
Defines functions print.HpcInfo hpcInfo GT2N qdelAll qdel qstat formatN removeSpace qstatGroupAll qstatAll print.statRes qstatSummary qstatProcess rQsub

Documented in formatN hpcInfo print.HpcInfo print.statRes qdel qdelAll qstat qstatAll qstatGroupAll qstatProcess qstatSummary removeSpace rQsub

#' Submit (qsub) R jobs.
#' @description Submit R jobs in parallel (array).
#' @param path file path.
#' @param rFile the R script to run.
#' @param preCMD the command to run R script, the default is
#' 'echo "module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript '.
#' @param jobName the job name(s).
#' @param threaded integer or integer vector to specify
#' the number of threads of each job.
#' @param memoryG numeric or numeric vector to specify the
#' memory (in Gb) of each job.
#' @param rTimeHour numeric or numeric vector. Maximum running
#' time (in hour) of each job.
#' @param logFile the log file(s) for errors and warnings.
#' @param email email to receive report from HPC. The default is NULL.
#' @param when2Email when will the server send a email. This can be
#' "b" (start) and/or "e" (end) and/or "a" (abortion) and/or "s" (suspension)
#' of your job. The default is "aes". This parameter will not be
#' used if email is NULL.
#' @param computeNode which computing CPU node will be used?
#' Support regular expression. The default is \code{"all.q@@n00[0-9][0-9]*"}
#' @param moreQsubParams more qsub \href{https://wiki.bioinformatics.umcutrecht.nl/bin/viewauth/HPC/HowToS}{parameters}.
#' @param param1 the first parameter passed to R script.
#' @param ... other parameter passed to R script.
#' @return A list of output of running rFile.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This function can only run on HPC.
#' ## Section 1, the format of R script file (for example myfile.R) to submit:
#' args = commandArgs(TRUE)
#' if (FALSE){
#'  # Input the code to use rQsub, see section
#'  # And run the code manually in this if`{}` statement , for example:
#'  rQsub(path = getwd(), rFile = "myfile.R", param1 = 1:5)
#' }
#' arg1 = args[1]
#' # Then input R code to use the arg1 variable. for example:
#' cat("test code result:", arg1, "\n")
#' ## Section 2, the code to use rQsub
#' # One parameter in R script
#' path = "/my/file/path"
#' rQsub(path = "/my/file/path",
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 1,
#'       memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2,
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename.log"),
#'       preCMD = 'echo "module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript ',
#'       param1 = 1:10)
#' # Multiple parameters in R script and using 2 threads
#' rQsub(path = "/my/file/path",
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = "job", threaded = 2,
#'       param1 = 1:10, param2 = 2:11, param3 = 3:12)
#' # Specify job names, threads, memories and running time.
#' rQsub(path = "/my/file/path",
#'       rFile = paste0(path, "/testQsub.R"),
#'       jobName = paste0("job_", formatN(1:10, 2)),
#'       logFile = paste0(path, "/logfilename_", formatN(1:10, 2), ".log"),
#'       threaded = rep(c(1, 2), each = 5),
#'       memoryG = rep(c(10, 20), each = 5),
#'       rTimeHour = rep(c(24, 48), each = 5),
#'       param1 = 1:10)
#' }

rQsub = function(path = getwd(), rFile = "testQsub.R",
                 jobName = "job",
                 threaded = 1, memoryG = 10, rTimeHour = 2,
                 logFile = "logfilename.log",
                 email = NULL,
                 when2Email = "aes",
                 computeNode = "all.q@n00[0-9][0-9]*",
                 moreQsubParams = "",
                 preCMD = 'echo "module load R/3.3.0 && Rscript ',
                 param1 = 1:10,
  params = list(param1, ...) # parameters passed to R
  num = unique(sapply(params, length))
  if (length(unique(sapply(params, length))) != 1){
    stop("The length of arguments are not the same!")

  stopifnot(length(computeNode) == 1 && is.character(computeNode))

  checkNum = function(x, num = length(param1)){
    if (length(x) == 1){
      x = rep(x, num)
    } else if (length(x) < 1 || length(x) != num){
      stop("The length of ", deparse(substitute(x)),
           " must be 1 or the same as 'param1': ", num)

