
library(import5eChar) #
library(ogbox) #
library(wizaRd) #
library(randomIDs) # add friendlier names.

set_file_wd = function(){
	command = commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)

	file = gsub('--file=','',command[grepl('--file',command)])
	if(length(file) == 1){


# memoisation for quick access
# fc <- cache_filesystem("data-raw/memoiseCache")
# memoImportChar = memoise(importCharacter, cache = fc)

	memoImportChar = readRDS(here('memoImportChar.rds'))
} else {
	memoImportChar = memoise(importCharacter)

# get all char files saved everywhere. Yes I made a mess that I refused to fix...
charFiles = c(list.files('/srv/shiny-server/printSheetApp/chars/',full.names = TRUE),
			  list.files('/srv/shiny-server/interactiveSheet/chars/',full.names = TRUE),
			  list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars',full.names = TRUE),
			  list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars2', full.names = TRUE),
			  list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars3', full.names = TRUE),
			  list.files('/srv/shiny-server/chars4', full.names = TRUE))

print('reading char files')

fileInfo =
charFiles = charFiles[order(fileInfo$mtime)]
fileInfo = fileInfo[order(fileInfo$mtime),]

charFiles = charFiles[fileInfo$size!=0]
fileInfo = fileInfo[fileInfo$size!=0,]
# use import5eChar to read the all of them
chars = charFiles %>% lapply(function(x){
	memoImportChar(file = x)

# get date information. dates before 2018-04-16 are not reliable
# get user fingerprint and IP
fileData = charFiles %>% basename %>% strsplit('_')

# add file and user info to the characters
print('constructing char table')
chars = lapply(1:length(chars),function(i){
	char = chars[[i]]
	char$date = fileInfo$mtime[i]
	if(length(fileData[[i]]) == 1){
		char$ip = 'NULL'
		char$finger = 'NULL'
		char$hash = fileData[[i]]
	} else{
		char$finger = fileData[[i]][1]
		char$ip = fileData[[i]][2]
		char$hash = fileData[[i]][3]

# setting the names to character name and class. this won't be exposed to others
names(chars) = chars %>% map_chr(function(x){

# create the table. it initially creates the table because that's what my original pipeline did... later I will convert the
# relevant bits into a list, making this a little silly.
charTable = chars %>% map(function(x){
	hede <<- x
	if((class(x$classInfo) == 'matrix' && nrow(x$classInfo) == 0) ||
	   (class(x$classInfo) == 'matrix' && nrow(x$classInfo) == 1 && x$classInfo[,'Level']=='0')){
		x$classInfo = NULL

	data.frame(ip = x$ip,
			   finger = x$finger,
			   hash = x$hash,
			   name = x$Name,
			   race = x$Race,
			   background = x$Background,
			   date = x$date,
			   class = paste(trimws(x$classInfo[,1]),trimws(x$classInfo[,3]),collapse='|'),
			   justClass =  trimws(x$classInfo[,'Class']) %>% paste(collapse ='|'),
			   subclass = trimws(x$classInfo[,'Archetype']) %>% paste(collapse ='|'),
			   classFreeText = x$ClassField,
			   level = x$classInfo[,'Level'] %>% as.integer() %>% sum,
			   feats = x$feats[x$feats !=''] %>% paste(collapse = '|'),
			   HP = x$currentHealth,
			   AC = AC(x),
			   Str = x$abilityScores['Str'],
			   Dex = x$abilityScores['Dex'],
			   Con = x$abilityScores['Con'],
			   Int = x$abilityScores['Int'],
			   Wis = x$abilityScores['Wis'],
			   Cha = x$abilityScores['Cha'],
			   alignment = x$Alignment,
			   skills = x$skillProf %>% which %>% names %>% paste(collapse = '|'),
			   weapons = x$weapons %>% map_chr('name') %>% gsub("\\|","",.)  %>% paste(collapse = '|'),
			   spells = glue('{x$spells$name %>% gsub("\\\\*|\\\\|","",.)}*{x$spells$level}') %>% glue_collapse('|') %>% {if(length(.)!=1){return('')}else{return(.)}},
			   # day = x$date %>%  format('%m %d %Y'),
			   castingStat = names(x$abilityMods[x$castingStatCode+1]),
			   choices = paste(gsub('\\||/|\\*','',names(x$classChoices)),
			   				sapply(lapply(x$classChoices,gsub,pattern = '\\||/|\\*', replacement = ''),
			   					   paste,collapse = '*'),
			   				sep = "/",collapse = '|'),
			   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}) %>%,.)

