
## REMEMBER TO RESTART R # .rs.restartR()
# library(future)
# plan(multiprocess)
# plan("multisession")

# load meta analysis function
run_meta_analysis <- function(
  # required choices
  model_type, # primary model = "-vel-both"
  y_type, # = "vel"or "trend"
  knots, # trying 500 because increased sample size by 20%
  data_type, # current dataset in use = "all-95-optimized4"
  # if null, make T and choose iteration
  is_null = FALSE,
  null_number = "-1", 
  no_chopsticks = FALSE, # make these T to speed up running nulls
  stop_after_DO = FALSE, # T is probably redundant if no_chopsticks T
  # optional groupings of taxa--only one can be T at a time
  w_genus = FALSE,
  w_family = FALSE,
  w_higher_taxa = FALSE,
  w_group= FALSE,
  setseed = 42 # only changes mesh
  # collapse function here to load and run subsequent code  
  setwd(here::here("analysis", "VOCC"))
  #### LOAD DATA ####
  d <- readRDS(paste0("data/", data_type, "-with-null", null_number, ".rds"))
  ### the following ~80 lines could be added to at line 45 of 5-add-null stage instead
  d$family <- gsub("\\(.*", "", d$parent_taxonomic_unit)
  d <- d %>% mutate(family = case_when(
    family == "sebastolobus"~"sebastidae", # sea perches
    family == "sebastes"~"sebastidae", 
    family == "citharichthys"~"paralichthyidae",
    TRUE ~ family
  d <- d %>% mutate(higher_taxa = case_when(
    # Cartilaginous fishes (class)
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "rajidae(skates)"~"Chondrichthyes",
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "squalidae(dogfish sharks)"~"Chondrichthyes",
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "chimaeridae(ratfishes)"~"Chondrichthyes",
    # Flatfish (order)
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "citharichthys"~"Pleuronectiformes",
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "pleuronectidae(righteye flounders)"~"Pleuronectiformes",
    # Cods (order)
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "gadidae"~"Gadiformes",
    # Scorpaeniformes (order)
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "anoplopomatidae(sablefishes)"~"Scorpaeniformes", # sablefish
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "hexagrammidae(greenlings)"~"Scorpaeniformes", # lingcod
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastolobus(thornyheads)"~"Scorpaeniformes", # sea perches
    parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastes"~"Scorpaeniformes" # sea perches
    # families within Scorpaeniformes
    # parent_taxonomic_unit == "anoplopomatidae(sablefishes)"~"Anoplopomatidae", # sablefish
    # parent_taxonomic_unit == "hexagrammidae(greenlings)"~"Hexagrammidae", # lingcod
    # parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastolobus(thornyheads)"~"Sebastidae", # sea perches
    # parent_taxonomic_unit == "sebastes"~"Sebastidae" # sea perches
  d <- as_tibble(d) %>%
    # filter(species != "Bocaccio") %>%
    filter(species != "Pacific Hake") %>% # maturity data too weird
    filter(species != "Sand Sole") %>% #TOO FEW, some versions duplicated Curlfin
    filter(species != "Shortbelly Rockfish") %>%
    filter(species_age != "immature Shortraker Rockfish") %>%
    filter(species != "Longspine Thornyhead")
  lut <- tribble(
    ~species_common_name, ~mean_group,
    "arrowtooth flounder", "flatfish",
    "big skate", "chondrichthyes",
    "bocaccio", "shelf rockfish",
    "canary rockfish", "inshore rockfish",
    "curlfin sole", "flatfish",
    "darkblotched rockfish", "slope rockfish",
    "dover sole", "flatfish",
    "english sole", "flatfish",
    "flathead sole","flatfish",
    "greenstriped rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
    "lingcod", "lingcod",
    "longnose skate","chondrichthyes",
    "north pacific spiny dogfish", "chondrichthyes",
    "pacific cod", "cods",
    "pacific hake", "cods", # previously and still excluded
    "pacific halibut", "flatfish",
    "pacific ocean perch", "slope rockfish",
    "pacific sanddab", "flatfish",# previously excluded
    "petrale sole","flatfish",
    "quillback rockfish", "inshore rockfish",
    "redbanded rockfish", "slope rockfish",
    "redstripe rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
    "rex sole","flatfish",
    "rosethorn rockfish", "slope rockfish", # previously excluded
    "rougheye/blackspotted rockfish complex", "slope rockfish",
    "sablefish", "sablefish",
    # "sand sole", "flatfish",# not converged
    "sharpchin rockfish", "slope rockfish",
    "shortraker rockfish", "slope rockfish",
    "shortspine thornyhead", "slope rockfish",
    "silvergray rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
    "slender sole", "flatfish",# previously excluded
    "southern rock sole", "flatfish",
    "splitnose rockfish", "slope rockfish",
    "spotted ratfish", "chondrichthyes",
    "walleye pollock", "cods",
    "widow rockfish", "shelf rockfish",
    "yelloweye rockfish", "inshore rockfish",
    "yellowmouth rockfish", "slope rockfish",
    "yellowtail rockfish", "shelf rockfish"
  lut <- arrange(lut, mean_group)
  d <- left_join(d, lut)
  d$true_genus <- d$genus
  if (w_family) {
    d$genus <- d$family
  if (w_higher_taxa) {
    d$genus <- d$higher_taxa
  if (w_group) {
    d$genus <- d$mean_group
  d <- mutate(d, 
    species_only = species, 
    species = species_age, 
    age_class = age, 
    age = if_else(age_class == "mature", 0, 1)

