
Defines functions get_metadata

Documented in get_metadata

#' Identifies meta information within txt documents.
#' @param filename Input file; assumed to be txt format..
#' @param encoding Character encoding scheme of input txt file. Default is "utf-8".
#' @param lines.import Number of lines that should be imported from the input txt file. Default is 2000.
#' @param rcrossref Use rcrossref function to identify article meta data via CrossRef API? Default is TRUE. Currently, no useful other ways of identifying metadata are implemented.
#' @param bibtex Should reference be exported as bibtex? Works only with rcrossref = TRUE. Default is FALSE.
#' @param vars Which variables should be returned? Specify as character vectors. By default, all available variables are returned.
#' @param rename.files Rename the text files with information found online. Default = FALSE.

#' @description Takes a single txt file as input. To operate on a vector of txt files, use get_metadata_doc().
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  setwd("C:/data")
#'  number <- 20 # or do not specify
#'  get_metadata_doc_nv(folder)
#'  ...set also other arguments in the funcion....
#' }

get_metadata <- function(from,
                                number= NULL,
                                encoding = "ASCII",
                                lines.import = 200,
                                rcrossref = TRUE,
                                bibtex = FALSE,
                                vars = NULL,
                                file = NULL,
                                rename.file = FALSE,
                                start = NULL,
                                end = NULL){

  # load packages

  # Identify names of txt files in from + their path
  file.names <- dir(paste(from, "/", sep=""), pattern = ".txt")
  file.paths <- paste(paste(from, "/", sep=""), file.names, sep="")

  # Count number of files in from
  n.docs <- length(file.paths)

  # Specify number of documents to assess by setting n.docs
  if(!is.null(number)){n.docs <- number}
  if(!is.null(number)&&number>length(file.paths)){n.docs <- length(file.paths)} # if not enough files

  # Measure time
  ptm <- proc.time()

  if(!is.null(start)){start <- start}else{start <- 1}
  if(!is.null(end)){end <- end}else{end <- n.docs}

  # Loop over .pdf files one by one (until document nr. "number" = n.docs)
  metadata <- NULL
  for (i in start:end){  #

  filename <- file.paths[i]
  # open file
  con <- file(filename, encoding = encoding)

  # import text lines; lines.import specifies number of lines
  x <- readLines(con, warn = F, n = lines.import)
  close(con) # close connection

  # remove form feed, line feed, carriage returns and empty lines from doc
  x <- str_replace_all(x, "[\r\n\f]" , "")
  x <- str_replace_all(x, "^[Dd]ownloaded from.+" , "")
  x <- str_replace_all(x, "fi", "fi")
  x <- x[sapply(x, nchar) > 0]

  # generate empty containers
  doc_name <- basename(filename)
  doc_size <- file.size(filename)
  full_line <- NA
  doi <- NA
  meta_source <- NA
  doi_guess <- NA
  meta_dat <- data.frame(author = NA, title = NA, container.title = NA, volume = NA, issue = NA, created = NA, issued = NA, page = NA, publisher = NA, subject = NA, type = NA, URL = NA, DOI = NA, ISSN = NA, link = NA, reference.count = NA, score = NA, source = NA)

  # identify DOI
  doi <- stringr::str_extract(x, '\\b(10[.][0-9]{4,}(?:[.][0-9]+)*/(?:(?!["&\'])\\S)+)\\b') # taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27910/finding-a-doi-in-a-document-or-page
  doi <- doi[!is.na(doi)]

  # check if DOI contains non-ASCII characters
  check_nonascii <- tools::showNonASCII(doi)
  doi_nonascii <- ifelse(length(check_nonascii) > 0, TRUE, FALSE)

  # if no DOI available, try fetch DOI from CrossRef via information from first 20 lines
  # detect frequent lines (headers?)
    # significant_lines <- sort(table(x), decreasing = TRUE)[1:3] # header approach
    # significant_lines_combined <- paste(names(frequent_lines), collapse = " ")
    significant_lines_combined <- paste(x[1:20], collapse = " ") # first 20 lines approach
    doi <- rcrossref::cr_works(query=significant_lines_combined, limit = 1)$data$DOI
    doi_guess <- TRUE

  # if DOI available, query info from CrossRef
  if(length(doi)!=0 & doi_nonascii == FALSE){
    # extract lines that contain identifiers of DOI
    doi <- stringr::str_replace(doi, "^DOI |^DOI: |DOI:|^doi |^doi: |doi:|http://dx\\.doi\\.org/", "")
    doi <- stringr::str_replace(doi, "_supp$|\\.supp$", "")
    # take the first one
    doi <- doi[1]
    if (rcrossref == TRUE) {
    # query crossref with DOI
    if(bibtex == TRUE) {
      crossref_bibtex <- rcrossref::cr_cn(dois = doi, format = "bibtex", style = "apa")
      write(crossref_bibtex, paste0(filename, ".bib"))

    crossref_df <- rcrossref::cr_works(dois = doi)
      meta_dat <- crossref_df %>% .$data %>% dplyr::select(matches("^author$|^title$|^container.title$|^volume$|^issue$|^created$|^issued$|^page$|^publisher$|^subject$|^type$|^URL$|^DOI$|^ISSN$|^reference.count$|^score$|^source$"))

    }else{cat(paste("No crossref information for DOI: ", doi, sep=""))}

    meta_source <- "CrossRef"