# get rid of characters who start with the character generator but continue to level up by hand (unpaid users)
freeTextLevel = charTable$classFreeText %>% str_extract_all('[0-9]+') %>% lapply(as.integer) %>% sapply(sum)

charTable %<>% filter(!(level == 1 & freeTextLevel !=1)) %>%
charTable %<>% select(-classFreeText)

# remove multiple occurances of the same file
charTable %<>% arrange(desc(date)) %>%  filter(!duplicated(hash))

	memoIPgeolocate = readRDS(here('memoIPgeolocate.rds'))
} else {
	memoIPgeolocate = memoise(ipapi::geolocate)

ipLocations = charTable$ip %>%
	lapply(memoIPgeolocate,.progress = FALSE) %>%
	rbindlist(fill = TRUE)


charTable$country = ipLocations$country
charTable$countryCode = ipLocations$countryCode
# some experimentation with user location.
# file <- system.file("extdata","GeoLite2-Country.mmdb", package = "rgeolocate")
# results <- maxmind(charTable$ip, file, c("continent_name", "country_code", "country_name"))

# post processing -----
# the way races are encoded in the app is a little silly. sub-races are
# not recorded separately. essentially race information is lost other
# than a text field after it's effects are applied during creation.
# The text field is also not too consistent. For instance if you are a
# variant half elf it'll simply say "Variant" but if you are a variant human
# it'll only say human
# here, I define regex that matches races.
# kind of an overkill as only few races actually required special care
races = c(Aarakocra = '(Aarakocra)|(Birdfolk)',
		  Aasimar = 'Aasimar',
		  Bugbear= 'Bugbear',
		  Dragonborn = '(Dragonborn)|(Chromatic)|(Metallic)|(Gem)',
		  Dwarf = 'Dwarf|Warding',
		  Elf = '(?<!Half-)Elf|Drow',
		  Firbolg = 'Firbolg',
		  Genasi= 'Genasi',
		  Gith = 'Geth|Githzerai',
		  Gnome = '(Gnome)|(Scribing)',
		  Goliath = 'Goliath',
		  'Half-Elf' = '(^Half-Elf$)|(^Variant$)|(Detection)|(Storm)|(Half-Elf .Wood.)|(Variant Half-Elf)|(Half-Elf Variant)',
		  'Half-Orc' = 'Half-Orc',
		  Halfling = '(Halfling)|(Hospitality)|(Healing)',
		  Hobgoblin = 'Hobgoblin$',
		  Human = '(Human)|(Variant Human)|(Sentinel)|(Making)|(Passage)',
		  Kenku = 'Kenku',
		  Kobold = 'Kobold',
		  Lizardfolk = 'Lizardfolk',
		  Orc = '(?<!Half-)Orc',
		  'Yaun-Ti' = 'Serpentblood|Yuan-Ti',
		  Tabaxi = 'Tabaxi',
		  Tiefling ='Tiefling|Lineage',
		  Triton = 'Triton',
		  Turtle = 'Turtle|Tortle',
		  Vedalken = 'Violetken|Vedalken',
		  Minotaur = 'Minotaur',
		  Centaur = 'Centaur',
		  Loxodon = 'Elephantine|Luxodon|Loxodon',
		  `Simic hybrid` = 'Animal Hybrid|Simic Hybrid',
		  Warforged = 'Warforged|Envoy|Juggernaut|Juggeenaut',
		  Changeling = 'Changeling',
		  Shifter = '(Shifter)|(Hunt)|(Hide)|(Stride)|(Tooth)',
		  Kalashtar = '(Kalashtar)|(Dreamtouched)',
		  Eladrin = 'Eladrin',
		  Leonin = '(Leonine)|(Leonin)',
		  Satyr = 'Satyr',
		  Custom = 'Custom')

