#' Estimation of the incubation density based on coarse data
#' @description
#' This function computes an estimate of the incubation density based on
#' coarse data constructed from symptom onset times and exposure windows. It
#' uses the Laplacian-P-splines methodology with a Langevinized Gibbs algorithm
#' to sample from the posterior distribution.
#' @usage estimIncub(x, K = 10, niter = 1000, tmax = max(x), tgridlen = 500, verbose = FALSE)
#' @param x A data frame with the lower and upper bound of incubation interval.
#' @param K Number of B-splines in the basis.
#' @param niter The number of MCMC samples.
#' @param tmax The upper bound for the B-spline basis. Default is the largest
#' data point in \code{x}.
#' @param tgridlen The number of grid points on which to evaluate the density.
#' @param verbose Should a message be printed? Default is FALSE.
#' @return A list of class \code{incubestim} containing summary values for
#' the estimated incubation density.
#' @author Oswaldo Gressani \email{oswaldo_gressani@hotmail.fr}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' simdat <- incubsim(n = 30, tmax = 20) # Simulate incubation data
#' data <- simdat$Dobsincub # Incubation bounds
#' incubfit <- estimIncub(x = data, niter = 500, tmax = 20, verbose = TRUE)
#' @export
estimIncub <- function(x, K = 10, niter = 1000, tmax = max(x), tgridlen = 500, verbose = FALSE){
tic <- proc.time()
nobs <- nrow(x)
Bl <- 0
Br <- tmax
tg <- seq(Bl, Br, length = tgridlen)
dtg <- tg[2] - tg[1]
#---- Partitioning the time domain
nbins <- 300
tie <- TRUE
while(tie == TRUE){
bins <- seq(Bl, Br, length = nbins + 1)
binwidth <- bins[2] - bins[1]
binmid <- bins[1:nbins] + binwidth * 0.5
uptoL <- as.integer(x$tL / binwidth) + 1
uptoL[which(uptoL == nbins + 1)] <- nbins
uptoR <- as.integer(x$tR / binwidth) + 1
uptoR[which(uptoR == nbins + 1)] <- nbins
tie <- any(uptoL==uptoR)
if(tie == TRUE){
nbins <- nbins + 100
#---- Penalty and B-spline basis construction
D <- diag(K)
penorder <- 3
for(k in 1:penorder){D <- diff(D)}
P <- t(D) %*% D # Penalty matrix of dimension c(K,K)
P <- P + diag(1e-06, K) # Perturbation to ensure P is full rank
Bmid <- Rcpp_KercubicBspline(binmid, lower = Bl, upper = Br, K = K)
Btg <- Rcpp_KercubicBspline(tg, lower = Bl, upper = Br, K = K)
#---- Priors on penalty parameter lambda
a_pen <- 1e-04
b_pen <- 1e-04
#---- Log-likelihood, gradient and Hessian
loglik <- function(theta){
hmidbw <- as.numeric(exp(Bmid %*% theta)) * binwidth
cmsum <- cumsum(hmidbw)
SL <- exp(-cmsum[uptoL])
SR <- exp(-cmsum[uptoR])
val <- sum(log(SL-SR))
Dloglik <- function(theta) {
hmidbw <- as.numeric(exp(Bmid %*% theta)) * binwidth
cmsum <- cumsum(hmidbw)
hBb <- hmidbw * Bmid
hBbcmsum <- apply(hBb, 2, cumsum)
SL <- exp(-cmsum[uptoL])
SR <- exp(-cmsum[uptoR])
psiR <- hBbcmsum[uptoR, ]
psiL <- hBbcmsum[uptoL, ]
grad <- colSums(((SR * psiR) - (SL * psiL)) * (1 / DSLSR))
D2loglik <- function(theta){
hessval <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = K)
hmidbw <- as.numeric(exp(Bmid %*% theta)) * binwidth
cmsum <- cumsum(hmidbw)
SL <- exp(-cmsum[uptoL])
SR <- exp(-cmsum[uptoR])
hBb <- hmidbw * Bmid
hBbcmsum <- apply(hBb, 2, cumsum)
psiR <- hBbcmsum[uptoR, ]
psiL <- hBbcmsum[uptoL, ]
zn <- (SR * psiR) - (SL * psiL)
for(k in 1:K){
psi_kL <- psiL[,k]
psi_kR <- psiR[,k]
znk <- zn[,k]
crosscm <- apply(hBb * Bmid[, k], 2, cumsum)
psicrossL <- crosscm[uptoL,]
psicrossR <- crosscm[uptoR,]
hessval[,k] <- colSums(((SL-SR)^(-1)) * (SR * (psicrossR-(psiR*psi_kR))-
SL * (psicrossL - (psiL*psi_kL)))-
znk * zn * ((SL-SR)^(-2)))
#---- Gradient/Hessian of conditional log-posterior of B-spline coeffs.
