setGeneric("fromXML", function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
if(is(type, "BasicSchemaType") && length(formals(type@fromConverter)))
fromXMLWithMap =
function(node, map = xmlNamespace(node), name = xmlName(node))
return(as(node, name))
if(is.character(map)) {
if(length(map) && map != "" && exists(map))
map = get(map)
map = NULL
if(is.null(map) ||
# <- match(name, names(map)))
( <- match(sprintf("%s.%s", xmlNamespace(node), name), names(map)))))
as(node, map[i])
# Using XMLInternalElementNode since otherwise end up in ANY method.
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLInternalElementNode", "missing", "missing", type = "character"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
if(type == "list")
return(xmlApply(node, fromXML))
if(type %in% c("logical", "integer", "numeric", "character")) {
# what about single values
return(as(xmlSApply(node, xmlValue), type)) # xmlValue or fromXML or as(, type)
fromXMLWithMap(node, type)
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLInternalElementNode", "missing", "missing", type = "XMLElementTypeMap"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
fromXMLWithMap(node, type)
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLInternalElementNode", "missing", "missing", type = "missing"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
k = xmlName(node)
as(node, k)
else {
# Regardles of what the node is, convert a SchemaVoidType to NULL.
setMethod("fromXML", c(type="SchemaVoidType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
setMethod("fromXML", "NULL",
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLAbstractNode", type = "NULL"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLAbstractNode", type = "ArrayType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters,
append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
fromSOAPArray(node, type = type, root, converters, multiRefs = multiRefs)
if(FALSE) {
# Take out for now.
setMethod("fromXML", c("character", "PrimitiveSchemaType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE,
type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
node <- parseSOAP(node, asText = TRUE)
fromXML(node[[1]], root = root, converters = converters, append = append, type = type,
multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)
# setOldClass("XMLNode")
c(node = "XMLAbstractNode", type = "PrimitiveSchemaType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE,
type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node)) {
if(type@nsuri %in% getXSDSchemaURIs(all = TRUE))
which <- match(type@name, names(converters))
which <- NA
val <- converters[[which]](xmlValue(node))
else {
val <- xmlValue(node)
warning("Don't understand the primitive XML type `", type@name, "' yet")
fromXML.SimpleSequence =
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
tt = if(is.list(node))
sapply(node, fromXML, type = type@elType, namespaces = namespaces, converters = converters)
# How about xmlApply ?
xmlSApply(node, fromXML, type = type@elType, namespaces = namespaces, converters = converters)
structure(tt, names = NULL) # strip the names.
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLAbstractNode", type = "SimpleSequenceType"), fromXML.SimpleSequence)
# Top-level entry point to convert a top-level SOAP XML node to an R object.
fromXML.default =
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
if(is(type, "SimpleSequenceType")) {
return(fromXML.SimpleSequence(node, root, converters, append, type, multiRefs, namespaces))
# merge the specified converters with the standard ones.
# This allows the caller either to bypass the standard converters with append = FALSE
# or to merely add their own, overriding individual elements, if desired.
if(!missing(converters) && append) {
SchemaPrimitiveConverters[names(converters)] <- converters
converters <- SchemaPrimitiveConverters
a <- xmlAttrs(node)
origType = type
if(!is.null(a)) {
if(!"null", names(a))))
if(is.null(type) && !"type", names(a))))
type <- a[["type"]]
if(!"href", names(a)))) {
id = substring(a[["href"]], 2)
if(!, names(multiRefs))))
n <- multiRefs[[id]]
else {
n <- getNodeById(a[["href"]], root)
stop("Can't find element ", a[["href"]])
return(fromXML(n, root = root, converters = converters, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces))
# if(is.null(origType) && "arrayType" %in% names(a))
# return(fromSOAPArray(node, root = root, converters = converters, multiRefs = multiRefs))
if(is.character(type)) {
if(grepl(":", type)) {
els = strsplit(type, ":")[[1]]
ns = as(XML:::findNamespaceDefinition(node, els[1]), "character")
# check if this is one we recognize, e.g SOAP
if(ns == "") {
if(els[2] == "Array") {
return(fromSOAPArray(node, converters = converters, namespaces = namespaces, type = gsub("\\[.*", "", a["arrayType"])))
if(type %in% names(converters))
else {
type = strsplit(type, ":")[[1]]
if(length(type) > 1)
type = type[2]
return(as(node, type))
realType = is(type, "GenericSchemaType")
