
Defines functions .missingSummary_makeResultFrame .missingSummary_excludeMissingForm .missingSummary_isMissingInField missingSummary_offline missingSummary.redcapApiConnection missingSummary

Documented in missingSummary missingSummary_offline missingSummary.redcapApiConnection

#' @name missingSummary
#' @aliases missingSummary_offline
#' @title Report of Missing Values
#' @description Returns a data frame of subject events with missing values. 
#' @inheritParams common-rcon-arg
#' @inheritParams common-api-args
#' @param records `character(1)` A filename pointing to the raw records
#'   download from REDCap.
#' @param meta_data `character(1)` A filename pointing to the data dictionary 
#'   download from REDCap.
#' @param excludeMissingForms `logical(1)` When `TRUE`, forms where all 
#'   fields are missing are assumed to be deliberately missing data and 
#'   are excluded from the count of missing values. An example when this is
#'   desirable is if a patient did not experience an adverse event; 
#'   the adverse event form would contain no data and the empty fields
#'   should not be considered missing data.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to inner call of exportRecordsTyped.
#' @details The intention of this function is to generate a list of subject
#'   events that are missing and could potentially be values that should have
#'   been entered.
#'   The branching logic from the data dictionary is parsed and translated into
#'   and R expression.  When a field with branching logic passes the logical
#'   statement, it is evaluated with `is.na`, otherwise, it is set to 
#'   `FALSE` (non-missing, because there was never an opportunity to 
#'   provide a value).  The utility of this function is limited to simple 
#'   logic where all of the
#'   data exist within the same row. Any complex statements using events 
#'   will result in a failure. 
#'   Optionally, forms that are entirely missing can be determined to be 
#'   non-missing.  This is applicable when, for instance, a patient did not 
#'   have an adverse event.  In this case, a form dedicated to adverse events 
#'   would contain meaningless missing values and could be excluded from the 
#'   report.
#' @seealso 
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI")`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
#'              url = "your_redcap_url", 
#'              keyring = "API_KEYs", 
#'              envir = globalenv())
#' # Generate a summary of missing values for the entire project
#' missingSummary(rcon)
#' # Generate a summary of missing values for a single form
#' missingSummary(rcon, 
#'                exportRecordsArgs = list(forms = "target_form"))
#' }
#' @export

missingSummary <- function(rcon, 
                           excludeMissingForms = TRUE, 

#' @rdname missingSummary
#' @export

missingSummary.redcapApiConnection <- function(rcon, 
                                               excludeMissingForms = TRUE, 
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_class(x = rcon,
                          classes = "redcapApiConnection",
                          add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = excludeMissingForms, 
                            len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  RecordsOrig <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon, cast=raw_cast,...)
  # Import the Meta Data --------------------------------------------
  MetaData <- rcon$metadata()
  MetaData <- MetaData[MetaData$field_type != "descriptive", ]
  logic <- parseBranchingLogic(MetaData$branching_logic)
  names(logic) <- MetaData$field_name
  Records <- .missingSummary_isMissingInField(RecordsOrig, 
  if (excludeMissingForms){
    Records <- .missingSummary_excludeMissingForm(Records, 

#' @rdname missingSummary
#' @export

missingSummary_offline <- function(records, 
                                   excludeMissingForms = TRUE){
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_file_exists(x = records, 
                                add = coll)
                                add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = excludeMissingForms, 
                            len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  records_orig <- utils::read.csv(records,
  meta_data <- 
                    col.names=c('field_name', 'form_name', 'section_header',
                                'field_type', 'field_label', 'select_choices_or_calculations',
                                'field_note', 'text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number',
                                'text_validation_min', 'text_validation_max', 'identifier',
                                'branching_logic', 'required_field', 'custom_alignment',
                                'question_number', 'matrix_group_name', 'matrix_ranking',
  meta_data <- meta_data[meta_data$field_type != "descriptive", ]
  logic <- parseBranchingLogic(meta_data$branching_logic)
  names(logic) <- meta_data$field_name
  records <- .missingSummary_isMissingInField(records_orig, 
  if (excludeMissingForms){
    records <- .missingSummary_excludeMissingForm(records, 