Dlogptheta <- function(theta, lambda){
val <- as.numeric(Dloglik(theta) - lambda * (P%*%theta))
D2logptheta <- function(theta, lambda){
val <- D2loglik(theta) - lambda * P
thetainit <- rep(0.5,K) # Initial value for theta vector
logplamb <- function(lambda){
LAcall <- Rcpp_KerLaplaceIncub(theta0 = thetainit, lambda, K,
Dlogptheta, D2logptheta)
thetastar <- as.numeric(LAcall$Lapmode)
val <- (0.5*K+a_pen - 1) * log(lambda) + 0.5 * Re(LAcall$logdetSigma) +
loglik(thetastar) -
lambda * (0.5 * sum((thetastar*P)%*%thetastar) + b_pen)
if(K < 15) {
lamblow <- 10
} else{
lamblow <- 1.5
#----- Exploration of penalty over a grid
loglambdas <- seq(log(lamblow), 4, length = 15)
lamb_grid <- 10 ^ loglambdas
logplamb_val <- sapply(lamb_grid, logplamb)
if (anyNA(logplamb_val)) {
nanpos <- which(is.na(logplamb_val))
lamb_grid <- lamb_grid[-nanpos]
logplamb_val <- logplamb_val[-nanpos]
lambmax <- lamb_grid[which(logplamb_val == max(logplamb_val))]
if(lambmax == lamb_grid[1]) {
penpos <- "boundary"
} else if (lambmax == utils::tail(lamb_grid, 1)) {
penpos <- "boundary"
} else{
penpos <- "interior"
maxplamb <- list(penpos = penpos, lambmax = lambmax)
Lap_approx <- Rcpp_KerLaplaceIncub(theta0 = thetainit, lambmax, K,
Dlogptheta, D2logptheta)
thetaoptim <- as.numeric(Lap_approx$Lapmode)
Sighat <- round(Lap_approx$Lapvar, 6)
Sighat <- KerAdjustPD(Sighat)$PD
# MCMC-Metropolis-adjusted Langevin #
logtar <- function(theta, lambda){
val <- loglik(theta) - 0.5 * lambda * sum((theta * P) %*% theta)
Dlogtar<- function(theta, lambda){
val <- as.numeric(Dloglik(theta) - lambda * (P%*%theta))
MALA <- function(M) {# Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm
SigLH <- Sighat
counter <- 0
thetamat <- matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = K)
lambvec <- c()
# Initial values
lambda_cur <- lambmax
theta_cur <- thetaoptim
tun <- 0.15
for (m in 1:M) {
# New proposal
meanLH <- theta_cur + 0.5 * tun * as.numeric(SigLH %*%
Dlogtar(theta_cur, lambda_cur))
theta_prop <- as.numeric(Rcpp_KerMVN(mu = meanLH, Sigma = (tun * SigLH)))
# Accept/Reject decision
G_cur <- Dlogtar(theta_cur, lambda_cur)
G_prop <- Dlogtar(theta_prop, lambda_cur)
ldiffq <- as.numeric((-0.5) * t(G_prop + G_cur) %*%
((theta_prop - theta_cur) +
(tun / 4) * SigLH %*% (G_prop - G_cur)))
ldiffp <- logtar(theta_prop, lambda_cur) - logtar(theta_cur, lambda_cur)
logr <- ldiffp + ldiffq
if (logr >= 0) {
thetamat[m, ] <- theta_prop
counter <- counter + 1
theta_cur <- theta_prop
} else if (logr < 0) {
u <- stats::runif(1)
if (u <= exp(logr)) {
thetamat[m, ] <- theta_prop
counter <- counter + 1
theta_cur <- theta_prop
} else{
thetamat[m,] <- theta_cur
# Gibbs step for lambda
glambda_shape <- 0.5 * K + a_pen
glambda_rate <- 0.5 * as.numeric(t(thetamat[m, ]) %*% P
%*% thetamat[m, ]) + b_pen