# Dispatch to another method if possible.
if(realType && type@name == "ArrayOfString" && type@nsuri == "" ) {
return(unlist(xmlApply(node, xmlValue)))
} else if(realType && type@name == "ArrayOfDouble" && type@nsuri == "" ) {
return(as.numeric(unlist(xmlApply(node, xmlValue))))
} else if(realType && type@name == "ArrayOfInt" && type@nsuri == "" ) {
return(as.integer(unlist(xmlApply(node, xmlValue))))
} else if(xmlName(node) == "Array" || (!is.null(type) && is.character(type) && type %in% c("SOAP-ENC:Array", "soapenc:Array"))) {
return(fromSOAPArray(node, root = root, converters = converters, type = NULL, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)) # type = type
} else if(xmlSize(node) > 1) {
return(fromSOAPStruct(node, root = root, converters = converters, type = type, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces))
} else if(!is(type, "character"))
return(fromXML(node, root, converters, type = type, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces))
if(is.null(type)) {
# Want to check namespace is SOAP-ENC
# and ideally don't want to prefix it with xsd:
# but probably the most usual case is to get the typ
# as xsd:type from the attribute and so that is the
# default.
type <- paste("xsd", xmlName(node), sep=":")
} else if(, names(converters))) && strsplit(type,":")[[1]][1] != "soapenc"){
#XX Map soapenc:type to xsd:type
type <- gsub("^soapenc:", "xsd:", type)
# This should now be done in the method for PrimitiveSchemaType
# but we leave it here as it may get called from a path such as
# for dates, etc.
which <- match(type, names(converters))
val <- converters[[which]](xmlValue(node))
else {
val <- xmlValue(node)
warning("Don't understand the SOAP type `", type, "' yet")
setMethod("fromXML", c(type="missing"), fromXML.default)
setMethod("fromXML", c(type="NULL"), fromXML.default)
setMethod("fromXML", c(type="character"), fromXML.default)
setMethod("fromXML", c(type="ANY", "ANY", "ANY"), fromXML.default)
setMethod("fromXML", c(type = "CrossRefType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node)) {
if(!is.null(getClassDef(type@name))) {
if(!is.null(m <- selectMethod("coerce", c(class(node)[1], paste0(type@name, "OrNULL")), optional = TRUE)))
m(node, type)
newSOAPClass(node, getClass(type@name), converters = converters, type = type)
} else
fromXML.default(node, root, converters, append, type, multiRefs, namespaces)
setMethod("fromXML", c(type = "ArrayType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
fromSOAPArray(node, type, root, converters, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLAbstractNode", type = "ClassDefinition"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
# Need to handle name here to get into S style?
newSOAPClass(node, type@name, converters, type = type)
setMethod("fromXML", c("XMLAbstractNode", type = "Element"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
# We should be able to dispatch to the SimpleSequenceType here, but it is not being picked up!
# selectMethod("fromXML", c(class(node[[1]])[1], type = class(type@type)))
# node or node[[1]] - was node[[1]] with type being a SimpleSequenceType.
# Make certain to peel of the child that corresponds to the element.
# We want to pass the node on to fromXML and not its contents
# so that xmlSApply() for example can be used on the children in the SimpleSequenceType
kid = node
if(xmlName(kid) != type@name)
kid = node[[type@name]]
fromXML(kid, root, converters, append, type@type, multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)
# Also need general converters that work on nodes
# Parse the type and dimensions of an array declaration.
parseArrayType =
# The goal here is to process a string giving a declaration for an array
# and to extract the dimensions and the type
# We need to be able to handle declarations of the form:
# xsd:string[0]
# xsd:string[]
# xsd:string[2,3]
# xsd:string[2,3,]
# xsd:string[2,,]
# xsd:string[2,,3,,]
# xsd:string[2][3]
# and xsd:string[2][]
# We can use the ArrayType class to represent the result.
#XXX Generate the elType for the ArrayType.
