#' Find knots - sets of features with defined spacing and retention time.
#' @param features data.frame Rows are features. Columns are "cc"
#' @param .z integer Charge state to assume
#' @param ppmwid numeric The maximum mass error in ppm.
#' @param rtwid numeric The maximum retention time difference in seconds.
#' @param cd numeric The mass spacing to search for (defaults to C13 - C12)
#' @import igraph magrittr
#' @return list A list with values "cc_knot" and "knot". \code{cc_knot} contains the features assignments to a knot. \code{knot} contains aggregate information about each knot.
findzknots = function(features, .z=1, ppmwid=5, rtwid = 1, cd = 13.00335-12) {
Cc = data.table(features)
factor = 1
scales = c(ppmwid * 700 / 1E6, rtwid)
# Cache residual
Cc[, "c13r" := mz %% (cd/.z)]
# Iterative splitting
gcols = paste0("g", 1:6)
Cc[,(gcols) := "1"]
ngs = 1
Cc[,g4 := paste(g4, clustgroup(cbind(c13r, rt), scales, factor)), by=gcols]
Cc[,g3 := paste(g3, breakgroup((mz %/% (cd/.z)), 1)), by=gcols]
l = length(unique(Cc[,do.call(paste, .SD), .SDcols = gcols])); if (l == ngs) break else ngs = l
Cc[,c13c := as.integer(factor(paste(do.call(paste, .SD)))), .SDcols = gcols]
c13c_meta = Cc[,.(meanr = mean(mz %% (cd/.z)), rt = mean(rt), n = length(mz), c13 = c13c[1], z= .z), by="c13c"][, c13c:=NULL]
list(c13 = Cc[,.(cc, c13 = c13c)], c13. = c13c_meta)
#' Find knots and resolve charge state
#' @param features data.frame Rows are features. Columns are "cc"
#' @param .zs integer A vector containing the absolute value of the possible charges.
#' @param ppmwid numeric The maximum mass error in ppm.
#' @param rtwid numeric The maximum retention time difference in seconds.
#' @param cd numeric The mass spacing to search for (defaults to C13 - C12)
#' @seealso \code{\link{findzknots}}
#' @return list A list with values "cc_knot" and "knot". \code{cc_knot} contains the features assignments to a knot. \code{knot} contains aggregate information about each knot.
findknots = function(features, .zs=1:4, ppmwid=4, rtwid = 1, cd = 13.00335-12) { # Should search for and return isotope knots (including z with one knot per peak) representing individual compounds
factor = 1
Cc = copy(features)
# Find putative knots in various charge states
zknots = lapply(.zs, function(.z) {
cat("\rFinding isotope knots. Charge state:", .z)
findzknots(Cc, .z, ppmwid = ppmwid, rtwid = rtwid)
names(zknots) = .zs
# Aggregate
knots = do.call(what=rbind, lapply(zknots, function(x) {
# Resolve peak knot charge state assignment
knots$ind = as.numeric(factor(knots$cc))
counts = matrix(nrow = length(unique(knots$cc)), ncol = length(.zs))
ass= cbind(knots$ind, knots$z)
counts[ass] = knots$n
keeps = which(counts == matrixStats::rowMaxs(counts), arr.ind=T)
keeps = keeps[!duplicated(keeps[,1]), ]
keepme= match(paste(keeps[,1], keeps[,2]), paste(ass[,1], ass[,2]))
temp = knots[keepme][,c13 := as.numeric(factor(paste(c13, z)))]
#Calculate Direction
annotatetails = function(ps) {
o = order(ps$mz)
i = ps$i[o]
term = which(diff(diff(i/max(i))) < -0.6)[1] + 1
if (!is.na(term) & term > 1) {
c(rep(F, term), rep(T, nrow(ps) - term))[order(o)]
} else {
rep(F, nrow(ps))
temp[, tail := annotatetails(data.frame(mz, i)), by="c13"]
calcdir = function(ps) {
ps = subset(ps, tail == F)
f = tail(seq_len(nrow(ps)), n=3)
b = head(seq_len(nrow(ps)), n=3)
ds = c(
c13. = temp[,.(meanr = mean(mz %% (cd/z)), meanmz = mean(mz), mainmz = mz[which.max(i)], rt = mean(rt), maxi=max(i), n = length(mz), dir = calcdir(data.frame(mz, i, tail)), z= z[1]),by=c13]
c13.[n==1, z := 0]
c13 = temp[,.(cc, c13, tail)]
names(c13)[2] = "knot"
names(c13.)[1] = "knot"
cat("\nFound", nrow(c13.), "isotope knots.")
list(cc_knot = c13, knot = c13.)
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