
Defines functions split_catch_maturity

Documented in split_catch_maturity

#' Split catch densities by mass ratio of maturity classes
#' @param survey_sets Data from get_survey_sets.
#' @param fish Data from get_survey_samples.
#' @param survey List of survey abbreviations.
#' @param years List of years. Default 'NULL' includes all years.
#' @param cutoff_quantile Set max cutoff for mass modeled from lengths.
#' @param p_threshold Probability of maturity to split at. Default = 0.5. Alternatives are 0.05 or 0.95. 
#' @param plot Logical for whether to produce plots
#'    (length-weight and length-at-maturity relationships).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' events <- readRDS("analysis/VOCC/data/event-data-pop-1n3.rds")
#' fish <- readRDS("analysis/VOCC/data/bio-data-pop-1n3.rds")
#' biomass <- split_catch_maturity(events, fish, bath,
#'   survey = c("SYN HS", "SYN QCS"),
#'   years = NULL,
#'   cutoff_quantile = 0.9995,
#'   plot = TRUE
#' )
split_catch_maturity <- function(survey_sets, fish, bath,
                                 survey = c("SYN HS", "SYN QCS"),
                                 years = NULL,
                                 year_re = TRUE,
                                 sample_id_re = FALSE, 
                                 cutoff_quantile = 0.9995,
                                 p_threshold = 0.5,
                                 use_median_ratio = FALSE,
                                 plot = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(years)) years <- unique(survey_sets[["year"]])

  species <- fish$species_common_name[1]

  # is there enough data to split by survey?
  fish_test <- fish %>%
    filter(year %in% years) %>%

  total_maturity <- fish_test %>% mutate(maturity_levels = length(unique(maturity_code)))
  total_levels <- unique(total_maturity$maturity_levels)

  if (min(total_levels) < 3) {
    fish <- fish %>% filter(year %in% years)
    survey <- unique(fish$survey_abbrev)
  } else {
    fish <- fish %>%
      filter(survey_abbrev %in% survey) %>%
      filter(year %in% years)

  survey_sets <- survey_sets %>%
    filter(survey_abbrev %in% survey) %>%
    filter(year %in% years)

  # use internal version of tidy_survey_sets to include ssid and month columns
  tidy_sets <- gfranges::tidy_survey_sets(survey_sets, survey = survey, years = years)
  tidy_sets <- add_missing_depths(tidy_sets, survey = survey, years = years, bath = bath)

  model_ssid <- unique(tidy_sets$ssid)
  ssid_string <- paste(model_ssid, collapse = " ")
  # does maturity data exist at all for this species?
  maturity_codes <- unique(fish$maturity_code)
  if(length(maturity_codes)<3) {
    return(list(data = tidy_sets, maturity = NULL, mass_model = NULL))

  if (nrow(fish) > 0) {
    # TMB model to estimate mass of length only fish
    f_mass <- gfplot::fit_length_weight(fish, sex = "female", method == "tmb")
    m_mass <- gfplot::fit_length_weight(fish, sex = "male", method == "tmb")

    f_fish <- fish %>%
      filter(sex == 2) %>%
      mutate(year_f = as.character(year))
    m_fish <- fish %>%
      filter(sex == 1) %>%
      mutate(year_f = as.character(year))

    # Check if only some years without maturity data, and set year_re = FALSE in that case
    years_w_maturity <- fish %>%
      group_by(year) %>%
      mutate(maturity_levels = length(unique(maturity_code)))

    levels_per_year <- unique(years_w_maturity$maturity_levels)
    if (max(levels_per_year) < 3) {
      return(list(data = tidy_sets, maturity = NULL, mass_model = NULL))

    if (min(levels_per_year) < 3) {
      if (length(levels_per_year) < 3) {
        return(list(data = tidy_sets, maturity = NULL, mass_model = NULL))
      } else {
      m <- fit_mat_ogive_re(fish, type = "length", sample_id_re = TRUE, year_re = FALSE)
      if(p_threshold == 0.5) {
      f_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$f.p0.5
      m_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$m.p0.5
      if(p_threshold == 0.05) {
        f_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$f.p0.05
        m_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$m.p0.05
      if(p_threshold == 0.95) {
        f_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$f.p0.95
        m_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$m.p0.95
    } else {
      if (year_re) {
      m <- fit_mat_ogive_re(fish, type = "length", sample_id_re = sample_id_re, year_re = TRUE)
      if(p_threshold == 0.5) {
      f_fish$threshold <- lapply(f_fish$year_f, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$f.p0.5)
      m_fish$threshold <- lapply(m_fish$year_f, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$m.p0.5)
      if(p_threshold == 0.05) {
        f_fish$threshold <- lapply(f_fish$year_f, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$f.p0.05)
        m_fish$threshold <- lapply(m_fish$year_f, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$m.p0.05)
      if(p_threshold == 0.95) {
        f_fish$threshold <- lapply(f_fish$year_f, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$f.p0.95)
        m_fish$threshold <- lapply(m_fish$year_f, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$m.p0.95)
      } else {
        m <- fit_mat_ogive_re(fish, type = "length", sample_id_re = TRUE, year_re = FALSE)
        # apply global estimates to all catches
        if(p_threshold == 0.5) {
        f_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$f.p0.5
        m_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$m.p0.5
        if(p_threshold == 0.05) {
          f_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$f.p0.05
          m_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$m.p0.05
        if(p_threshold == 0.95) {
          f_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$f.p0.95
          m_fish$threshold <- m$mat_perc$m.p0.95
        # # or could choose to save sample_id estimates and apply them like this 
        # if(p_threshold == 0.5) {
        #   f_fish$threshold <- lapply(f_fish$sample_id, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$f.p0.5)
        #   m_fish$threshold <- lapply(m_fish$sample_id, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$m.p0.5)
        # }
        # if(p_threshold == 0.05) {
        #   f_fish$threshold <- lapply(f_fish$sample_id, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$f.p0.05)
        #   m_fish$threshold <- lapply(m_fish$sample_id, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$m.p0.05)
        # }
        # if(p_threshold == 0.95) {
        #   f_fish$threshold <- lapply(f_fish$sample_id, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$f.p0.95)
        #   m_fish$threshold <- lapply(m_fish$sample_id, function(x) m$mat_perc[[x]]$m.p0.95)
        # }