align = list(NG = c('ng',
					'neatral good',
					"neutra good",
					'neuteral good',
					'neitral good',
					'neutral good',
					'netual good',
					'nuetral goodt',
					'nuetral good',
					'nutral good',
					'n good',
					'\U0001f937 neutral good',
					'neutral goodsskkd',
					'neutral  good',
					'neutral bueno',
					'n. good'),
			 CG = c('chaotic good',
			 	   "chaotic good 👍",
			 	   'chatoic good',
			 	   'chaotic goo',
			 	   'chaothic good',
			 	   'caotica buena',
			 	   'chaotic good.',
			 	   'caótico bueno',
			 	   'chacotic good',
			 	   'good chaotic'),
			 LG = c('lawful good',
			 	   "lawful good boi",
			 	   'laewful good',
			 	   'lawfull good',
			 	   'lawful goodness',
			 	   'lawfully good',
			 	   'legal bueno',
			 	   'legal good',
			 NN = c('neutral',
			 	   "true nutral",
			 	   'loyal neutral',
			 	   'true n',
			 	   'neutral neutral',
			 	   'true neutral',
			 	   'leal neutro',
			 	   'neutral verdadero',
			 	   'true nuetral'),
			 CN = c('chaotic neutral',
			 	   "chaotic n",
			 	   "chaotic nutral",
			 	   "caotico e neutro",
			 	   "c n",
			 	   'chaotique neutre',
			 	   'neutral caotico',
			 	   'caotic neutral',
			 	   'caótico neutro',
			 	   'chaotic netural',
			 	   'chaotic nuetral',
			 	   'chatoic neutral',
			 	   'chatic neutral',
			 	   'neutral chaotic',
			 	   'chaotic - neutral',
			 	   'chaotic neutrall',
			 	   'caotico neutral',
			 	   'caótico neutral',
			 	   "тру хаотик"),
			 LN = c('lawful neutral',
			 	   "neutral lawful",
			 	   "l n",
			 	   'lawful nuetral',
			 	   'lawfull neutral',
			 	   'legal neutral',
			 	   'lawful neitral',
			 	   'leal e neutro',
			 	   'lawful - neutral',
			 	   'lawful neutral (good-ish)'),
			 NE = c('neutral evil','ne','n/e',
			 	   "nuetral evil",
			 	   'neutral malvado',
			 	   'neutral maligno'),
			 LE = c('lawful evil',
			 	   'lawfuo evil',
			 	   'lawful evik',
			 	   'legal malvado',
			 CE = c('ce',
			 	   'chaotic evil',
			 	   'caótico malvado',
			 	   'caotico maligno'

goodEvil = list(`E` = c('NE','LE','CE'),
				`N` = c('LN','CN','NN'),
				`G` = c('NG','LG','CG'))

lawfulChaotic = list(`C` = c('CN','CG','CE'),
					 `N` = c('NG','NE','NN'),
					 `L` = c('LG','LE','LN'))

# lists any alignment text I'm not processing
charTable$alignment  %>% {.[!tolower(trimws(.)) %in% unlist(align)]} %>% table %>% sort %>% names %>% tolower %>% trimws

checkAlignment = function(x,legend){
	x = names(legend)[findInList(tolower(trimws(x)),legend)]
	if(length(x) == 0){
	} else{

charTable %<>% mutate(processedAlignment = alignment %>% purrr::map_chr(checkAlignment,align),
					  good = processedAlignment %>% purrr::map_chr(checkAlignment,goodEvil) %>%
					  	factor(levels = c('E','N','G')),
					  lawful = processedAlignment %>%
					  	purrr::map_chr(checkAlignment,lawfulChaotic) %>% factor(levels = c('C','N','L')))

charTable %<>% mutate(processedRace = race %>% sapply(function(x){
	out = races %>% sapply(function(y){
		grepl(pattern = y, x,perl = TRUE, = TRUE)
	}) %>% which %>% names

	if(length(out) == 0 | length(out)>1){
		out = ''


#  lists any race text I'm not processing
charTable$processedRace[charTable$processedRace == ""] %>% names %>% table %>% sort

