
#' @export
nkbc09e <- list(
  code = "nkbc09e",
  kortnamn = "nkbc_pop_tnm_n_09e",
  lab = c(
    sv = "Spridning till lymfkörtlarna vid diagnos",
    en = "Spread to lymph nodes at diagnosis"
  lab_short = c(
    sv = "Spridning till lymfkörtlarna",
    en = "Spread to lymph nodes"
  pop = c(
    sv = "alla anmälda fall",
    en = "all reported cases"
  filter_pop = function(x, ...) {
  mutate_outcome = function(x, ...) {
      outcome1 = d_nstad,
      outcome1_en = d_nstad_en,
      outcome2 = dplyr::case_when(
        a_tnm_nklass_Varde %in% 0 ~ TRUE,
        a_tnm_nklass_Varde %in% c(10, 20, 30) ~ FALSE,
        a_tnm_nklass_Varde %in% 40 ~ NA
      outcome2_en = outcome2,
      outcome3 = !outcome2,
      outcome3_en = outcome3
  outcome = c("outcome1", "outcome2", "outcome3"),
  outcome_title = list(
    sv = c(
      "Spridning till lymfkörtlarna, kategorier",
      "Ingen spridning till lymfkörtlarna (cN-)",
      "Spridning till lymfkörtlarna (cN+)"
    en = c(
      "Spread to lymph nodes, categories",
      "No spread to lymph nodes (cN-)",
      "Spread to lymph nodes (cN+)"
  sjhkod_var = "a_inr_sjhkod",
  other_vars = c("a_pat_alder", "d_screening", "d_invasiv"),
  om_indikatorn = list(
    sv = paste(
      "Kännedom om tumörspridning till armhålans lymfkörtlar ger vägledning för behandling och information om prognos.",
      "Före kirurgi grundas bedömningen på bilddiagnostik, klinisk undersökning och vävnadsprov/cellprov."
    en = paste(
      "Knowledge of tumour spread to the axillary lymph nodes provides guidance for treatment decisions and information on prognosis.",
      "The assessment before surgery is based on imaging, clinical examination and tissue/cell samples."
  vid_tolkning = NULL,
  teknisk_beskrivning = NULL
class(nkbc09e) <- "nkbcind"
oc1lojo/nkbcind documentation built on Sept. 30, 2022, 10:06 p.m.