
Defines functions rweSimuFromTrial rweSimuTwoArm rweSimuSingleArm rweSimuError rwe_simu_surv rwe_get_surv_int rweGetBinInt rweGetYSig rweXBeta rweSimuCov

Documented in rweGetBinInt rwe_get_surv_int rweGetYSig rweSimuCov rweSimuError rweSimuFromTrial rweSimuSingleArm rwe_simu_surv rweSimuTwoArm rweXBeta

#' Simulate covariates following a mixture of multivariate normal distribution
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @export
rweSimuCov <- function(nPat, muCov, sdCov, corCov, mix.phi = 1,
                       cov.breaks = NULL,
                       seed = NULL) {

    f.cur <- function(x, i) {
        if (is.array(x)) {
            rst <- x[min(i, nrow(x)),];
        } else {
            rst <- x;


    stopifnot(is.numeric(mix.phi) | any(mix.phi < 0));
    stopifnot(nPat > 0);

    if (!is.null(seed)) {
        old_seed <- .Random.seed

    n.pts <- rmultinom(1, nPat, mix.phi);
    cov.x <- NULL;
    for (i in 1:length(mix.phi)) {

        if (0 == n.pts[i])

        cur.mu  <- f.cur(muCov, i);
        cur.sd  <- f.cur(sdCov, i);
        cur.cor <- corCov[min(i, length(corCov))];
        cur.x   <- rmvnorm(n.pts[i],
                           mean  = cur.mu,
                           sigma = get.covmat(cur.sd, cur.cor));
        cov.x   <- rbind(cov.x, cur.x);

    if (!is.null(seed))
        .Random.seed <- old_seed

    colnames(cov.x) <- paste("V", 1 : ncol(cov.x), sep = "");
    cov.x           <- data.frame(cov.x);
    cov.x           <- get_cov_cat(cov.x, cov.breaks)


#' Simulate X multiplied by Beta
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @param ... Parameters for simulating covariates by function
#'     \code{\link{rweSimuCov}}
#' @export
rweXBeta <- function(..., regCoeff, cov.x = NULL, fmla = NULL) {

    stopifnot(inherits(fmla, "formula") |

    if (is.null(cov.x))
        cov.x <- rweSimuCov(...);

    if (is.null(fmla)) {
        fmla <- formula(paste("~",
                              paste(colnames(cov.x), collapse = "+")));

    d.matrix <- model.matrix(fmla, cov.x)
    xbeta    <- tk_get_xbeta(d.matrix, regCoeff)

#' Compute standard error of the random error
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @inheritParams rweGetYSig
#' @return mean of xbeta and standard error or the random error term
#' @export
rweGetYSig <- function(..., nPat=500000, xbeta = NULL, sig2Ratio = 1) {
    if (is.null(xbeta))
        xbeta   <- rweXBeta(nPat=nPat, ...);

    v.xbeta <- var(xbeta);
    ysig    <- sqrt(v.xbeta * sig2Ratio);

    c(mean(xbeta), ysig);

#' Get intercept for a binary outcome.
#' The binary outcome may be an outcome or a treatment assignment.
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @param ... Parameters for simulating covariates by function
#'     \code{\link{rweXBeta}} and \code{\link{rweSimuCov}}
#' @return standard error or the random error term
#' @export
rweGetBinInt <- function(..., regCoeff, nPat=500000, xbeta = NULL,
                         bin.mu = 0.5) {
    ## fill in 0 for intercept temporarily
    if (is.null(xbeta))
        ey <- rweXBeta(nPat, regCoeff = c(0, regCoeff), ...);

    fm <- function(b0) {
        logp <- (b0 + ey) - log(1 + exp(b0 + ey))
        m    <- mean(exp(logp))

    fx <- function(b0, bmu) {
        m <- fm(b0)
        (m - bmu)^2

    mey <- max(abs(ey))
    rst <- NULL
    for (i in 1:length(bin.mu)) {
        cur_rst <- optimize(fx, c(-100 - mey, 100 + mey),
                            bmu = bin.mu[i])$minimum
        cur_m   <- fm(cur_rst)
        rst     <- rbind(rst,
                         c(b0 = cur_rst, bmu = cur_m))