# process spells -----
spells = wizaRd::spells

spells = c(spells, list('.' = list(level = as.integer(99))))
class(spells) = 'list'

legitSpells =spells %>% names

trimPunct = function(char){

processedSpells = charTable$spells %>% sapply(function(x){
	spellNames = x %>% str_split('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]} %>% str_split('\\*') %>% map_chr(1)
	spellLevels =  x %>% str_split('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]} %>% str_split('\\*') %>% map_chr(2)

	distanceMatrix = adist(tolower(spellNames), tolower(legitSpells),costs = list(ins=4, del=4, sub=6), counts = TRUE)

	rownames(distanceMatrix) = spellNames
	colnames(distanceMatrix) = legitSpells

	predictedSpell = distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min) %>% {legitSpells[.]}
	distanceScores =  distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,min)
	predictedSpellLevel = spells[predictedSpell] %>% purrr::map_int('level')

	ins = attributes(distanceMatrix)$counts[,distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min),'ins'] %>% as.matrix  %>% diag
	del = attributes(distanceMatrix)$counts[,distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min),'del'] %>% as.matrix %>% diag
	sub = attributes(distanceMatrix)$counts[,distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min),'sub'] %>% as.matrix %>% diag
	# check if all words of the prediction is in the written spell
	isItIn = predictedSpell %>% str_split(' |/') %>% map(function(x){
		x[!x %in% c('and','or','of','to','the')]
	}) %>%
			all(sapply(trimPunct(tolower(.[[i]])),grepl,x =trimPunct(tolower(spellNames[i])),fixed = TRUE))

	# check if all words of the spell is in the prediction
	isTheSpellIn = spellNames%>% str_split(' |/') %>% map(function(x){
		x[!x %in% c('and','or','of','to','the')]
	}) %>%
			all(sapply(trimPunct(tolower(.[[i]])),grepl,x =trimPunct(tolower(predictedSpell[i])), fixed = TRUE))

	spellFrame = data.frame(spellNames,predictedSpell,spellLevels,predictedSpellLevel,distanceScores,ins,del,sub,isItIn,isTheSpellIn,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

	# special cases for some badly matched spells
	if(any(trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'arcane hand' & spellFrame$spellLevels==5)){
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'arcane hand' & spellFrame$spellLevels==5,]$predictedSpell = "Bigby's Hand"
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'arcane hand'  & spellFrame$spellLevels==5,]$isItIn = TRUE
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'arcane hand'  & spellFrame$spellLevels==5,]$predictedSpellLevel = 5


	if(any(trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'acid arrow' & spellFrame$spellLevels==2)){
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'acid arrow' & spellFrame$spellLevels==2,]$predictedSpell = "Melf's Acid Arrow"
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'acid arrow' & spellFrame$spellLevels==2,]$isItIn = TRUE
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'acid arrow' & spellFrame$spellLevels==2,]$predictedSpellLevel = 2


	if(any(trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'hideaous laughter' & spellFrame$spellLevels==1)){
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'hideaous laughter' & spellFrame$spellLevels==1,]$predictedSpell = "Tasha's Hideous Laughter"
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'hideaous laughter' & spellFrame$spellLevels==1,]$isItIn = TRUE
		spellFrame[trimws(tolower(spellFrame$spellNames)) == 'hideaous laughter' & spellFrame$spellLevels==1,]$predictedSpellLevel = 1


	# remove matches that don't satisfy the similarity criteria
	spellFrame$predictedSpell[!(as.integer(spellFrame$spellLevels)==spellFrame$predictedSpellLevel &(spellFrame$isTheSpellIn | spellFrame$isItIn | (spellFrame$sub < 10 & spellFrame$del < 10 & spellFrame$ins < 10)))] = ''
	spellFrame$predictedSpellLevel[!(as.integer(spellLevels)==predictedSpellLevel &(isTheSpellIn | isItIn | (sub < 10 & del < 10 & ins < 10)))] = ''
	# spellFrame %<>% filter(as.integer(spellLevels)==predictedSpellLevel &(isTheSpellIn | isItIn | (sub < 5 & del < 5 & ins < 5)))

	paste0(spellFrame$predictedSpell,'*',spellFrame$predictedSpellLevel,collapse ='|')

charTable$processedSpells = processedSpells

# manual checking of randomly selected data. select random spell/processed spell pairs. manually examine them to make sure
# they are allright and estimate accuracy.
withSpells = which(charTable$spells !='')

withSpells %>% lapply(function(i){
	rawSpells = charTable$spells[i] %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}
	pSpells =  charTable$processedSpells[i] %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}
	seq_along(rawSpells) %>% sapply(function(j){
	}) %>% t
}) %>%,.) ->  spellProcessedPairs