function(type, ns = character(), namespaces = list(), obj = new("ArrayType"), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
if(is.null(type) || length(type) == 0 || || type == "") {
obj@elType = new("AnySchemaType")
# Get the type name, e.g. xsd:string
# typeName = gsub("^\([^\[]*\)\\\[.*\\\]", "\\1", type, perl = TRUE)
typeName = gsub("^([^[]*)\\[.*\\]", "\\1", type, perl = TRUE)
# Get rid of the type name and work on the dimensions.
dims = gsub("^[^[]*(\\[.*\\])", "\\1", type, perl = TRUE)
# Collapse [num][num][num] to num,num,num
#XXX and also therefore [num,,num][num,,,num] to the concatenation
# num,,num,num,,,num
# which is not necessarily the same thing.
dims = sapply(strsplit(dims, "\\]"), function(x) paste(gsub("\\[", "", x), collapse= ","))
# Get the individual dimension elements and fill in the missing ones with NAs
els =
lapply(dims, function(dim) {
numCommas = sum("," == strsplit(dim, "")[[1]])
els = strsplit(dim, ",")[[1]]
els[els == ""] <- NA
els = as.integer(els)
if(numCommas == length(els))
els <- c(els, NA)
# Should we be returning a vector of dimensions
# rather than a list of ArrayTypes.
# Done here, and skip the last command - old version.
elType = SchemaType(gsub("\\[.*$", "", type), namespaceDefs = namespaces)
obj@elType = elType
obj@elementType = typeName
obj@dims = unlist(els)
obj@nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace)
fromSOAPArray <-
# Need to handle the partial arrays
# where individual elements are specified.
# This doesn't handle multi-dimensional arrays, yet. We have the information now from the dimensions
# of the type.
# When we have a class defined for the array, make certain to return an instance of that class and not
# just list(). E.g. in the KEGG.wsdl, we have a case of SubType
function(node, type = NULL, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, multiRefs = list(), simplify = TRUE,
namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
# Get to the return value.
#XXX "return" may not be the name of container node. We can read this from the WSDL.
if(xmlSize(node) > 0 && xmlName(node[[1]]) == "return")
node = node[[1]]
a <- xmlAttrs(node)
len = NA
if(length(a) > 0 && "null" %in% names(a))
# If we are not given a type, try to infer it from the attribute arrayType.
if(is.null(type)) {
type <- a[["arrayType"]]
if(!is.null(type)) {
#XXX warning("Is xmlNamespace correct here")
type = parseArrayType(type, namespaces = namespaces) # ns = xmlNamespace(type))
len = type@dims[length(type@dims)] # Get the last one since this is the one that applies to this element.
elType = type@elType
#XXX We may want to leave this as an ArrayType, but we need parseArrayType() to create its elType
# type = type@elementType
origType = type
classDef = NULL
if(is(type, "ArrayType")) {
type = type@elType
# Probably want to capitalize this.
classDef = getClassDef(paste("ArrayOf", type@name, sep = ""))
if(is(type, "PrimitiveSchemaType")) {
type = if(length(type@ns) && nchar(type@ns[1])) paste(type@ns, type@name, sep = ":") else type@name
type = gsub("^soapenc:", "xsd:", type)
len = xmlSize(node)
if(len == 0) {
# Return, e.g., character(0)
if(is.character(type) && type %in% names(zeroLengthArrays))