lambvec[m] <- stats::rgamma(n = 1, shape = glambda_shape,
rate = glambda_rate)
lambda_cur <- lambvec[m]
# Automatic tuning of Langevin algorithm
accept_prob <- min(c(1, exp(logr)))
heval <- sqrt(tun) + (1 / m) * (accept_prob - 0.57)
hfun <- function(x) {
epsil <- 1e-04
Apar <- 10 ^ 4
if (x < epsil) {
val <- epsil
} else if (x >= epsil && x <= Apar) {
val <- x
} else{
val <- Apar
tun <- (hfun(heval)) ^ 2
accept_rate <- round(counter / M * 100, 2)
outlist <- list(
theta_mcmc = thetamat,
lambda_mcmc = lambvec,
accept_rate = accept_rate,
niter = M,
tunS = tun * SigLH
MCMC <- MALA(niter)
thetaMCMC <- MCMC$theta_mcmc
penMCMC <- MCMC$lambda_mcmc
thetahatMCMC <- apply(thetaMCMC, 2, "median")
Incubfit <- function(theta) {
htg <- as.numeric(exp(Btg %*% theta))
Stg <- exp(-cumsum(htg * dtg))
Itg <- htg * Stg
Itg <- Itg/sum(Itg * dtg)
mixelem <- 2
fmix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(tg), ncol = mixelem)
xmid <- stats::qunif(p = 0.50, min = x$tL, max = x$tR)
xfmid <- histosmooth(x = xmid, xl = 0, xr = tmax + 2)
fmid <- sapply(tg, xfmid$fdens)
fmid <- fmid / sum(fmid * dtg)
fmix[, 1] <- Incubfit(thetahatMCMC)
fmix[, 2] <- fmid
# Computation of BIC
ILL <- (-1) * D2loglik(thetahatMCMC)
EDLPS <- sum(diag(solve(ILL + stats::median(penMCMC) * P) %*% ILL))
BIC_LPS <- (-2) * loglik(thetahatMCMC) + EDLPS * log(nobs)
# Statistics for LPS #
qqgrid <- seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.05)
qqlen <- length(qqgrid)
LPSincub <- matrix(0, nrow = length(qqgrid) + 2, ncol = 5)
colnames(LPSincub) <- c("PE","CI90L","CI90R","CI95L","CI95R")
rownames(LPSincub) <- c("Mean","SD", paste0("q", qqgrid))
ftgMCMC_LPS <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(tg))
MeanLPS <- c()
SDLPS <- c()
qmatLPS <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(qqgrid))
colnames(qmatLPS) <- paste0("q", qqgrid)
for(j in 1:niter){
fmixx <- fmix
fmixx[,1] <- Incubfit(thetaMCMC[j,])
ftgLPS <- rowSums(fmixx * (1/mixelem))
ftgMCMC_LPS[j, ] <- ftgLPS
# Statistics
MeanLPS[j] <- sum(tg * ftgLPS) * dtg
SDLPS[j] <- sqrt(sum(((tg - MeanLPS[j])^2) * ftgLPS * dtg))
cmsum <- cumsum(ftgLPS * dtg)
for(l in 1:length(qqgrid)){
qmatLPS[j,l] <- tg[utils::tail(which(cmsum<qqgrid[l]),1)]
ftgLPS <- rowSums(fmix * (1/mixelem))
EftgLPS <- sum(tg * ftgLPS) * dtg
SDftgLPS <- sqrt(sum(((tg - EftgLPS)^2) * ftgLPS * dtg))
cmsum <- cumsum(ftgLPS * dtg)
qftgLPS <- c()
for(l in 1:qqlen){
qftgLPS[l] <- tg[utils::tail(which(cmsum < qqgrid[l]), 1)]
LPSincub[1,] <- c(EftgLPS,
stats::quantile(MeanLPS, probs = c(0.05,0.95,0.025,0.975)))
LPSincub[2,] <- c(SDftgLPS,
stats::quantile(SDLPS, probs = c(0.05,0.95,0.025,0.975)))
for(j in 3:nrow(LPSincub)){
LPSincub[j,] <- c(qftgLPS[j-2],
stats::quantile(qmatLPS[,j-2], probs = c(0.05,0.95,0.025,
