
Defines functions vr_reception vr_serve vr_vote vr_points check_report_style vr_css vr_match_summary

Documented in vr_css vr_match_summary vr_points vr_reception vr_serve vr_vote

#' Generate single-page match summary report
#' @param x datavolley or string: as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}, or the path to such a file
#' @param outfile string: path to file to produce (if not specified, will create a file in the temporary directory)
#' @param refx data.frame: some choices of `style` require a reference data set to calculate e.g. expected SO. This should be from comparison matches (e.g. all matches from the same league), and should be a data.frame of the plays components from those matches. If missing, expected SO and BP will be replaced by reception and serve efficiency
#' @param vote logical: include vote report component? If not explicitly specified, `vote` might be set to FALSE depending on `style`
#' @param format string: "pdf" (using latex-based PDF), "paged_pdf" (using pagedown-based PDF), "png", "paged_png", or "html"
#' @param icon string: (optional) filename of icon image to use
#' @param css list: css specifications for some elements, giving (currently fairly limited) control over appearance. See the output of \code{\link{vr_css}} for an example. Note that some styling does not seem to be applied when exporting to PDF
#' @param remove_nonplaying logical: if \code{TRUE}, remove players from the team summaries that did not take to the court
#' @param style string: can be
#' * "default" - the standard FIVB match report
#' * "ov1" - modified version of "default" with score evolution plot, different breakdown by rotation, and other changes
#' @param update_meta logical: should we update the match metadata before generating the report? Updating the match metadata will recalculate details such as set scores, player starting positions and substitution summaries, and set durations from the scouted play-by-play data
#' @param home_players logical: include a table with individual player statistics for the home team?
#' @param visiting_players logical: include a table with individual player statistics for the visiting team?
#' @param base_font_size numeric: the base font size (the font sizes in different parts of the report are scaled relative to this)
#' @param court_plots_function string or function: a function, or name of a function, that takes a datavolley object and produces a plot object. Supply your own function here to override the court plots that are included in the report for some values of `style`
#' @param court_plots_args list: named list of arguments to pass to the court plot function
#' @param plot_icons logical or data.frame: some values of `style` will include plots of various kinds in the report. Currently `plot_icons` defaults to `TRUE` for `style = "ov1"` on a beach match, otherwise `FALSE` (plot icons generally tend to be visually distracting with indoor, particularly the error icons). Set `plot_icons` to `FALSE` for no icons, `TRUE` to use the icons specified by [vr_plot_icons()], or a data.frame as returned by [vr_plot_icons()] to control the icons that will be used. Note that only (free) fontawesome icons are supported
#' @param skill_evaluation_decode : as for [datavolley::dv_read()]
#' @param shiny_progress logical: if \code{TRUE}, the report generation process will issue \code{shiny::setProgress()} calls. The call to \code{vr_match_summary} should therefore be wrapped in a \code{shiny::withProgress()} scope
#' @param single_page_tries integer: experimental! Ideally we want a single-page report, but until the report is rendered to PDF we don't know for sure whether it will fit on one page. If `single_page_tries` is greater than 1, we will try re-rendering the report (trying up to this many times). If it does not fit on a single page, the `base_font_size` will be progressively reduced on each try. Note that this only applies to `format` "paged_pdf"
#' @param chrome_print_extra_args character: additional parameters to pass as `extra_args` to [pagedown::chrome_print()] (only relevant if using a "paged_*" format)
#' @param ... : additional parameters passed to the rmarkdown template
#' @return The path to the report file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   f <- vr_match_summary(dv_example_file(), format = "paged_pdf")
#'   if (interactive()) browseURL(f)
#' }
#' @export
vr_match_summary <- function(x, outfile, refx, vote = TRUE, format = "html", icon = NULL, css = vr_css(), remove_nonplaying = TRUE, style = "default", update_meta = FALSE, home_players = TRUE, visiting_players = TRUE, base_font_size = 11, court_plots_function = "vr_court_plots", court_plots_args = list(), plot_icons, skill_evaluation_decode = "guess", single_page_tries = 1L, shiny_progress = FALSE, chrome_print_extra_args = NULL, ...) {
    if (is.string(x) && file.exists(x)) {
        if (grepl("\\.(dvw|vsm|xml)$", x, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
            x <- datavolley::dv_read(x, skill_evaluation_decode = skill_evaluation_decode)
        } else {
            stop("unknown file format: ", x)
    assert_that(inherits(x, c("datavolley", "peranavolley")), msg = "x should be a datavolley object")
    assert_that(is.flag(shiny_progress), !is.na(shiny_progress))
    format <- tolower(format)
    format <- match.arg(format, c("html", "pdf", "png", "paged_pdf", "paged_png", "paged_html"))
    if (format %in% c("pdf", "png")) {
        ## check that we have phantomjs installed
        if (!webshot::is_phantomjs_installed()) {
            stop("phantomjs must be installed for pdf/png format. See help('install_phantomjs', 'webshot') or consider using paged_", format, " format")
    style <- check_report_style(style)
    ## court_plots_function is either a user-defind function, or more likely the vr_court_plots function in this package
    court_plots_function <- tryCatch(match.fun(court_plots_function), error = function(e) {
        tryCatch(get(court_plots_function, envir = asNamespace("volleyreport"), mode = "function", inherits = FALSE), error = function(e) {
            stop("could not match court_plots_function to a function")
    if (!is.list(court_plots_args) || length(names(court_plots_args)) != length(court_plots_args) || any(is.na(names(court_plots_args)) | !nzchar(names(court_plots_args)))) {
        warning("court_plots_args should be a named list, ignoring")
        court_plots_args <- list()

    dots <- list(...)
    if ("footnotes" %in% names(dots)) {
        footnotes <- dots$footnotes
        dots$footnotes <- NULL
    } else {
        footnotes <- c()

