
#' Share and download object from github.
#' To use both of this functions, it is required to have git installed.
#' Because of git2r library limitations, those functions won't work if either
#' user.name or user.email are empty in git config file. Uses .rds format to save objects.
#' Hugo_get_object is intended to use only with hugo_share_object - it is not general
#' function to download object from github, and don't try to use it as one.
#' While using hugo_share_object user is prompted and asked to insert additional parameters - github user name, password for given user, and repository name, to wich you want to add your object. Because whole repository is downloaded, it is possible to create new directories. When prompted for repository name please insert it similarly to: 'example_repo_for_hugo/subfold1/subfolder2'. Your input is parsed, so that part before first '/' is treated as repository name, and rest is considered exact path you wish to use. Please, don`t insert '/' as the last character!. This are proper calls:
#'\item example_repo_for_hugo
#'\item example_repo_for_hugo/subfolder1
#'\item example_repo_for_hugo/subfolder1/subfolder2
#'While these are not:
#'\item repository_name/
#'\item repository_name/directory1/
#'\item repository_name/directory2/
#' If hugo remebers previus answer, user will be prompted and asked if he wishes to use current
#' credentials or insert new ones.
#' @describeIn  hugo_share_object Shares given object via github, prompts user for input.
#'    Returns: in case of success prompts user with message, and returns string, which is
#'    direct call to hugo_get_object. In case of failure, prompts user with appropriate
#'    message and returns NULL.
#' @param object R object which you wish to share.
#' @param user Github user name, to construct proper url to repository.
#' @param repo_name Name of github repository, also used to construct url.
#' @param object_name Name of the object you want to download.
#' @return Please check Functions section.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' hugo_share_object(iris)
#' hugo_get_object(matrix(runif(200), ncol = 10))
#' object_1 <- hugo_get_object('tidyverse','readr','revdep/checks.rds')
#' object_2 <- hugo_get_object('hadley','r-python','github.rds')
#' object_3 <- hugo_get_object('user','repository','file.rds')
#' object_4 <- hugo_get_object('user','repository','subfolder1/file.rds')
#' object_5 <- hugo_get_object('user','repository','subfolder1/subfolder2/file.rds')
#' @export

hugo_share_object <- function(object) {

  .hugoEnv$history[length(.hugoEnv$history)+1] <- deparse(match.call())

  if (!requireNamespace("git2r", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("You have to first install library 'git2r'. ", call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("getPass", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("You have to first install library 'getPass'. ", call. = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("stringr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("You have to first install library 'stringr'. ", call. = FALSE)

  if(!getOption("hugo.know_credentials")) {
    cat("Please insert your github user name: > ",file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
    user <- readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
    options(hugo.user_name = user)

    if(getOption('hugo.connection_out') != stdout() | !interactive()) {
      cat(paste0("Please insert password for user ",
                 getOption('hugo.user_name'), ": > ", sep = " "),
          file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
      pass <-  readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
    } else {
      pass <- getPass::getPass(paste0("Please insert password for user ",
                                      getOption('hugo.user_name'), ": > ", sep = " "))

    cat("Please insert github repository name: > ",file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
    repo_name <-  readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
    options(hugo.repo_name = repo_name)
  } else {
    chosen_input <- switch(utils::menu(c('Use previous settings.','Enter new credentials.'),
                                       title = paste0("Found previous settings: user = ",
                                                      getOption('hugo.user_name'), ' , repo_name = ',
                                                      getOption('hugo.repo_name'), '.')),T,F)
    if(is.null(chosen_input)) {return()}
    if(chosen_input) {
      if(getOption('hugo.connection_out') != stdout() | !interactive()) {
        cat(paste0("Please insert password for user ",
                   getOption('hugo.user_name'), ": > ", sep = " "),
            file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
        pass <-  readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
      } else {
        pass <- getPass::getPass(paste0("Please insert password for user ",
                                        getOption('hugo.user_name'), ": > ", sep = " "))
    } else {
      cat("Please insert your github user name: > ",
          file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
      user <- readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
      options(hugo.user_name = user)

      if(getOption('hugo.connection_out') != stdout() | !interactive()) {
        cat(paste0("Please insert password for user ",
                   getOption('hugo.user_name'), ": > ", sep = " "),
            file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
        pass <-  readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
      } else {
        pass <- getPass::getPass(paste0("Please insert password for user ",
                                        getOption('hugo.user_name'), ": > ", sep = " "))

      cat("Please insert github repository name: > ",
          file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))
      repo_name <-  readLines(con = getOption('hugo.connection_in'), n = 1)
      options(hugo.repo_name = repo_name)

  options(hugo.know_credentials = T)

  repo_name_proper <- stringr::str_split(getOption('hugo.repo_name'),'/')[[1]][1]
  exact_folder <- stringr::str_split(getOption('hugo.repo_name'),'/')[[1]][-1]

  cat("I`m trying to share your object... \n",file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))

  tryCatch(expr = {
    path <- tempfile(pattern = paste0("git2r-", getOption('hugo.user_name'), "-"))
    repo <- git2r::clone(paste0("https://github.com/",
                                getOption('hugo.user_name'), "/", repo_name_proper, ".git"),
                         path, progress = F)
  }, error = function(e) {
    message("Failed while connecting with given repository.")
    message("Here's the original error message:")

  if (!exists("repo", environment(), inherits = F)) {

  tryCatch(expr = {
    object_name <- paste0("hugo_shared_object_", gsub(" |:|-", "_", Sys.time()), ".rds")
    dir.create(file.path(path,paste(exact_folder,collapse = '/')),
               recursive = T,showWarnings = F)
    saveRDS(object, file.path(path,paste(exact_folder,collapse = '/'),object_name))
    git2r::add(repo, file.path(path, paste(c(exact_folder),collapse = '/'),object_name))
    git2r::commit(repo, object_name)
    git2r::push(repo, credentials = git2r::cred_user_pass(getOption('hugo.user_name'), pass))
    succ = T
  }, error = function(e) {
    message("Failed while adding object to given repository.")
    message("Here's the original error message:")

  if (!exists("succ", environment(), inherits = F)) {

  return(paste0("hugo_get_object('", getOption('hugo.user_name'),
                "','", repo_name_proper, "','",
                paste(c(exact_folder,object_name),collapse = '/'), "')"))

#' @describeIn  hugo_share_object Downloads given object from github.
#'    Returns: in case of success prompts user with message, and returns object.
#'    It us up to user how to handle it - wheter to assign it to variable,
#'    or use as parameter. In case of failure, prompts user with appropriate
#'    message and returns NULL.
#' @export

hugo_get_object <- function(user, repo_name, object_name) {

  .hugoEnv$history[length(.hugoEnv$history)+1] <- deparse(match.call())

  if (!requireNamespace("git2r", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("You have to first install library 'git2r'. ", call. = FALSE)

  path <- tempfile(pattern = paste0("git2r-", user, "-"))

  cat("I`m trying to get your object... \n",file = getOption('hugo.connection_out'))

  tryCatch(expr =
             repo <- git2r::clone(paste0("https://github.com/", user, "/", repo_name, ".git"),
                                  path, progress = F),
           error = function(e) {
             message("Failed while connecting with given repository.")
             message("Here's the original error message:")

  if (!exists("repo", environment(), inherits = F)) {

  tryCatch(expr = {
    object <- suppressWarnings(readRDS(file.path(path, object_name)))
    succ = T
  }, error = function(e) {
    message("Failed while loading object from given repository.")
    message("Here's the original error message:")

  if (!exists("succ", environment(), inherits = F)) {

pbiecek/hugo documentation built on May 12, 2019, 6:24 p.m.