
Defines functions get_game_stats

Documented in get_game_stats

#' Get game statistics
#' @param uuid String of the uuid for the game
#' @return A list from the JSON match stats returned from the Cyanide API
#' @export
#' @examples
get_game_stats <- function(uuid, platform) {
  #add leading 1<platform_code> to uuid if not present
  platform_code <- c(pc=0,ps4=1,xb1=2)
  if(grepl("^0", uuid)) uuid <- stringr::str_c(1,platform_code[platform],uuid)

  httr::POST(paste0("http://app2-pc.bb2.cyanide-studio.com:21050/BB2/GetMatch/?matchUUID=",uuid)) %>%
    httr::content() %>%
    structure(class = c("BBgame",class(.)))

#' Total match statistics
#' Calculate the total match statistics for a team by adding the individual player statistics. Slightly slower than using the pre-summarised stats in .$RowMatch, but these are inaccurate - eg. crowdsurfs aren't recorded at all.
#' Available statistics are \code{"inflictedCasualties", "inflictedCatches", "inflictedDead", "inflictedInjuries", "inflictedInterceptions", "inflictedKO", "inflictedMetersPassing", "inflictedMetersRunning", "inflictedPasses", "inflictedPushOuts", "inflictedStuns", "inflictedTackles", "inflictedTouchdowns", "sustainedCasualties", "sustainedDead", "sustainedInjuries", "sustainedInterceptions", "sustainedKO", "sustainedStuns", "sustainedTackles"}
#' @param match_data Match data object from \code{get_game_stats}
#' @param stat Name of the statistic to collect
#' @param team One of \code{"home"} or \code{"away"} to identify the team
#' @return The sum of the individual player stats for the team
#' @export
#' @examples m = get_game_stats(uuid = "1000304d15")
#' home_kills <- stat_total(m, "inflictedDead", "home")
stat_total <- function(match_data, stat, team) {
  team = c("home" = 1, "away" = 2)[[team]]

  match_data$MatchResultDetails$coachResults[[team]]$teamResult$playerResults %>%
    purrr::map("statistics") %>%
    purrr::map_dbl(stat) %>%

parse_skills <- function(match_data, player_skills) {
  all_skills <- match_data$MatchResultDetails$MatchPlayerSkillsInfos

    ~all_skills[[.]] %>%
      magrittr::extract2("Name") %>%
      stringr::str_replace_all("([a-z])([A-Z])","\\1 \\2") %>%
      stringr::str_replace("Increase Movement", "+MA") %>%
      stringr::str_replace("Increase Armour", "+AV") %>%
      stringr::str_replace("Increase Agility", "+AG") %>%
      stringr::str_replace("Increase Strength", "+ST")

#' Parse injuries taken in a game
#' @param player_result an element from the playerResults list from Cyanide's GetMatch API for a team
#' @return The injuries sustained by the player during the game
#' @export
parse_injuries <- function(player_result) {
   cas1 = player_result$casualty1 %>% id_to_casualty()
   cas2 = player_result$casualty2 %>% id_to_casualty()

   # combine cas1 and cas2 if cas2 exists and is different
   if(!is.na(cas2) & cas1!=cas2) cas1 = sprintf("%s, %s", cas1, cas2)


#' Parse permanent injuries for a player
#' @param cas_list listCasualties from the playerResults list from Cyanide's GetMatch API for a team
#' @return Any permanent injuries (niggle or stat bust) sustained by a player
#' @export
parse_perms <- function(cas_list) {
  if(length(cas_list) == 0) return(NA_character_)
  cas_list %>%
    magrittr::extract(which(. >= 10)) %>% # Niggle or worse
    map_chr(id_to_casualty) %>%
    paste0(collapse = ", ") %>%
    magrittr::inset(which(. == ""), NA_character_) # only BH/MNG in perm list

#' Get team score
#' @param match_data Match data object from \code{get_game_stats}
#' @param team One of \code{"home"} or \code{"away"} to identify the team
#' @return Number of touchdowns scored by the specified team
#' @export
score <- function(match_data, team) {
  score_string <- paste0(team,"Score")


#' Get Player Data
#' Gets player data for a match. Recording injuries received and SPP gained.
#' @param match_data Match data object from \code{get_game_stats}
#' @param team One of \code{"home"} or \code{"away"} to identify the team
#' @return A \code{data_frame} containing summary information for players who played during the match
#' @export
player_data <- function(match_data, team) {
  team = c("home" = 1, "away" = 2)[[team]]
  playerResults <- match_data$MatchResultDetails$coachResults[[team]]$teamResult$playerResults

    name     = playerResults %>% purrr::map("playerData") %>% purrr::map("name") %>% purrr::map_chr(star_player_name),
    type     = playerResults %>% purrr::map("playerData") %>% purrr::map_int("idPlayerTypes") %>% purrr::map_chr(id_to_playertype),
    skills   = playerResults %>% purrr::map("playerData") %>% purrr::map("listSkills") %>% purrr::map2(list(match_data), ~parse_skills(.y,.x)) %>% purrr::map_chr(paste0,collapse=", ") %>% magrittr::inset(which(.==""), "Unskilled"),
    injuries = playerResults %>% purrr::map_chr(parse_injuries),
    perms    = playerResults %>% purrr::map("playerData") %>% purrr::map("listCasualties") %>% purrr:::map_chr(parse_perms),
    SPP      = playerResults %>% purrr::map("playerData") %>% purrr::map_int("experience"),
    SPP_gain = playerResults %>% purrr::map_int("xp"),
    lvlup    = purrr::map2_lgl(SPP,SPP_gain, did_level_up)

did_level_up <- function(spp_before, spp_gained) {
  level_triggers <- c(6,16,31,51,76,176)
  new_triggers <- level_triggers[level_triggers > spp_before]

  any(seq(spp_before, spp_before+spp_gained) %in% new_triggers)
nufflytics/nufflytics documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 5:27 p.m.