
# Version 0.3-6 -----------------------------------------------------------

hri <- function (
  nStudents = ncol(s.prefs), nColleges = ncol(c.prefs),
  nSlots = rep(1, nColleges), s.prefs = NULL, c.prefs = NULL,
  s.range = NULL, c.range = NULL, randomization = NULL, seed = NULL,
  check_consistency = FALSE, ...
) {

hri.default <- function (
  nStudents = ncol(s.prefs), nColleges = ncol(c.prefs),
  nSlots = rep(1, nColleges), s.prefs = NULL, c.prefs = NULL,
  s.range = NULL, c.range = NULL, randomization = "multiple",
  seed = NULL, check_consistency = FALSE, ...
)  {
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
  if (is.null(nColleges)) {
    nColleges <- length(nSlots)
  if (is.null(s.prefs)) {
    s.prefs <- replicate(n = nStudents, sample(seq(from = 1,
      to = nColleges, by = 1)))
  if (is.null(c.prefs)) {
    if (randomization == "single") {
      c.prefs <- matrix(sample(seq(from = 1, to = nStudents,
        by = 1)), nrow = nStudents, ncol = nColleges)
    else {
      c.prefs <- replicate(n = nColleges, sample(seq(from = 1,
        to = nStudents, by = 1)))
  if (length(nSlots) != nColleges | length(nSlots) != dim(c.prefs)[2]) {
    stop("Length of 'nSlots' must equal 'nColleges' and the number of columns of 'c.prefs'!")
  if (is.null(colnames(s.prefs))) {
    colnames(s.prefs) <- 1:ncol(s.prefs)
  if (is.null(colnames(c.prefs))) {
    colnames(c.prefs) <- 1:ncol(c.prefs)
  c.names <- colnames(c.prefs)
  s.names <- colnames(s.prefs)
  if (!is.null(s.range)) {
    thre.s <- sample(x = s.range[1]:s.range[2], size = ncol(s.prefs),
      replace = TRUE)
    s.prefs <- sapply(1:ncol(s.prefs), function(z) c(s.prefs[1:thre.s[z],
      z], rep(NA, nrow(s.prefs) - thre.s[z])))
    colnames(s.prefs) <- s.names
    rownames(s.prefs) <- NULL
  if (!is.null(c.range)) {
    thre.c <- sample(x = c.range[1]:c.range[2], size = ncol(c.prefs),
      replace = TRUE)
    c.prefs <- sapply(1:ncol(c.prefs), function(z) c(c.prefs[1:thre.c[z],
      z], rep(NA, nrow(c.prefs) - thre.c[z])))
    colnames(c.prefs) <- c.names
    rownames(c.prefs) <- NULL
  if (check_consistency) {
    drop <- which(apply(s.prefs, 2, function(z) all(
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      s.prefs <- matrix(s.prefs[, -drop], nrow = nrow(s.prefs))
      colnames(s.prefs) <- s.names[-drop]
      print(paste("Dropped s.prefs column(s):", paste(s.names[drop],
        collapse = ", ")))
    drop <- which(apply(c.prefs, 2, function(z) all(
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      c.prefs <- matrix(c.prefs[, -drop], nrow = nrow(c.prefs))
      colnames(c.prefs) <- c.names[-drop]
      print(paste("Dropped c.prefs column(s):", paste(c.names[drop],
        collapse = ", ")))
  prefs_char <- FALSE
  if (is.character(s.prefs) || is.character(c.prefs)) {
    if (!(is.character(s.prefs) && is.character(c.prefs))) {
      stop("Both prefs must be in characters")
    prefs_char <- TRUE
    if (check_consistency) {
      consistency_check_hri(s.prefs, c.prefs)
    s.prefs_named <- s.prefs
    c.prefs_named <- c.prefs
    s.names <- 1:ncol(s.prefs)
    names(s.names) <- colnames(s.prefs)
    c.names <- 1:ncol(c.prefs)
    names(c.names) <- colnames(c.prefs)
    s.prefs <- apply(s.prefs, 2, function(pref) {
    c.prefs <- apply(c.prefs, 2, function(pref) {