qMeanLPS <- stats::quantile(MeanLPS, probs = c(0.05, 0.95, 0.025, 0.975))
qSDLPS <- stats::quantile(SDLPS, probs = c(0.05, 0.95, 0.025, 0.975))
# Moment matching to Log-Normal, Gamma and Weibull #
#---------------------------------- Log-Normal fit ---------------------------
LN_mean_sd <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = 2)
colnames(LN_mean_sd) <- c("meanlog","sdlog")
qmatLN <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(qqgrid))
colnames(qmatLN) <- paste0("q", qqgrid)
ftgMCMC_LN <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(tg))
for(j in 1:niter){
# Moment matching
dLN <- EpiLPS::Idist(mean = MeanLPS[j], sd = SDLPS[j], dist = "lognorm")
LN_mean_sd[j,1] <- dLN$location
LN_mean_sd[j,2] <- dLN$scale
ftgMCMC_LN[j, ] <- stats::dlnorm(tg, meanlog = dLN$location,
sdlog = dLN$scale)
for(l in 1:qqlen){
qmatLN[j,l] <- stats::qlnorm(p = qqgrid[l],
meanlog = dLN$location, sdlog = dLN$scale)
meanlogMoM <- stats::median(LN_mean_sd[,1])
sdlogMoM <- stats::median(LN_mean_sd[,2])
ftgLN <- stats::dlnorm(tg, meanlog = meanlogMoM, sdlog = sdlogMoM)
EftgLN <- exp(meanlogMoM + 0.5 * (sdlogMoM ^ 2))
SDftgLN <- sqrt(exp(2 * meanlogMoM + sdlogMoM ^ 2) *
(exp(sdlogMoM ^ 2) - 1))
qftgLN <- stats::qlnorm(p = qqgrid, meanlog = meanlogMoM, sdlog = sdlogMoM)
LNincub <- matrix(0, nrow = length(qqgrid) + 2, ncol = 5)
colnames(LNincub) <- c("PE","CI90L","CI90R","CI95L","CI95R")
rownames(LNincub) <- c("Mean","SD", paste0("q", qqgrid))
LNincub[1, ] <- c(EftgLN, qMeanLPS)
LNincub[2,] <- c(SDftgLN, qSDLPS)
for(j in 3:nrow(LNincub)){
LNincub[j,] <- c(qftgLN[j-2],
stats::quantile(qmatLN[,j-2], probs = c(0.05,0.95,0.025,
LNloglik <- c()
for(j in 1:nobs){
LNloglik[j] <- log(stats::integrate(stats::dlnorm,
meanlog = meanlogMoM, sdlog = sdlogMoM,
lower = x$tL[j], upper = x$tR[j])$value)
BIC_LN <- (-2) * sum(LNloglik) + 2 * log(nobs)
#---------------------------------- Gamma fit -------------------------------
G_shape_rate <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = 2)
colnames(G_shape_rate) <- c("shape","rate")
qmatG <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(qqgrid))
colnames(qmatG) <- paste0("q", qqgrid)
ftgMCMC_G <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(tg))
for(j in 1:niter){
# Moment matching
dG <- EpiLPS::Idist(mean = MeanLPS[j], sd = SDLPS[j], dist = "gamma")
G_shape_rate[j,1] <- dG$shape
G_shape_rate[j,2] <- dG$rate
ftgMCMC_G[j, ] <- stats::dgamma(tg, shape = dG$shape, rate = dG$rate)
for(l in 1:qqlen){
qmatG[j,l] <- stats::qgamma(p = qqgrid[l], shape = dG$shape,
rate = dG$rate)
shapeGMoM <- stats::median(G_shape_rate[,1])
rateMoM <- stats::median(G_shape_rate[,2])
ftgG <- stats::dgamma(tg, shape = shapeGMoM, rate = rateMoM)
EftgG <- shapeGMoM / rateMoM
SDftgG <- sqrt(shapeGMoM / (rateMoM ^ 2))