  # add empty variables if necessary
  if (!("author" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$author <- NA }
  if (!("title" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$title <- NA }
  if (!("container.title" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$container.title <- NA }
  if (!("volume" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$volume <- NA }
  if (!("issue" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$issue <- NA }
  if (!("created" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$created <- NA }
  if (!("issued" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$issued <- NA }
  if (!("page" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$page <- NA }
  if (!("publisher" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$publisher <- NA }
  if (!("subject" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$subject <- NA }
  if (!("type" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$type <- NA }
  if (!("URL" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$URL <- NA }
  if (!("DOI" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$DOI <- NA }
  if (!("ISSN" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$ISSN <- NA }
  if (!("reference.count" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$reference.count <- NA }
  if (!("score" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$score <- NA }
  if (!("source" %in% colnames(meta_dat))) { meta_dat$source <- NA }

  # attach additional information
  meta_dat$meta_source <- meta_source
  meta_dat$doc_name <- doc_name
  meta_dat$doc_size <- doc_size
  meta_dat$doi_guess <- doi_guess

  # clean variables
  meta_dat$journal <- meta_dat$container.title
  meta_dat$date1 <- meta_dat$created
  meta_dat$date2 <- meta_dat$issued
  meta_dat$doc_year <- meta_dat$doc_name %>% str_extract("[[:digit:]]{4}")
  meta_dat$doc_author <- meta_dat$doc_name %>% str_extract("^[[:alpha:]- .]+([[:digit:]]{4}){1}") %>% str_replace("[[:digit:]]{4}", "")

  # clean journal variable
  journals_num <- meta_dat$journal %>% str_split(",") %>% unlist() %>% length()
  if (journals_num > 1) {
    journal_names <- meta_dat$journal %>% str_split(",") %>% unlist()
    journal_which <- journal_names  %>% str_length() %>% which.max()
    meta_dat$journal <- journal_names[journal_which]

  # add journal information from scimagojr
  meta_dat$ISSN2 <- meta_dat$ISSN %>% str_replace(".+,", "") %>% str_replace_all("-", "") %>% as.numeric() %>% as.character()
  meta_dat$ISSN <- meta_dat$ISSN %>% str_replace_all("-", "") %>% str_replace_all(".+,", "") %>% as.numeric() %>% as.character()
  #journal_matched <- c(match(meta_dat$ISSN[1], journals_df$journal_issn), match(meta_dat$ISSN2[1], journals_df$journal_issn), match(meta_dat$journal[1], journals_df$journal_title)) %>% na.omit %>% extract(1)
  #meta_dat <- merge(meta_dat[1,], journals_df[journal_matched,], all = TRUE)

  # finalize data frame

  if (is.null(vars)) {
    meta_dat <- dplyr::select(meta_dat, doc_year, doc_author, doc_name, doc_size, author, date1, date2, title, journal, volume, issue, page, publisher, subject, type, URL, DOI, ISSN, ISSN2, reference.count, source, doi_guess)
  } else {
    meta_dat <- meta_dat[,vars]

  metadata <- rbind(metadata, meta_dat)


      # New Author variable
      authors <- list(NULL)
      for(y in 1:nrow(meta_dat)){
        test <- as.logical(!is.na(meta_dat$author[[y]][1]))
        if(test){authors[[y]] <- meta_dat$author[[y]]$family[1]}

        test2 <- as.logical(is.na(meta_dat$author[[y]][1]))
        if(test2){authors[[y]] <- NA}
      # paste(meta_dat$author[[i]]$family, collapse=",")
      for(yy in 1:length(authors)){
        if(is.null(authors[[yy]])){authors[[yy]] <- NA}

      meta_dat$author2 <- unlist(authors)
      meta_dat$author2 <- iconv(meta_dat$author2, "UTF-8", "ASCII", sub="")
      meta_dat$author2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$author2, 1,50), '\\*', '')
      meta_dat$author2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$author2, 1,50), ' $', '')
      }else{meta_dat$author2 <- "noauthor"}

      # New titel variable
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title, 1,50), "^\\s", "")
      meta_dat$title2 <- iconv(meta_dat$title2, "UTF-8", "ASCII", sub="") # CHECK
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title2, 1,50), "[:\\*?]", "")
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title2, 1,50), "\\s{0,3}$", "")
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title2, 1,50), "/", "_")
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title2, 1,50), '"', '')
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title2, 1,50), "'", '')
      meta_dat$title2 <- stringr::str_replace(substr(meta_dat$title2, 1,50), '\"', '')

      # New year variableww
      meta_dat$year <- substr(meta_dat$date1, 1,4)

      # New title variable
      meta_dat$new.doc_name.txt <- paste(paste0(i, "-doc"), meta_dat$author2, meta_dat$year, meta_dat$title2, sep = " - ") %>%
        stringr::str_replace_all("[?:]", " ") %>%
        paste(".txt", sep = "")

      meta_dat$new.doc_name.pdf <- paste(paste0(i, "-doc"), meta_dat$author2, meta_dat$year, meta_dat$title2, sep = " - ") %>%
        stringr::str_replace_all("[?:]", " ") %>%
        paste(".pdf", sep = "")

      # Rename .txt files
      file.rename(from = file.path(from, meta_dat$doc_name), to = file.path(from, meta_dat$new.doc_name.txt))

      # Rename .pdf files - if there are in the folder
      meta_dat$doc_name_pdf <- meta_dat$doc_name %>% stringr::str_replace_all(".txt", ".pdf")
      file.rename(from = file.path(from, meta_dat$doc_name_pdf), to = file.path(from, meta_dat$new.doc_name.pdf))

      } # IF rename.file

      # counter
      if(stringr::str_detect(as.character(i), "^.*0$")){cat(i, ".. ", sep="")}

  save(metadata, file = file)


  # Measure time
  time <- proc.time() - ptm
  save(metadata, file = file)

  cat("\n\n It took around '", as.numeric(time[3]), "' second(s) (", round(as.numeric(time[3])/60,2), " minutes) to extract metadata/rename ", n.docs, " files in the folder '", from, "'.\n", sep = "")

paulcbauer/citationsr documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:47 p.m.