# 200 random pairs
# spellProcessedPairs[spellProcessedPairs[,3] !='*' & spellProcessedPairs[,2] != spellProcessedPairs[,3],][sample(1:nrow(spellProcessedPairs[spellProcessedPairs[,3] !='*' & spellProcessedPairs[,2] != spellProcessedPairs[,3],]),200),]

# all spells that couldn't be matched
# spellProcessedPairs[spellProcessedPairs[,3] =='*',-3] %>% View

spellCount = spellProcessedPairs %>% nrow
standardSpellCount = nrow(spellProcessedPairs[spellProcessedPairs[,3] !='*' & spellProcessedPairs[,2] == spellProcessedPairs[,3],])
nonStandardSpellCount = nrow(spellProcessedPairs[spellProcessedPairs[,3] !='*' & spellProcessedPairs[,2] != spellProcessedPairs[,3],])
mismatchCount = spellProcessedPairs[spellProcessedPairs[,3] =='*',-3] %>% nrow

nonStandardSpellCount/spellCount * 100
mismatchCount/spellCount * 100
standardSpellCount/spellCount * 100

# x = 1:nrow(charTable) %>% sapply(function(i){adist(charTable$spells[i],charTable$processedSpells[i])}) %>% {.>20} %>% {charTable$spells[.]} %>% {.[43]}
# x = 1:nrow(charTable) %>% sapply(function(i){adist(charTable$spells[i],charTable$processedSpells[i])}) %>% {.>20} %>% {charTable$spells[.]} %>% {.[70]}
# x = 1:nrow(charTable) %>% sapply(function(i){adist(charTable$spells[i],charTable$processedSpells[i])}) %>% {.>20} %>% {charTable$spells[.]} %>% {.[88]}

# download.file('',destfile = 'Core.xml')
# allRules = xmlParse('Core.xml') %>% xmlToList()
# fightClubItems = allRules[names(allRules) == 'item']
# saveRDS(fightClubItems,'fightClubItems.rds')

# fightClubItems =  readRDS('fightClubItems.rds')
# names(fightClubItems) = allRules %>% map('name') %>% as.character
# fightClubItems %>% map_chr('type') %>% {. %in% 'M'} %>% {fightClubItems[.]} %>% map_chr('name')
# fightClubItems %>% map_chr('type') %>% {. %in% 'R'} %>% {fightClubItems[.]} %>% map_chr('name')

legitWeapons = c(# fightClubItems %>% map_chr('type') %>% {. %in% 'M'} %>% {fightClubItems[.]} %>% map_chr('name'),
	# fightClubItems %>% map_chr('type') %>% {. %in% 'R'} %>% {fightClubItems[.]} %>% map_chr('name'),
	'Crossbow, Light', 'Dart', 'Shortbow', 'Sling',
	'Blowgun', 'Crossbow, hand', 'Crossbow, Heavy', 'Longbow', 'Net',
	'Club','Dagger','Greatclub','Handaxe','Javelin','Light hammer','Mace','Quarterstaff','Sickle','Spear','Unarmed Strike',
	'Battleaxe','Flail','Glaive','Greataxe','Greatsword','Halberd','Lance','Longsword','Maul','Morningstar','Pike','Rapier','Scimitar','Shortsword','Trident','War pick','Warhammer','Whip')

processedWeapons = charTable$weapons %>% sapply(function(x){
	weaponNames = x %>% str_split('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}

	distanceMatrix = adist(tolower(weaponNames), tolower(legitWeapons),costs = list(ins=2, del=2, sub=3), counts = TRUE)

	rownames(distanceMatrix) = weaponNames
	colnames(distanceMatrix) = legitWeapons

	predictedWeapon = distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min) %>% {legitWeapons[.]}
	distanceScores =  distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,min)

	ins = attributes(distanceMatrix)$counts[,distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min),'ins'] %>% as.matrix  %>% diag
	del = attributes(distanceMatrix)$counts[,distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min),'del'] %>% as.matrix %>% diag
	sub = attributes(distanceMatrix)$counts[,distanceMatrix %>% apply(1,which.min),'sub'] %>% as.matrix %>% diag
	isItIn = predictedWeapon %>% str_split(' |/') %>% map(function(x){
		x[!x %in% c('and','or','of','to','the')]
	}) %>%
		all(sapply(trimPunct(.[[i]]),grepl,x =trimPunct(weaponNames[i]),