  # memory
  memoryG = checkNum(memoryG, num)
  memory = paste0("h_vmem=", memoryG, "G")
  # time
  rTimeHour = checkNum(rTimeHour, num)
  rTime = paste0("h_rt=", rTimeHour, ":00:00")
  # jobName
  jobName = checkNum(jobName, num)
  # logFile
  logFile = checkNum(logFile, num)
  # threaded
  threaded = checkNum(threaded, num)

  if (is.null(email)){
    emailAndWhen = ""
  } else {
    if (grep("[aes]", when2Email)){
      emailAndWhen = paste("-M", email, "-m", when2Email)
    } else{
      message("No email will be sent!")
      emailAndWhen = ""

  qparam = paste("qsub", "-q", computeNode,  "-N", jobName, "-pe threaded", threaded,
                 "-l", memory, "-l", rTime, "-e", logFile,
                 emailAndWhen, "-cwd", moreQsubParams)
  qsub_all_parameters = paste0(logFile[1], "_qsub_all_parameters.log")
  fileConn = file(qsub_all_parameters)
  writeLines(qparam, fileConn)

  paramInR = unlist(lapply(1:num, function(x){
    paste(lapply(params, "[", x), collapse = " ")
  ids = list()
  for(i in 1:num){
    cat (rFile, "\n", paramInR[i], "\n")
    cmd = paste0(preCMD, rFile, ' ', paramInR[i], '" | ', qparam[i])
    cat(i, ":", cmd, "\n")
    ids = c(ids, system(cmd, intern = TRUE, wait = TRUE))

#' process the results form qstat command
#' @param statRes the results from `system("qstat -r", TRUE)`.
#' @return a data.frame of tidy results
#' @import chron
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x = system("qstat -r", T)
#' qstatProcess(x)
#' }
# qstatProcess = function(statRes){
#   if (length(statRes) == 0){
#     message("No queue job was found!")
#     return(character(0))
#   }
#   f = function(x, pat, fill = ""){
#     y = grep(pat, x, value = TRUE)
#     if (length(y) == 0) {
#       y = fill
#     }
#     gsub(pat, "", y)
#   }
#   statRes = removeSpace(statRes)
#   len = length(statRes)
#   id1 = grep("^[0-9]* [0-9]\\.[0-9]*", statRes)
#   id2 = c(id1[-1]-1, len)
#   res0 = lapply(seq_along(id1), function(mi){
#     statResSub = statRes[id1[mi] : id2[mi]]
#     return(c(grep("^[0-9]* [0-9]\\.[0-9]*", statResSub, value = TRUE),
#              f(statResSub, "^Full jobname: "),
#              f(statResSub, "^h_rt=", fill = 24*3600),
#              f(statResSub, "^Hard Resources: "),
#              f(statResSub, "^Requested PE: ", fill = "threaded 1"),
#              f(statResSub, "^Binding: "),
#              f(statResSub, "^Soft Resources:")))
#   })
#   if (length(res0) < 1){
#     cat("No jobs are on HPC based on your request!\n")
#     return(invisible(NULL))
#   }
#   res0 = res0[sapply(res0, length) == 7]
#   res0 = as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(res0)))
#   colnames(res0) = c("base", "fullName", "maxSeconds", "hardResources",
#                      "requestedPE", "binding", "softResources")
#   res = data.frame(strSplit(res0$base, " "), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#   colnames(res) = c("job.ID", "prior", "name", "user", "state", "submit.start.at",
#                     "at", "queue", "slots", "ja.task.ID")[1:ncol(res)]
#   res$slots = if (is.null(res$slots)) {
#     0
#   } else {
#     slot_tmp = res$slots
#     slot_tmp[slot_tmp == ""] = 0
#     as.numeric(slot_tmp)
#   }
#   res$submit.start.at = as.Date(res$submit.start.at, "%m/%d/%Y")
#   res$at = chron::chron(times. = res$at, format = c(dataes = "m/d/y", time = "h:m:s"))
#   res$submit.start.at = as.POSIXlt(paste(res$submit.start.at, res$at))
#   if (ncol(res) == 9){
#     res$ja.task.ID = ""
#   }
#   res$at = NULL
#   # additional information
#   res$name = res0$fullName
#   res$maxSeconds = as.numeric(strSplit(res0$maxSeconds, " ")[,1])
#   res$will.stop.at = res$submit.start.at + res$maxSeconds
#   res$hardResources = res0$hardResources
#   res$requestedPE = res0$requestedPE
#   res$binding = res0$binding
#   res$softResources = res0$softResources
#   return(res)
# }