    ## update the metadata section?
    if (isTRUE(update_meta)) x <- vscoututils::dv_update_meta(x)

    if (style %in% c("ov1")) {
        if (missing(vote)) vote <- FALSE
        if (!missing(refx)) {
            if (identical(refx, "self")) {
                ## undocumented for now
                refx <- datavolley::plays(x)
                footnotes <- c(footnotes, "Expected SO/BP use this match as reference data.")
            } else if (!((is.data.frame(refx) && nrow(refx) > 0) || (is.list(refx) && setequal(tolower(names(refx)), c("expso", "expbp"))))) {
                refx <- NULL
        } else {
            refx <- NULL
    } else {
        ## refx not used
        refx <- NULL
    if (!missing(css) && !is.null(css)) {
        css0 <- vr_css()
        for (nm in names(css)) css0[[nm]] <- css[[nm]]
        css <- css0
    team <- datavolley::home_team(x)
    meta <- x$meta
    final_format <- sub("paged_", "", format)
    if (!grepl("paged_", format)) format <- "html" ## for pdf or png, treat now as html then webshot to pdf/png from that
    working_dir <- tempfile()
    rmd_template <- file.path(working_dir, paste0(if (grepl("paged", format)) "paged_pdf" else format, ".Rmd"))
    if (!file.copy(from = system.file(file.path("extdata", paste0(if (grepl("paged", format)) "paged_pdf" else format, ".Rmd")), package = "volleyreport"), to = rmd_template))
        stop("cannot copy template file to temporary directory")

    if (final_format %in% c("pdf", "png")) {
        final_outfile <- if (missing(outfile)) tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", final_format)) else outfile
        outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
    } else {
        if (missing(outfile)) outfile <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", sub("paged_", "", format)))
    file_type <- NULL ## indoor (datavolley) or perana_indoor or potentially beach
    if ("file_meta" %in% names(x)) file_type <- x$file_meta$file_type
    x <- datavolley::plays(x)
    if (!"home_score_start_of_point" %in% names(x)) {
        x$home_score_start_of_point <- ifelse(x$point_won_by %eq% x$home_team, as.integer(x$home_team_score - 1L), as.integer(x$home_team_score))
        x$visiting_score_start_of_point <- ifelse(x$point_won_by %eq% x$visiting_team, as.integer(x$visiting_team_score - 1L), as.integer(x$visiting_team_score))
    ## fix a legacy issue where home_score_start_of_point and visiting_score_start_of_point had incorrect NAs for some types of file
    temp <- x %>% group_by(.data$point_id) %>% dplyr::summarize(home_score_start_of_point = single_unique_value_or_na_int(.data$home_score_start_of_point),
                                                                visiting_score_start_of_point = single_unique_value_or_na_int(.data$visiting_score_start_of_point)) %>% ungroup
    x <- x %>% dplyr::select(-"home_score_start_of_point", -"visiting_score_start_of_point") %>% left_join(temp, by = "point_id")
    if (is.null(file_type)) {
        ## figure out what data type we have
        file_type <- guess_data_type(x)
    if (shiny_progress) try(shiny::setProgress(value = 0.1, message = "Preprocessing data"), silent = TRUE)
    ## some data fixes
    for (col in c("start_zone", "end_zone", "end_subzone", "start_coordinate", "start_coordinate_x", "start_coordinate_y", "end_coordinate", "end_coordinate_x", "end_coordinate_y")) { ## also do for coords
        idx <- which(x$skill == "Reception" & is.na(x[[col]]) & lag(x$skill) == "Serve")
        if (length(which) > 0) x[[col]][idx] <- lag(x[[col]])[idx]
        idx <- which(x$skill == "Serve" & is.na(x[[col]]) & lead(x$skill) == "Reception")
        if (length(which) > 0) x[[col]][idx] <- lead(x[[col]])[idx]
    ## add some extra cols
    if (!"phase" %in% names(x)) x$phase <- datavolley::play_phase(x)
    if (!"end_cone" %in% names(x)) x$end_cone <- NA_integer_
    if (!"receiving_team" %in% names(x)) {
        x <- mutate(x, receiving_team = case_when(.data$serving_team == .data$home_team ~ .data$visiting_team,
                                                  .data$serving_team == .data$visiting_team ~ .data$home_team))
    if (!"breakpoint/sideout" %in% names(x)) {
        x <- mutate(x, `breakpoint/sideout` = case_when(.data$team == .data$receiving_team ~ "Sideout",
                                                        .data$team == .data$serving_team ~ "Breakpoint"))
    if (!"setter_position" %in% names(x)) {
        x <- mutate(x, setter_position = case_when(.data$team == .data$home_team ~ .data$home_setter_position,
                                                   .data$team == .data$visiting_team ~ .data$visiting_setter_position))
    if (!"opposing_team" %in% names(x)) {
        x <- mutate(x, opposing_team = case_when(.data$team == .data$home_team ~ .data$visiting_team,
                                                 .data$team == .data$visiting_team ~ .data$home_team))
    if (!"freeball_over" %in% names(x)) {
        ## "Freeball" skill can be used both for sending a freeball to the opposition as well as receiving one, so disambiguate these usages
        x <- mutate(x, freeball_over = .data$skill %eq% "Freeball" & lag(.data$match_id) %eq% .data$match_id & lag(.data$point_id) %eq% .data$point_id & ((!is.na(lead(.data$team)) & lead(.data$team) != .data$team) | lag(.data$team) %eq% .data$team))