  # range(d$mean_biomass)
  d$mean_biomass_scaled <- scale((d$mean_biomass))
  d$log_biomass_scaled <- scale(log(d$mean_biomass))
  d$log_biomass_scaled2 <- d$log_biomass_scaled^2
  # hist(d$log_biomass_scaled)
  # d$log_sd_est <- scale(log(d$sd_est))
  # # hist(d$log_sd_est)
  # d$log_sd_est2 <- d$log_sd_est^2
  # d$abs_biotic <- sqrt((d$biotic_trend)^2)
  # hist(log(d$abs_biotic))
  # plot(log(abs_biotic)~log(sd_est), data=d, col = "#00000010")
  # hist(d$squashed_DO_trend_scaled)
  # d$DO_trend_scaled <- d$squashed_DO_trend_scaled
  hist(d$biotic_vel, breaks = 100)
  hist(d$biotic_trend, breaks = 50)
  # if (age == "mature") {
  #   d$squashed_biotic_vel <- collapse_outliers(d$biotic_vel, c(0.005, 0.995))
  #   d$biotic_trend <- collapse_outliers(d$biotic_trend, c(0.00001, 0.99999))
  #   hist(d$biotic_trend, breaks = 50)
  # } else {
  d$squashed_biotic_vel <- collapse_outliers(d$biotic_vel, c(0.01, 0.98))
  d$squashed_biotic_trend <- collapse_outliers(d$biotic_trend, c(0.0001, 0.9999))
  d$biotic_trend <- collapse_outliers(d$biotic_trend, c(0.00001, 0.99999))
  hist(d$biotic_trend, breaks = 50)
  hist(d$squashed_biotic_trend, breaks = 50)
  # }
  hist(d$squashed_temp_vel_scaled, breaks = 100)
  d$squashed_biotic_dvocc <- collapse_outliers(d$biotic_dvocc, c(0.005, 0.995))
  hist(d$squashed_biotic_dvocc , breaks = 100)
  hist(d$squashed_temp_dvocc, breaks = 100)
  hist(d$DO_dvocc , breaks = 100)
  hist(d$squashed_DO_dvocc , breaks = 100)
  hist(d$temp_dvocc , breaks = 100)
  hist(d$squashed_temp_dvocc , breaks = 100)
  d$fake_vel <- d$fake_trend / d$biotic_grad
  # hist(d$fake_vel)
  d$squashed_fake_vel <- collapse_outliers(d$fake_vel, c(0.005, 0.98))
  hist(abs(d$dvocc_both), breaks = 100)
  d$dvocc_both_scaled <- scale(d$dvocc_both, center = FALSE)
  hist(abs(d$dvocc_both_scaled), breaks = 100)
  ### other possible response variables
  # hist((d$sd_est))
  # hist(log(d$sd_est))
  # hist(log(d$biotic_CV))
  # browser()
  temp_chopstick <- F
  DO_chopstick <- F
  fishing_chopstick <- F
  if (model_type == "-trend") {
    formula <- ~ temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled + temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled #+ log_biomass_scaled2 
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-do-only") {
    formula <- ~ DO_trend_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-grad") {
    formula <- ~ temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled + temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_grad_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-with-do") {
    formula <- ~ temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-w-grad") {
    formula <- ~ temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled + fishing_trend_scaled +
      temp_grad_scaled +
      temp_grad_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_grad_scaled:temp_trend_scaled +
      temp_grad_scaled:mean_temp_scaled:temp_trend_scaled +
      # DO_trend_scaled +
      # mean_DO_scaled +
      # DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- F
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-w-age") {
    formula <- ~ age +
      temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # temp_grad_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      age:temp_trend_scaled +
      age:mean_temp_scaled +
      age:temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      age:DO_trend_scaled +
      age:mean_DO_scaled +
      age:DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled #+ age:log_biomass_scaled 
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-w-age2") {
    formula <- ~ age +
      temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # temp_grad_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      age:temp_trend_scaled +
      age:mean_temp_scaled +
      # age:temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      age:DO_trend_scaled +
      age:mean_DO_scaled +
      # age:DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled #+ age:log_biomass_scaled 
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-trend-w-fishing") {
    # # hours fished
    # formula <- ~ temp_trend_scaled +
    #   mean_temp_scaled +
    #   temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
    #   log_effort_scaled + fishing_trend_scaled +
    #   log_effort_scaled:fishing_trend_scaled +
    #   DO_trend_scaled +
    #   mean_DO_scaled +
    #   DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    #   log_biomass_scaled
    # total tonnes caught
    formula <- ~ temp_trend_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled + catch_trend_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled:catch_trend_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "trend"
  if (model_type == "-vel-temp") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled #+ log_biomass_scaled2
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (model_type == "-vel-do") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled + fishing_trend_scaled +
      # fishing_trend_scaled:log_effort_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- F
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (model_type == "-vel-both") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      # log_catch_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (model_type == "-vel-w-catch") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      # catch_trend_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled +
      # catch_vel_scaled +
      fishing_vel_scaled +
      # log_catch_scaled:catch_vel_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (model_type == "-vel-w-fishing") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled +
      fishing_vel_scaled +
      # fishing_trend_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled:fishing_vel_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled:fishing_vel_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (model_type == "-vel-fishing-only") {
    formula <- ~ 
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # # log_effort_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled +
      fishing_vel_scaled +
      # fishing_trend_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled:fishing_vel_scaled +
      log_catch_scaled:fishing_vel_scaled +
      # squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      # mean_DO_scaled +
      # squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- F
    fishing_chopstick <- F
    x_type <- "vel"
  #### VEL with age effects
  if (model_type == "-vel-w-age") {
    formula <- ~ age +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # temp_grad_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      age:squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      age:mean_temp_scaled +
      age:squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      age:squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      age:mean_DO_scaled +
      age:squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled #+ age:log_biomass_scaled 
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (model_type == "-vel-w-age2") {
    formula <- ~ age +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # temp_grad_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      age:squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      age:mean_temp_scaled +
      # age:temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      age:squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      age:mean_DO_scaled +
      # age:DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled #+ age:log_biomass_scaled 
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  #### DVOCC ####
  if (model_type == "-dist-vel-temp") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_dvocc_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_dvocc_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled + fishing_trend_scaled +
      # fishing_trend_scaled:log_effort_scaled +
      log_biomass_scaled # + log_biomass_scaled2
    # squashed_temp_vel_scaled:log_biomass_scaled
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "dvocc"
  if (model_type == "-dist-vel-both") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_dvocc_scaled +
      squashed_DO_dvocc_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_dvocc_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_dvocc_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled + fishing_trend_scaled +
      # fishing_trend_scaled:log_effort_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "dvocc"
  if (model_type == "-dist-vel-combined") {
    formula <- ~ dvocc_both_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      dvocc_both_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      dvocc_both_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "dvocc"
  ####  TREND from VELOCITIEs ####
  if (model_type == "-trend-by-vel") {
    formula <- ~ squashed_temp_vel_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled +
      mean_temp_scaled +
      squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled +
      mean_DO_scaled +
      squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled +
      # log_catch_scaled +
      # log_effort_scaled +
    x <- model.matrix(formula, data = d)
    temp_chopstick <- T
    DO_chopstick <- T
    x_type <- "vel"
  if (no_chopsticks) {
    temp_chopstick <- F
    DO_chopstick <- T
    fishing_chopstick <- F
    # # would need to add dummy data to eliminate temp?
  if (is_null) {
    null_lab <- "-sim"
  } else {
    null_lab <- ""
  if (w_family) {
    model_type <- paste0(model_type, "-family")
  if (w_genus) {
    model_type <- paste0(model_type, "-genus")
  if (w_higher_taxa) {
    model_type <- paste0(model_type, "-taxa")
  if (w_group) {
    model_type <- paste0(model_type, "-group")
  if (DO_chopstick) {
    split_effect_column <- "mean_DO_scaled"
    if (x_type == "trend") {
      interaction_column <- "DO_trend_scaled:mean_DO_scaled"
      main_effect_column <- "DO_trend_scaled"
    } else {
      if (x_type == "vel") {
        interaction_column <- "squashed_DO_vel_scaled:mean_DO_scaled"
        main_effect_column <- "squashed_DO_vel_scaled"
      } else {
        if (model_type == "-dist-vel-combined") {
          interaction_column <- "dvocc_both_scaled:mean_DO_scaled"
          main_effect_column <- "dvocc_both_scaled"
        } else {
          interaction_column <- "squashed_DO_dvocc_scaled:mean_DO_scaled"
          main_effect_column <- "squashed_DO_dvocc_scaled"
    DO_dat <- interaction_df(d, formula,
      x_variable = main_effect_column,
      split_variable = split_effect_column,
      N = 3 # increase for final figures
    ) %>% mutate(type = "DO")
    DO_pj <- as.matrix(select(DO_dat, -chopstick, -species, -genus, -type))
    if (y_type == "trend") {
      #### biotic tend
      if (is_null) {
        y <- d$fake_trend
      } else {
        y <- d$biotic_trend