    dimnames(s.prefs) <- NULL
    dimnames(c.prefs) <- NULL
  c.prefs <- sapply(c.names, function(z) {
    x <- c(na.omit(c.prefs[, z]))
    y <- sapply(x, function(i) z %in% s.prefs[, i])
    return(c(x[y], rep(NA, nrow(c.prefs) - length(x[y]))))
  s.prefs <- sapply(s.names, function(z) {
    x <- c(na.omit(s.prefs[, z]))
    y <- sapply(x, function(i) z %in% c.prefs[, i])
    return(c(x[y], rep(NA, nrow(s.prefs) - length(x[y]))))
  if (check_consistency) {
    drop <- which(apply(s.prefs, 2, function(z) all(
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      s.prefs <- matrix(s.prefs[, -drop], nrow = nrow(s.prefs))
      colnames(s.prefs) <- s.names[-drop]
      print(paste("Dropped s.prefs column(s):", paste(s.names[drop],
        collapse = ", ")))
    drop <- which(apply(c.prefs, 2, function(z) all(
    if (length(drop) > 0) {
      c.prefs <- matrix(c.prefs[, -drop], nrow = nrow(c.prefs))
      colnames(c.prefs) <- c.names[-drop]
      print(paste("Dropped c.prefs column(s):", paste(c.names[drop],
        collapse = ", ")))
  second_match <- FALSE
  if (prefs_char && (ncol(s.prefs) != ncol(s.prefs_named) ||
      ncol(c.prefs) != ncol(c.prefs_named))) {
    second_match <- TRUE
  if (second_match) {
    s.prefs_named2 <- s.prefs
    c.prefs_named2 <- c.prefs
    s.names2 <- 1:ncol(s.prefs)
    names(s.names2) <- colnames(s.prefs)
    c.names2 <- 1:ncol(c.prefs)
    names(c.names2) <- colnames(c.prefs)
    s.prefs <- apply(s.prefs, 2, function(pref) {
    c.prefs <- apply(c.prefs, 2, function(pref) {
    dimnames(s.prefs) <- NULL
    dimnames(c.prefs) <- NULL
  if (sum(nSlots) != length(nSlots)) {
    if (!prefs_char) {
      s.prefs.hri <- s.prefs
      c.prefs.hri <- c.prefs
    sm <- c2m(s.prefs, c.prefs, nSlots)
    s.prefs <- sm$s.prefs
    c.prefs <- sm$c.prefs
    collegeSlots <- sm$collegeSlots
  c.matrix <- sapply(1:nrow(t(c.prefs)), function(z) paste(t(c.prefs)[z,
    ][![z, ])], collapse = " "))
  s.prefs1 <- s.prefs + ncol(s.prefs)
  s.matrix <- sapply(1:nrow(t(s.prefs1)), function(z) paste(t(s.prefs1)[z,
    ][![z, ])], collapse = " "))
  instance <- paste(c(length(s.matrix) + length(c.matrix),
    s.matrix, c.matrix), collapse = "n")
  hjw <- .jnew("smi")
  out <- .jcall(hjw, "S", "sayHello", .jarray(instance))
  out <- as.list(strsplit(out, split = "\n\n")[[1]])[[1]]
  out <- gsub(",", " ", out)
  out <- data.frame(matrix(scan(text = out, what = integer(),
    quiet = TRUE), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE))
  names(out) <- c("matching", "student", "college")
  out$college <- out$college - ncol(s.prefs)
  A <- split(out, out$matching)
  for (j in 1:length(A)) {
    A[[j]]$sRank <- sapply(1:nrow(A[[j]]), function(z) which(s.prefs[,
      A[[j]]$student[z]] == A[[j]]$college[z]))
    A[[j]]$cRank <- sapply(1:nrow(A[[j]]), function(z) which(c.prefs[,
      A[[j]]$college[z]] == A[[j]]$student[z]))
  sums <- unlist(lapply(A, function(z) sum(z$sRank))) <- which(sums == min(sums))
  sums <- unlist(lapply(A, function(z) sum(z$cRank))) <- which(sums == min(sums))
  out <- with(out, data.frame(out, sOptimal = 0, cOptimal = 0))
  out$sOptimal[out$matching ==] <- 1
  out$cOptimal[out$matching ==] <- 1
  out <- cbind(out,"rbind", A)[, c("sRank", "cRank")])
  if (sum(nSlots) != length(nSlots)) {
