
Defines functions usa_pull_data

Documented in usa_pull_data

#' Pull data from U.S. databases for Pacific Hake
#' Extraction of
#' * catch data,
#' * weight measurements,
#' * length measurements,
#' * age reads, and
#' * management quantities
#' from NORPAC and PacFIN databases for the Pacific Hake assessment.
#' @details
#' `usa_pull_data()` includes several steps, outlined below, and leads to many
#' files being saved to your computer. Originally, files were **NOT**
#' overwritten. In 2022, Kelli F. Johnson changed the code to not save previous
#' downloads to save on disk space, reduce the storing of redundant information,
#' and simplify the code base that needed maintenance. The code steps through
#' the following steps:
#' * Assign usernames and passwords, where the latter are read in from the
#'   specified file or obtained from the user.
#' * Find the folder where the data should be saved, typically using
#'   `fs::path(here::here(), "data-tables")()`.
#' * Extract data from NORPAC.
#'   * Catch data
#'   * Weight and age data
#'   * Squash table of ages (that also includes lengths)
#'   * Foreign ages
#'   * Species list
#' * Extract data from PacFIN.
#'   * Catch data
#'   * Age, length, and weight data from bds table
#'   * At-sea data
#'   * Management quantities such as allowable catch limits (ACL) for the
#'     Pacific Fisheries Management Council, i.e., U.S. quantities of interest.
#' * Save each object to the disk in the "extractedData" directory, which is
#'   created in the directory specified by save_dir if it does not already
#'   exist.
#' @param password_file A file path specifying where to find the passwords. The
#'   path can be full or relative to your current working directory. The text
#'   file must contain two lines, where the first line is the NORPAC password
#'   and the second line is the PacFIN password. These passwords should not be
#'   surrounded with quotes. If a file name is not provided, which is the
#'   default behavior, then the user will be prompted for their passwords. This
#'   also happens if the file cannot be found given the path provided. These
#'   passwords are needed because the databases store confidential information.
#' @param start_year An integer value specifying the start year of data to
#'   include in the extraction. The default is 1900 to include all the data
#'   possible, including years where only a foreign fleet fished.
#' @param end_year An integer value specifying the final year of data to include
#'   in the extraction. The default uses [get_data_yr()] to determine the
#'   terminal year.
#' @param save_dir A string specifying the full path to a directory where you
#'   want files saved. The default is to save them in a folder found using
#'   `fs::path(here::here(), "data-tables")()`, which returns a path specific to the personal preferences
#'   of JTC members.
#' @seealso
#' * [get_data_yr()]
#' @export
#' @author Kelli F. Johnson
#' @return
#' An environment or `list` with several objects pulled from the desired
#' databases are returned invisibly. Additionally, several `.Rdat` files are
#' saved to the disk in `extractedData`, which is created inside of `save_dir`.
#' The following files are saved:
#' * nages.Rdat
#' * nweight.Rdat
#' * ncatch.Rdat
#' * page.Rdat
#' * pcatch.Rdat
#' * pspec.Rdat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # An environment with objects is returned
#' dataenv <- usa_pull_data()
#' # Access individual objects using `get()`
#' head(get("ncatch", envir = dataenv))
#' # Access individual objects pretending the environment is a list
#' dataenv[["ncatch"]][1:5, ]
#' }
usa_pull_data <- function(
  start_year = 1900,
  end_year = get_data_yr(),
  save_dir = fs::path(here::here(), "data-tables")) {

  # File management
  sql_dir <- system.file("extdata", "sql", package = "hake")
  info <- usa_get_passwords(password_file = password_file)
  final_dir <- file.path(save_dir, "extractedData")
  fs::dir_create(path = final_dir, recurse = TRUE)

  # Set digits so that the full haul join number is displayed
  oldoptions <- options()
  on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)
  options(digits = 19)

  # Create local function
  localsave <- function(data, trailing_name, dir) {
    x <- deparse(substitute(data))
    assign(x, data)
    end <- paste0(trailing_name, ".Rdat")
      list = x,
      file = file.path(dir, "extractedData", end)

  # NORPAC catches
  ncatch <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = fs::path(sql_dir, "ncatch.sql"),
    db = "NORPAC",
    uid = info[["username"]][["NORPAC"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["NORPAC"]],
    start = start_year, end = end_year
  localsave(ncatch, "ncatch", save_dir)