qftgG <- stats::qgamma(p = qqgrid, shape = shapeGMoM, rate = rateMoM)
Gincub <- matrix(0, nrow = length(qqgrid) + 2, ncol = 5)
colnames(Gincub) <- c("PE","CI90L","CI90R","CI95L","CI95R")
rownames(Gincub) <- c("Mean","SD", paste0("q", qqgrid))
Gincub[1,] <- c(EftgG, qMeanLPS)
Gincub[2,] <- c(SDftgG, qSDLPS)
for(j in 3:nrow(Gincub)){
Gincub[j,] <- c(qftgG[j-2],
stats::quantile(qmatG[,j-2], probs = c(0.05,0.95,0.025, 0.975)))
Gloglik <- c()
for(j in 1:nobs){
Gloglik[j] <- log(stats::integrate(stats::dgamma, shape = shapeGMoM,
rate = rateMoM, lower = x$tL[j],
upper = x$tR[j])$value)
BIC_G <- (-2) * sum(Gloglik) + 2 * log(nobs)
#---------------------------------- Weibull fit -----------------------------
W_shape_scale <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = 2)
colnames(W_shape_scale) <- c("shape","scale")
qmatW <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(qqgrid))
colnames(qmatW) <- paste0("q", qqgrid)
ftgMCMC_W <- matrix(0, nrow = niter, ncol = length(tg))
for(j in 1:niter){
# Moment matching
dW <- EpiLPS::Idist(mean = MeanLPS[j], sd = SDLPS[j], dist = "weibull")
W_shape_scale[j,1] <- dW$shape
W_shape_scale[j,2] <- dW$scale
ftgMCMC_W[j, ] <- stats::dweibull(tg, shape = dW$shape, scale = dW$scale)
for(l in 1:qqlen){
qmatW[j,l] <- stats::qweibull(p = qqgrid[l], shape = dW$shape,
scale = dW$scale)
shapeWMoM <- stats::median(W_shape_scale[,1])
scaleMoM <- stats::median(W_shape_scale[,2])
ftgW <- stats::dweibull(tg, shape = shapeWMoM, scale = scaleMoM)
EftgW <- scaleMoM * gamma(1 + 1 / shapeWMoM)
SDftgW <- sqrt((scaleMoM ^ 2) * ((gamma(1 + 2 / shapeWMoM) - (gamma(1 + 1 / shapeWMoM) ^ 2))))
qftgW <- stats::qweibull(p = qqgrid, shape = shapeWMoM, scale = scaleMoM)
Wincub <- matrix(0, nrow = length(qqgrid) + 2, ncol = 5)
colnames(Wincub) <- c("PE","CI90L","CI90R","CI95L","CI95R")
rownames(Wincub) <- c("Mean","SD", paste0("q", qqgrid))
Wincub[1,] <- c(EftgW, qMeanLPS)
Wincub[2,] <- c(SDftgW, qSDLPS)
for(j in 3:nrow(Wincub)){
Wincub[j,] <- c(qftgW[j-2],
stats::quantile(qmatW[,j-2], probs = c(0.05,0.95,0.025,
Wloglik <- c()
for(j in 1:nobs){
Wloglik[j] <- log(stats::integrate(stats::dweibull,
shape = shapeWMoM, scale = scaleMoM,
lower = x$tL[j],
upper = x$tR[j])$value)
BIC_W <- (-2) * sum(Wloglik) + 2 * log(nobs)
# Model selection #
modselect <- which(BICs == min(BICs))
fdens <- function(t){
if(t < Bl){
val <- 0
} else {
if(modselect == 2){ # Log-Normal
val <- stats::dlnorm(t, meanlog = meanlogMoM, sdlog = sdlogMoM)
} else if (modselect == 3){ # Gamma
val <- stats::dgamma(t, shape = shapeGMoM, rate = rateMoM)
} else if (modselect == 4){ # Weibull
val <- stats::dweibull(t, shape = shapeWMoM, scale = scaleMoM)
} else if (modselect == 1){ # Flexible non-parametric
if(t > Br){
stop("Chosen time value not in range of B-spline domain.")