      if (w_genus | w_family | w_group | w_higher_taxa) {
        DO_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
          X_ij = x, X_pj = DO_pj, pred_dat = DO_dat,
          knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
          nlminb_loops = 2,
          group_by_genus = T, student_t = F,
          interaction_column = interaction_column,
          main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
          split_effect_column = split_effect_column
      } else {
        DO_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
          X_ij = x, X_pj = DO_pj, pred_dat = DO_dat,
          knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
          nlminb_loops = 2,
          group_by_genus = FALSE, student_t = F,
          interaction_column = interaction_column,
          main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
          split_effect_column = split_effect_column
    } else {
      if (y_type == "vel") {
        #### biotic velocity (uses student_t)
        if (is_null) {
          y <- d$squashed_fake_vel
        } else {
          y <- d$squashed_biotic_vel
          if (model_type == "-dist-vel-temp") {
            y <- d$squashed_biotic_dvocc

        if (w_genus | w_family | w_group | w_higher_taxa) {

          DO_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
            X_ij = x, X_pj = DO_pj, pred_dat = DO_dat,
            knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
            nlminb_loops = 2,
            group_by_genus = T, student_t = T,
            interaction_column = interaction_column,
            main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
            split_effect_column = split_effect_column
        } else {
          DO_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
            X_ij = x, X_pj = DO_pj, pred_dat = DO_dat,
            knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
            nlminb_loops = 2,
            group_by_genus = FALSE, student_t = T,
            interaction_column = interaction_column,
            main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
            split_effect_column = split_effect_column
    DO_est <- as.list(DO_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
    DO_se <- as.list(DO_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
    DO_model$pred_dat$est_p <- DO_est$eta_p
    DO_model$pred_dat$se_p <- DO_se$eta_p
    DO_est <- as.list(DO_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
    DO_se <- as.list(DO_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
    DO_model$delta_diff <-
      cbind(DO_est$diff_delta_k, DO_se$diff_delta_k)
    DO_model$delta_diff <-$delta_diff)
    DO_model$delta_diff$type <- "DO"
    DO_model$delta_diff$species <- unique(DO_model$deltas$species)
    names(DO_model$delta_diff) <- c("est", "se", "type", "species")
    date <- format(Sys.time(), "-%m-%d")
    saveRDS(DO_model, file = paste0(
      "data/", y_type, "-", data_type, date,
      model_type, null_lab, null_number, "-", knots, "-DO.rds"
  if (stop_after_DO){
    (paste0("data/", y_type, "-", data_type, date, model_type, 
      null_lab, null_number, "-", knots, "-DO.rds"))
    # return(DO_model)
    if (fishing_chopstick) {
        par_init <- DO_model$opt$par
      } else{
        par_init <- NULL
      # split_effect_column <- "log_effort_scaled"
      split_effect_column <- "log_catch_scaled" 
      # interaction_column <- "fishing_trend_scaled:log_effort_scaled"
      interaction_column <- "fishing_vel_scaled:log_catch_scaled" 
      # main_effect_column <- "fishing_trend_scaled"
      main_effect_column <- "fishing_vel_scaled" 
      F_dat <- interaction_df(d, formula,
        x_variable = main_effect_column,
        split_variable = split_effect_column,
        N = 3 # increase for final figures
      ) %>% mutate(type = "fishing")
      F_pj <- as.matrix(select(F_dat, -chopstick, -species, -genus, -type))
      if (y_type == "trend") {
        #### biotic tend
        if (is_null) {
          y <- d$fake_trend
        } else {
          y <- d$biotic_trend
        if (w_genus | w_family | w_group | w_higher_taxa) {
          fishing_model %<-% vocc_regression(d, y,
            X_ij = x, X_pj = F_pj, pred_dat = F_dat,
            knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
            group_by_genus = T, student_t = F,
            interaction_column = interaction_column,
            main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