qstatProcess = function(statRes){
  if (length(statRes) == 0){
    message("No queue job was found!")
  f = function(x, pat, fill = ""){
    y = grep(pat, x, value = TRUE)
    if (length(y) == 0) {
      y = fill
    gsub(pat, "", y)
  statRes = removeSpace(statRes)

  len = length(statRes)
  id1 = grep("^[0-9]* [0-9]\\.[0-9]*", statRes)
  id2 = c(id1[-1]-1, len)
  res0 = lapply(seq_along(id1), function(mi){
    statResSub = statRes[id1[mi] : id2[mi]]
    return(c(base = grep("^[0-9]* [0-9]\\.[0-9]*", statResSub, value = TRUE),
             fullName = f(statResSub, "^Full jobname: "),
             maxSeconds = f(statResSub, "^h_rt=|^Hard Resources: h_rt=", fill = 24*3600),
             memory = f(statResSub, "^h_vmem=|^Hard Resources: h_vmem="),
             tmpspace = f(statResSub, "^tmpspace=|^Hard Resources: tmpspace="),
             requestedPE = f(statResSub, "^Requested PE: ", fill = "threaded 1"),
             binding = f(statResSub, "^Binding: "),
             softResources = f(statResSub, "^Soft Resources:")))
  if (length(res0) < 1){
    cat("No jobs are on HPC based on your request!\n")
  res0 = res0[sapply(res0, length) == 8]
  res0 = as.data.frame(t(as.data.frame(res0)))
  # colnames(res0) = c("base", "fullName", "maxSeconds", "hardResources",
  #                    "requestedPE", "binding", "softResources")

  res = data.frame(strSplit(res0$base, " "), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  colnames(res) = c("job.ID", "prior", "name", "user", "state", "submit.start.at",
                    "at", "queue", "slots", "ja.task.ID")[1:ncol(res)]
  res$slots = if (is.null(res$slots)) {
  } else {
    slot_tmp = res$slots
    slot_tmp[slot_tmp == ""] = 0
  res$submit.start.at = as.Date(res$submit.start.at, "%m/%d/%Y")
  res$at = chron::chron(times. = res$at, format = c(dataes = "m/d/y", time = "h:m:s"))
  res$submit.start.at = as.POSIXlt(paste(res$submit.start.at, res$at))

  if (ncol(res) == 9){
    res$ja.task.ID = ""
  res$at = NULL
  queue = res$queue
  res$queue = NULL
  taskID = res$ja.task.ID
  res$ja.task.ID = NULL

  # additional information
  res$name = res0$fullName
  res$maxSeconds = as.numeric(strSplit(res0$maxSeconds, " ")[,1])
  res$will.stop.at = res$submit.start.at + res$maxSeconds
  res$memory = strSplit(res0$memory, " ")[,1]
  res$memory[res$memory == ""] = "10G"
  res$tmpspace = strSplit(res0$tmpspace, " ")[,1]
  # res$requestedPE = res0$requestedPE
  # res$binding = res0$binding
  # res$softResources = res0$softResources
  res$queue = queue
  res$ja.task.ID = taskID
  class(res) = c("statRes", "data.frame")

#' Summarize qstat results
#' @param statRes the result of qstat/qstatAll/qstatGroupAll functions.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' tmp = qstatAll()
#' qstatSummary(tmp)
#' }
#' @export
qstatSummary = function(statRes){
  memory = as.numeric(sub("M", "E-3", sub("G", "", statRes$memory)))
  attr(statRes, "usedMemoryInTotal") = mT = sum(memory, na.rm = TRUE)
  attr(statRes, "usedSlotsInTotal") = sT = sum(statRes$slots, na.rm = TRUE)
  message(mT, " Gb memory ", "and ", sT, " cores have been included in the table\n\n")
  attr(statRes, "memoryPerUser") = mU = sort(tapply(memory, INDEX = statRes$user, 
                                                sum, na.rm = TRUE),
                                         decreasing = TRUE)
  message("The following top (upto) 5 users are using or going to use most memory: \n")
  message(sprintf("  %s(%s G)", names(head(mU, 5)), head(mU, 5)), "\n\n")
  attr(statRes, "slotsPerUser") = sU = sort(tapply(statRes$slots, INDEX = statRes$user, 
                                               sum, na.rm = TRUE),
                                        decreasing = TRUE)
  message("The following top (upto) 5 users are using or going to use most cores: \n")
  message(sprintf("  %s(%s)", names(head(sU, 5)), head(sU, 5)), "\n\n")