  # NORPAC age and weight data
  # TODO: determine if nweight is used at all
  nweight <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = fs::path(sql_dir, "nweight.sql"),
    db = "NORPAC",
    uid = info[["username"]][["NORPAC"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["NORPAC"]],
    sp = as.character(species_norpac),
    start = start_year,
    end = end_year
  localsave(nweight, "nweight", save_dir)

  # NORPAC age and weight data
  # Age and weight data from squash table
  atsea.ages <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = fs::path(sql_dir, "nages_domestic.sql"),
    db = "NORPAC",
    uid = info[["username"]][["NORPAC"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["NORPAC"]],
    sp = as.character(species_norpac),
    start = start_year,
    end = end_year
  ) |>
      Month = format(HAUL_OFFLOAD_DATE, "%m"),
      Year = as.integer(format(HAUL_OFFLOAD_DATE, "%Y")),
      .after = HAUL_JOIN
  atsea.foreign <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = fs::path(sql_dir, "nages_foreign.sql"),
    db = "NORPAC",
    uid = info[["username"]][["NORPAC"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["NORPAC"]],
    sp = as.character(species_norpac),
    start = start_year,
    end = end_year
  ) |>
      Year = YEAR
  nages <- dplyr::full_join(
    x = atsea.ages,
    y = atsea.foreign,
    by = colnames(atsea.foreign)
  rm(atsea.ages, atsea.foreign)
  localsave(nages, "nages", save_dir)

  # PacFIN catches
  # TODO: Determine if XXX fleet (foreign catch?) should be removed
  pcatch <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = fs::path(sql_dir, "pcatch.sql"),
    db = "PACFIN",
    uid = info[["username"]][["PacFIN"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["PacFIN"]],
    sp = "PWHT",
    start = start_year,
    end = end_year
  ) |>
      Date = as.Date(LANDING_DATE),
      month = f_date(Date, "%m"),
      # Entries are LE, OA, R, TI, and XX where R is research
      sector = ifelse(grepl("^R", FLEET), "USresearch", "USshore")
    ) |>
    dplyr::rename(year = YEAR) |>
    dplyr::select(-LANDING_DATE) |>
  localsave(pcatch, "pcatch", save_dir)

  # PACFIN age and weight data
  page <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = dir(
      path = sql_dir,
      pattern = "pacfin_comprehensive_bds",
      full.names = TRUE
    db = "PACFIN",
    uid = info[["username"]][["PacFIN"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["PacFIN"]],
    sp = "PWHT",
    start = start_year,
    end = end_year
  ) |>
      # Convert weight to g
      FISH_WEIGHT = FISH_WEIGHT * ifelse(
        test = FISH_WEIGHT_UNITS %in% c("LBS", "P"),
        yes = pound_to_gram,
        no = 1
      FISH_LENGTH = FISH_LENGTH * ifelse(
        test = FISH_LENGTH_UNITS %in% c("CM"),
        yes = 10,
        no = 1
      FISH_WEIGHT_UNITS = ifelse(
        test = FISH_WEIGHT_UNITS %in% c("LBS", "P"),
        yes = "G",
        no = FISH_WEIGHT_UNITS
      FISH_LENGTH_UNITS = ifelse(
        test = FISH_LENGTH_UNITS == "CM",
        yes = "MM",
        no = FISH_LENGTH_UNITS
  localsave(page, "page", save_dir)

  # PACFIN species data
  pspec <- usa_query_database(
    queryFilename = fs::path(sql_dir, "pspec.sql"),
    db = "PACFIN",
    uid = info[["username"]][["PacFIN"]],
    pw = info[["password"]][["PacFIN"]],
    sp = "PWHT",
    start = start_year,
    end = end_year
  if (NCOL(pspec) != 1) {
    pspec <- pspec[!duplicated(pspec[, "YEAR"]), ]
  localsave(pspec, "pspec", save_dir)
  # Return the environment
  e1 <- new.env()
  assign("nages", nages, envir = e1)
  assign("nweight", nweight, envir = e1)
  assign("ncatch", ncatch, envir = e1)
  assign("pcatch", pcatch, envir = e1)
  assign("page", page, envir = e1)
  assign("pspec", pspec, envir = e1)
pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Jan. 14, 2025, 9:12 p.m.