
Defines functions temp_entropy get_cov_cat get.covmat get.xbeta expit make.global get.rwe.class get_match rweSimuCombine rweSummary rweGpsLambda rweGetLambda rweEvenLmbdS rweFreqTbl rweDist rweCut

Documented in get_match rweCut rweDist rweEvenLmbdS rweFreqTbl rweGetLambda rweGpsLambda rweSimuCombine rweSummary

#' Cut a sequence of numbers into bins with equal numbers in each bin
#' @param x vector of values based on which cut points will be determined
#' @param y vector of values to be cut, default to be the same as \code{x}
#' @param breaks number of cut points
#' @param keep.inx indices of y that will be categorized as 1 or the largest bin
#'     even if their values are out of range of x
#' @export
rweCut <- function(x, y = x, breaks = 5, keep.inx = NULL) {
    cuts    <- quantile(x, seq(0, 1, length = breaks + 1));
    cuts[1] <- cuts[1] - 0.001;
    rst     <- rep(NA, length(y));
    for (i in 2:length(cuts)) {
        inx      <- which(y > cuts[i-1] & y <= cuts[i]);
        rst[inx] <- i-1;

    if (!is.null(keep.inx)) {
        inx <- which(y[keep.inx] <= cuts[1]);
        if (0 < length(inx)) {
            rst[keep.inx[inx]] <- 1;

        inx <- which(y[keep.inx] > cuts[length(cuts)]);
        if (0 < length(inx)) {
            rst[keep.inx[inx]] <- length(cuts) - 1;


#' Compute distance from F0 to F1
#' @param type type of distances. ovl: overlapping coefficient, kl:
#'     1/(1+Kullback-Leibler divergence)
#' @param n.bins number of bins for KL computation
#' @param epsilon small integer for Dirichlet smoothing
#' @return a vector with the number of samples in group 0, the number of samples
#'     in group 1, and 1/(1+KL divergence) from group 0 to group 1 when type is
#'     kl, or the overlapping coefficient when type is ovl
#' @export
rweDist <- function(sample.F0, sample.F1, n.bins = 10, type = c("ovl", "kl"), epsilon = 10^-6) {

    type     <- match.arg(type);

    smps     <- c(sample.F0, sample.F1);
    n0       <- length(sample.F0);
    n1       <- length(sample.F1);

    if (0 == n0 | 0 == n1)
        return(c(n0, n1, NA));

    if (1 == length(unique(smps))) {
        cut.smps <- rep(1, n0+n1)
        n.bins   <- 1;
        warning("Distributions for computing distances are degenerate.",
                call. = FALSE);
    } else {
        cut.smps <- rweCut(smps, breaks = n.bins);

    rst <- 0;
    for (j in 1:n.bins) {
        n0.j <- length(which(j == cut.smps[1:n0]));
        n1.j <- length(which(j == cut.smps[(n0+1):(n0+n1)]));

        rst  <- rst + switch(type,
                             kl = {ep0  <- (n0.j+epsilon)/(n0 + epsilon * n.bins);
                                 ep1  <- (n1.j+epsilon)/(n1 + epsilon * n.bins);
                                 ep1 * log(ep1/ep0)},
                             ovl = min(n0.j/n0, n1.j/n1));

    if ("kl" == type)
        rst <- 1/(1+rst);


#' Generate frequency table for factor columns
#' @return a vector with the number of samples in group 0, the number of samples
#'     in group 1, and the KL divergence from group 0 to group 1
#' @export
rweFreqTbl <- function(data, var.groupby, vars = NULL) {

    if (is.null(vars))
        vars <- colnames(data);

    rst <- NULL;
    for (v in vars) {
        if (!is.factor(data[[v]]))

        cur.freq <- data %>% count_(c(var.groupby, v)) %>%
            group_by_(.dots = var.groupby) %>%
            mutate(Sum = sum(n), Freq = n/sum(n)) %>%
            mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%
            mutate(Cov = v) %>%
            rename_(Value = v);

        rst <- rbind(rst, data.frame(cur.freq));


#' Split A into Bins
#' Split A into bins to minimize the number difference between two arms
#' @param ns1.trt numbers of treatment arm patients in each stratum
#' @param ns1.ctl numbers of control arm patients in each stratum
#' @param ns0     numbers of external patients in each stratum
#' @param A       number of target patients to borrow
#' @export
rweEvenLmbdS <- function(ns1.trt, ns1.ctl, ns0, A, init.lmbds = NULL) {

    f.target <- function(lmbds) {
        cl  <- c(lmbds, A - sum(lmbds));
        rst <- sum((ns1.trt - ns1.ctl - cl)^2);

    f.gradient <- function(lmbds) {
        g <- -2*(ns1.trt[-NS] - ns1.ctl[-NS] - lmbds);