} else{
tgidx_up <- which(t <= tg)[1]
tgidx_low <- tgidx_up - 1
val <- 0.5 * (ftgLPS[tgidx_low] + ftgLPS[tgidx_up])
#------------ Return output
toc <- proc.time()-tic
if(modselect == 2){# Log-Normal
cat(paste0("Time elapsed: ", round(toc[3],3)," seconds.\n"))
cat(paste0("Fitted density is Log-Normal with meanlog=",
round(meanlogMoM,3), " and sdlog=", round(sdlogMoM,3),".\n"))
cat(paste0("Mean incubation period (days): ", round(LNincub[1,1],3),
" with 95% CI: ", round(LNincub[1,4],3), "-",
cat(paste0("95th percentile (days): ",
" with 95% CI: ", round(LNincub[21,4],3), "-",
} else if (modselect == 3){# Gamma
cat(paste0("Time elapsed: ", round(toc[3],3)," seconds.\n"))
cat(paste0("Fitted density is Gamma with shape=",
round(shapeGMoM,3), " and rate=", round(rateMoM,3),".\n"))
cat(paste0("Mean incubation period (days): ", round(Gincub[1,1],3),
" with 95% CI: ", round(Gincub[1,4],3), "-",
cat(paste0("95th percentile (days): ",
" with 95% CI: ", round(Gincub[21,4],3), "-",
} else if (modselect == 4){# Weibull
cat(paste0("Time elapsed: ", round(toc[3],3)," seconds.\n"))
cat(paste0("Fitted density is Weibull with shape=",
round(shapeWMoM,3), " and scale=", round(scaleMoM,3),".\n"))
cat(paste0("Mean incubation period (days): ", round(Wincub[1,1],3),
" with 95% CI: ", round(Wincub[1,4],3), "-",
cat(paste0("95th percentile (days): ",
" with 95% CI: ", round(Wincub[21,4],3), "-",
}else if (modselect == 1){# Flexible parametric P-spline model
cat(paste0("Time elapsed: ", round(toc[3],3)," seconds.\n"))
cat(paste0("Fitted density with flexible parametric approach.\n"))
cat(paste0("Mean incubation period (days): ", round(LPSincub[1,1],3),
" with 95% CI: ", round(LPSincub[1,4],3), "-",
cat(paste0("95th percentile (days): ",
" with 95% CI: ", round(LPSincub[21,4],3), "-",
if(modselect == 1){ # LPS model
outlist <- list(tg = tg, ftg = ftgLPS, stats = LPSincub,
mcmcrate = MCMC$accept_rate, timing = toc,
modselect = modselect,
pengpos = maxplamb$penpos,
penval = lambmax,
fdens = fdens,
ftgMCMC = ftgMCMC_LPS,
incubdat = x)
} else if(modselect == 2){ # Log-Normal
outlist <- list(tg = tg, ftg = ftgLN, stats = LNincub,
mcmcrate = MCMC$accept_rate, timing = toc,
modselect = modselect,
pengpos = maxplamb$penpos,
penval = lambmax,
fdens = fdens,
meanlog = meanlogMoM,
sdlog = sdlogMoM,
ftgMCMC = ftgMCMC_LN,
incubdat = x)
} else if(modselect == 3){ # Gamma
outlist <- list(tg = tg, ftg = ftgG, stats = Gincub,
mcmcrate = MCMC$accept_rate, timing = toc,
modselect = modselect,
pengpos = maxplamb$penpos,
penval = lambmax,
fdens = fdens,
shape = shapeGMoM,
rate = rateMoM,
ftgMCMC = ftgMCMC_G,
incubdat = x)
} else if(modselect == 4){# Weibull
outlist <- list(tg = tg, ftg = ftgW, stats = Wincub,
mcmcrate = MCMC$accept_rate, timing = toc,
modselect = modselect,
pengpos = maxplamb$penpos,
penval = lambmax,
fdens = fdens,
shape = shapeWMoM,
scale = scaleMoM,
ftgMCMC = ftgMCMC_W,
incubdat = x)
attr(outlist, "class") <- "incubestim"
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