            split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
            par_init = par_init
        } else {
          fishing_model %<-% vocc_regression(d, y,
            X_ij = x, X_pj = F_pj, pred_dat = F_dat,
            knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
            group_by_genus = FALSE, student_t = F,
            interaction_column = interaction_column,
            main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
            split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
            par_init = par_init
      } else {
        if (y_type == "vel") {
          #### biotic velocity (uses student_t)
          if (is_null) {
            y <- d$squashed_fake_vel
          } else {
            y <- d$squashed_biotic_vel
            if (model_type == "-dist-vel-temp") {
              y <- d$squashed_biotic_dvocc
              # y <- d$biotic_trend
          if (w_genus | w_family | w_group | w_higher_taxa) {
            fishing_model %<-% vocc_regression(d, y,
              X_ij = x, X_pj = F_pj, pred_dat = F_dat,
              knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
              group_by_genus = T, student_t = T,
              interaction_column = interaction_column,
              main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
              split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
              par_init = par_init
          } else {
            fishing_model %<-% vocc_regression(d, y,
              X_ij = x, X_pj = F_pj, pred_dat = F_dat,
              knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
              group_by_genus = FALSE, student_t = T,
              interaction_column = interaction_column,
              main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
              split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
              par_init = par_init
    if (temp_chopstick) {
        par_init <- DO_model$opt$par
      } else{
        par_init <- NULL
      split_effect_column <- "mean_temp_scaled"
      if (x_type == "trend") {
        interaction_column <- "temp_trend_scaled:mean_temp_scaled"
        main_effect_column <- "temp_trend_scaled"
      } else {
        if (x_type == "vel") {
          interaction_column <- "squashed_temp_vel_scaled:mean_temp_scaled"
          main_effect_column <- "squashed_temp_vel_scaled"
        } else {
          if (model_type == "-dist-vel-combined") {
            interaction_column <- "dvocc_both_scaled:mean_temp_scaled"
            main_effect_column <- "dvocc_both_scaled"
          } else {
            interaction_column <- "squashed_temp_dvocc_scaled:mean_temp_scaled"
            main_effect_column <- "squashed_temp_dvocc_scaled"
      pred_dat <- interaction_df(d, formula,
        x_variable = main_effect_column,
        split_variable = split_effect_column,
        N = 3 # increase for final figures
      ) %>% mutate(type = "temp")
      X_pj <- as.matrix(select(pred_dat, -chopstick, -species, -genus, -type))
      if (y_type == "trend") {
        #### biotic tend
        if (is_null) {
          y <- d$fake_trend
        } else {
          y <- d$biotic_trend
        if (w_genus | w_family | w_group | w_higher_taxa) {
          temp_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
            X_ij = x, X_pj = X_pj, pred_dat = pred_dat,
            knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
            group_by_genus = T, student_t = F,
            interaction_column = interaction_column,
            main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
            split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
            par_init = par_init
        } else {
          temp_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
            X_ij = x, X_pj = X_pj, pred_dat = pred_dat,
            knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
            group_by_genus = FALSE, student_t = F,
            interaction_column = interaction_column,
            main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
            split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
            par_init = par_init
      } else {
        if (y_type == "vel") {
          #### biotic velocity (uses student_t)
          if (is_null) {
            y <- d$squashed_fake_vel
          } else {
            y <- d$squashed_biotic_vel
            if (model_type == "-dist-vel-temp") {