    starting_nrow <- nrow(x)
    if (!"ts_pass_evaluation_code" %in% names(x)) {
        touchsum <- x %>% ungroup %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$team)) %>% group_by(.data$match_id, .data$team, .data$team_touch_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(ts_pass_evaluation_code = single_value_or_na_char(na.omit(.data$evaluation_code[.data$skill %in% c("Reception", "Dig") | (.data$skill %eq% "Freeball" & !.data$freeball_over)]))) %>%
            ungroup %>% dplyr::select(-"team")
        x <- left_join(x, touchsum, by = c("match_id", "team_touch_id"))

    if (!is.null(refx)) {
        srmap <- dplyr::tribble(
            ~skill, ~evaluation_code, ~evaluation,
            "Serve", "=", "Error",
            "Serve", "/", "Positive, no attack",
            "Serve", "-", "Negative, opponent free attack",
            "Serve", "+", "Positive, opponent some attack",
            "Serve", "#", "Ace",
            "Serve", "!", "OK, no first tempo possible",
            "Reception", "=", "Error",
            "Reception", "/", "Poor, no attack",
            "Reception", "-", "Negative, limited attack",
            "Reception", "-/", "Negative/poor pass",
            "Reception", "+", "Positive, attack",
            "Reception", "#", "Perfect pass",
            "Reception", "#+", "Perfect/positive pass",
            "Reception", "!", "OK, no first tempo possible")
        ## deal with the various forms that refx can take
        if (is.list(refx) && setequal(tolower(names(refx)), c("expso", "expbp"))) {
            ## refx is of form list(expSO = list(`R#` = 0.7, ...), expBP = list(...)) or list(expSO = tibble(...), expBP = tibble(...)) following lso and lbp
            names(refx) <- tolower(names(refx))
            ## expSO
            lso <- if (is.data.frame(refx$expso)) refx$expso else tibble(skill = "Reception", evaluation = names(refx$expso), expSO = as.numeric(unlist(refx$expso)))
            if (all(grepl("R?[[:punct:]]", lso$evaluation))) {
                lso <- mutate(lso, evaluation = sub("^R", "", .data$evaluation)) %>% dplyr::rename(evaluation_code = "evaluation") %>% left_join(srmap, by = c("skill", "evaluation_code")) %>% dplyr::select(-"evaluation_code")
            lbp <- if (is.data.frame(refx$expbp)) refx$expbp else tibble(skill = "Serve", evaluation = names(refx$expbp), expBP = as.numeric(unlist(refx$expbp)))
            if (all(grepl("S?[[:punct:]]", lbp$evaluation))) {
                lbp <- mutate(lbp, evaluation = sub("^S", "", .data$evaluation)) %>% dplyr::rename(evaluation_code = "evaluation") %>% left_join(srmap, by = c("skill", "evaluation_code")) %>% dplyr::select(-"evaluation_code")
            lso <- distinct(na.omit(lso))
            lbp <- distinct(na.omit(lbp))
            if (sum(lso$evaluation == "Error") < 1) lso <- bind_rows(lso, list(skill = "Reception", evaluation = "Error", expSO = 0))
            if (sum(lbp$evaluation == "Error") < 1) lbp <- bind_rows(lbp, list(skill = "Serve", evaluation = "Error", expBP = 0))
            if (sum(lbp$evaluation == "Ace") < 1) lbp <- bind_rows(lbp, list(skill = "Serve", evaluation = "Ace", expBP = 1))
        } else {
            lso <- refx %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Reception" & !is.na(.data$evaluation)) %>% group_by(.data$evaluation) %>% dplyr::summarize(skill = "Reception", expSO = mean0(.data$point_won_by == .data$team)) %>% ungroup
            lbp <- refx %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Serve" & !is.na(.data$evaluation)) %>% group_by(.data$evaluation) %>% dplyr::summarize(skill = "Serve", expBP = mean0(.data$point_won_by == .data$team)) %>% ungroup