#' Get Intercept for Survival Outcome Simulation
#' Get intercept such that the mean survival time at the given time point is the
#' given survival probability
#' @export
rwe_get_surv_int <- function(covx, beta, xbeta = NULL,
                             prob_surv = 0.5, t0 = 1,
                             pred_tps = NULL) {

    if (is.null(xbeta)) {
        xbeta <- tk_get_xbeta(covx, beta)

    fx <- function(b0, t0) {
        mu     <- b0 + xbeta
        lambda <- exp(mu)
        p_surv <- exp(-lambda * t0)

    fy <- function(b0) {
        p_surv <- fx(b0, t0)
        (p_surv - prob_surv)^2

    mey <- max(abs(xbeta))
    rst <- optimize(fy, c(-50 - mey, 50 + mey))
    ## print(rst)

    b0        <- rst$minimum
    pred_surv <- NULL
    if (!is.null(pred_tps)) {
        pred_surv <- sapply(pred_tps, function(x) fx(b0, x))

    ## return
    list(b0        = b0,
         pred_surv = pred_surv)

#' Simulate survival outcomes
#' Simulate survival outcomes based on exponential distribution
#' @export
rwe_simu_surv <- function(nPat,
                          muCov, sdCov, corCov,
                          b0, regCoeff, cov_breaks = NULL,
                          muCov_cens, sdCov_cens, corCov_cens,
                          b0_cens, regCoeff_cens, cov_breaks_cens = NULL,
                          fmla_surv = NULL, fmla_cens = NULL,
                          t_max = 5, ...) {

    ## censoring
    covx_cens <- rweSimuCov(nPat       = nPat,
                            muCov      = muCov_cens,
                            sdCov      = sdCov_cens,
                            corCov     = corCov_cens,
                            cov.breaks = cov_breaks_cens)

    xbeta_cens <- rweXBeta(regCoeff = c(b0_cens, regCoeff_cens),
                           cov.x    = covx_cens,
                           fmla     = fmla_cens)

    lambda_cens <- exp(xbeta_cens)
    time_cens   <- rexp(n = nPat, lambda_cens)

    ## event
    covx_surv <- rweSimuCov(nPat       = nPat,
                            muCov      = muCov,
                            sdCov      = sdCov,
                            corCov     = corCov,
                            cov.breaks = cov_breaks)

    xbeta_surv <- rweXBeta(regCoeff = c(b0, regCoeff),
                           cov.x    = covx_surv,
                           fmla     = fmla_surv)

    lambda_surv <- exp(xbeta_surv)
    time_surv   <- rexp(n = nPat, lambda_surv)

    ## outcome
    y <- apply(cbind(time_surv, time_cens, t_max),
               function(x) {
                   c(x[1:2], x[1] > min(x), min(x))
    y <- t(y)

    Data           <- cbind(1:nPat, y, lambda_surv, lambda_cens,
                            covx_cens, covx_surv)
    colnames(Data) <- c("pid",
                        "t_event", "t_censor", "censored", "time",
                        "lambda_surv", "lambda_cens",
                              1:(ncol(covx_cens) + ncol(covx_surv)),
                              sep = ""))

#' Simulate random errors
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @export
rweSimuError <- function(nPat,
                         error.type = c("normal", "skewed"),
                         ysig   = 1,
                         skew.n = NULL,skew.p = NULL, skew.noise = 0.0001,
                         ...) {

    type <- match.arg(error.type);
    rst <- switch(type,
                  normal = {rnorm(nPat, 0, ysig)},
                  skewed = {
        mu        <- skew.n * (1-skew.p) / skew.p;
        va        <- skew.n * (1-skew.p) / skew.p^2;
        noise.sig <- skew.noise;
        rst       <- rnbinom(nPat, skew.n, skew.p);
        rst       <- rst - mu + rnorm(nPat, 0, noise.sig);
        rst       <- rst/sqrt(va + noise.sig^2)*ysig;