              y <- d$squashed_biotic_dvocc
              # y <- d$biotic_trend
          if (w_genus | w_family | w_group | w_higher_taxa) {
            temp_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
              X_ij = x, X_pj = X_pj, pred_dat = pred_dat,
              knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
              group_by_genus = T, student_t = T,
              interaction_column = interaction_column,
              main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
              split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
              par_init = par_init
          } else {
            temp_model <- vocc_regression(d, y,
              X_ij = x, X_pj = X_pj, pred_dat = pred_dat,
              knots = knots, setseed = setseed,
              group_by_genus = FALSE, student_t = T,
              interaction_column = interaction_column,
              main_effect_column = main_effect_column,
              split_effect_column = split_effect_column,
              par_init = par_init
      temp_est <- as.list(temp_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
      temp_se <- as.list(temp_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
      temp_model$pred_dat$est_p <- temp_est$eta_p
      temp_model$pred_dat$se_p <- temp_se$eta_p
      temp_est <- as.list(temp_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
      temp_se <- as.list(temp_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
      temp_model$delta_diff <-
        cbind(temp_est$diff_delta_k, temp_se$diff_delta_k)
      temp_model$delta_diff <-$delta_diff)
      temp_model$delta_diff$type <- "temp"
      temp_model$delta_diff$species <- unique(temp_model$deltas$species)
      names(temp_model$delta_diff) <- c("est", "se", "type", "species")
      date <- format(Sys.time(), "-%m-%d")
      saveRDS(temp_model, file = paste0(
        "data/", y_type, "-", data_type, date, model_type,
        null_lab, null_number, "-", knots, "-temp.rds"
    if (DO_chopstick & temp_chopstick) {
      new_model <- temp_model
      new_model$pred_dat <- rbind(temp_model$pred_dat, DO_model$pred_dat)
      new_model$deltas <- rbind(temp_model$deltas, DO_model$deltas)
      new_model$delta_diff <-
        rbind(temp_model$delta_diff, DO_model$delta_diff)
    } else {
        new_model <- DO_model
        do_est <- as.list(new_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
        do_se <- as.list(new_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
        new_model$delta_diff <-
        cbind(do_est$diff_delta_k, do_se$diff_delta_k)
        new_model$delta_diff <-$delta_diff)
        new_model$delta_diff$type <- "do"
        new_model$delta_diff$species <- unique(new_model$deltas$species)
        names(new_model$delta_diff) <- c("est", "se", "type", "species")
        new_model <- temp_model
        temp_est <- as.list(new_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
        temp_se <- as.list(new_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
        new_model$delta_diff <-
          cbind(temp_est$diff_delta_k, temp_se$diff_delta_k)
        new_model$delta_diff <-$delta_diff)
        new_model$delta_diff$type <- "temp"
        new_model$delta_diff$species <- unique(new_model$deltas$species)
        names(new_model$delta_diff) <- c("est", "se", "type", "species")
        new_model <- fishing_model
        temp_est <- as.list(new_model$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
        temp_se <- as.list(new_model$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
        new_model$delta_diff <-
          cbind(temp_est$diff_delta_k, temp_se$diff_delta_k)
        new_model$delta_diff <-$delta_diff)
        new_model$delta_diff$type <- "fishing"
        new_model$delta_diff$species <- unique(new_model$deltas$species)
        names(new_model$delta_diff) <- c("est", "se", "type", "species")
    date <- format(Sys.time(), "-%m-%d")
    saveRDS(new_model, file = paste0("data/", y_type, "-", data_type, 
      date, model_type, null_lab, null_number, "-", knots, ".rds"))
    new_r <- new_model$obj$report()
    new_model$data$residual <- new_model$y_i - new_r$eta_i
    new_model$data$eta <- new_r$eta_i
    saveRDS(new_model, file = paste0("data/", y_type, "-", data_type, 
      date, model_type, null_lab, null_number, "-", knots, ".rds"))
    return(paste0("data/", y_type, "-", data_type, date, model_type, 
      null_lab, null_number, "-", knots, ".rds"))

