
Defines functions bemkl_supervised_multioutput_regression_variational_test

Documented in bemkl_supervised_multioutput_regression_variational_test

#' BEMKL algorithm uses the training model parameters on the test set.
#' \code{bemkl_supervised_multioutput_regression_variational_test} implements bemkl on the test data
#' @export
#' @param Km numeric matrix with data
#' @param state numeric matrix with data
#' @return numeric vector with the predictions

bemkl_supervised_multioutput_regression_variational_test <- function(Km, state) {

  N <- dim(Km)[2]
  P <- dim(Km)[3]
  L <- length(state$be$mu) - P

  G <- list(mu = array(0, c(P, N, L)), sigma = array(0, c(P, N, L)))
  for (o in 1:L) {
    for (m in 1:P) {
      G$mu[m,,o] <- crossprod(state$A$mu[,o], Km[,,m])
      G$sigma[m,,o] <- 1 / (state$upsilon$alpha[o] * state$upsilon$beta[o]) + diag(crossprod(Km[,,m], state$A$sigma[,,o]) %*% Km[,,m])

  Y <- list(mu = matrix(0, L, N), sigma = matrix(0, L, N))
  for (o in 1:L) {
    # cat(o, "\n")
    # DONE: added if to handle LOOCV where training size is 1
    if (N==1){
      Y$mu[o,] <- crossprod(state$be$mu[c(o, (L + 1):(L + P))], c(1, G$mu[, , o]))
      Y$sigma[o,] <- 1 / (state$epsilon$alpha[o] * state$epsilon$beta[o]) + diag(crossprod(c(1, G$mu[,,o]), state$be$sigma[c(o, (L + 1):(L + P)), c(o, (L + 1):(L + P))]) %*% c(1, G$mu[,,o]))
      Y$mu[o,] <- crossprod(state$be$mu[c(o, (L + 1):(L + P))], rbind(matrix(1, 1, N), G$mu[, , o]))
      Y$sigma[o,] <- 1 / (state$epsilon$alpha[o] * state$epsilon$beta[o]) + diag(crossprod(rbind(matrix(1, 1, N), G$mu[,,o]), state$be$sigma[c(o, (L + 1):(L + P)), c(o, (L + 1):(L + P))]) %*% rbind(matrix(1, 1, N), G$mu[,,o]))

  prediction <- list(G = G, Y = Y)
olapuentesantana/easier_manuscript documentation built on Sept. 22, 2021, 9:42 p.m.