    NS <- length(ns1.trt);

    stopifnot(NS == length(ns1.ctl) &
              NS == length(ns0));

    ## there is only one stratum
    if (1 == NS) {

    ## multiple strata

    ## restrictions lmb > 0; sum(lmb) < A; lmb < ns0;
    ui <- rbind(diag(NS-1),
                -1 * diag(NS-1),
                rep(-1, NS-1),
                rep(1, NS-1));

    ci <- c(rep(0, NS-1),
            A - ns0[NS]);

    if (is.null(init.lmbds))
        init.lmbds <- rep(A/NS, NS-1);

    rst <- constrOptim(theta = init.lmbds,
                       f     = f.target,
                       grad  = f.gradient,
                       ui, ci, mu = 1e-04, control = list(),
                       outer.iterations = 100, outer.eps = 1e-05,
                       hessian = FALSE);

    c(rst$par, A - sum(rst$par))

#' Get weights
#' @param A target number of subjects to be borrowed
#' @param m.lambda method to split A. rs: by overlapping coefficient; even: by
#'     minimizing trt and control imbalance in numbers
#' @return power parameter before standardization
#' @export
rweGetLambda <- function(A, rs = NULL, ns1.trt = NULL, ns1.ctl = NULL, ns0,
                         m.lambda = c("rs", "even", "inverse"), ...) {
    m.lambda <- match.arg(m.lambda);

    rst <- switch(m.lambda,
                  rs      = apply(cbind(ns0, A * rs / sum(rs)), 1, min),
                  even    = rweEvenLmbdS(ns1.trt, ns1.ctl, ns0, A, ...),
                  inverse = {mrs <- 1 / (1-rs);
                             apply(cbind(ns0, A * mrs/sum(mrs)), 1, min)})

#' Get weights
#' @param A target number of subjects to be borrowed
#' @param m.lambda method to split A. rs: by overlapping coefficient; even: by
#'     minimizing trt and control imbalance in numbers
#' @return power parameter before standardization
#' @export
rweGpsLambda <- function(A, ps_dist) {
    ps_dist <- ps_dist[which(ps_dist$Strata > 0), ]
    inx     <- seq(4, ncol(ps_dist), by = 2)

    ## average distance
    avg   <- apply(ps_dist[, inx], 1, mean)
    avg_a <- A * avg / sum(avg)

    ## lambdas
    lambdas <- apply(cbind(avg_a, ps_dist[, inx]),
                     function(x) {
                         x[-1] / sum(x[-1]) * x[1]

    ## minimum
    rst <- apply(cbind(as.vector(t(lambdas)),
                       as.vector(data.matrix(ps_dist[, inx-1]))

    matrix(rst, nrow = nrow(ps_dist))

#' Summary statistics
#' l
#' @export
rweSummary <- function(cur.m, cur.var, true.theta,  cur.ci = NULL) {
    rst      <- c(thetahat = cur.m,
                  thetavar = cur.var,
                  bias     = cur.m - true.theta,
                  mse      = (cur.m - true.theta)^2)

    if (!is.null(cur.ci)) {
        range.ci <- range(cur.ci)
        rst <- c(rst,
                 width    = range.ci[2] - range.ci[1],
                 cover    = true.theta >= range.ci[1] & true.theta <= range.ci[2],
                 lb       = as.numeric(range.ci[1]),
                 ub       = as.numeric(range.ci[2]))

#' Combining simulation results
#' @param lst.rst List of simulation results. Each element represents a
#'     replication
#' @export
rweSimuCombine <- function(lst.rst, fun = mean, ignore.error = TRUE, ...) {
    if (ignore.error) {
        err.inx <- NULL;
        for (i in 1:length(lst.rst)) {
            if ("try-error" == class(lst.rst[[i]]))
                err.inx <- c(err.inx, i);

        if (!is.null(err.inx))
            lst.rst <- lst.rst[-err.inx];

    nreps       <- length(lst.rst);
    rep1        <- lst.rst[[1]];
    lst.combine <- rep(list(NULL), length(rep1));
    for (i in 1:nreps) {
        for (j in 1:length(rep1)) {
            cur.value        <- lst.rst[[i]][[j]];
            lst.combine[[j]] <- rbind(lst.combine[[j]],

    for (j in 1:length(lst.combine)) {
        cur.rst           <- apply(lst.combine[[j]], 2, fun, ...);
        dim(cur.rst)      <- dim(as.matrix(rep1[[j]]));
        dimnames(cur.rst) <- dimnames(as.matrix(rep1[[j]]));
        lst.combine[[j]]  <- cur.rst;

    names(lst.combine) <- names(rep1);

