
Defines functions add_highlight.ggsurvfit add_highlight

Documented in add_highlight add_highlight.ggsurvfit

#' @title Highlight a specific strata
#' @description S3 method for highlighting a specific strata by lowering the opacity of all other strata.
#' @param gg A ggplot created with visR
#' @param strata String representing the name and value of the strata to be highlighted as shown in the legend.
#' @param bg_alpha A numerical value between 0 and 1 that is used to decrease the opacity off all strata not chosen to be highlighted in `strata`. The other strata's existing alpha values are multiplied by `bg_alpha` to decrease their opacity, highlighting the target strata. This works on both `colour` and `fill` properties, as for example present after applying `visR::add_CI()`.
#' @param ... other arguments passed on to the method
#' @examples
#' adtte %>%
#'   visR::estimate_KM(strata = "SEX") %>%
#'   visR::visr() %>%
#'   visR::add_CI(alpha = 0.4) %>%
#'   visR::add_highlight(strata = "M", bg_alpha = 0.2)
#' strata <- c("Placebo", "Xanomeline Low Dose")
#' adtte %>%
#'   visR::estimate_KM(strata = "TRTP") %>%
#'   visR::visr() %>%
#'   visR::add_CI(alpha = 0.4) %>%
#'   visR::add_highlight(strata = strata, bg_alpha = 0.2)
#' @return The input `ggsurvfit` object with adjusted `alpha` values
#' @rdname add_highlight
#' @export

add_highlight <- function(gg, ...) {
  UseMethod("add_highlight", gg)

#' @rdname add_highlight
#' @method add_highlight ggsurvfit
#' @export

add_highlight.ggsurvfit <- function(gg = NULL,
                                    strata = NULL,
                                    bg_alpha = 0.2,
                                    ...) {

  # Ugly hack to suppress CRAN warning as described here:
  # https://www.r-bloggers.com/2019/08/no-visible-binding-for-global-variable/#option-two
  alpha <- colour <- fill <- group <- NULL

  if (!inherits(gg, "ggplot")) {
    stop("A 'ggplot' has to be specified for 'gg'.")

  if (missing(strata) | length(strata) == 0) {
    stop("Please specify one or more 'strata' to highlight.")

  if (length(strata) == 1) {
    if (inherits(strata, "list")) {
      if (!inherits(strata, "character")) {
        stop("A 'strata' must be either a single character string or a list of them.")
    } else if (!inherits(strata, "character")) {
      stop("A 'strata' must be either a single character string or a list of them.")
  } else if (length(strata) > 1) {
    if (is.list(strata)) {
      strata <- unlist(strata)

    base::sapply(strata, function(s) {
      if (!inherits(s, "character")) {
        stop("When 'strata' is a list, all elements must be character strings.")

  if (!is.numeric(bg_alpha)) {
    stop("The `bg_alpha` must be a `numeric`.")

  if (bg_alpha > 1 | bg_alpha < 0) {
    stop("The `bg_alpha` must be a numeric value between 0 and 1.")

  # Extract names of strata objects
  gg_gb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(gg)

  if ("get_guide_data" %in% getNamespaceExports("ggplot2")) {
    get_guide_data <- get("get_guide_data", asNamespace("ggplot2"))
    strata_labels  <- get_guide_data(gg_gb, "colour")$.label
  } else {
    gg_gtable <- ggplot2::ggplot_gtable(gg_gb)
    gg_guidebox_id <- base::which(base::sapply(
      function(x) x$name
    ) == "guide-box")
    gg_table_grob <- gg_gtable$grobs[[gg_guidebox_id]]$grobs[[1]]

    # Get IDs of elements containing strata labels
    strata_label_ids <- base::grep("label", gg_table_grob$layout$name)

    extract_strata_name_by_id <- function(gg_table_grob, id) {
      label <- gg_table_grob$grobs[[id]]$children[[1]]$children[[1]]$label


    strata_labels <- base::sapply(strata_label_ids,
                                  gg_table_grob = gg_table_grob

  base::sapply(c(strata), function(s) {
    if (!(s %in% strata_labels)) {
      msg <- "The strata you specified has not been found in the provided plot.\n"
      msg <- base::paste0(
        "  Available strata: ",
        base::paste(strata_labels, collapse = ", "),
      msg <- base::paste0(msg, "  Please adjust and rerun.")


  # Which group(s) in the ggplot data object corresponds to the bg strata?
  bg_strata_ids <- unique(gg_gb$data[[1]]$group)[!(strata_labels %in% strata)]

  # Replace the previous hex alpha values with the new one
  for (i in 1:base::length(gg_gb$data)) {
    if ("ymin" %in% base::colnames(gg_gb$data[[i]])) {

      # Check whether colour contains an alpha value
      if (base::nchar(gg_gb$data[[i]]$fill[[1]])) {
        gg_gb$data[[i]] <- gg_gb$data[[i]] %>%
          dplyr::rowwise() %>%
          dplyr::mutate(alpha = .get_alpha_from_hex_colour(fill)) %>%

      gg_gb$data[[i]] <- gg_gb$data[[i]] %>%
        dplyr::rowwise() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(alpha = base::ifelse(is.na(alpha), 1, alpha)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(alpha = base::ifelse(group %in% bg_strata_ids,
          alpha * bg_alpha,
        )) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(fill = .replace_hex_alpha(fill, .convert_alpha(numeric_alpha = alpha))) %>%

      strata_colours <- unique(gg_gb$data[[i]]$fill)

      suppressMessages(gg <- gg + ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = strata_colours))
    } else {
      gg_gb$data[[i]] <- gg_gb$data[[i]] %>%
        dplyr::rowwise() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(alpha = base::ifelse(is.na(alpha), 1, alpha)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(alpha = base::ifelse(group %in% bg_strata_ids,
          alpha * bg_alpha,
        )) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(colour = paste0(colour, .convert_alpha(numeric_alpha = alpha))) %>%

      strata_colours <- unique(gg_gb$data[[i]]$colour)

      suppressMessages(gg <- gg + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = strata_colours))

openpharma/visR documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:36 p.m.