    f_fish <- mutate(f_fish,
      adult = if_else(length >= threshold, 1, 0, missing = NULL),
      model_mass = exp(f_mass$pars$log_a + f_mass$pars$b * (log(length))) * 1000,
      new_mass = weight
    max_model <- quantile(f_fish$weight, probs = c(cutoff_quantile), na.rm = TRUE)
    f_fish$model_mass[f_fish$model_mass > max_model] <- max_model
    f_fish$new_mass[is.na(f_fish$weight)] <- f_fish$model_mass[is.na(f_fish$weight)]

    m_fish <- mutate(m_fish,
      adult = if_else(length >= threshold, 1, 0, missing = NULL),
      model_mass = exp(m_mass$pars$log_a + m_mass$pars$b * (log(length))) * 1000,
      new_mass = weight
    max_model_m <- quantile(m_fish$weight, probs = c(cutoff_quantile), na.rm = TRUE)
    m_fish$model_mass[m_fish$model_mass > max_model_m] <- max_model_m
    m_fish$new_mass[is.na(m_fish$weight)] <- m_fish$model_mass[is.na(m_fish$weight)]

    fish_maturity <- rbind(f_fish, m_fish) %>% mutate(sex = ifelse(sex == 2, "F", "M"))

    set_maturity <- fish_maturity %>%
      group_by(fishing_event_id, adult) %>%
      mutate(maturity_mass = sum(new_mass)) %>%
      add_tally() %>%
      rename(count = n) %>%

    set_ratio <- set_maturity %>%
      group_by(fishing_event_id) %>%
      add_tally() %>%
        est_sample_mass = sum(new_mass, na.rm = TRUE),
        mass_ratio = maturity_mass / est_sample_mass,
        measured_weight = sum(weight)
      ) %>%
      filter(adult == 1) %>%
      rename(mass_ratio_mature = mass_ratio, n_mature = count, sample_n = n) %>%
      select(fishing_event_id, est_sample_mass, mass_ratio_mature, n_mature, sample_n, measured_weight) %>%

    sets_w_ratio <- left_join(tidy_sets, set_ratio, by = "fishing_event_id")

# browser()
    # chose value to use when a sample mass ratio is not available
    if (use_median_ratio) {
      na_value <- median(sets_w_ratio$mass_ratio_mature, na.rm = TRUE)
      } else {
      na_value <- mean(sets_w_ratio$mass_ratio_mature, na.rm = TRUE)
    sets_w_ratio$mass_ratio_mature[is.na(sets_w_ratio$mass_ratio_mature)] <- na_value

    # add column to check for discrepencies between total catch weight and biological sample weights
    # est_sample_mass is in g while catch_weight is in kg?
    sets_w_ratio$errors <- sets_w_ratio$est_sample_mass - sets_w_ratio$catch_weight * 1000

    data <- sets_w_ratio %>%
      mutate(adult_density = density * mass_ratio_mature, imm_density = density * (1 - mass_ratio_mature))

    if (plot) {
      try(maturity_plot <- gfranges::plot_mat_ogive(m) +
        ggplot2::ggtitle(paste("Length at maturity for", species, "surveys", ssid_string, "")))

      try(mass_plot <- ggplot(fish_maturity, aes(length, new_mass, colour = as.factor(sex))) +
        geom_point(size = 1.5, alpha = 0.35, shape = 1) +
        geom_point(aes(length, weight), shape = 16, size = 1.25, alpha = 0.65) +
        scale_color_viridis_d(begin = 0.1, end = 0.6) +
        facet_wrap(~year) + gfplot::theme_pbs() +
        xlab("") + ylab("Weight (open circles are estimates)") + labs(colour = "Sex") +
        ggplot2::ggtitle(paste("Length-weight relationship for", species, "surveys", ssid_string, "")))

      # gridExtra::grid.arrange(mass_plot, maturity_plot, nrow = 2)
  } else {
    return(list(data = tidy_sets, maturity = NULL, mass_model = NULL))

  list(data = data, maturity = maturity_plot, mass_model = mass_plot, model = m)
pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.