#' Print statRes object
#' @param statRes the result of qstat/qstatAll/qstatGroupAll functions.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' tmp = qstatAll()
#' print(tmp)
#' }
#' @export
print.statRes = function(statRes){
  res = qstatSummary(statRes)

#' Status (qstat) of running jobs of all users.
#' @param stat the job status, including "run" (the default),
#' "all", and "wait".
#' @return a data frame of job details, including job ID, prior, name, user,
#' submit.start, at, queue, slots, and ja.task.ID.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qstat}}, \code{\link{qstatGroupAll}}
#' @export
qstatAll = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait")){
  stat = match.arg(stat)
  if (stat == "all"){
    cmd2 = "qstat -u \\* -s rp -r"
  } else if (stat == "run"){
    cmd2 = "qstat -u \\* -s r -r"
  } else if (stat == "wait"){
    cmd2 = "qstat -u \\* -s p -r"
  } else {
    stop("Unknown stat!")

  res = qstatProcess(statRes = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE))
  # res = qstatSummary(res)

#' Status (qstat) of running jobs of group members.
#' @param stat the job status, including "run" (the default),
#' "all", and "wait".
#' @param groupMembers the group member name.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qstat}}, \code{\link{qstatAll}}
#' @export
qstatGroupAll = function(stat = c("run", "all", "wait"),
                         groupMembers = system("ls /hpc/dla_lti", intern = TRUE)){
  stat = match.arg(stat)
  res0 = qstatAll(stat)
  res = subset(res0, user %in% groupMembers)
  if (nrow(res) > 0) rownames(res) = 1:nrow(res)
  # res = qstatSummary(res)

#' remove multiple spaces to one space
#' @param x a vector of string.
#' @export
removeSpace = function(x){
  return(gsub("^ *|(?<= ) | *$", "", x, perl = TRUE))

#' Add leading zeros
#' @param x a vector of string or number.
#' @param n final number of charactors.
#' @import stringr
#' @export
formatN = function(x, n = 3){
  stringr::str_pad(string = x, width = n, pad = "0")

#' Status (qstat) of my running jobs.
#' @param stat the job status, including "all" (the default),
#' "run", and "wait".
#' @seealso \code{\link{qstatAll}}, \code{\link{qstatGroupAll}}
#' @export
qstat = function(stat = c("all", "run", "wait")){
  stat = match.arg(stat)

  if (stat == "run"){
    # cmd = "qstat -s r"
    cmd2 = "qstat -s r -r"
  } else if (stat == "wait"){
    # cmd = "qstat -s p"
    cmd2 = "qstat -s p -r"
  } else if (stat == "all"){
    # cmd = "qstat"
    cmd2 = "qstat -s rp -r"
  } else {
    stop("Unknown stat!")
  res = qstatProcess(statRes = system(cmd2, intern = TRUE))
  # res = qstatSummary(res)

#' Delete (qdel) of queue jobs.
#' @param id The job IDs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdelAll}}
#' @export
qdel = function(id){
  cmd = paste("qdel", paste(id, collapse = " "))
  res = system(cmd, intern = TRUE)

#' Delete (qdel) of job by pattern
#' @param pattern The pattern to match.
#' @param col The column index to match pattern.
#' @return Deleted job IDs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdel}}
#' @export
qdelAll = function(pattern = "*", col = 1){
  q = qstat("all")
  id = as.character(q[,col])
  indx = grep(pattern, id)
  if (length(indx) > 0){
    qUser = q[indx,]
    id2Del = as.character(qUser[,1])
  } else {
    cat("No jobs matched!")
    id2Del = NULL

GT2N = function(x) {
  if(all(is.na(x))) return(NA)
  xG = grep("*G$", x)
  xT = grep("*T$", x)
  y = rep(0, length(x))
  y[xG] = as.numeric(sub("G", "", x[xG]))
  y[xT] = as.numeric(sub("T", "", x[xT])) * 1024

