
# get data for biomass partitioning

species <- list(
# Flatfish
  "Arrowtooth Flounder",
  "English Sole",
  "Dover Sole",
  "Southern Rock Sole",
  "Petrale Sole",

# The dominant species from trawl surveys off the west coast of Vancouver Island were
  "North Pacific Spiny Dogfish", # (Squalus suckleyi),
  "Sharpchin Rockfish", # (Sebastes zacentrus),
  "Sablefish", # (Anoplopoma fimbria),
  "Splitnose Rockfish", # (Sebastes diploproa) and
  "Canary Rockfish", # (Sebastes pinniger)

# Off the west coast of Haida Gwaii, the dominant species were
  "Pacific Ocean Perch", # (Sebastes alutus),
  #"Sharpchin Rockfish",
  "Rougheye/Blackspotted Rockfish Complex", # (Sebastes aleutianus/melanostictus),
  "Silvergray Rockfish", # (Sebastes brevispinis), and
  "Shortspine Thornyhead", # (Sebastolobus alascanus)

# Notable trends in abundance increases in the abundance indices for
 "Bocaccio", # (Sebastes paucispinis),
 "Petrale Sole", # (Eopsetta jordani),
  "Flathead Sole", # (Hippoglossoides elassodon), and 
  "Longspine Thornyhead", # (Sebastolobus altivelis) 

  # decreases in abundance indices in some areas for 
  #"Arrowtooth Flounder", # (Atheresthes stomias), 
  "Pacific Cod", # (Gadus macrocephalus), 
  #"Silvergray Rockfish",  
  "Lingcod", # (Ophiodon elongatus) 

  # return to the west coast of Vancouver Island after an absence of about four years of 
  # "North Pacific Spiny Dogfish" 
# Other high catch species
  "Spotted Ratfish",
  "Greenstriped Rockfish",
  "Pacific Cod",
  "Longnose Skate",
  "Walleye Pollock",
  "Redbanded Rockfish",
  "Quillback Rockfish",
# Other species of interest  
  "Rex Sole",
  "Curlfin Sole",
  "Sand Sole",
  "Slender Sole",
  "Pacific Sanddab",
  "Pacific Halibut",
  "Pacific Tomcod",
  "Rosethorn Rockfish",
  "Redstripe Rockfish",
  "Yellowmouth Rockfish",
  "Harlequin Rockfish",
  "Pacific Ocean Perch" # schooling

species <- "Big Skate"

# Added rockfish species
species <- "Yelloweye Rockfish"
species <- "Widow Rockfish" # schooling
species <- "Yellowtail Rockfish" # schooling
species <- "Copper Rockfish"
species <- "Darkblotched Rockfish"
species <- "Shortbelly Rockfish"
# species <- "Tiger" #no data
species <- "Shortraker Rockfish"

# other species
species <- "Pacific Hake"
species <- "Sandpaper Skate"
species <- "Brown Cat Shark"

##Only found in Hecate Strait 
species <- "Sand Sole"
species <- "Butter Sole"
species <- "Starry Flounder"

species <- list(
  # "Buffalo Sculpin",
  # "Cabezon",
  ## "Pacifc Staghorn Sculpin", # didn't find any records
  # "Red Irish Lord",
  # "Sturgeon Poacher",
  # ### more species for SOPO
  # "Bigmouth Sculpin",
  # "Kelp Greenling",
  ##"Threadfin Sculpin" 
"Aleutian Skate",
"Bigfin Eelpout",
"Black Eelpout",
"Wattled Eelpout",
"Blackbelly Eelpout",
"Shiner Perch",
"Snake Prickleback",
#Wolf Eel
"Pacific Sand Lance",
"Dusky Rockfish",
"Pygmy Rockfish",
"C-O Sole"

species <- "Pacific Herring"


for (i in species) {
species <- tolower(i)
events <- gfdata::get_survey_sets(species, ssid = c(1, 3, 4, 16))
fish <- gfdata::get_survey_samples(species, ssid = c(1, 3, 4, 16))
spp <- gsub(" ", "-", gsub("\\/", "-", species))
saveRDS(fish, file = paste0("raw/bio-data-", spp, "")) 
saveRDS(events, file = paste0("raw/event-data-", spp, "")) 