	isTheWeaponIn = weaponNames%>% str_split(' |/') %>% map(function(x){
		x[!x %in% c('and','or','of','to','the')]
	}) %>%
			all(sapply(trimPunct(tolower(.[[i]])),grepl,x =trimPunct(tolower(predictedWeapon[i])), fixed = TRUE))

	weaponFrame = data.frame(weaponNames,predictedWeapon,distanceScores,ins,del,sub,isItIn,isTheWeaponIn,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

	if(any(trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == 'hand crossbow')){
		weaponFrame[trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == 'hand crossbow',]$predictedWeapon = 'Crossbow, hand'
		weaponFrame[trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == 'hand crossbow',]$isItIn = TRUE


	if(any(trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == 'heavy crossbow')){
		weaponFrame[trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == 'heavy crossbow',]$predictedWeapon = 'Crossbow, Heavy'
		weaponFrame[trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == 'heavy crossbow',]$isItIn = TRUE

	if(any(trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == '')){
		weaponFrame[trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == '',]$predictedWeapon = ''
		weaponFrame[trimPunct(trimws(tolower(weaponFrame$weaponNames))) == '',]$isItIn = TRUE

	weaponFrame$predictedWeapon[!(weaponFrame$isTheWeaponIn | weaponFrame$isItIn | (weaponFrame$sub < 2 & weaponFrame$del<2 & weaponFrame$ins<2))] = ''

	# weaponFrame %<>% filter(isItIn|  (sub < 2 & del < 2 & ins < 2))

	paste0(weaponFrame$predictedWeapon,collapse ='|')

charTable$processedWeapons = processedWeapons

# x = 1:nrow(charTable) %>% sapply(function(i){adist(charTable$weapons[i],charTable$processedWeapons[i])}) %>% {.>20} %>% {charTable$weapons[.]} %>% {.[10]}

withWeapons = which(charTable$weapons !='')
withWeapons %>% lapply(function(i){
	rawWeapons = charTable$weapons[i] %>% stringr::str_split('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}
	pWeapons =  charTable$processedWeapons[i] %>% stringr::str_split('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}
	seq_along(rawWeapons) %>% sapply(function(j){
	}) %>% t
}) %>%,.) ->  weaponProcessedPairs

# weaponProcessedPairs[weaponProcessedPairs[,2] != weaponProcessedPairs[,3] & weaponProcessedPairs[,3]!='',] %>% {.[sample(nrow(.),200),]} %>% View

weaponCount = weaponProcessedPairs %>% nrow
standardWeaponCount = nrow(weaponProcessedPairs[weaponProcessedPairs[,2] == weaponProcessedPairs[,3],])
nonStandardWeaponCount = nrow(weaponProcessedPairs[weaponProcessedPairs[,2] != weaponProcessedPairs[,3] & weaponProcessedPairs[,3] !='',])
mismatchCount = weaponProcessedPairs[weaponProcessedPairs[,3] =='',] %>% nrow

nonStandardWeaponCount/weaponCount * 100
mismatchCount/weaponCount * 100
standardWeaponCount/weaponCount * 100

# user id ------
# userID = c()
# pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(charTable), initial = 0)
# for(i in 1:nrow(charTable)){
#     setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
#     for (id in unique(userID)){
#         userChars = charTable[which(userID == id),]
#         ip = charTable$ip[i] %>% {if( || . =='NULL' || .==''){return("NANA")}else{.}}
#         finger = charTable$finger[i] %>% {if( || . =='NULL' ||. == ''){return("NANA")}else{.}}
#         hash = charTable$hash[i] %>% {if( || . =='NULL' || . == ''){return("NANA")}else{.}}
#         ipInUser = ip %in% userChars$ip
#         fingerInUser = finger %in% userChars$finger
#         hashInUser = hash %in% userChars$hash
#         if(ipInUser | fingerInUser | hashInUser){
#             userID = c(userID,id)
#             break
#         }
#     }
#     if(length(userID)!=i){
#         userID = c(userID, max(c(userID,0))+1)
#     }
# }
# charTable$userID = userID
# userID = c()
# pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(charTable), initial = 0)
# for(i in 1:nrow(charTable)){
#     setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)
#     for (id in unique(userID)){
#         userChars = charTable[which(userID == id),]
#         ip = charTable$ip[i] %>% {if( || . =='NULL' || .==''){return("NANA")}else{.}}
#         finger = charTable$finger[i] %>% {if( || . =='NULL' ||. == ''){return("NANA")}else{.}}
#         hash = charTable$hash[i] %>% {if( || . =='NULL' || . == ''){return("NANA")}else{.}}
#         ipInUser = ip %in% userChars$ip
#         fingerInUser = finger %in% userChars$finger
#         hashInUser = hash %in% userChars$hash
#         if(fingerInUser | hashInUser){
#             userID = c(userID,id)
#             break
#         }
#     }
#     if(length(userID)!=i){
#         userID = c(userID, max(c(userID,0))+1)
#     }
# }
# charTable$userIDNoIP = userID