#' Information of HPC computing nodes
#' @return a data frame, including 
#' · queuename, the queue name;
#' · qtype, the queue type - one of B(atch), I(nteractive), C(heckpointing), P(arallel);
#' · resv.used.tot., the number of used and available job slots;
#' · load_avg, the load average of the queue host or another load value;
#' · arch, the architecture of the queue host;
#' · stats, the state of the queue - one of u(nknown), a(larm), A(larm), 
#'   C(alendar suspended), s(uspended), S(ubordinate), d(isabled), D(isabled), 
#'   E(rror), c(configuration ambiguous), o(rphaned), P(reempted).
#' · etc.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' hpcInfo()
#' View(hpcInfo())
#' }
hpcInfo = function(){
  qstatF0 = system("qstat -F", intern = TRUE)
  qstatF0 = grep("^[q|a|h|t]|^\\-\\-", removeSpace(sub("^\t", "", qstatF0)), 
                 value = TRUE)
  id_head = 1
  id_jobs_start = grep("^---", qstatF0) + 1
  id_jobs_end = c(grep("^---", qstatF0)[-1] - 1, length(qstatF0))
  fo1 = strSplit(qstatF0[id_jobs_start], " ")
  if(ncol(fo1) == 5){
    fo1 = cbind(fo1, rep("", nrow(fo1)))
  info1 = matrix(fo1, nrow = length(id_jobs_start), 
                 dimnames = list(seq_along(id_jobs_start), 
                                 strSplit(qstatF0[id_head], " ")))
  # info1 = matrix(strSplit(qstatF0[id_jobs_start], " "), 
  #                nrow = length(id_jobs_start),
  #                dimnames = list(seq_along(id_jobs_start), 
  #                                strSplit(qstatF0[id_head], " ")))
  info2 = matrix(as.numeric(strSplit(info1[,"resv/used/tot."], "/")), 
                 nrow = nrow(info1),
                 dimnames = list(seq(nrow(info1)), 
                                 strSplit("resvJobs/usedJobs/totalJobs", "/")))
  colNM = unique(strSplit(qstatF0[-c(1, id_jobs_start, id_jobs_start - 1)], "=")[,1])
  qstatList = lapply(seq_along(id_jobs_start), function(mi){
    x = qstatF0[(id_jobs_start[mi]+1):id_jobs_end[mi]]
    empty = rep(NA, length(x))
    nmValue = strSplit(x, "=")
    empty[match(nmValue[,1], colNM)] = nmValue[,2]
  info3 = t(do.call("cbind", qstatList))
  colnames(info3) = colNM
  info = data.frame(info1, info2, info3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  numericVar1 = c("load_avg", "hl.mem_total", "hl.swap_total", 
                  "hl.swap_free", "hl.virtual_free", "hl.mem_used", 
                  "hl.swap_used", "hl.virtual_used", 
                  "hc.h_vmem", "hc.tmpspace")
  numericVar2 = c("hl.num_proc", "hl.m_socket", "hl.m_core", "hl.m_thread", 
                  "hl.load_avg", "hl.load_short", 
                  "hl.load_medium", "hl.load_long", 
                  "hl.cpu", "hl.np_load_avg", 
                  "hl.np_load_short", "hl.np_load_medium", "hl.np_load_long", 
                  # "qf.h_rt", 
                  "qf.seq_no", "qf.rerun")
  for(mi in numericVar1){
    info[[mi]] = GT2N(info[[mi]])
  for(mi in numericVar2){
    info[[mi]] = as.numeric(info[[mi]])
  info = sortDataframe(info, "queuename")
  rownames(info) = seq(nrow(info))
  class(info) = c("HpcInfo", "data.frame")
  qA = qstatAll()
  slotsBooked = data.frame(slots = tapply(qA$slots, qA$queue, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  info$slotsBooked = slotsBooked[info$queuename, 1]
  info$slotsBooked[is.na(info$slotsBooked)] = 0
  info$jobsAvail = info$totalJobs - info$usedJobs
  info$slotsAvail = info$hl.num_proc - info$slotsBooked
  memoryBooked = data.frame(memory = tapply(qA$memory, qA$queue, function(a, b) 
    sum(as.numeric(sub("G", "", a)), na.rm = TRUE)))[info$queuename, 1]
  memoryBooked[is.na(memoryBooked)] = 0
  info$memoryAvail = info$hl.mem_total - memoryBooked
  return(sortDataframe(info, "memoryAvail"))

#' print HpcInfo object
#' @param x HpcInfo object.
#' @param ... other parameters in print.data.frame function.
#' @return print.HpcInfo returns an invisible data frame, which shows the 
#' available jobs, slots and memory on HPC nodes.
#' @export
print.HpcInfo = function(x, ...){
  z = x[, c("queuename", "jobsAvail", "slotsAvail", "memoryAvail")]
  print.data.frame(z, ...)
paodan/funcTools documentation built on April 1, 2024, 12:01 a.m.