# copy output in here to check model
model <- readRDS()

# run each version of the following in a fresh R session with the above lines reloaded

### trend by vel
    model_type = "-trend-by-vel", 
    y_type = "trend",
    knots = 600, # 400 & 600 work, failed to converg with 500 & 700
    data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# # main model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-both", 
#   y_type = "vel", 
#   knots = 600, # 400 & 600 work, failed to converg with 500 & 700
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )

# main trend model complete
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-trend-with-do", 
#   y_type = "trend", 
#   knots = 500, 
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )

# # fishing model run without interaction
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-w-catch", 
#   y_type = "vel", 
#   knots = 400, 
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )

# # fishing model 2 w catch*fishing_vel
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-w-fishing", 
#   y_type = "vel", 
#   knots = 400, 
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )

# fishing and temp only model: catch*fishing_vel
  model_type = "-vel-fishing-only", 
    y_type = "vel",
    knots = 600,
    data_type = "all-95-optimized4"

# # family model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-both",
#   y_type = "vel",
#   knots = 600,
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4",
#   w_family = T
# )

# # 1 null vel model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-both",
#   y_type = "vel",
#   knots = 600,
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4",
#   is_null = T,
#   null_number = "-1", ## 1 failed, 3 ? 
#   no_chopsticks = T # make these T to speed up running nulls
# )
# # 1 null trend model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-trend-with-do",
#   y_type = "trend",
#   knots = 600,
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4",
#   is_null = T,
#   null_number = "-4",
#   no_chopsticks = T # make these T to speed up running nulls
# )

# # just temp vel model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-temp",
#   y_type = "vel",
#   knots = 600,
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )

# # just DO vel model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-do",
#   y_type = "vel",
#   knots = 600, # works with 400, failed to converg with 500
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )
# # # age vel model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-vel-w-age",
#   y_type = "vel",
#   knots = 500, # 600 didn't converge
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )
# # # trend temp only model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-trend",
#   y_type = "trend",
#   knots = 600, 
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )
# # # grad trend model
# run_meta_analysis(
#   model_type = "-trend-grad",
#   y_type = "trend",
#   knots = 600, 
#   data_type = "all-95-optimized4"
# )

# ### model choices ###
# ### for trends ###
# # # # model_type <- "-trend" # just temp
# # # # model_type <- "-trend-do-only" # just DO
# # # # model_type <- "-trend-w-age" # an experiment that lacks true chops for imm
# # # model_type <- "-trend-w-age2"
# # # # model_type <- "-trend-grad"
# # # # model_type <- "-trend-w-grad"
# # model_type <- "-trend-with-do"
# # # model_type <- "-trend-w-fishing"
# ### for velocities ###
# # model_type <- "-vel-temp"
# # model_type <- "-vel-do"
# # model_type <- "-vel-both"
# # model_type <- "-vel-w-age"
# # model_type <- "-vel-w-fishing" # interaction but last run not squashed
# # model_type <- "-vel-w-catch" # now w interaction
# # model_type <- "-dist-vel-temp"
# # model_type <- "-dist-vel-both"
# # model_type <- "-dist-vel-combined" # doesn't converg

### NOTES and model explorations
##  vel nulls for optim3:
## 1 failed, 3 NAs, 6,7,9 failed, 8 = 0.008 gradient after 2 rounds
##  vel nulls for optim4:
## 1 failed, 3 ? 

# Needs to wait until after models finish
# can't figure out how to do that automatically
# f <- futureOf(new_model)
# count <- 1
# while (!resolved(f)) {
#   cat(count, "\n")
#   Sys.sleep(0.2)
#   count <- count + 1
# }
# ############################
# # Check if finished
# print(head(temp_model$deltas))
# print(head(DO_model$deltas))
# ############################