##            if (FALSE) {
##                fx <- refx %>% dplyr::filter(skill == "Attack") %>% mutate(kill = evaluation == "Winning attack", phase = as.factor(phase), skill_type = as.factor(skill_type), start_zone = as.factor(start_zone), attack_code = as.factor(attack_code))
##                fit1 <- gam(kill ~ s(start_zone, bs = "re") + s(skill_type, bs = "re") + s(phase, bs = "re"), family = binomial, data = fx)
##                fit1 <- gam(kill ~ s(phase, attack_code, bs = "re"), family = binomial, data = fx)
##                data.frame(what = levels(interaction(levels(fx$phase), levels(fx$attack_code))), coef = coef(fit1)[-1])
##            }

        ## after all that, check that lso and lbp are ok
        l_ok <- is.data.frame(lso) && is.data.frame(lbp) &&
            setequal(names(lso), c("skill", "evaluation", "expSO")) && setequal(names(lbp), c("skill", "evaluation", "expBP")) &&
            !any(duplicated(lso$evaluation)) && !any(duplicated(lbp$evaluation)) &&
            all(lso$skill == "Reception") && all(lbp$skill == "Serve")
        if (!l_ok) {
            warning("reference data does not look correct, ignoring")
            x$expBP <- x$expSO <- NA_real_
        } else {
            x <- x[, setdiff(names(x), c("expSO", "expBP")), drop = FALSE]
            x <- left_join(x, lso, by = c("skill", "evaluation"))
            x <- left_join(x, lbp, by = c("skill", "evaluation"))
    } else {
        x$expBP <- x$expSO <- NA_real_

    if (nrow(x) != starting_nrow) warning("data preprocessing has added rows: are there non-unique team or player identifiers?")

    ## perana_indoor or beach don't have setter calls
    if (!file_type %eq% "indoor") setter_calls <- NULL
    if (grepl("beach", file_type)) vote <- FALSE

    ## report icon image
    temp_icon_file <- NULL ## clean up on exit
    if (!is.null(icon) && !grepl("^https?://", icon, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
        icon <- normalizePath(icon, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
        ## if the icon path has non-ascii characters, render will fail because of URL encoding, so copy icon file to temp dir as horrible workaround
        temp_icon_file <- tempfile(fileext = paste0(".", tools::file_ext(icon)))
        icon <- tryCatch({
            file.copy(icon, temp_icon_file)
        }, error = function(e) icon)
    if (!is.null(temp_icon_file)) on.exit(try(unlink(temp_icon_file)), add = TRUE)
    ## other plot icons
    if (missing(plot_icons)) plot_icons <- style %in% c("ov1") && grepl("beach", file_type)
    use_plot_icons <- is.data.frame(plot_icons) || (is.logical(plot_icons) && isTRUE(plot_icons))
    if (!is.data.frame(plot_icons)) plot_icons <- vr_plot_icons()
    ## so use_plot_icons tells us whether to include plot icons, and plot_icons are the actual icons (in a df)
    ## cheap and nasty parameterisation
    vsx <- list(x = x, meta = meta, refx = refx, footnotes = footnotes, vote = vote, format = if (grepl("paged_", format)) "html" else format, style = style,
                shiny_progress = shiny_progress, file_type = file_type, icon = icon, css = css, remove_nonplaying = remove_nonplaying,
                home_players = isTRUE(home_players), visiting_players = isTRUE(visiting_players),
                base_font_size = base_font_size, plot_summary = style %in% c("ov1"), ## but modified in loop below
                plot_icons = plot_icons, use_plot_icons = use_plot_icons, court_plots_fun = court_plots_function, court_plots_args = court_plots_args)
    vsx <- c(vsx, dots) ## extra parms

    rm(x, meta, refx, vote, shiny_progress, file_type, icon, remove_nonplaying, home_players, visiting_players)

    ## generate report
    output_options <- NULL
    if (isTRUE(vsx$plot_summary) || isTRUE(vsx$use_plot_icons)) showtext::showtext_auto()
    max_tries <- if (format == "paged_pdf" && isTRUE(single_page_tries > 1)) single_page_tries else 1L
    for (try_with_full_plot in unique(c(style %in% c("ov1"), FALSE))) {
        ok <- FALSE
        vsx$plot_summary <- try_with_full_plot
        for (this_try in seq_len(max_tries)) {
            vsx$base_font_size <- base_font_size * (0.95^(this_try - 1)) ## progressively smaller font
            if (vsx$shiny_progress) try(shiny::setProgress(value = 0.1, message = "Generating report"), silent = TRUE)
            blah <- knitr::knit_meta(class = NULL, clean = TRUE) ## may help stop memory allocation error
            f <- if (format == "paged_html") {
                     rgs <- list(input = rmd_template, output_file = outfile, output_options = list(self_contained = TRUE), clean = TRUE)
                     do.call(rmarkdown::render, rgs)
                 } else if (grepl("paged_", format)) {
                     rgs <- list(input = rmd_template, output_file = outfile, output_options = list(self_contained = FALSE, copy_resources = TRUE), clean = TRUE)
                     do.call(rmarkdown::render, rgs)
                     rgs2 <- list(input = outfile, output = final_outfile, format = final_format)
                     if (format == "paged_png") rgs2$scale <- 2
                     if (length(chrome_print_extra_args) > 0) rgs2 <- c(rgs2, list(extra_args = chrome_print_extra_args))
                     do.call(ovpaged::chrome_print, rgs2)
                 } else {
                     out <- render(rmd_template, output_file = outfile, output_options = output_options)
                     if (final_format %in% c("pdf", "png")) {
                         safe_webshot(outfile, file = final_outfile)
                     } else {
            if (tryCatch(pdftools::pdf_info(f)$pages < 2, error = function(e) TRUE)) {
                ok <- TRUE
                break ## bail out if we've achieved a single page
        if (ok) break
    if (isTRUE(vsx$plot_summary) || isTRUE(vsx$use_plot_icons)) showtext::showtext_auto(enable = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname vr_match_summary
vr_css <- function() {
    list(header_background = "#91A3B0", header_colour = "black", border = "1px solid black")