#' Match by nearest neighbor
#' Match subjects in group candidate with subject in the target group
#' @param target  vector of data from the target group
#' @param candidates vector of data from the candidate group
#' @param ratio  1:ratio match
#' @export
get_match <- function(target, candidate, ratio) {
    rst <- cMatch(target, candidate, ratio)
    rst <- rst[seq_len(ratio * length(target))] + 1

        id = rep(seq_len(length(target)), each = ratio),
        mid = rst

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##             PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

get.rwe.class <- function(c.str = c("DWITHPS", "PSDIST", "D_GPS", "GPSDIST")) {
    c.str <- match.arg(c.str);
           DWITHPS  = "RWE_DWITHPS",
           PSDIST   = "RWE_PSDIST",
           D_GPS    = "RWE_D_GPS",
           GPSDIST  = "RWE_GPSDIST")

make.global <- function(alist, dest.env='.GlobalEnv') {
    for (i in 1:length(alist)) {
        assign(names(alist[i]), alist[[i]], dest.env );

expit <- function(x) {
    ex <- exp(x);

get.xbeta <- function(covX, regCoeff) {
    if (length(regCoeff) > 0 &
        length(regCoeff) != ncol(covX)) {
        stop("Number of coefficients does not match with the design matrix.")

    apply(covX, 1, function(x) {
        sum(x * regCoeff)}

get.covmat <- function(StDevCovar, corrCovar) {
    n.x      <- length(StDevCovar);
    Vars     <- StDevCovar*StDevCovar;
    CovarMat <- matrix(NA, n.x, n.x);
    for (i in 1:n.x) {
        CovarMat[i,i] <- Vars[i];
        for (j in i:n.x) {
            if (j == i) {
                CovarMat[i,i] <- Vars[i];
            CovarMat[i, j] <- corrCovar*StDevCovar[i]*StDevCovar[j];
            CovarMat[j, i] <- CovarMat[i, j];


## cut covariates into categories
get_cov_cat <- function(covX, breaks = NULL) {
    f.cut <- function(x, bs) {
        if (is.null(bs))

        ibs <- sort(unique(c(-Inf, bs, Inf)));
        rst <- as.numeric(cut(x, breaks = ibs)) - 1;
        factor(rst, levels = 0:length(bs))

    if (is.null(breaks))

    if (is.numeric(breaks)) {
        rst <- apply(covX, 1, f.cut, breaks);
        rst <- t(rst);
    } else if (is.list(breaks)) {
        rst <- covX;
        for (i in 1:min(ncol(covX), length(breaks))) {
            rst[,i] <- f.cut(covX[,i],


## entropy score
temp_entropy <- function(target_stats, dta_ext, ...) {


    n_ext     <- nrow(dta_ext)
    mat_cov   <- as.matrix(dta_ext[, names(target_stats)])
    mat_cov   <- matrix(as.numeric(mat_cov), nrow = n_ext)
    n_x       <- ncol(mat_cov)
    log_n     <- log(n_ext)

    init_diff <- rwe_margin_stat_diff(target_stats, dta_ext)$diff
    n_r       <- length(init_diff)

    f_wi <- function(beta) {
        b0      <- beta[1]
        beta_wi <- beta[2 : (n_x + 1)]

        bx      <- apply(mat_cov,
                        function(x) sum(x * beta_wi))
        bx      <- b0 + bx
        ebx     <- exp(bx)
        ebx     <- ebx / (1 + ebx)

        wi      <- ebx / sum(ebx)

    f_obj_1 <- function(beta) {
        wi  <- f_wi(beta)
        rst <- sum(wi * log(wi)) + log_n


    f_obj_2 <- function(beta) {
        wi   <- f_wi(beta)
        diff <- rwe_margin_stat_diff(target_stats, dta_ext,
                                     weights = wi)$diff

        rst  <- sum(diff^2)

        print(c(beta, rst))


    f_obj <- function(beta) {
        ## lambdas
        lambda_r <- beta[n_x + (1 : n_r)]

        ## diff
        wi   <- f_wi(beta)
        diff <- rwe_margin_stat_diff(target_stats, dta_ext,
                                     weights = wi)$diff

        ## loss
        rst_1 <- sum(wi * log(wi)) + log_n
        rst_2 <- sum(lambda_r * diff)
        rst   <- rst_1 + rst_2

        print(c(rst_1, rst_2, rst))

    init_beta   <- rep(0, 1 + n_x)
    init_lambda <- c(init_beta, rep(0, n_r))
    rst         <- optim(init_beta, f_obj_2, ...)

    ## results
    wi   <- f_wi(rst$par)
    diff <- rwe_margin_stat_diff(target_stats, dta_ext, weights = wi)$diff

    list(wi        = wi,
         diff      = diff,
         init_diff = init_diff,
         rst_opt   = rst)
olssol/rwetools documentation built on April 18, 2021, 11:42 a.m.