#' Simulate outcomes for a single arm study
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @export
rweSimuSingleArm <- function(nPat, muCov, sdCov, corCov, regCoeff, mix.phi = 1,
                             cov.breaks = NULL,
                             fmla = NULL,
                             type = c("continuous", "binary"),
                             ysig = NULL, sig2Ratio=1, b0 = NULL, bin.mu = 0.5,
                             ...) {

    type  <- match.arg(type);
    EY    <- NULL
    COV.X <- rweSimuCov(nPat       = nPat,
                        muCov      = muCov,
                        sdCov      = sdCov,
                        corCov     = corCov,
                        mix.phi    = mix.phi,
                        cov.breaks = cov.breaks)
    ##simulate Y
    if ("continuous" == type) {
        ## epsilon
        if (is.null(ysig)) {
            ysig <- rweGetYSig(muCov      = muCov,
                               sdCov      = sdCov,
                               corCov     = corCov,
                               mix.phi    = mix.phi,
                               cov.breaks = cov.breaks,
                               regCoeff   = regCoeff,
                               sig2Ratio  = sig2Ratio,
                               fmla       = fmla)[2];

        EY      <- rweXBeta(cov.x = COV.X, regCoeff = regCoeff, fmla = fmla)
        EPSILON <- rweSimuError(nPat, ysig = ysig, ...)
        Y       <- EY + EPSILON
    } else if ("binary" == type) {
        if (is.null(b0)) {
            b0  <- rweGetBinInt(bin.mu,
                                muCov      = muCov,
                                sdCov      = sdCov,
                                corCov     = corCov,
                                regCoeff   = regCoeff,
                                mix.phi    = mix.phi,
                                cov.breaks = cov.breaks,
                                fmla       = fmla);
        regCoeff <- c(b0, regCoeff);
        XBETA    <- rweXBeta(cov.x = COV.X, regCoeff = regCoeff, fmla = fmla);
        EY       <- expit(XBETA)
        Y        <- rbinom(nPat, 1, EY)

    Data           <- cbind(1:nPat, Y, EY, COV.X);
    colnames(Data) <- c("pid", "Y", "EY", paste("V", 1 : ncol(COV.X), sep = ""))

#' Simulate continuous outcomes for a two arm study
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @export
rweSimuTwoArm <- function(nPat, muCov, sdCov, corCov, trt.effect = 0,
                          regCoeff.y, regCoeff.z=0,
                          mix.phi = 1, cov.breaks = NULL,
                          fmla.y = NULL, fmla.z = NULL, ysig = NULL,
                          b0 = NULL, z1.p = 0.5,
                          sig2Ratio = 2,  ..., do.simu=TRUE) {

    ##treatment assignment
    if (is.null(b0)) {
        b0  <- rweGetBinInt(bin.mu   = z1.p,
                            muCov    = muCov,
                            sdCov    = sdCov,
                            corCov   = corCov,
                            regCoeff = regCoeff.z,
                            mix.phi  = mix.phi,
                            fmla     = fmla.z);

    if (is.null(ysig)) {
        ysig <- rweGetYSig(muCov      = muCov,
                           sdCov      = sdCov,
                           corCov     = corCov,
                           mix.phi    = mix.phi,
                           cov.breaks = cov.breaks,
                           regCoeff   = regCoeff.y,
                           sig2Ratio  = sig2Ratio,
                           fmla       = fmla.y)[2];

    simu.data <- NULL;
    if (do.simu) {
        COV.X   <- rweSimuCov(nPat       = nPat,
                              muCov      = muCov,
                              sdCov      = sdCov,
                              corCov     = corCov,
                              mix.phi    = mix.phi,
                              cov.breaks = cov.breaks);