# UNEXPORTED --------------------------------------------------------

.missingSummary_isMissingInField <- function(records_orig, 
  records <- records_orig
  for (i in seq_along(records)){
    # Actual field name
    this_field <- names(records)[i]
    # Remove checkbox suffixes. This allows logic to be matched to the field.
    this_field_base <- sub(REGEX_CHECKBOX_FIELD_NAME, #defined in constants.R 
                           "\\1", this_field, perl = TRUE)
    # get the logic expression for this iteration of the loop
    this_logic <- logic[[this_field_base]]
    # We are only going to look at fields that are informative as missing.
    # we skip fixed fields (see unexported) and the ID variable.
    if (!this_field %in% c(REDCAP_SYSTEM_FIELDS, 
                           meta_data$field_name[1]) & 
      # get the name of the form on which the field is saved
      tmp_form <- meta_data$form_name[meta_data$field_name == 
                                        sub("___[[:print:]]", "", names(records)[i])]
      tmp_form <- paste0(tmp_form, "_complete")
      # NOTE: in the result, TRUE means the value is missing
      #                      FALSE means the value is non-missing
      if (tmp_form == "_complete"){
        # If we are here, we did not find a matching form name. We will 
        # assume variables not on a form are always non-missing.
        records[[i]] <- rep(FALSE, nrow(records))
      else if (!tmp_form %in% names(records)){
        # If we are here, we are evaluating a `[form]_complete` field. 
        # We just want to know if it is missing or not.
        records[[i]] <- is.na(records[[i]])
      } else if (!is.expression(this_logic)) {
        # If we are here, there is not branching logic. 
        # If the `[form]_complete` field is missing, we return FALSE
        # If the `[form]_complete` is non-missing, we return the missingness of the value
        records[[i]] <- ifelse(test = is.na(records_orig[[tmp_form]]), 
                               yes = FALSE, 
                               no = is.na(records_orig[[i]]))
        # Here we have branching logic.
        # If the `[form]_complete` field is missing, we return FALSE
        # If the `[form]_complete` is non-missing:
        #    The branching logic is satisfied: return the missingness of the value
        #    The branchign logic is not satisfied: return FALSE
        records[[i]] <- ifelse(test = is.na(records_orig[[tmp_form]]),
                               yes = FALSE,
                               no = ifelse(test = with(records_orig, eval(this_logic)), 
                                           yes = is.na(records_orig[[i]]),
                                           no = FALSE))

.missingSummary_excludeMissingForm <- function(records, 
  # Get the `[form]_complete` fields.
  form_names <- unique(meta_data$form_name)
  form_complete_names <- paste0(form_names, "_complete")
  form_complete_names <- form_complete_names[form_complete_names %in% names(records)]
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(records))){
    # For each record, find the fields associated with the forms
    # where the `[form]_complete` field is missing.
    is_this_form_complete_missing <- records[i, form_complete_names]
    is_this_form_complete_missing <- vapply(is_this_form_complete_missing, 
                                            FUN = is.na, 
                                            FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    these_forms <- form_names[is_this_form_complete_missing]
    completeFormMissing <- lapply(these_forms,
                                    flds <- meta_data$field_name[meta_data$form_name %in% f]
                                    flds <- flds[!flds %in% meta_data$field_name[1]]
                                    flds <- flds[!flds %in% meta_data$field_name[meta_data$field_type == "checkbox"]]
                                    if (length(flds) == 0){
                                    else if (all(unlist(records[i, flds, drop = FALSE]) | sapply(logic[flds], is.expression))){
                                    else {
    # If the `[form]_complete` field is missing, we set the missingness value of the 
    # record for fields on that value to FALSE, indicating that they are non-missing
    # That is, we do not consider a value missing unless the form is marked either 'Complete' or 'Incomplete'
    completeFormMissing <- unlist(completeFormMissing)
    if (!is.null(completeFormMissing)){
      records[i, completeFormMissing] <- FALSE    

.missingSummary_makeResultFrame <- function(records, 
  # These are the identifier fields in the result
  start_field <- c(meta_data$field_name[1], 
  start_field <- start_field[start_field %in% names(records)]
  # Make the initial data frame of results. Only the identifiers here
  MissingSummary <- records[start_field]
  # Remove the identifier fields from `records`.
  # This makes it easier to run an apply statement on the rows
  records <- records[!names(records) %in% start_field]
  # Number of missing values
  MissingSummary$n_missing <- numeric(nrow(records))
  MissingSummary$missing <- character(nrow(records))
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(MissingSummary))){
    missing_this_row <- vapply(records[i, ], 
                               FUN = isTRUE, 
                               FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
    MissingSummary$n_missing[i] <- sum(missing_this_row)
    MissingSummary$missing[i] <- paste0(names(records)[missing_this_row], 
                                        collapse = ", ")
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.