
Defines functions bout_mvpa

Documented in bout_mvpa

#' Classify moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in bouts of a specific
#' minimum length
#' @param intensity a vector of intensity classifications to be re-classified
#'   according to the bout definition
#' @param var_type character scalar indicating whether the \code{intensity}
#'   variable is a numeric vector of metabolic equivalents, or a factor variable
#'   giving activity intensity classification
#' @param min_duration numeric scalar: minimum duration of a qualifying bout, in
#'   minutes
#' @param termination numeric scalar: consecutive minutes of non-MVPA required
#'   to terminate the bout
#' @param MoreArgs required arguments passed to \code{cut}
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to \code{cut} for converting METs to
#'   intensity classification
#' @param timestamps optional vector of POSIX-formatted timestamps. Must have
#'   same length as \code{intensity}
#' @param output_var the output variable(s) to give
#' @note \code{output_var} gives one or both of \code{is_MVPA} and
#'   \code{bout_tracker}, the former being a vector of indicators (1 or 0)
#'   specifying whether a minute is part of a valid MVPA bout, and the latter
#'   being a collapsed data frame giving only the valid bouts of MVPA and the
#'   relevant information (i.e., duration of the bout, minutes of MVPA, and
#'   percentage of time spent in MVPA within the bout). If both are selected,
#'   they are returned in a list.
#' @examples
#' data(ex_data, package = "PAutilities")
#' ex_data$DateTime <- as.POSIXct(ex_data$DateTime, "UTC")
#' \donttest{
#' # Runs with a warning
#' bout_mvpa(ex_data$METs, "METs")
#' bout_mvpa(ex_data$METs, "METs", timestamps = ex_data$DateTime)
#' }
#' # Recommended usage
#' lapply(split(ex_data, strftime(ex_data$DateTime, "%Y-%m-%d", "UTC")),
#' function(x) {
#' bout_mvpa(x$METs, "METs", timestamps = x$DateTime)
#' })
#' lapply(split(ex_data, strftime(ex_data$DateTime, "%Y-%m-%d", "UTC")),
#' function(x) {
#' bout_mvpa(x$METs,
#' "METs",
#' timestamps = x$DateTime,
#' output_var = "is_MVPA")
#' })
#' lapply(split(ex_data, strftime(ex_data$DateTime, "%Y-%m-%d", "UTC")),
#' function(x) {
#' bout_mvpa(x$METs,
#' "METs",
#' timestamps = x$DateTime,
#' output_var = "bout_tracker")
#' })
#' @export
bout_mvpa <- function(
  intensity, var_type = c("METs", "Intensity"),
  min_duration = 10, termination = 3,
  MoreArgs = list(
    breaks = c(-Inf, 1.51, 3, Inf),
    labels = c("SB", "LPA", "MVPA"),
    right = FALSE
  ..., timestamps = NULL,
  output_var = c("is_MVPA", "bout_tracker")
) {

  # Set up
    if (is.null(timestamps)) {
      warning(paste("`bout_mvpa` is designed to",
                    "process one day of data at a time.",
                    "\n  Providing a value for the `timestamps`",
                    "argument will allow `bout_mvpa`\n  to test if it",
                    "is being used as intended."))
    } else {
      stopifnot(any(grepl("POSIX", class(timestamps))),
                length(timestamps) == length(intensity))

      dates <- unique(strftime(timestamps, "%Y-%m-%d", "UTC"))
      if (length(dates) > 1) {
        warning(paste("`bout_mvpa` is designed to",
                      "process one day of data at a time.",
                      "\n  Use a split-apply-combine command",
                      "to use `bout_mvpa` as intended."))

    output_var <- match.arg(output_var, c("is_MVPA", "bout_tracker", "Error"), several.ok = TRUE)
    var_type <- match.arg(var_type, c("METs", "Intensity", "Error"))
    if (var_type == "METs") {
      # intensity <-
      #   do.call(cut, c(list(intensity), MoreArgs))
      intensity <-
        do.call(cut, c(list(x = intensity), MoreArgs, ...))
    } else {
    stopifnot("MVPA" %in% levels(intensity))

  # Label all bouts of `MVPA` or `Other`
    intensity <-
        function(x) if (x == "MVPA") "MVPA" else "Other"

    bout_label <- rle(as.character(intensity))
    bout_label <- rep(seq(bout_label$lengths), bout_label$lengths)