        if (identical(0, regCoeff.z)) {
            Z  <- rbinom(nPat, 1, z1.p);
        } else {
            xbeta.z <- rweXBeta(cov.x    = COV.X,
                                regCoeff = regCoeff.z,
                                fmla     = fmla.z);
            Z       <- rbinom(nPat, 1, expit(b0 + xbeta.z));

        xbeta.y <- rweXBeta(cov.x    = COV.X,
                            regCoeff = regCoeff.y,
                            fmla     = fmla.y);

        epsilon.y <- rweSimuError(nPat, ysig = ysig, ...);
        Y         <- Z * trt.effect + xbeta.y + epsilon.y;
        simu.data <- cbind(pid=1:nPat, Y=Y, Z=Z, COV.X);

    list(true.effect = trt.effect,
         simu.data   = simu.data,
         b0ysig      = c(b0 = b0, ysig = ysig));

#' Simulate data from an existing dataset
#' @inheritParams simupara
#' @export
rweSimuFromTrial <- function(nPat, trial.data, group = "A", outcome = "Y",
                             with.replacement = TRUE, seed = NULL,
                             permute = TRUE, f.subset = NULL,
                             permute.trteffect = 0, permute.interaction = 0,
                             simu.group = group, simu.outcome = outcome) {
    if (!is.null(seed)) {
        old_seed <- .Random.seed

    if (1 == length(nPat)) {
        ## set the same sample size for the two groups
        nPat <- rep(nPat,2);

    if (!permute) {
        arms   <- unique(trial.data[[group]]);
        rst    <- NULL;
        mean.y <- NULL;
        for (i in 1:length(arms)) {
            cur.d   <- trial.data[arms[i] == trial.data[[group]],];
            cur.n   <- nPat[min(i, length(nPat))];

            stopifnot(with.replacement | nrow(cur.d) > cur.n);

            mean.y   <- c(mean.y, mean(cur.d[[outcome]]));
            cur.smp  <- cur.d[sample(1:nrow(cur.d), cur.n, replace=with.replacement), ];

            cur.smp[[simu.group]]   <- i - 1;
            cur.smp[[simu.outcome]] <- cur.d[[outcome]];

            rst <- rbind(rst, cur.smp);

        trt.effect <- mean.y;
        simu.data  <- rst;
    } else {
        cur.d <- trial.data;
        cur.n <- sum(nPat);

        stopifnot(with.replacement | nrow(cur.d) > cur.n);

        smp.inx <- sample(1:nrow(cur.d), cur.n, replace=with.replacement);
        cur.smp <- cur.d[smp.inx, ];
        grps    <- NULL;
        for (i in 1:length(nPat)) {
            grps <- c(grps, rep(i-1, nPat[i]));
        cur.smp[[simu.group]]   <- grps;
        cur.smp[[simu.outcome]] <- cur.smp[[outcome]];

        ##introduce main effect to the last group
        inx.last <- which(max(grps) == grps);
        cur.smp[inx.last, simu.outcome] <- permute.trteffect + cur.smp[inx.last, simu.outcome];

        ##introduce interaction effect
        if (is.function(f.subset) & permute.interaction != 0) {
            all.subgrp <- f.subset(cur.d);
            stopifnot(all(all.subgrp %in% c(0,1)));

            egbi   <- mean(all.subgrp);
            subgrp <- all.subgrp[smp.inx];
            cur.smp[inx.last, simu.outcome] <- cur.smp[inx.last, simu.outcome] +
                permute.interaction * (subgrp[inx.last] - egbi);

        trt.effect <- permute.trteffect;
        simu.data  <- cur.smp;

    if (!is.null(seed))
        .Random.seed <- old_seed

    ## randomize the order of simulated patients
    list(true.effect = trt.effect,
         simu.data   = simu.data[sample(1:nrow(simu.data)),]);
olssol/rwetools documentation built on April 18, 2021, 11:42 a.m.