# create akima_depth once

# # anyspecies <- "pacific cod"
# # survey_sets <- gfdata::get_survey_sets(anyspecies, ssid = c(1, 3, 4, 16))
# anyspecies <- "pacific-cod"
# survey_sets <- readRDS(paste0("raw/event-data-", anyspecies, "")) 
# years <- unique(survey_sets[["year"]]) 
# survey <- c("SYN HS","SYN QCS","SYN WCVI","SYN WCHG")
# tidy_sets <- tidy_survey_sets(survey_sets, survey = survey, years = years) 
# bath <- tidy_sets %>% gfplot:::interp_survey_bathymetry()
# # test <- filter(bath$data, Y>5836) %>% filter(Y<5840)
# saveRDS(bath, file = "data/bathymetry-data")

# get older sensor data

d <- gfdata::get_table("FE_SALINITY_DO")
names(d) <- tolower(names(d))

.d <- d %>% #left_join(d, fe, by = "fishing_event_id") %>%
  group_by(fishing_event_id) %>% 
    #lat = latitude,
    #lon = longitude,
    do_mlpl.y = mean(do, na.rm = TRUE), 
    do_mlpl_min.y = min(do, na.rm = TRUE), 
    do_mlpl_max.y = max(do, na.rm = TRUE), 
    salinity_psu.y = mean(salinity, na.rm = TRUE), 
    salinity_psu_min.y = min(salinity, na.rm = TRUE), 
    salinity_psu_max.y = max(salinity, na.rm = TRUE),
    do_event_start = min(fe_event_time),
    do_event_end = max(fe_event_time)
    ) %>% 
  #rename(X = longitude, Y = latitude) %>%
  add_tally(do, name= "do_mlpl_N.y") %>% 
  add_tally(salinity, name = "salinity_psu_N.y") %>% 
  mutate(do_mlpl_N.y = as.integer(do_mlpl_N.y), salinity_psu_N.y = as.integer(salinity_psu_N.y)) %>%
  select(-do, -salinity, -fe_event_time)

.d <- unique(.d)

# merge with newer sensor data
new_sensor_data <- readRDS("analysis/tmb-sensor-explore/data/dat-sensor-trawl-2019.rds")
.d_trawl <- new_sensor_data %>% group_by(fishing_event_id) %>% mutate(fe_event_start = min(start_time),
fe_event_end = max(end_time), attribute = tolower(attribute)) %>% ungroup() %>%
    fishing_event_id + year + ssid + survey_desc + fe_event_start + fe_event_end ~ attribute,
    mean, value.var = "avg")

.d_trawl_max <- new_sensor_data %>%
  mutate(attribute = tolower(attribute)) %>%
  reshape2::dcast(fishing_event_id ~ attribute, mean, value.var = "max")

.d_trawl_min <- new_sensor_data %>%
  mutate(attribute = tolower(attribute)) %>%
  reshape2::dcast(fishing_event_id ~ attribute, mean, value.var = "min")

.d_trawl_N <- new_sensor_data %>%
  mutate(attribute = tolower(attribute)) %>%
  reshape2::dcast(fishing_event_id ~ attribute, sum, value.var = "count") #%>% 

.d_trawl2 <- full_join(.d_trawl, .d_trawl_max, by="fishing_event_id", suffix = c("", "_max"))
.d_trawl3 <- full_join(.d_trawl2, .d_trawl_min, by="fishing_event_id", suffix = c("", "_min"))
.d_trawl4 <- full_join(.d_trawl3, .d_trawl_N, by="fishing_event_id", suffix = c("", "_N")) %>% 
  mutate(fishing_event_id = as.integer(fishing_event_id), 
    do_mlpl_N = if_else(do_mlpl_N == 0, NA_integer_, do_mlpl_N), 
    salinity_psu_N = if_else(salinity_psu_N == 0, NA_integer_, salinity_psu_N))


all_sensor <- full_join(.d_trawl4, .d, by = "fishing_event_id") %>%
  mutate(do_mlpl = coalesce(do_mlpl, do_mlpl.y),
    do_mlpl_max = coalesce(do_mlpl_max, do_mlpl_max.y),
    do_mlpl_min = coalesce(do_mlpl_min, do_mlpl_min.y),
    # note that N values pre2017 are not on same scale as those post2017
        do_mlpl_N = coalesce(do_mlpl_N.y, do_mlpl_N), 
    salinity_psu = coalesce(salinity_psu, salinity_psu.y),
    salinity_psu_max = coalesce(salinity_psu_max, salinity_psu_max.y),
    salinity_psu_min = coalesce(salinity_psu_min, salinity_psu_min.y),
    # note that N values pre2017 are not on same scale as those post2017
        salinity_psu_N = coalesce(salinity_psu_N.y, salinity_psu_N),
    #depth_m = coalesce(depth_m.y, depth_m.x),
    year = as.double(year)) %>% 
  mutate(year = if_else(, lubridate::year(do_event_start), year)) %>%
  select(-do_mlpl.y, -do_mlpl_max.y,  -do_mlpl_min.y, -do_mlpl_N.y,
    -salinity_psu.y, -salinity_psu_max.y, -salinity_psu_min.y, -salinity_psu_N.y)