# ##############################
# model <- DO_model
# model <- temp_model
# model <- new_model
# nrow(model$data)
# max(model$sdr$gradient.fixed)
# ##############################
# ##############################
# # nrow(model$data)
# # mean(model$data$mean_biomass)
# # range(model$data$mean_biomass)
# # hist(log(model$data$mean_biomass))
# # hist((model$data$biotic_trend))
# # hist((model$data$temp_trend))
# ##############################
# ##############################
# coef_names <- shortener(unique(model$coefs$coefficient))
# betas <- signif(as.list(model$sdr, "Estimate")$b_j, digits = 3)
# SE <- signif(as.list(model$sdr, "Std. Error")$b_j, digits = 3)
# lowerCI <- signif(betas + SE * qnorm(0.025), digits = 3)
# upperCI <- signif(betas + SE * qnorm(0.975), digits = 3)
# overall_betas <-, betas, SE, lowerCI, upperCI))
# overall_betas
# get_aic(model)
# ##############################
# ##############################
# # #
# # # library(ggsidekick) # for fourth_root_power if gfranges not loaded
# ggplot(model$data, aes(x, y, fill = omega_s)) +
#   geom_tile(width = 4, height = 4) +
#   scale_fill_gradient2(trans = fourth_root_power) +
#   gfplot::theme_pbs() +
#   facet_wrap(~species)
# # # ggsave("figs/vel-model-omega.png", width = 12, height = 12, dpi = 300)
# # # ggsave("figs/trend-model-omega.png", width = 12, height = 12, dpi = 300)
# r <- model$obj$report()
# model$data$residual <- model$y_i - r$eta_i
# model$data$eta <- r$eta_i
# model$data %>%
#   mutate(resid_upper = quantile(model$data$residual, probs = 0.975)) %>% # compress tails
#   mutate(resid_lower = quantile(model$data$residual, probs = 0.025)) %>% # compress tails
#   mutate(residual = if_else(residual > resid_upper, resid_upper, residual)) %>%
#   mutate(residual = if_else(residual < resid_lower, resid_lower, residual)) %>%
#   ggplot(aes(x, y, fill = residual)) + geom_tile(width = 4, height = 4) +
#   scale_fill_gradient2() + gfplot::theme_pbs() +
#   facet_wrap(~species)
# # ggsave(here::here("ms", "figs", paste0("spatial-residuals", null_lab, model_type, "-", knots, date, ".pdf")), width = 18, height = 12)
# norm_resids <- qres_student(model)
# norm_resids <- norm_resids[is.finite(norm_resids)]
# # # qqnorm(norm_resids)
# # hist(norm_resids)
# # norm_resids <- qres_student(model_genus)
# # norm_resids <- norm_resids[is.finite(norm_resids)]
# # # hist(norm_resids)
# #
# # # qqnorm(model$data$residual)
# # # qqline(model$data$residual)
# paste0("data/", y_type, "-", data_type, date, model_type, null_lab, null_number, genus_lab, "-", knots, ".rds")
# ############################
# ############################
# m <- new_model
# # or saved model 
# # m <- readRDS("data/vel-all-95-optimized3-11-18-vel-both-1-400.rds")
# pred_dat <- m$pred_dat
# ids_pred <- distinct(select(pred_dat, species, species_id, type)) %>% arrange(species_id)
# xx <- left_join(ids_pred, distinct(select(m$data, species_common_name, species, mean_group)))
# yy <- left_join(m$deltas, xx)
# # yy %>% filter(rockfish == "ROCKFISH") %>% 
# #   group_by(chopstick) %>% summarise(m = mean(Estimate))
# yy %>%
#   # for comparison with older models, remove newly added species
#   # filter(!(species_common_name %in% c("slender sole", "pacific sanddad", "rosethorn rockfish")))%>% 
#   group_by(chopstick, mean_group, type) %>% summarise(m = mean(Estimate)) %>% 
#   arrange(type, chopstick, m) %>% View()
# # est <- as.list(m$sdr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
# # se <- as.list(m$sdr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
# # 
# # est$rockfish_avg
# # se$rockfish_avg
# # cat("Rockfish low temperature, est + CI\n")
# # est$rockfish_avg[1]
# # est$rockfish_avg[1] + c(qnorm(0.025), qnorm(0.975)) * se$rockfish_avg[1]
# # 
# # cat("Rockfish high temperature, est + CI\n")
# # est$rockfish_avg[2]
# # est$rockfish_avg[2] + c(qnorm(0.025), qnorm(0.975)) * se$rockfish_avg[2]
# # group_by(yy, chopstick) %>% 
# #   filter(rockfish == "ROCKFISH") %>% 
# #   summarise(m = mean(Estimate))
# # e <- filter(yy, chopstick == "high", rockfish == "ROCKFISH") %>% pull(Estimate)
# # es <- filter(yy, chopstick == "high", rockfish == "ROCKFISH") %>% pull(`Std. Error`)
# # weighted.mean(e, w = 1/(es^2))
# # 
# # e <- filter(yy, chopstick == "low") %>% pull(Estimate)
# # es <- filter(yy, chopstick == "low") %>% pull(`Std. Error`)
# # weighted.mean(e, w = 1/(es^2))
pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.