  # Get starting indices of all `Other` bouts with length >= `termination`
    stop_indices <- unlist(
      sapply(unique(bout_label), function(x) {
        index <- which(bout_label == x)[1]
        intensity <- intensity[index]
        length_test <- sum(bout_label == x) >= termination
        if (any(!length_test, intensity == "MVPA")) return(NULL)

  # Add last minute of day as a stopping index, if necessary
    if (!length(intensity) %in% stop_indices) {
      stop_indices <- c(stop_indices, length(intensity))

  # Get starting indices of all `MVPA` bouts
    start_indices <- unlist(
      sapply(unique(bout_label), function(x) {
        index <- which(bout_label == x)[1]
        intensity <- intensity[index]
        if (intensity != "MVPA") return(NULL)

  # Remove last minute of day as a starting index, if necessary
    start_indices <- start_indices[start_indices != length(intensity)]

  # Match each `MVPA` bout's starting index to the next termination bout's
  # starting index
    matched_stops <- sapply(
      start_indices, function(x) {
        index <- stop_indices[stop_indices > x][1]
        if (length(index) == 0) return(NA)

  # Quit if there is no MVPA
    if (is.null(start_indices) | (!length(start_indices))) {
      if (all(c("is_MVPA", "bout_tracker") %in% output_var)) {

        return(list(is_MVPA = rep(0, length(intensity)),
                    bout_tracker = data.frame()))

      } else {

        output <- switch(
          "is_MVPA" = rep(0, length(intensity)),
          "bout_tracker" = data.frame()



  # Assemble a data frame and use it to track bouts and determine if they meet
  # the criteria
    bout_tracker <- tapply(start_indices, matched_stops, min)
    #^It's possible for multiple bouts to be matched to the same stopping index,
    #which happens anytime there is an interruption < the value of
    #`termination`. Therefore, things need to be collapsed so that there is a
    #1:1 occurrence of MVPA bouts starting and ending (i.e., separate spurts of
    #MVPA in the bout need to be combined so that we can just focus on the
    #start/stop index of the overall bout. The next step will be to see how many
    #minutes of MVPA occur in that span)
    bout_tracker <- data.frame(
      mvpa_start = as.integer(unname(bout_tracker)),
      bout_terminates = as.integer(names(bout_tracker)),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      row.names = NULL

    bout_tracker$MVPA_mins <- sapply(
      function(x) {
        indices <-
            #^Technically should be x - 1 for termination, but it doesn't matter
            #because this index is automatically non-MVPA
        sum(intensity[indices] == "MVPA")

    bout_tracker$bout_MVPA_proportion <-
      with(bout_tracker, MVPA_mins / (bout_terminates - mvpa_start))

  # Reduce the data frame to only cases where there are at least `min_duration`
  # minutes of MVPA in the bout
    bout_tracker <-
      bout_tracker[bout_tracker$MVPA_mins >= min_duration, ]

  # Quit if there are no valid bouts of MVPA
    if (nrow(bout_tracker) == 0) {
      if (all(c("is_MVPA", "bout_tracker") %in% output_var)) {

        return(list(is_MVPA = rep(0, length(intensity)),
                    bout_tracker = data.frame()))

      } else {

        output <- switch(
          "is_MVPA" = rep(0, length(intensity)),
          "bout_tracker" = data.frame()



  # Now prepare a vector to return, which indicates numerically (0 for no, 1
  # for yes) whether the minute-by-minute values are part of a valid bout of
  # MVPA
    valid_indices <- unlist(apply(
      bout_tracker, 1,

    is_MVPA <- sapply(
      function(x) {
        if (all(intensity[x] == "MVPA", x %in% valid_indices)) 1 else 0

  # Return the variables specified by `output_var`
  # View(data.frame(intensity, bout_label, is_MVPA))
    bout_tracker$bout_duration_mins <-
      with(bout_tracker, bout_terminates - mvpa_start)
    bout_vars <-
      c("bout_duration_mins", "MVPA_mins", "bout_MVPA_proportion")
    bout_tracker <- bout_tracker[ ,bout_vars]

    if (all(c("is_MVPA", "bout_tracker") %in% output_var)) {

      return(list(is_MVPA = is_MVPA, bout_tracker = bout_tracker))

    } else {

      output <- switch(
        "is_MVPA" = is_MVPA,
        "bout_tracker" = bout_tracker



paulhibbing/PAutilities documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 3:23 p.m.