
Defines functions replace_assigns generic_install forkCRAN setDate setVersion getVersion

Documented in forkCRAN generic_install getVersion replace_assigns setDate setVersion

#' Get version of a local package
#' @param pkg Pakcage to check version of. Defaults to local directory
#' @export
getVersion = function(pkg = '.'){
    lines = readLines('DESCRIPTION')
    lines[grepl('Version',lines)] %>% stringr::str_extract('[0-9].*$')

#' Set version of a local package
#' @param version Character for the new version
#' @param pkg Pakcage to set version of. Defaults to local directory
#' @export
setVersion = function(version, pkg = '.'){
    lines = readLines('DESCRIPTION')
    lines[grepl('Version',lines)] = paste('Version:',version)

#' Set version of a local package
#' @param Date Character for the new date
#' @param pkg Pakcage to set version of. Defaults to local directory
#' @export
setDate = function(date,pkg = '.'){
    lines = readLines('DESCRIPTION')
    lines[grepl('Date',lines)] = paste('Date:',date)

#' Make a github repository from a specific version of a pacakge
#' @param pkg Name of the package
#' @param version Desired version
#' @param newname Name of the resulting package. If NULL it'll default to packagename.versionnumber
#' @param token Github token if NULL GITHUB_PAT environment variable will be used
#' @param private,has_issues,has_wiki arguments to pass to gh
#' @export
forkCRAN = function(pkg, version = NULL, newname = NULL, token = NULL, private = FALSE, has_issues = FALSE, has_wiki = FALSE){
        old = Sys.getenv('GITHUB_PAT')
        Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = token)
        on.exit(Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = old))
    cred = git2r::cred_token()
    available = available.packages()
    currentVersion = available[available[,'Package'] == pkg,"Version"]
        version = currentVersion
        name = paste0(pkg,'.',version)
    } else{
        name = newname
    versionComp = compareVersion(currentVersion,version)
    newRepo = gh::gh('POST /user/repos',
           name = name,
           .token = token,
           private = private,
           has_issues = has_issues,
           has_wiki = has_wiki,
           auto_init = TRUE)
    tmp = tempfile()
    git2r::clone(newRepo$clone_url,local_path = tmp,credentials = cred)
    if(versionComp ==0){
                      destfile = glue::glue('{tmp}/pkgSource.tar.gz'))
    } else if(versionComp == 1){
                      destfile = glue::glue('{tmp}/pkgSource.tar.gz'))
    } else if(versionComp == -1){
        stop("that version doesn't exist yet")
    untar(glue::glue('{tmp}/pkgSource.tar.gz'),exdir = tmp)
    files = list.files( glue::glue('{tmp}/{pkg}'),full.names = TRUE)
    file.copy(from = files,
              to = tmp,
              recursive = TRUE)
    unlink(glue::glue('{tmp}/{pkg}'),recursive = TRUE)
    lines = readLines(glue::glue('{tmp}/DESCRIPTION'))
    lines[grepl('Package:',lines)] = paste0('Package: ',name)
    namespace = readLines(glue::glue('{tmp}/NAMESPACE'),encoding = 'UTF-8')
    namespace[grepl('useDynLib',namespace)] %<>% 
             x = .,fixed = TRUE)
    rFiles = list.files(glue::glue('{tmp}/R'),full.names = TRUE)
    rFiles %>% lapply(function(x){
        rfile = readLines(x,encoding = 'UTF-8')
        rfile[grepl('useDynLib',rfile)] %<>% 
            gsub(glue::glue('@useDynLib {pkg}'),
                 glue::glue('@useDynLib {name}'),
                 x = ., fixed = TRUE)
    files = list.files(tmp)
    git2r::add(tmp,path = files)
    git2r::commit(tmp,glue::glue('Copying version {version} of package {pkg} from CRAN'))
    git2r::push(tmp,credentials = cred)

#' Install generic remote package
#' Better version of the original by jimhester
#' https://github.com/r-lib/remotes/issues/383
#' @export
generic_install <- function(x,
                             dependencies = NA,
                             upgrade = c("default", "ask", "always", "never"),
                             force = FALSE,
                             quiet = FALSE,
                             build = TRUE, build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", "--no-build-vignettes"),
                             build_manual = FALSE, build_vignettes = FALSE,
                             repos = getOption("repos"),
                             type = getOption("pkgType"),
                             ...) {
    # add cran:: to bare package names
    is_remote <- grepl("::|/", x)
    x[!is_remote] <- paste0("cran::", x[!is_remote])
    remotes <- lapply(x, remotes:::parse_one_remote, repos = repos, type = type)
    remotes:::install_remotes(remotes, dependencies = dependencies,
                              upgrade = upgrade, force = force, quiet = quiet,
                              build = build, build_opts = build_opts,
                              build_manual = build_manual, build_vignettes = build_vignettes,
                              repos = repos, type = type, ...)

#' Replace assignment operators
#' @param file_in input file
#' @param file_out output file
#' @param good_assign which operator should be used to replace
#' @export
replace_assigns <- function(file_in,file_out = file_in,good_assign =  c('<-','=')){
    file <- readLines(file_in)
    data <- file %>% paste(collapse='\n') %>% parse(text = .,keep.source = TRUE) %>% getParseData
    good_assign <- match.arg(good_assign,choices =  c('<-','='))
    if(good_assign == '<-'){
        to_replace <- data %>% filter(token == 'EQ_ASSIGN')
        out <- file
        for (i in rev(seq_len(nrow(to_replace)))){
            line <- file[to_replace[i,]$line1]
            out[to_replace[i,]$line1] <- 
    } else if(good_assign == '='){
        to_replace <- data %>% filter(token == 'LEFT_ASSIGN')
        out <- file
        for (i in rev(seq_len(nrow(to_replace)))){
            line <- file[to_replace[i,]$line1]
            out[to_replace[i,]$line1] <- 
    file_out <- file(file_out,open = 'w')
    writeLines(out, file_out)
oganm/ogbox documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 12:37 a.m.