# This is the general mechanism for dealing with offsets.
# It doesn't work in S-Plus since it uses lexical scoping.
# Need an OOP object for that.
offset <- 1
if(!"offset", names(a)))) {
tmp <- gsub("\\[([0-9]+)\\]", "\\1", a[["offset"]])
offset <- as.integer(tmp)
# Loop over the nodes and put them into a list. We have to respect
# any position attributes in the nodes and place the elements into
# the list at the corresponding position. We use a closure to handle
# the currrent offset. This could be done with 2 passes.
ans <- vector("list", len)
xmlApply(node, function(x, type = NULL, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters) {
# Convert the element.
z <- fromXML(x, type = type, root = root, converters = converters, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)
# Now figure out at what index it should be placed.
a <- xmlAttrs(x)
if(!is.null(a) && !"position", names(a)))) {
offset <- as.integer(a[["position"]]) + 1
ans[[offset]] <<- z
# Do we need to differentiate between this coming from
# the position or the global offset.
# In the case of position, each item will provide
# its own position value.
offset <<- offset + 1
}, type = type, converters = converters, root = root)
if(simplify && is.character(type) && mapsToRPrimitiveType(type)) {
ans = unlist(ans)
ans = setArrayClass(ans, origType)
} else {
ans = new(classDef@className, ans)
# the following should most likely go!!!!
ans = setArrayClass(ans, origType)
setArrayClass =
# This attempts to make an object of the specified type
# from the object ans. It basically takes the
# object ans and use the more specific class.
function(ans, origType)
if(is(origType, "ArrayType") && length(origType@name) > 0) {
# warning("Tell me that this happened")
ans = as(ans, origType@name)
class(ans) = origType@name
mapsToRPrimitiveType =
type %in% names(SchemaPrimitiveConverters)
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
# We want to allow users to provide methods to control things.
# But we just have a SchemaType as the target. So if we create an instance of this
# and have methods defined for those types, then we will get the regular S4 dispatch.
setMethod("fromSOAPStruct", c("ANY", type = "SchemaType"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node)) {
fromSOAPStruct(node, root, converters, type@name, multiRefs, namespaces)
setMethod("fromSOAPStruct", c("ANY", type = "character"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
typeName = type
fromSOAPStruct(node, root, converters, new(typeName), multiRefs, namespaces)
fromSOAPStruct_default(node, typeName, root, converters, multiRefs, namespaces)
setMethod("fromSOAPStruct", c("ANY", type = "NULL"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
a <- xmlAttrs(node)
if(!is.null(a) && !"type", names(a)))) {
typeName <- a[["type"]]
} else
typeName <- xmlName(node)
fromSOAPStruct_default(node, typeName, root, converters, multiRefs, namespaces)
setMethod("fromSOAPStruct", "ANY",
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
# See if there is a type="value" attribute which we will use
# for the class.
if(!is.null(type)) {
typeName = type@name
} else {
a <- xmlAttrs(node)
if(!is.null(a) && !"type", names(a)))) {
typeName <- a[["type"]]
} else
typeName <- xmlName(node)
# Now lookup the converters to see if there is an appropriate
# handler for this type.
# Otherwise, just use the default mechanism.
fromSOAPStruct_default(node, typeName, root, converters, multiRefs)
# Generic S4 fill in.
setMethod("fromSOAPStruct", "ANY",
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
val <- xmlApply(node, fromXML, root = root, converters = converters, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)
obj = type
for(i in names(val)) {
# the names may differ because S4 has certain reserved words such as names which gets mapped to NAMES.
slotName = if(i %in% ReservedSlotNames) toupper(i) else i
# It is possible that the conversion has not been specific enough.
# For example, the XML may tell us we have an array of string elements, e.g. xsd:string[5]
# But in fact, we expect an instance of the class ArrayOfstring. So we do the conversion here.
if(!is(val[[i]], class(slot(obj, slotName))))
val[[i]] = as(val[[i]], class(slot(obj, slotName)))
slot(obj, slotName) = val[[i]]
fromSOAPStruct_default =
function(node, typeName, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, multiRefs = list(),
namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node))
val <- xmlApply(node, fromXML, root = root, converters = converters, multiRefs = multiRefs, namespaces = namespaces)
class(val) <- gsub("^[a-zA-Z]+:", "", typeName)
setMethod("fromXML", c(node = "XMLAbstractNode", root = "missing", type = "RestrictedDouble"),
function(node, root = NULL, converters = SchemaPrimitiveConverters, append = TRUE,
type = NULL, multiRefs = list(), namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(node)) {
as(node, type@name)
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