
#    sleuth: inspect your RNA-Seq with a pack of kallistos
#    Copyright (C) 2015  Harold Pimentel, Nicolas Bray, Pall Melsted, Lior Pachter
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' Print sleuth model
#' Print a model that has been fit by sleuth
#' @param obj a \code{sleuth_model} object
#' @return obj (invisible)
#' @export
print.sleuth_model <- function(obj) {
  cat('formula: ', deparse(obj$formula), '\n')
  cat(paste0('\t', colnames(obj$design_matrix), '\n'))


#' View which models have been fit
#' @description  View which models have been fit. sleuth fits data using R formulas
#' @param obj a sleuth object, containing kallisto results, usually made by sleuth_prep
#' @return an R formula showing what has been fit
#' @examples # imagine you have a set of samples from input and IP, and input has been set to intercept
#' models(so)
#' # [full]
#' # formula: ~condition
#' # coefficients:
#' #      (Intercept)
#' #      conditionIP
#' @export
models <- function(obj, ...) {

#' @export
models.sleuth <- function(obj, verbose = TRUE) {
  # TODO: output a new in between models for readability
  if (verbose) {
    for (x in names(obj$fits)) {
      cat('[ ', x,' ]\n')


#' @export
models.sleuth_model <- function(obj) {

#' Extract design matrix
#' Getter method for extracting a design matrix from a sleuth object
#' @param obj a \code{sleuth} object
#' @param which_model a character string of the model
#' @return the \code{model.matrix} used to fit \code{which_model}
#' @export
design_matrix <- function(obj, which_model = 'full') {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )

  if (!model_exists(obj, which_model)) {
    stop("'", which_model, "' does not exist in ", substitute(obj),
      ". Please check  models(", substitute(obj), ") for fitted models.")


# Extract a test from a sleuth object
# Get the data frame from a sleuth object that corresponds to a specific test.
# Note: this function is not meant for users. The user facing version of this is \code{sleuth_results}
# @param obj a sleuth object
# @param label a string which is a label for the test you are trying to extract
# @param type the type of test (either: 'lrt', 'wt')
# @return a data frame with the relevant test information
get_test <- function(obj, label, type, model) {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )
  stopifnot( type %in% c('lrt', 'wt') )

  res <- NULL
  if (type == 'lrt') {
    res <- obj$tests[[type]][[label]]
  } else {
    if ( missing(model) ) {
      stop('must specify a model with wald test')
    res <- obj$tests[[type]][[model]][[label]]

  if (is.null(res)) {
    stop("'", label, "' is not a valid label for a test.",
      " Please see valid models and tests using the functions 'models' and 'tests'.",
      " Remember to also correctly specify the test type.")


test_exists <- function(obj, label, type, model) {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )
  stopifnot( type %in% c('lrt', 'wt') )

    temp <- get_test(obj, label, type, model)
  }, error = function(e) {
  }, finally = function(x) {
      # intentionally empty


# if type is 'lrt', return character vector tests
# else, return a list of character vectors.
# each element in the list corresponds to a particular model
list_tests <- function(obj, type) {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )
  stopifnot( type %in% c('lrt', 'wt') )

  res <- NULL
  if (type == 'lrt') {
    res <- names(obj$tests[[type]])
  } else {
    res <- lapply(obj$tests[[type]], names)
    if ( length(res) == 0 ) {
      res <- NULL


list_all_tests <- function(obj) {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )

  list(lrt = list_tests(obj, 'lrt'), wt = list_tests(obj, 'wt'))

# Add a test to a sleuth object
# Add a test to a sleuth object. Note this function is not meant for users.
# @param obj a sleuth object
# @param test_table the data frame/data table you're interested inserting as the actual test
# @param label the label (name) you want to assign to this test
# @param type the type of test it is ('lrt' or 'wald')
# @return a sleuth object with the test added
add_test <- function(obj, test_table, label, type, model) {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )
  stopifnot( type %in% c('lrt', 'wt') )

  if (type == 'wt' && missing(model)) {
    stop('if specifying a wald to test, must also specify a model.')