check_report_style <- function(style) {
    style <- tolower(style)
    styles <- c("default", "ov1")
    if (!style %in% styles) stop("'style' should be one of: '", paste0(styles, collapse = "', '"), "'")

#' Generate points table
#' @param x datavolleyplays: the \code{plays} component of an object as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}
#' @param team string: team name
#' @param by string: "player" or "set"
#' @param vote logical: if \code{TRUE}, include vote detail
#' @param style string: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @export
vr_points <- function(x, team, by = "player", vote = FALSE, style = "default") {
    by <- tolower(by)
    by <- match.arg(by, c("player", "set"))
    style <- check_report_style(style)
    team_select <- team
    inc_set_errs <- style %in% c("ov1")
    inc_freeball_errs <- style %in% c("ov1")
    inc_block_errs <- style %in% c("ov1")
    blocked_is_err <- style %in% c("default")
    if (by == "player") {
        vr_pts <- x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player") %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %in% c("Ace", "Winning attack", "Winning block")),
                             BP = sum(.data$evaluation %in% c("Ace", "Winning attack", "Winning block") & .data$serving_team == team_select),
                             Nerr = sum((.data$evaluation %eq% "Error" & .data$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception", "Attack", if (inc_set_errs) "Set", if (inc_freeball_errs) "Freeball")) | (inc_block_errs & .data$evaluation %eq% "Invasion" & .data$skill %eq% "Block") | (blocked_is_err & .data$evaluation %eq% "Blocked" & .data$skill %eq% "Attack")),
                             `W-L` = .data$Tot - .data$Nerr) %>%
        if (vote) {
            vr_pts <- left_join(vr_pts, vr_vote(x = x, team = team_select), by = "player_id")
        vr_pts <- vr_pts %>%
                x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player") %>%
                dplyr::summarize(player_id = "Team total",
                                 Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %in% c("Ace", "Winning attack", "Winning block")),
                                 BP = sum(.data$evaluation %in% c("Ace", "Winning attack", "Winning block") & .data$serving_team == team_select),
                                 Nerr = sum((.data$evaluation %eq% "Error" & .data$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception", "Attack", if (inc_set_errs) "Set", if (inc_freeball_errs) "Freeball")) | (inc_block_errs & .data$evaluation %eq% "Invasion" & .data$skill %eq% "Block") | (blocked_is_err & .data$evaluation %eq% "Blocked" & .data$skill %eq% "Attack")),
                                 `W-L` = .data$Tot - .data$Nerr) %>%
        if (style %in% c("ov1")) vr_pts <- dplyr::select(vr_pts, -"BP", -"W-L")
    } else if (by == "set") {
        x$team_points <- if (team_select %eq% datavolley::home_team(x)) x$home_team_score else if (team_select %eq% datavolley::visiting_team(x)) x$visiting_team_score else NA_integer_
        vr_pts <- x %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$set_number)) %>% group_by(.data$set_number) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %in% c("Ace", "Winning attack", "Winning block") & .data$team %in% team_select, na.rm = TRUE),
                             Ser = sum(.data$evaluation == "Ace" & .data$team %in% team_select, na.rm = TRUE),
                             Atk = sum(.data$evaluation == "Winning attack" & .data$team %in% team_select, na.rm = TRUE),
                             Blo = sum(.data$evaluation == "Winning block" & .data$team %in% team_select, na.rm = TRUE),
                             "Op.Er" = suppressWarnings(max(.data$team_points, na.rm = TRUE)) - .data$Ser - .data$Atk - .data$Blo) %>% ungroup %>%
            mutate(set_number = as.character(.data$set_number))
        vr_pts$`Op.Er`[is.infinite(vr_pts$`Op.Er`)] <- 0L ## if no points scores, max will return -Inf
        if (style %in% c("ov1")) {## add total
            vr_pts <- bind_rows(vr_pts,
                                x %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$set_number)) %>%
                                dplyr::summarize(set_number = "Total", Tot = sum(vr_pts$Tot, na.rm = TRUE), Ser = sum(vr_pts$Ser, na.rm = TRUE), Atk = sum(vr_pts$Atk, na.rm = TRUE), Blo = sum(vr_pts$Blo, na.rm = TRUE), "Op.Er" = sum(vr_pts$`Op.Er`, na.rm = TRUE)))
        } else {
            vr_pts <- vr_pts %>% dplyr::select(-"Tot")
    if (style %in% c("ov1")) vr_pts %>% dplyr::rename(Won = "Tot") else vr_pts