# group levels at common feat acquisition points. sorry fighters and rogues

charTable %<>% mutate(levelGroup = cut(level,
									   breaks = c(0,3,7,11,15,18,20),
									   labels  = c('1-3','4-7','8-11','12-15','16-18','19-20')))

# remove personal info -----------

shortestDigest = function(vector){
	digested = vector(mode = 'character',length = length(vector))
	digested[vector!='']  = vector[vector!=''] %>% map_chr(digest,'sha1')
	uniqueDigested =  digested[digested!=''] %>% unique
	collusionLimit = 1:40 %>% sapply(function(i){
		substr(uniqueDigested,40-i,40)%>% unique %>% length
	}) %>% which.max %>% {.+1}
	digested %<>%  substr(40-collusionLimit,40)

charTable$name %<>% shortestDigest
charTable$ip %<>% shortestDigest
charTable$finger %<>% shortestDigest
# charTable %<>% select(-hash)
# unsecureFields = c('ip','finger','hash')
# charTable = charTable[!names(charTable) %in% unsecureFields]

# add friendly names ensure old names remain the same
# the hashes will actually change but their order of introduction shouldn't
uniqueNames = charTable %>% arrange(date) %$% name %>% unique
randomAlias = random_names(length(uniqueNames))
names(randomAlias) = uniqueNames
charTable %<>% mutate(alias = randomAlias[name])

dnd_chars_all = charTable
write_tsv(dnd_chars_all,path = here('data-raw/dnd_chars_all.tsv'))
usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_all,overwrite = TRUE)

# get unique table ----------------
getUniqueTable = function(charTable){
	# remove obvious duplicates. same name and class assumed to be dups
	# race is not considered in case same person is experimenting with different
	# races
	charTable %<>% filter(name !='')

	uniqueTable = charTable %>% arrange(desc(level)) %>%
		filter(!duplicated(paste(name,justClass))) %>%
		filter(!level > 20)

	# detect non unique characters that multiclassed
	multiClassed = uniqueTable %>% filter(grepl('\\|',justClass))
	singleClassed = uniqueTable %>% filter(!grepl('\\|',justClass))

	multiClassDuplicates = multiClassed$name %>% duplicated %>% which

	# this is somewhat of a heuristic since it only looks at total level and classes chosen
	# but as both name and class combination is the same its probably some guy experimenting
	# with different character ideas.
	multiClassDuplicates %>% sapply(function(x){

		thedup = multiClassed[x,]
		matches = multiClassed[-x,] %>% filter(name == thedup$name)

		higherLevel = thedup$level < matches$level
		dupClass = strsplit(thedup$justClass,'\\|')[[1]]
		matchClass = strsplit(matches$justClass,'\\|')

		matchClass %>% sapply(function(y){
			all(dupClass %in% y)
		}) -> classMatches

		any(classMatches & higherLevel)

	}) -> isMultiClassDuplicate
		multiClassed = multiClassed[-multiClassDuplicates[isMultiClassDuplicate],]

	matchingNames = multiClassed$name[multiClassed$name %in% singleClassed$name] %>%

	singleCharDuplicates = which(singleClassed$name %in% matchingNames)

	singleCharDuplicates %>% sapply(function(x){
		char = singleClassed[x,]
		# print(char[['name']])
        multiChar = multiClassed %>%
        	filter(name %in% char[['name']] & grepl(char[['justClass']],justClass))
        if(nrow(multiChar) == 0){
        	return (FALSE)

        isHigher = any(multiChar$level > char[['level']])
        if (nrow(multiChar)>1){
        	# warning("multiple matches")
	}) -> isDuplicate
		singleClassed = singleClassed[-singleCharDuplicates[isDuplicate],]

	uniqueTable = rbind(singleClassed,multiClassed)

	return(list(uniqueTable = uniqueTable,
				singleClassed = singleClassed,
				multiClassed = multiClassed))