    if (prefs_char) {
      out <- merge(x = out, y = collegeSlots, by.x = "college",
        by.y = "slots")
      if (second_match) {
        out$student <- colnames(s.prefs_named2)[out$student]
        out$colleges <- colnames(c.prefs_named2)[out$colleges]
      out$student <- colnames(s.prefs_named)[out$student]
      out$colleges <- colnames(c.prefs_named)[out$colleges]
      out <- with(out, data.frame(matching = matching,
        college = colleges, slots = college, student = student,
        sOptimal = sOptimal, cOptimal = cOptimal, sRank = sRank,
        cRank = cRank, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    else {
      out <- merge(x = out, y = collegeSlots, by.x = "college",
        by.y = "slots")
      out <- with(out, data.frame(matching = matching,
        college = colleges, slots = college, student = student,
        sOptimal = sOptimal, cOptimal = cOptimal, sRank = sRank,
        cRank = cRank))
  else {
    if (prefs_char) {
      if (second_match) {
        out$student <- colnames(s.prefs_named2)[out$student]
        out$college <- colnames(c.prefs_named2)[out$college]
      out$student <- colnames(s.prefs_named)[out$student]
      out$college <- colnames(c.prefs_named)[out$college]
      out <- with(out, data.frame(matching = matching,
        college = college, slots = college, student = student,
        sOptimal = sOptimal, cOptimal = cOptimal, sRank = sRank,
        cRank = cRank, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    else {
      out <- with(out, data.frame(matching = matching,
        college = college, slots = college, student = student,
        sOptimal = sOptimal, cOptimal = cOptimal, sRank = sRank,
        cRank = cRank))
  out <- with(out, out[order(matching, college, student),
  rownames(out) <- NULL
  if (sum(nSlots) != length(nSlots)) {
    if (prefs_char) {
      res <- list(s.prefs.hri = if (second_match) {
        s.prefs_named2[rowSums( <
            ncol(s.prefs_named), ]
      } else {
        s.prefs_named[rowSums( <
            ncol(s.prefs_named), ]
      }, c.prefs.hri = if (second_match) {
        c.prefs_named2[rowSums( <
            ncol(c.prefs_named), ]
      } else {
        c.prefs_named[rowSums( <
            ncol(c.prefs_named), ]
      }, matchings = out)
    else {
      res <- list(s.prefs.smi = s.prefs[rowSums( <
          ncol(s.prefs), ], c.prefs.smi = c.prefs[rowSums( <
              ncol(c.prefs), ], s.prefs.hri = s.prefs.hri[rowSums( <
                  ncol(s.prefs.hri), ], c.prefs.hri = c.prefs.hri[rowSums( <
                      ncol(c.prefs.hri), ], matchings = out)
  else {
    if (prefs_char) {
      res <- list(s.prefs.smi = if (second_match) {
        s.prefs_named2[rowSums( < ncol(s.prefs),
      } else {
        s.prefs_named[rowSums( < ncol(s.prefs),
      }, c.prefs.smi = if (second_match) {
        c.prefs_named2[rowSums( < ncol(c.prefs),
      } else {
        c.prefs_named[rowSums( < ncol(c.prefs),
      }, matchings = out)
    else {
      res <- list(s.prefs.smi = s.prefs[rowSums( <
          ncol(s.prefs), ], c.prefs.smi = c.prefs[rowSums( <
              ncol(c.prefs), ], matchings = out)
  class(res) <- "hri"
paulhibbing/PAutilities documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 3:23 p.m.