#' Calculate vote
#' @param x datavolleyplays: the \code{plays} component of an object as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}
#' @param team string: team name
#' @export
vr_vote <- function(x, team) {
    as_for_datavolley <- TRUE
    team_select <- team
    vote.df <- x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player") %>%
        mutate(vote_per_skill = case_when(.data$skill == "Serve" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ 7,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else 5,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ 4,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ 8,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ 0),
                                          .data$skill == "Reception" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                                 .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ 7,
                                                                                 .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else 5,
                                                                                 .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) -1 else 1,
                                                                                 .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) -3 else -1,
                                                                                 .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ -3),
                                          .data$skill == "Attack" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                              .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 5 else 7,
                                                                              .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else 5,
                                                                              .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 5 else 3,
                                                                              .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ 0,
                                                                              .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ 0),
                                          .data$skill == "Block" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ 0,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else 2,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ 0,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ 0,
                                                                             .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ 0),
                                          .data$skill == "Dig" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else 8,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ 0,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ 0,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ 0,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ 0),
                                          .data$skill == "Set" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ 7,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ 0,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ 0,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ 0,
                                                                           .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ 0),
                                          .data$skill == "Freeball" ~ case_when(.data$evaluation_code == "#" ~ 10,
                                                                                .data$evaluation_code == "+" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else 5,
                                                                                .data$evaluation_code == "!" ~ 0,
                                                                                .data$evaluation_code == "-" ~ 0,
                                                                                .data$evaluation_code == "/" ~ 0,
                                                                                .data$evaluation_code == "=" ~ if (as_for_datavolley) 0 else -5)),
               max_vote_per_skill = case_when(.data$skill %in% c("Serve", "Reception", "Attack", "Block", "Dig", "Set", "Freeball") ~ 10)) %>%
        dplyr::select("team", "player_id", "skill", "evaluation_code", "vote_per_skill", "max_vote_per_skill") %>% na.omit()

    if (as_for_datavolley) {
        vote.df$factor <- rep(1.0, nrow(vote.df))
        team_totals <- dplyr::filter(x, .data$team %in% team_select)
        serve_grade <- vote.df %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Serve") %>%
            group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(skill = "Serve", N = n(), vote = pmax(5.5, sum(.data$vote_per_skill*.data$factor)/n())) %>%
            mutate(vote = case_when(.data$N >= 0.05*sum(team_totals$skill == "Serve", na.rm = TRUE) ~ .data$vote))
        rec_grade <- vote.df %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Reception") %>%
            group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(skill = "Reception", N = n(), vote = pmax(5.5, sum(.data$vote_per_skill*.data$factor)/n())) %>%
            mutate(vote = case_when(.data$N >= 0.12*sum(team_totals$skill == "Reception", na.rm = TRUE) ~ .data$vote))
        att_grade <- vote.df %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Attack") %>%
            group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(skill = "Attack", N = n(), vote = pmax(5.5, sum(.data$vote_per_skill*.data$factor)/n())) %>%
            mutate(vote = case_when(.data$N >= 0.07*sum(team_totals$skill == "Attack", na.rm = TRUE) ~ .data$vote))
        block_grade <- team_totals %>% dplyr::filter(.data$skill == "Block" & .data$evaluation == "Winning block") %>% dplyr::count(.data$player_id)
        player_nsets <- bind_rows(lapply(block_grade$player_id, function(id) {
            ## count number of sets each player was listed as on court
            dplyr::tibble(player_id = id, n_sets_played = length(unique(na.omit(x$set_number[rowSums(x[, c(paste0("home_player_id", 1:6), paste0("visiting_player_id", 1:6))] == id) > 0]))))
        if (ncol(player_nsets) < 1) player_nsets <- tibble(player_id = character(), n_sets_played = integer())
        block_grade <- left_join(block_grade, player_nsets, by = "player_id") %>%
            mutate(skill = "Block", vote = case_when(.data$n >= .data$n_sets_played ~ 8.5,
                                                     .data$n >= .data$n_sets_played*0.8 ~ 8.0,
                                                     .data$n >= .data$n_sets_played*0.5 ~ 7.0)) %>%
            dplyr::select_at(c("player_id", "skill", "vote"))
        ## TODO setter, also include attacks after positive reception with weights error/blocked = 0, neg/pos = 5, kill = 10; only when those attacks are > 30% of number of team attacks
        bind_rows(serve_grade, rec_grade, att_grade, block_grade) %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(vote = round(mean0(.data$vote), 1))
    } else {
        vote.df %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(vote = round(sum(.data$vote_per_skill)/sum(.data$max_vote_per_skill)*10, 1), Nskills = n()) %>%
            mutate(vote = case_when(.data$Nskills < 10 ~ NA_real_, TRUE ~ .data$vote)) %>% dplyr::select(-"Nskills")

