruction with measurement update
  theta <- vec_to_list(theta.vec, d)
  result <- propagate(theta, u, v, y)
  list(theta = theta,
       fit = result,
       lik = result$lik,
       pl = optim.vals[best])
ntthung/ldsr documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 2:34 a.m.