# dnd_chars_all = read_tsv(here("data-raw/dnd_chars_all.tsv"),na = 'NA') # redundant

list[dnd_chars_unique,dnd_chars_singleclass,dnd_chars_multiclass] = getUniqueTable(dnd_chars_all)

write_tsv(dnd_chars_unique,path = here('data-raw/dnd_chars_unique.tsv'))

usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_unique,overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_singleclass,overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_multiclass,overwrite = TRUE)

table2list = function(charTable){
	seq_len(nrow(charTable)) %>% lapply(function(i){
		char = charTable[i,]

		list(ip = char$ip,
			 finger = char$finger,
			 name = list(
			 	hash = char$name,
			 	alias = char$alias),
			 race = list(
			 	race = char$race,
			 	processedRace = char$processedRace
			 background = char$background,
			 date = char$date,
			 class = seq_len(strsplit(char$class,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]} %>% length) %>%
			 			class = char$justClass %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {out = .[[1]][j];if({return('')}else{return(out)}},
			 			subclass = char$subclass %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {out = .[[1]][j];if({return('')}else{return(out)}},
			 			level = char$class %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]} %>% str_extract('[0-9]+') %>% as.integer()
			 	}) %>% {names(.) = strsplit(char$justClass,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]};.},
			 level = char$level,
			 levelGroup = char$levelGroup,
			 feats = char$feats %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]},
			 HP = char$HP,
			 AC = char$AC,
			 attributes = list(Str = char$Str,
			 				  Dex = char$Dex,
			 				  Con = char$Con,
			 				  Int = char$Int,
			 				  Wis = char$Wis,
			 				  Cha = char$Cha),
			 alignment = list(
			 	alignment = char$alignment,
			 	processedAlignment = char$processedAlignment,
			 	lawful = char$lawful,
			 	good = char$good
			 skills = char$skills %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]]},
			 weapons = seq_along(strsplit(char$weapons,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}) %>% lapply(function(j){
			 		weapon = char$weapons %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]},
			 		processedWeapon = char$processedWeapons %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]}
			 }) %>% {names(.) = strsplit(char$weapons,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]};.},
			 spells = seq_along(strsplit(char$spells,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}) %>% lapply(function(j){
			 		spell = char$spells %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]} %>% strsplit('\\*') %>% {.[[1]][1]},
			 		level = char$spells %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]} %>% strsplit('\\*') %>% {.[[1]][2]},
			 		processedSpell = char$processedSpells %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]} %>% strsplit('\\*') %>% {.[[1]][1]}
			 }) %>% {names(.) = strsplit(char$spells,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]};.},
			 castingStat = char$castingStat,
			 choices = seq_along(strsplit(char$choices,'\\|') %>% {.[[1]]}) %>% lapply(function(j){
			 	char$choices %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% {.[[1]][j]} %>% strsplit('/') %>% {.[[1]][2]} %>% strsplit('\\*') %>% {.[[1]]}
			 }) %>% {names(.) = char$choices %>% strsplit('\\|') %>% unlist %>% strsplit('/') %>% map_chr(1);.},
			 location = list(country = char$country %>% as.character,
			 				countryCode = char$countryCode %>% as.character),
			 hash = char$hash
	}) %>% {names(.) = paste(charTable$alias,charTable$class);.}

dnd_chars_unique_list = table2list(dnd_chars_unique)
dnd_chars_singleclass_list = table2list(dnd_chars_singleclass)
dnd_chars_multiclass_list = table2list(dnd_chars_multiclass)
dnd_chars_all_list = table2list(dnd_chars_all)

usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_unique_list,overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_singleclass_list,overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_multiclass_list,overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(dnd_chars_all_list,overwrite = TRUE)

dnd_chars_unique_list %>% jsonlite::toJSON(pretty = TRUE) %>% writeLines(here('data-raw/dnd_chars_unique.json'))
dnd_chars_all_list %>% jsonlite::toJSON(pretty = TRUE) %>% writeLines(here('data-raw/dnd_chars_all.json'))
oganm/dnddata documentation built on Aug. 28, 2022, 9:30 a.m.