#' Generate serve table
#' @param x datavolleyplays: the \code{plays} component of an object as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}
#' @param team string: team name
#' @param by string: "player" or "set"
#' @param refx data.frame: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @param style string: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @export
vr_serve <- function(x, team, by = "player", refx, style = "default"){
    by <- match.arg(tolower(by), c("player", "set"))
    team_select <- team
    style <- check_report_style(style)
    out <- if (by == "player") {
               x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player", .data$skill == "Serve") %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
                   dplyr::summarize(Tot = n(),
                                    Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                    Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Ace"),
                                    `srvEff%` = prc(round(serve_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                    `expBP%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expBP) * 100))) %>%
                       x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player", .data$skill == "Serve") %>%
                       dplyr::summarize(player_id = "Team total", Tot = n(),
                                        Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                        Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Ace"),
                                        `srvEff%` = prc(round(serve_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                        `expBP%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expBP) * 100)))
           } else if(by == "set") {
                   x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Serve") %>% group_by(.data$set_number) %>%
                   dplyr::summarize(Tot = n(),
                                    Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                    Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Ace"),
                                    `srvEff%` = prc(round(serve_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                    `expBP%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expBP) * 100)),
                                    `BP%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$point_won_by == .data$team) * 100))) %>% ungroup %>% mutate(set_number = as.character(.data$set_number)),
                   ## total
                   x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Serve") %>%
                   dplyr::summarize(set_number = "Total", Tot = n(),
                                    Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                    Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Ace"),
                                    `srvEff%` = prc(round(serve_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                    `expBP%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expBP) * 100)),
                                    `BP%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$point_won_by == .data$team) * 100)))
    if (style %in% c("ov1")) {
        out <- if (is.null(refx)) dplyr::select(out, -"expBP%") else dplyr::select(out, -"srvEff%")
        dplyr::rename(out, Ace = "Pts")
    } else {
        out[, setdiff(names(out), c("BP%", "expBP%", "srvEff%")), drop = FALSE]

#' Generate reception table
#' @param x datavolleyplays: the \code{plays} component of an object as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}
#' @param team string: team name
#' @param by string: "player" or "set"
#' @param refx data.frame: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @param style string: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @param file_type string: "indoor", "perana_indoor", "beach", "perana_beach"
#' @export
vr_reception <- function(x, team, by = "player", refx, style = "default", file_type = "indoor"){
    by <- match.arg(tolower(by), c("player", "set"))
    team_select <- team
    style <- check_report_style(style)
    out <- if (by == "player"){
        x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player", .data$skill == "Reception") %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(Tot = n(),
                             Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                             `Pos%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("+", "#", "#+")), 2)*100),
                             `(Exc%)` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("#")), 2)*100, before = "(", after = "%)"),
                             `recEff%` = prc(round(reception_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                             `expSO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expSO) * 100))) %>%
                x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player", .data$skill == "Reception") %>% 
                dplyr::summarize(player_id = "Team total", Tot = n(),
                                 Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                 `Pos%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("+", "#", "#+")), 2)*100),
                                 `(Exc%)` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("#")), 2)*100, before = "(", after = "%)"),
                                 `recEff%` = prc(round(reception_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                 `expSO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expSO) * 100)))
    } else if (by == "set") {
        bind_rows(x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Reception") %>% group_by(.data$set_number) %>%
                  dplyr::summarize(Tot = n(),
                                   Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                   `Pos%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("+", "#", "#+")), 2)*100),
                                   `(Exc%)` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("#")), 2)*100, before = "(", after = "%)"),
                                   `recEff%` = prc(round(reception_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                   `expSO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expSO) * 100)),
                                   `modSO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$point_won_by == .data$team) * 100))) %>% ungroup %>%
                  left_join(x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$receiving_team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Serve") %>% group_by(.data$set_number) %>% dplyr::summarize(`SO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$point_won_by != .data$team) * 100))) %>% ungroup, by = "set_number") %>% mutate(set_number = as.character(.data$set_number)),
                  ## total
                  x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Reception") %>%
                  dplyr::summarize(set_number = "Total", Tot = n(),
                                   Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                   `Pos%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("+", "#", "#+")), 2)*100),
                                   `(Exc%)` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation_code %in% c("#")), 2)*100, before = "(", after = "%)"),
                                   `recEff%` = prc(round(reception_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                   `expSO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$expSO) * 100)),
                                   `modSO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$point_won_by == .data$team) * 100))) %>%
                  bind_cols(x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$receiving_team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Serve") %>% dplyr::summarize(`SO%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$point_won_by != .data$team) * 100))) %>% ungroup)
    if (style %in% c("ov1")) {
        out <- dplyr::select(out, -"(Exc%)")
        if (is.null(refx)) dplyr::select(out, -"expSO%") else dplyr::select(out, -"recEff%")
    } else {
        out[, setdiff(names(out), c("SO%", "modSO%", "expSO%", "recEff%")), drop = FALSE]