  # store all tests in obj$tests
  if ( is.null(obj$tests) ) {
    obj$tests <- list()

  if (type == 'lrt') {
    obj$tests[[type]][[label]] <- test_table
  } else {
    # wald test
    if ( is.null(obj$tests[[type]][[model]]) ) {
      obj$tests[[type]][[model]] <- list()
    obj$tests[[type]][[model]][[label]] <- test_table


#' @export
tests <- function(obj) {

#' @export
tests.sleuth <- function(obj, lrt = TRUE, wt = TRUE) {
  if ( lrt ) {
    cat('~likelihood ratio tests:\n') # nolint
    cur_tests <- list_tests(obj, 'lrt')
    if (length(cur_tests) > 0) {
      for (test in cur_tests) {
        cat('\t', test, '\n', sep = '')
    } else {
      cat('\tno tests found.\n')

  if ( lrt && wt ) {

  if ( wt ) {
    cat('~wald tests:\n') # nolint
    cur_tests <- list_tests(obj, 'wt')
    if (length(cur_tests) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(cur_tests)) {
        cat('\t[ ', names(cur_tests)[i], ' ]\n', sep = '')
        for (j in 1:length(cur_tests[[i]])) {
          cat('\t', cur_tests[[i]][j], '\n', sep = '')
    } else {
      cat('\tno tests found.\n')


#' Extract Wald test results from a sleuth object
#' This function extracts Wald test results from a sleuth object.
#' @param obj a \code{sleuth} object
#' @param test a character string denoting the test to extract. Possible tests can be found by using \code{models(obj)}.
#' @param which_model a character string denoting the model. If extracting a wald test, use the model name. If extracting a likelihood ratio test, use 'lrt'.
#' @param rename_cols if \code{TRUE} will rename some columns to be shorter and
#' consistent with vignette
#' @param show_all if \code{TRUE} will show all transcripts (not only the ones
#' passing filters). The transcripts that do not pass filters will have
#' \code{NA} values in most columns.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with the following columns:
#' @return target_id: transcript name, e.g. "ENSXX#####" (dependent on the transcriptome used in kallisto)
#' @return pval: p-value of the chosen model
#' @return qval: false discovery rate adjusted p-value, using Benjamini-Hochberg (see \code{\link{p.adjust}})
#' @return b: 'beta' value (effect size). Technically a biased estimator of the fold change
#' @return se_b: standard error of the beta
#' @return mean_obs: mean of natural log counts of observations
#' @return var_obs: variance of observation
#' @return tech_var: technical variance of observation from the bootstraps
#' @return sigma_sq: raw estimator of the variance once the technical variance has been removed
#' @return smooth_sigma_sq: smooth regression fit for the shrinkage estimation
#' @return final_simga_sq: max(sigma_sq, smooth_sigma_sq); used for covariance estimation of beta
#' @seealso \code{\link{sleuth_wt}} and \code{\link{sleuth_lrt}} to compute tests, \code{\link{models}} to
#' view which models, \code{\link{tests}} to view which tests were performed (and can be extracted)
#' @examples
#' models(sleuth_obj) # for this example, assume the formula is ~condition,
#'                      and a coefficient is IP
#' results_table <- sleuth_results(sleuth_obj, 'conditionIP')
#' @export
sleuth_results <- function(obj, test, test_type = 'wt',
  which_model = 'full', rename_cols = TRUE, show_all = TRUE) {
  stopifnot( is(obj, 'sleuth') )

  if (test_type == 'wt' && !model_exists(obj, which_model)) {
    stop("'", which_model, "' does not exist in ", substitute(obj),
      ". Please check  models(", substitute(obj), ") for fitted models.")
  # if ( which_model != 'lrt' && !model_exists(obj, which_model) ) {
  #   stop("'", which_model, "' does not exist in ", substitute(obj),
  #     ". Please check  models(", substitute(obj), ") for fitted models.")
  # }

  if ( !is(test, 'character') ) {
    stop("'", substitute(test), "' is not a valid character.")

  if ( length(test) != 1) {
    stop("'", substitute(test),
      "' is not a valid length. test must be of length one.")

  res <- NULL
  if (test_type == 'lrt') {
    res <- get_test(obj, test, type = 'lrt')
  } else {
    res <- get_test(obj, test, 'wt', which_model)
    res <- dplyr::select(res,

  if (rename_cols) {
    res <- dplyr::rename(res,
      tech_var = sigma_q_sq,
      final_sigma_sq = smooth_sigma_sq_pmax

  if (show_all && !obj$gene_mode) {
    tids <- adf(target_id = obj$kal[[1]]$abundance$target_id)
    res <- dplyr::left_join(
      by = 'target_id'

  if ( !is.null(obj$target_mapping) && !obj$gene_mode) {
    res <- dplyr::left_join(
      by = 'target_id')
  res <- as_df(res)

  dplyr::arrange(res, qval)
pachterlab/zika documentation built on May 24, 2019, 5:58 p.m.