# # reduced dataframe     
# all_sensor <- all_sensor %>%  
#   select(fishing_event_id, year, ssid, survey_desc, 
#     fe_event_start, fe_event_end, 
#     do_event_start, do_event_end,
#     temperature_c,
#     do_mlpl,
#     salinity_psu,
#     depth_m)

bath <- readRDS(file = "data/bathymetry-data")
bath$data$fishing_event_id <- as.integer(bath$data$fishing_event_id)
bath$data$year <- as.double(bath$data$year)
d_trawl5 <- left_join(all_sensor, bath$data, by = "fishing_event_id") %>% mutate(
  ssid = coalesce(ssid.x, ssid.y),
  year = coalesce(year.x, year.y)) %>% select(-year.x,-year.y, -ssid.x, -ssid.y)

# get fishing event locations for sensor samples not included as valid survey samples
fe <- gfdata::run_sql("GFBioSQL", "SELECT
  FROM B21_Samples")
names(fe) <- tolower(names(fe))

d_trawl6 <- left_join(d_trawl5, fe, by = "fishing_event_id") %>% 
    lat = coalesce(lat, latitude),
    lon = coalesce(lon, longitude),
    depth_bath = coalesce(depth, depth_m.y),
    depth_edit = coalesce(depth_m.x, depth_bath),
    depth_edit = if_else(depth_m.x < 20, depth_bath, depth_m.x),
    depth = round(depth_edit), 
    log_depth = log(depth),
    depth_diff = abs(depth_bath - depth_m.x), 
    depth_range = depth_m_max - depth_m_min,
    depth_change = depth_m_max - depth_m.x,
    event_length = fe_event_end - fe_event_start,
    temp_range = temperature_c_max - temperature_c_min,
    do_range = do_mlpl_max - do_mlpl_min,
    do_change = do_mlpl - do_mlpl_min,
    exclude = if_else(depth>400 & temperature_c > 12, 1, 0, missing = 0)
    ) %>% select(-depth_m.y, -depth_m.x, -latitude, -longitude, -X, -Y) %>% 
  filter(exclude != 1)

# filter missing location data 
d_trawl <- d_trawl6 %>% dplyr::filter(!, !

d_trawl$X <- d_trawl$lon
d_trawl$Y <- d_trawl$lat

d_trawl <- as_tibble(gfplot:::ll2utm(d_trawl, utm_zone = 9))

#d_trawl[d_trawl$fishing_event_id == 308835,]$year <- 2003
d_trawl <- readRDS( "analysis/tmb-sensor-explore/data/all-sensor-data-processed-2019.rds")

#d_trawl <- filter(d_trawl, !, !
.d_trawl <- filter(d_trawl, year > 2006)
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(depth, temperature_c, colour = temperature_c, size = temperature_c_N/100)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(X, Y, colour = temperature_c)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# hist(d_trawl$temperature_c)
# hist(log(d_trawl$temperature_c))
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(X, Y, colour = do_mlpl)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(depth, do_mlpl, colour = temperature_c), size = 3) + #, size = sqrt(do_change)
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(filter(.d_trawl, ssid==4), aes(depth, do_mlpl, colour = temperature_c), size = 3) + #, size = sqrt(do_change)
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(filter(.d_trawl, ssid==4), aes(depth, do_mlpl, colour = salinity_psu), size = 3) + #, size = sqrt(do_change)
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(depth, salinity_psu, colour =  salinity_psu, size = salinity_psu_N/100)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(X, Y, colour = salinity_psu)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# hist(d_trawl$salinity_psu)
# # note that N values pre2017 are not on same scale as those post2017
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(depth, salinity_psu, colour = temperature_c, size = sqrt(salinity_psu_N))) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()
# ggplot(.d_trawl, aes(X, Y, colour = depth)) +
#   geom_point() +
#   facet_wrap(~year) +
#   scale_color_viridis_c()

# saveRDS(d_trawl, "analysis/tmb-sensor-explore/data/all-sensor-data-processed-2019.rds")

# disagreement between catch_weight and bio sample for single fishing event with 17 large POP. 
# events[events$fishing_event_id==1506954,]$catch_weight
# fish[fish$fishing_event_id==1506954,]$length
# tidy_sets[tidy_sets$fishing_event_id==1506954,]$catch_weight
pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.