#' Generate attack table
#' @param x datavolleyplays: the \code{plays} component of an object as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}
#' @param team string: team name
#' @param by string: "player" or "set"
#' @param file_type string: "indoor", "perana_indoor", "beach", "perana_beach"
#' @param style string: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @export
vr_attack <- function(x, team, by = "player", file_type = "indoor", style = "default") {
    by <- match.arg(tolower(by), c("player", "set"))
    team_select <- team
    style <- check_report_style(style)
    ## 2nd-ball attack. Don't include attacks after a block touch
    x <- x %>% mutate(attack_followed_block_touch = .data$skill == "Attack" &
                          ((lag(.data$skill == "Block") & lag(.data$team) == .data$team) | ## attack immediately after block touch
                           (grepl("beach", file_type) & lag(.data$skill == "Block", 2) & lag(.data$team, 2) == .data$team & lag(.data$team) == .data$team)), ## block touch then another touch (e.g. set or dig) then attack
                      on2 = !.data$attack_followed_block_touch & .data$skill == "Attack" &
                          ((lag(.data$skill) %in% c("Reception", "Dig") & lag(.data$team) == .data$team & !is.na(.data$player_id) & .data$player_id != lag(.data$player_id)) |
                           ## allow for common 2nd touch entries in the attack description (will help if e.g. digs not scouted)
                           grepl("\\b(2nd Touch|Second touch|2TAttack|On 2)\\b", .data$attack_description, ignore.case = TRUE)))
    chk <- x %>% dplyr::summarize(n_trans_digs_scouted = sum(.data$skill == "Dig" & .data$phase == "Transition" & .data$evaluation != "Error", na.rm = TRUE),
                                  n_trans_attacks_scouted = sum(.data$skill == "Attack" & .data$phase == "Transition", na.rm = TRUE))
    out <- if (by == "player") {
        x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player", .data$skill == "Attack") %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(Tot = n(),
                      Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                      Blo = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Blocked"),
                      Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack"),
                      `Pts%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack"), 2)*100),
                      `attEff%` = prc(round(attack_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                      On2 = sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE),
                      `On2 K%` = as.character(prc(round(sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack" & .data$on2, na.rm = TRUE) %/n/% sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE), 2)*100))) %>%
                x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player", .data$skill == "Attack") %>%
                dplyr::summarize(player_id = "Team total", Tot = n(),
                                 Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                 Blo = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Blocked"),
                                 Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack"),
                                 `Pts%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack"), 2)*100),
                                 `attEff%` = prc(round(attack_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                 On2 = sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE),
                                 `On2 K%` = as.character(prc(round(sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack" & .data$on2, na.rm = TRUE) %/n/% sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE), 2)*100)))
           } else if (by == "set") {
                   x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Attack") %>% group_by(.data$set_number) %>%
                   dplyr::summarize(Tot = n(),
                                    Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                    Blo = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Blocked"),
                                    Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack"),
                                    `Pts%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation %in% "Winning attack"), 2)*100),
                                    `attEff%` = prc(round(attack_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                    On2 = sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE),
                                    `On2 K%` = as.character(prc(round(sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack" & .data$on2, na.rm = TRUE) %/n/% sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE), 2)*100))) %>%
                  mutate(set_number = as.character(.data$set_number)),
                   ## total
                   x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$skill == "Attack") %>%
                   dplyr::summarize(set_number = "Total", Tot = n(),
                                    Err = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Error"),
                                    Blo = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Blocked"),
                                    Pts = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack"),
                                    `Pts%` = prc(round(mean0(.data$evaluation %in% "Winning attack"), 2)*100),
                                    `attEff%` = prc(round(attack_eff(.data$evaluation) * 100)),
                                    On2 = sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE),
                                    `On2 K%` = as.character(prc(round(sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning attack" & .data$on2, na.rm = TRUE) %/n/% sum(.data$on2, na.rm = TRUE), 2)*100)))
    if (!(grepl("beach", file_type) && style %in% c("ov1"))) {
        out <- dplyr::select(out, -"On2", -"On2 K%")
    } else {
        ## also exclude the On2 columns if digs haven't been consistently scouted (assume receptions have)
        if (chk$n_trans_digs_scouted / chk$n_trans_attacks_scouted < 0.3) out <- dplyr::select(out, -"On2", -"On2 K%")
    if (style %in% c("ov1")) {
        out <- dplyr::rename(out, Kill = "Pts", "K%" = "Pts%")
    } else {
        out <- dplyr::select(out, -"attEff%")

#' Generate block table
#' @param x datavolleyplays: the \code{plays} component of an object as returned by \code{datavolley::dv_read}
#' @param team string: team name
#' @param by string: "player" or "set"
#' @param style string: see [vr_match_summary()]
#' @export
vr_block <- function(x, team, by = "player", style = "default") {
    by <- match.arg(tolower(by), c("player", "set"))
    team_select <- team
    style <- check_report_style(style)
    if (by == "player"){
        x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player") %>% group_by(.data$player_id) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning block" & .data$skill %eq% "Block")) %>%
                x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select, .data$player_id != "unknown player") %>%
                    dplyr::summarize(player_id = "Team total", Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning block" & .data$skill %eq% "Block"))
    } else if (by == "set") {
            x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select) %>% group_by(.data$set_number) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning block" & .data$skill %eq% "Block")) %>% mutate(set_number = as.character(.data$set_number)),
            ## total
            x %>% dplyr::filter(.data$team %in% team_select) %>%
            dplyr::summarize(set_number = "Total", Tot = sum(.data$evaluation %eq% "Winning block" & .data$skill %eq% "Block"))
openvolley/volleyreport documentation built on Dec. 1, 2024, 10:51 p.m.